Spell Name
Spell Effects
Mana / End
Exterminate the Unnatural |
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 12490 2: 24% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340) 3: 10% Chance to Cast Exterminate Destruction (v340)
Single, Restriction: Summoned |
Exterminate the Unnatural Rk. II |
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 13115 2: 24% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340) 3: 11% Chance to Cast Exterminate Destruction (v340)
Single, Restriction: Summoned |
Exterminate the Unnatural Rk. III |
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 13771 2: 24% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340) 3: 12% Chance to Cast Exterminate Destruction (v340)
Single, Restriction: Summoned |
Frostone Aura |
1: Aura Effect: Frostone Aura Effect (PCIObDruS20L098AuraIceProcRk1)
Self |
Frostone Aura Rk. II |
1: Aura Effect: Frostone Aura Effect II (PCIObDruS20L098AuraIceProcRk2)
Self |
Frostone Aura Rk. III |
1: Aura Effect: Frostone Aura Effect III (PCIObDruS20L098AuraIceProcRk3)
Self |
Horde of Mutillids |
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4730 per Tick
Single |
Horde of Mutillids Rk. II |
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4950 per Tick
Single |
Horde of Mutillids Rk. III |
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5181 per Tick
Single |
Katabatic Roar |
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 15109 2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 100
Single |
Katabatic Roar Rk. II |
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 15864 2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 100
Single |
Katabatic Roar Rk. III |
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 16657 2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 100
Single |
Mysterious Ways |
1: Add Skill Proc: Mending Mystery with 100% Rate Mod 2: Limit Skill: 1H Blunt 3: Limit Skill: 1H Slash 4: Limit Skill: 2H Blunt 5: Limit Skill: 2H Slash 6: Limit Skill: Archery 7: Limit Skill: Hand to Hand 8: Limit Skill: 1H Pierce 9: Limit Skill: 2H Pierce
Caster Group |
Mysterious Ways Rk. II |
1: Add Skill Proc: Mending Mystery II with 100% Rate Mod 2: Limit Skill: 1H Blunt 3: Limit Skill: 1H Slash 4: Limit Skill: 2H Blunt 5: Limit Skill: 2H Slash 6: Limit Skill: Archery 7: Limit Skill: Hand to Hand 8: Limit Skill: 1H Pierce 9: Limit Skill: 2H Pierce
Caster Group |
Mysterious Ways Rk. III |
1: Add Skill Proc: Mending Mystery III with 100% Rate Mod 2: Limit Skill: 1H Blunt 3: Limit Skill: 1H Slash 4: Limit Skill: 2H Blunt 5: Limit Skill: 2H Slash 6: Limit Skill: Archery 7: Limit Skill: Hand to Hand 8: Limit Skill: 1H Pierce 9: Limit Skill: 2H Pierce
Caster Group |
Remote Sunfire |
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 9316 2: Cast Sunfire Enervation (v374)
Single |
Remote Sunfire Rk. II |
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 9782 2: Cast Sunfire Enervation II (v374)
Single |
Remote Sunfire Rk. III |
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 10271 2: Cast Sunfire Enervation III (v374)
Single |
Ring of Lceanium |
1: Teleport to lceanium, Location: 1098, -384, -37
Self |
Skin to Seedlings |
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 10% (v296, Before Crit) 2: Limit Max Level: 105 (Lose 10% per Level) 3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points 4: Limit Type: Detrimental 5: Limit Resist: Fire 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Transform Body Type to Plant
Single, Restriction: Living |
Skin to Seedlings Rk. II |
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 11% (v296, Before Crit) 2: Limit Max Level: 105 (Lose 10% per Level) 3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points 4: Limit Type: Detrimental 5: Limit Resist: Fire 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Transform Body Type to Plant
Single, Restriction: Living |
Skin to Seedlings Rk. III |
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 12% (v296, Before Crit) 2: Limit Max Level: 105 (Lose 10% per Level) 3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points 4: Limit Type: Detrimental 5: Limit Resist: Fire 6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 7: Transform Body Type to Plant
Single, Restriction: Living |
Spikethistle Coat |
2: Increase Armor Class by 54 to 71, Based on Class 3: Increase Damage Shield by 64
Self |
Spikethistle Coat Rk. II |
2: Increase Armor Class by 57 to 75, Based on Class 3: Increase Damage Shield by 67
Self |
Spikethistle Coat Rk. III |
2: Increase Armor Class by 60 to 79, Based on Class 3: Increase Damage Shield by 70
Self |
Sunfire Enervation |
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 9316
Targets Target |
Sunfire Enervation II |
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 9782
Targets Target |
Sunfire Enervation III |
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 10271
Targets Target |
Survival of the Fortuitous |
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 3459 if Hit Points Between 55 and 65 Percent 2: Increase Current Hit Points by 6929 if Hit Points Between 45 and 55 Percent 3: Increase Current Hit Points by 10388 if Hit Points Between 35 and 45 Percent 4: Increase Current Hit Points by 13847 if Hit Points Between 25 and 35 Percent 5: Increase Current Hit Points by 17317 if Hit Points Between 1 and 25 Percent
Target Group |
Survival of the Fortuitous Rk. II |
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 3632 if Hit Points Between 55 and 65 Percent 2: Increase Current Hit Points by 7275 if Hit Points Between 45 and 55 Percent 3: Increase Current Hit Points by 10907 if Hit Points Between 35 and 45 Percent 4: Increase Current Hit Points by 14539 if Hit Points Between 25 and 35 Percent 5: Increase Current Hit Points by 18182 if Hit Points Between 1 and 25 Percent
Target Group |
Survival of the Fortuitous Rk. III |
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 3814 if Hit Points Between 55 and 65 Percent 2: Increase Current Hit Points by 7638 if Hit Points Between 45 and 55 Percent 3: Increase Current Hit Points by 11452 if Hit Points Between 35 and 45 Percent 4: Increase Current Hit Points by 15266 if Hit Points Between 25 and 35 Percent 5: Increase Current Hit Points by 19090 if Hit Points Between 1 and 25 Percent
Target Group |
Thwart Corruption |
1: Increase Corruption Resist by 65
Single |
Thwart Corruption Rk. II |
1: Increase Corruption Resist by 68
Single |
Thwart Corruption Rk. III |
1: Increase Corruption Resist by 71
Single |
Winter's Wildfire |
1: Cast Winter's Wildfire Frostbite (v374) 2: Cast Winter's Wildfire Burn (v374) 3: Increase Hate by 915 4: Current Hit Points by 0
Single |
Winter's Wildfire Burn |
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5250 2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker
Single |
Winter's Wildfire Burn II |
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5513 2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker
Single |
Winter's Wildfire Burn III |
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5789 2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker
Single |
Winter's Wildfire Frostbite |
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4917 2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker
Single |
Winter's Wildfire Frostbite II |
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5163 2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker
Single |
Winter's Wildfire Frostbite III |
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5421 2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker
Single |
Winter's Wildfire Rk. II |
1: Cast Winter's Wildfire Frostbite II (v374) 2: Cast Winter's Wildfire Burn II (v374) 3: Increase Hate by 915 4: Current Hit Points by 0
Single |
Winter's Wildfire Rk. III |
1: Cast Winter's Wildfire Frostbite III (v374) 2: Cast Winter's Wildfire Burn III (v374) 3: Increase Hate by 915 4: Current Hit Points by 0
Single |