Spell Name, Effect, or ID: Class: Min Level: Range / Max Level: Expansion: Source:

Level 1

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Burst of Flame
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5

4 Single
Dance of the Fireflies
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Firefly Globe x 1

10 Self
Endure Fire
1: Increase Fire Resist by 20

20 Single
Flame Lick
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 17 per Tick
10: Decrease Armor Class by 1 to 1, Based on Class

12 Single
Lull Animal
1: Decrease Aggro Radius to 15 up to Level 30
2: Decrease Social Radius to 25 up to Level 30
3: Pacify

10 Animal
Minor Healing
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 20

10 Single
Panic Animal
1: Fear up to Level 52

10 Animal
Sense Animals
1: Face the Direction of an Animal NPC

5 Self
Skin like Wood
1: Increase Armor Class by 1 to 1, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 20

10 Single
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55%

15 Single
Tangling Weeds
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 35%

15 Single

Level 2

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Grasping Roots
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 10
2: Root

35 Single
Ward Summoned
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 14

6 Summoned

Level 3

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Burst of Fire
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 14

7 Single
Whirling Wind
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 13
2: Stun NPC for 1s (PC for 0.5s) up to Level 55

7 Single

Level 4

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
1: Invisibility (Unstable)

15 Single
Cure Disease
1: Decrease Disease Counter by 4

20 Single
Invoke Lightning
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 25

32 Target AE

Level 5

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Cure Poison
1: Decrease Poison Counter by 4

20 Single
1: Gate (98% Chance) to Bind Location

70 Self
1: Decrease Aggro Radius to 15 up to Level 40
2: Decrease Social Radius to 15 up to Level 40

25 Target AE

Level 6

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Enduring Breath
1: Enduring Breath

35 Single
1: Increase Attack by 10

30 Self
1: Illusion: Tree
2: Root
4: Decrease Fire Resist by 10

30 Self

Level 7

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Shield of Thistles
1: Increase Damage Shield by 6

40 Single
Strength of Earth
1: Increase Strength by 15

40 Single
2: Increase Armor Class by 1 to 2, Based on Class
3: Increase Damage Shield by 1

25 Self

Level 8

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 46

21 Single
Invisibility Versus Animals
1: Invisibility to Animals (Not Fixed)

30 Single
Remove Minor Curse
1: Decrease Curse Counter by 2

25 Single

Level 9

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Endure Cold
1: Increase Cold Resist by 20

20 Single
Light Healing
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 65

28 Single
Protection of Wood
1: Increase Armor Class by 1 to 1, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 20

25 Target Group
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Globe of Stars x 1

50 Self

Level 10

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Spirit of Wolf
2: Increase Movement Speed by 55%

40 Single
Stinging Swarm
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 42 per Tick

71 Single
Summon Drink
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Globe of Water x 1

10 Self

Level 11

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Halo of Light
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Halo of Light x 1

40 Self
Reebo's Lesser Augury
1: Appraise Chest (69)

70 Chest
Summon Food
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Black Bread x 1

10 Self

Level 12

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Bind Affinity
1: Set Bind Spot to Current Location

100 Single
Cascade of Hail
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 27

62 Target AE

Level 13

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Befriend Animal
1: Charm up to Level 24

70 Animal
Expulse Summoned
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 122

41 Summoned
See Invisible
1: See Invisible

25 Single

Level 14

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
3: Levitate

30 Single
Reebo's Lesser Cleansing
1: Unlock Chest (87)

70 Chest
Reebo's Lesser Exorcism
1: Disarm Chest (69)

70 Chest
Skin like Rock
1: Increase Armor Class by 2 to 2, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 165
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 165

60 Single

Level 15

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Calm Animal
1: Decrease Aggro Radius to 5 up to Level 50
2: Decrease Social Radius to 10 up to Level 50
3: Pacify

45 Animal
Ring of Karana
1: Teleport to northkarana, Location: -2706, -1494, -4

150 Self
Ring of Surefall Glade
1: Teleport to qrg, Location: -209, -391, 9

150 Self
Terrorize Animal
1: Fear up to Level 52

30 Animal

Level 16

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Careless Lightning
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 105

37 Single
Dizzying Wind
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 95
2: Stun NPC for 1s (PC for 0.5s) up to Level 55

50 Single
Ring of Butcher
1: Teleport to butcher, Location: -2135, 1984, 3

150 Self

Level 17

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
2: Increase Armor Class by 3 to 4, Based on Class
3: Increase Damage Shield by 2

50 Self
Ring of Commons
1: Teleport to commonlands, Location: 678, 1592, -41

150 Self
Ring of Toxxulia
1: Teleport to toxxulia, Location: 1025, -1172, 24

150 Self
Shield of Barbs
1: Increase Damage Shield by 9

60 Single
Tiny Companion
1: Decrease Pet Size by 50%

50 Pet

Level 18

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Cancel Magic
1: Dispel (1)

30 Single
Feral Spirit
3: Increase Strength by 20
4: Increase Melee Haste by 20%
6: Increase Armor Class by 5 to 7, Based on Class

50 Pet
Lesser Succor
1: Decrease Current Mana by 300
2: Evacuate to Safe Spot in Zone

150 Target Group
Ring of Grimling
1: Teleport to grimling, Location: -690, -1170, 13

300 Self
Superior Camouflage
1: Invisibility (Unstable)

40 Single

Level 19

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Endure Disease
1: Increase Disease Resist by 20

20 Single
Endure Poison
2: Increase Poison Resist by 20

20 Single
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 175

65 Single
Protection of Rock
1: Increase Armor Class by 2 to 2, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 165
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 165

150 Target Group
Ring of the Nexus
1: Teleport to nexus, Location: 0, 0, -28

150 Self

Level 20

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Circle of Blightfire Moors
1: Teleport to moors, Location: 287, 1267, 104

300 Caster Group
Primary Anchor Ring
1: Teleport to Your Primary Anchor

150 Self
Resist Fire
1: Increase Fire Resist by 40

50 Single
Ring of Blightfire Moors
1: Teleport to moors, Location: 287, 1267, 104

150 Self
Ring of Ro
1: Teleport to southro, Location: -307, -1503, 102

150 Self
Ring of Stonebrunt
1: Teleport to stonebrunt, Location: -4531, 673, 0

150 Self
Secondary Anchor Ring
1: Teleport to Your Secondary Anchor

150 Self
Wolf Form
1: Illusion: Old Wolf
2: Increase Movement Speed by 55%
3: Increase Attack by 30

60 Self
Zephyr: Blightfire Moors
1: Translocate to moors, Location: 287, 1267, 104

225 Single

Level 21

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Ensnaring Roots
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 60
2: Root

60 Single
Reebo's Augury
1: Appraise Chest (72)

145 Chest
Ring of Steamfont
1: Teleport to steamfontmts, Location: -1335, 1611, 17

150 Self
Spirit of Cheetah
6: Increase Movement Speed by 115%

20 Self
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 122

200 Caster PB

Level 22

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 62

125 Target AE
Ring of Feerrott
1: Teleport to feerrott, Location: 367, -1885, 16

150 Self
Ring of Lavastorm
1: Teleport to lavastorm, Location: 460, 460, -86

150 Self
1: Blind

40 Target AE

Level 23

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Charm Animals
1: Charm up to Level 33

120 Animal
Dismiss Summoned
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 244

73 Summoned
Remove Lesser Curse
1: Decrease Curse Counter by 4

75 Single
Ring of Twilight
1: Teleport to twilight, Location: -656, -125, -22

300 Self

Level 24

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Creeping Crud
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 85 per Tick

167 Single
Reebo's Cleansing
1: Unlock Chest (114)

145 Chest
Reebo's Exorcism
1: Disarm Chest (72)

145 Chest
Ring of the Combines
1: Teleport to dreadlands, Location: 2484, 7717, 1051

150 Self
Skin like Steel
1: Increase Armor Class by 2 to 3, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 100
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 100

100 Single

Level 25

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Circle of Butcher
1: Teleport to butcher, Location: -2135, 1984, 3

300 Caster Group
Circle of Karana
1: Teleport to northkarana, Location: -2706, -1494, -4

300 Caster Group
Circle of Toxxulia
1: Teleport to toxxulia, Location: 1025, -1172, 24

300 Caster Group
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 72 per Tick
10: Decrease Armor Class by 3 to 4, Based on Class

72 Single
Ring of Knowledge
1: Teleport to poknowledge, Location: -368, 1335, -125

300 Self
Ring of Misty
1: Teleport to mistythicket, Location: -472, -543, 37

150 Self

Level 26

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Circle of Surefall Glade
1: Teleport to qrg, Location: -209, -391, 9

300 Caster Group
Circle of the Nexus
1: Teleport to nexus, Location: 0, 0, -28

300 Caster Group
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 56%

35 Single
Scale of Wolf
1: Cancel if Combat Initiated
2: Increase Movement Speed by 70%

60 Single In Group
Succor: East
1: Evacuate to eastkarana, Location: 1359, 375, 4

300 Caster Group

Level 27

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
2: Increase Armor Class by 4 to 6, Based on Class
3: Increase Damage Shield by 3

75 Self
Circle of Commons
1: Teleport to commonlands, Location: 678, 1592, -41

300 Caster Group
Protection of Steel
1: Increase Armor Class by 2 to 3, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 100
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 100

250 Target Group
Shield of Brambles
1: Increase Damage Shield by 12

80 Single

Level 28

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Beguile Plants
1: Charm up to Level 25

170 Plant
Circle of Stonebrunt
1: Teleport to stonebrunt, Location: -4531, 673, 0

300 Caster Group
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 182

85 Single
Counteract Disease
1: Decrease Disease Counter by 8

50 Single
Counteract Poison
1: Decrease Poison Counter by 8

50 Single

Level 29

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Circle of Grimling
1: Teleport to grimling, Location: -690, -1170, 13

600 Caster Group
Greater Healing
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 350

115 Single
Harmony of Nature
1: Decrease Aggro Radius to 15 up to Level 65
2: Decrease Social Radius to 15 up to Level 65

100 Single
Imbue Emerald
1: Summon Item: Imbued Emerald x 1

200 Self
Imbue Plains Pebble
1: Summon Item: Imbued Plains Pebble x 1

200 Self
Mass Imbue Emerald
1: Summon Item: Imbued Emerald x 5

600 Self
Mass Imbue Plains Pebble
1: Summon Item: Imbued Plains Pebble x 5

600 Self
Ring of Dawnshroud
1: Teleport to dawnshroud, Location: 325, -996, 121

300 Self

Level 30

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Circle of Lavastorm
1: Teleport to lavastorm, Location: 460, 460, -86

300 Caster Group
Fury of Air
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 170
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 55

85 Single
Greater Wolf Form
1: Illusion: Old Wolf
2: Increase Movement Speed by 60%
3: Increase Attack by 40

90 Self
Resist Cold
1: Increase Cold Resist by 40

50 Single
Spirit of the Shrew
1: Ultravision
2: Increase Movement Speed by 30%

80 Single

Level 31

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Circle of Steamfont
1: Teleport to steamfontmts, Location: -1335, 1611, 17

300 Caster Group
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 246

375 Caster PB
Lightning Strike
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 184

149 Target AE
Reebo's Greater Augury
1: Appraise Chest (120)

240 Chest
Ring of Iceclad
1: Teleport to iceclad, Location: -630, 4925, 113

150 Self

Level 32

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Circle of Feerrott
1: Teleport to feerrott, Location: 367, -1885, 16

300 Caster Group
Circle of Iceclad
1: Teleport to iceclad, Location: -630, 4925, 113

300 Caster Group
Circle of Ro
1: Teleport to southro, Location: -307, -1503, 102

300 Caster Group
Drones of Doom
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 156 per Tick

287 Single
Succor: Butcher
1: Evacuate to butcher, Location: -2135, 1984, 3

300 Caster Group
Zephyr: Nexus
1: Translocate to nexus, Location: 0, 0, -28

225 Single
Zephyr: Toxxulia
1: Translocate to toxxulia, Location: 1025, -1172, 24

225 Single

Level 33

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Beguile Animals
1: Charm up to Level 43

170 Animal
Circle of the Combines
1: Teleport to dreadlands, Location: 2484, 7717, 1051

300 Caster Group
Circle of Twilight
1: Teleport to twilight, Location: -656, -125, -22

600 Caster Group
Expel Summoned
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 385

108 Summoned
Ring of Great Divide
1: Teleport to greatdivide, Location: -3766, 3651, -237

150 Self
Zephyr: Butcherblock
1: Translocate to butcher, Location: -2135, 1984, 3

225 Single
Zephyr: Iceclad
1: Translocate to iceclad, Location: -630, 4925, 113

225 Single

Level 34

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Endure Magic
1: Increase Magic Resist by 20

40 Single
Healing Water
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 425

150 Single
Reebo's Greater Cleansing
1: Unlock Chest (125)

240 Chest
Reebo's Greater Exorcism
1: Disarm Chest (120)

240 Chest
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 9 per Tick

100 Single
Strength of Stone
1: Increase Strength by 25

65 Single
Zephyr: Karana
1: Translocate to northkarana, Location: -2706, -1494, -4

225 Single

Level 35

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Pack Shrew
1: Ultravision
2: Increase Movement Speed by 30%

320 Caster Group
Pack Spirit
2: Increase Movement Speed by 55%

120 Target Group
Primary Anchor Circle
1: Teleport to Your Primary Anchor

300 Caster Group
Secondary Anchor Circle
1: Teleport to Your Secondary Anchor

300 Caster Group
Share Wolf Form
1: Illusion: Old Wolf
2: Increase Movement Speed by 60%
3: Increase Attack by 30

120 Target Group
Zephyr: Commonlands
1: Translocate to commonlands, Location: 678, 1592, -41

225 Single
Zephyr: Stonebrunt
1: Translocate to stonebrunt, Location: -4531, 673, 0

225 Single
Zephyr: Surefall Glade
1: Translocate to qrg, Location: -209, -391, 9

225 Single

Level 36

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Circle of Misty
1: Teleport to mistythicket, Location: -472, -543, 37

300 Caster Group
Enveloping Roots
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 110
2: Root

80 Single
Ring of Wakening Lands
1: Teleport to wakening, Location: -3040, -3032, 28

150 Self
Skin like Diamond
1: Increase Armor Class by 3 to 4, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 200
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 200

200 Single
Spirit of Ash
1: Illusion: Tree
2: Root
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 21 per Tick
4: Increase Current Mana by 2 per Tick

25 Self

Level 37

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 125

200 Target AE
Circle of Dawnshroud
1: Teleport to dawnshroud, Location: 325, -996, 121

600 Caster Group
Ro's Fiery Sundering
7: Decrease Fire Resist by 50
12: Decrease Armor Class by 3 to 4, Based on Class

50 Single
Shield of Spikes
1: Increase Damage Shield by 17

100 Single
2: Increase Armor Class by 6 to 7, Based on Class
3: Increase Damage Shield by 4

110 Self
Wind of the South
1: Evacuate to emeraldjungle, Location: -3100, 3500, -340

300 Caster Group

Level 38

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Circle of Great Divide
1: Teleport to greatdivide, Location: -3766, 3651, -237

300 Caster Group
Circle of Knowledge
1: Teleport to poknowledge, Location: -368, 1335, -125

600 Caster Group
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 422

138 Single
Remove Curse
1: Decrease Curse Counter by 4
2: Decrease Curse Counter by 4

75 Single
Succor: Ro
1: Evacuate to southro, Location: -307, -1503, 102

300 Caster Group
Zephyr: Grimling
1: Translocate to grimling, Location: -690, -1170, 13

225 Single

Level 39

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Nature's Renewal
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 447

173 Single
Pack Regeneration
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 9 per Tick

200 Target Group
Protection of Diamond
1: Increase Armor Class by 3 to 4, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 200
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 200

450 Target Group
Ring of Cobalt Scar
1: Teleport to cobaltscar, Location: -1065, -1634, 299

150 Self
Wind of the North
1: Evacuate to skyfire, Location: -3186, 2732, -161

300 Caster Group
Zephyr: Feerrott
1: Translocate to feerrott, Location: 367, -1885, 16

225 Single
Zephyr: Steamfont
1: Translocate to steamfontmts, Location: -1335, 1611, 17

225 Single

Level 40

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Circle of Wakening Lands
1: Teleport to wakening, Location: -3040, -3032, 28

300 Caster Group
Drifting Death
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 198 per Tick

370 Single
Form of the Great Wolf
1: Illusion: White Spirit Wolf
2: If Not Item Click: Also Cast Illusion Benefit Dena

135 Self
Primary Anchor Push
1: Teleport to Your Primary Anchor

150 Single
Secondary Anchor Push
1: Teleport to Your Secondary Anchor

150 Single
Zephyr: Combines
1: Translocate to dreadlands, Location: 2484, 7717, 1051

225 Single
Zephyr: Primary Anchor
1: Teleport to Their Primary Anchor

225 Single
Zephyr: Ro
1: Translocate to southro, Location: -307, -1503, 102

225 Single
Zephyr: Secondary Anchor
1: Teleport to Their Secondary Anchor

225 Single

Level 41

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Savage Spirit
3: Increase Strength by 45
4: Increase Melee Haste by 70%
6: Increase Armor Class by 4 to 5, Based on Class

100 Pet
Succor: Lavastorm
1: Evacuate to lavastorm, Location: 460, 460, -86

300 Caster Group
Summon Companion
1: Summon Pet

50 Self
Zephyr: Twilight
1: Translocate to twilight, Location: -656, -125, -22

225 Single

Level 42

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 19 per Tick

200 Single
Circle of Cobalt Scar
1: Teleport to cobaltscar, Location: -1065, -1634, 299

300 Caster Group
Fixation of Ro
4: Decrease Attack by 92
6: Decrease Armor Class by 6 to 8, Based on Class

100 Single
Zephyr: Great Divide
1: Translocate to greatdivide, Location: -3766, 3651, -237

225 Single

Level 43

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Allure of the Wild
1: Charm up to Level 49

220 Animal
Banish Summoned
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 540

136 Summoned
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 582

162 Single
Nullify Magic
1: Dispel (4)
2: Dispel (4)

50 Single
Zephyr: Wakening Lands
1: Translocate to wakening, Location: -3040, -3032, 28

225 Single

Level 44

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Greater Mass Imbue Emerald
1: Summon Item: Imbued Emerald x 20

2400 Self
Greater Mass Imbue Plains Pebble
1: Summon Item: Imbued Plains Pebble x 20

2400 Self
Resist Disease
1: Increase Disease Resist by 40

50 Single
Resist Poison
2: Increase Poison Resist by 40

50 Single
Storm Strength
1: Increase Strength by 35

85 Single
Superior Healing
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 600

185 Single
Zephyr: Cobalt Scar
1: Translocate to cobaltscar, Location: -1065, -1634, 299

225 Single

Level 45

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Engulfing Roots
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 160
2: Root

100 Single
Pack Chloroplast
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 19 per Tick

400 Target Group
Share Form of the Great Wolf
1: Illusion: Old Wolf
2: If Not Item Click: Also Cast Illusion Benefit Dena

350 Target Group
Zephyr: Misty
1: Translocate to mistythicket, Location: -472, -543, 37

225 Single

Level 46

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Lightning Blast
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 477

234 Target AE
Skin like Nature
1: Increase Armor Class by 4 to 5, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 250
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 250
5: Increase Current Hit Points by 2 per Tick

300 Single
Succor: North
1: Evacuate to northkarana, Location: -2706, -1494, -4

300 Caster Group
Zephyr: Knowledge
1: Translocate to poknowledge, Location: -368, 1335, -125

225 Single

Level 47

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 538

142 Single
Shield of Thorns
1: Increase Damage Shield by 24

120 Single
2: Increase Armor Class by 7 to 9, Based on Class
3: Increase Damage Shield by 5

175 Self
Zephyr: Lavastorm
1: Translocate to lavastorm, Location: 460, 460, -86

225 Single

Level 48

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 392
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 50

260 Target AE
Improved Superior Camouflage
1: Invisibility

75 Self
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 634

186 Single
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 725

625 Caster PB

Level 49

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Forest's Renewal
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 671

233 Single
Legacy of Spike
1: Increase Damage Shield by 24

300 Target Group
Protection of Nature
1: Increase Armor Class by 4 to 5, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 250
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 250
5: Increase Current Hit Points by 2 per Tick

700 Target Group
Resist Magic
1: Increase Magic Resist by 40

85 Single
Vengeance of the Wild
1: Increase Curse Counter by 8
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 131 per Tick

180 Single

Level 50

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Everlasting Breath
1: Enduring Breath

55 Single
3: Levitate

60 Single
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 56%

60 Single

Level 51

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Circle of Winter
1: Increase Fire Resist by 45

150 Target Group
Repulse Animal
1: Fear up to Level 52

100 Animal
Ring of Tranquility
1: Teleport to potranquility, Location: 774, -1463, -876

300 Self

Level 52

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Breath of Ro
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 94 per Tick
3: Decrease Fire Resist by 32
10: Decrease Armor Class by 5 to 6, Based on Class

157 Single
Call of Karana
1: Charm up to Level 53

220 Animal
Circle of Arcstone
1: Teleport to arcstone, Location: -279, 1630, 5

300 Caster Group
Circle of Summer
1: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Cold Resist and Less Than 45
2: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Cold Resist and Less Than 45
4: Increase Cold Resist by 45

150 Target Group
Circle of Undershore
1: Teleport to eastkorlach, Location: -1002, -750, 48

300 Caster Group
Egress I
1: Evacuate to Safe Spot in Zone, Location: -1, -1, -1

100 Self
Feral Pack
1: Illusion: Old Wolf
2: Increase Movement Speed by 30%
3: Increase Attack by 65
4: Ultravision
5: See Invisible

200 Caster Group
Foliage Shield
1: Invisibility (Unstable)

85 Target Group
Pure Blood
1: Decrease Poison Counter by 9
2: Decrease Poison Counter by 9
3: Decrease Disease Counter by 9
4: Decrease Disease Counter by 9

100 Single
Ring of Arcstone
1: Teleport to arcstone, Location: -279, 1630, 5

150 Self
Ring of Barindu
1: Teleport to Barindu, Location: -515, 209, -119

300 Self
Ring of Natimbi
1: Teleport to Natimbi, Location: -853, -1557, 237

150 Self
Ring of Undershore
1: Teleport to eastkorlach, Location: -1002, -750, 48

150 Self
Zephyr: Undershore
1: Translocate to eastkorlach, Location: -1002, -750, 48

225 Single

Level 53

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Glamour of Tunare
1: Increase Poison Counter by 1
2: Decrease Magic Resist by 20

10 Animal
Ring of Bloodfields
1: Teleport to bloodfields, Location: 524, -183, -565

150 Self
Spirit of Scale
1: Cancel if Combat Initiated
2: Increase Movement Speed by 70%

150 Target Group
Winged Death
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 277 per Tick

468 Single

Level 54

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 490

332 Target AE
Circle of Natimbi
1: Teleport to Natimbi, Location: -853, -1557, 237

300 Caster Group
Circle of Tranquility
1: Teleport to potranquility, Location: 774, -1463, -876

600 Caster Group
Eradicate Curse
1: Decrease Curse Counter by 30
2: Decrease Curse Counter by 30

400 Single
Form of the Howler
1: Illusion: Black Spirit Wolf
2: Increase Movement Speed by 97%
3: Increase Current Mana by 2 per Tick
4: Ultravision

100 Self
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 38 per Tick

300 Single
Remove Greater Curse
1: Decrease Curse Counter by 9
2: Decrease Curse Counter by 9
3: Decrease Curse Counter by 9
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 9
5: Decrease Curse Counter by 9

100 Single
Ring of Buried Sea
1: Teleport to buriedsea, Location: -3933, -2828, 380

150 Self
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 986

264 Single
Spirit of Eagle
1: See Invisible
2: Increase Movement Speed by 70%
3: Levitate
4: Infravision

125 Single

Level 55

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Annul Magic
1: Dispel (9)
2: Dispel (9)

75 Single
Aura of the Grove
1: Aura Effect: Aura of the Grove Effect (PCIObDruS11L055VineTrap)

40 Self
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 1044

331 Single
Circle of Barindu
1: Teleport to Barindu, Location: -515, 209, -119

600 Caster Group
Circle of Bloodfields
1: Teleport to bloodfields, Location: 524, -183, -565

300 Caster Group
Exile Summoned
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 798

185 Summoned
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 837

202 Single
Girdle of Karana
1: Increase Strength by 42

105 Single
Nature Walker's Behest
1: Summon Pet: PCPetDruS11L055BearBlk

220 Self
Tunare's Request
1: Charm up to Level 35 with 100% Chance of Memory Blur

350 Animal
Vengeance of Nature
1: Increase Curse Counter by 8
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 298 per Tick

487 Single

Level 56

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
2: Increase Armor Class by 8 to 11, Based on Class
3: Increase Damage Shield by 6

235 Self
Breath of Karana
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 300
2: Stun NPC for 1s (PC for 0.5s) up to Level 55

180 Single
Engorging Roots
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 385
2: Root

75 Single
Ro's Smoldering Disjunction
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 150
4: Decrease Attack by 92
6: Decrease Armor Class by 8 to 11, Based on Class
7: Decrease Fire Resist by 75

250 Single
Wake of Karana
1: Stop Rain

400 Self
Zephyr: Arcstone
1: Translocate to arcstone, Location: -279, 1630, 5

225 Single
Zephyr: Natimbi
1: Translocate to Natimbi, Location: -853, -1557, 237

225 Single

Level 57

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Bonds of Tunare
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 65%

115 Target AE
Imbue Storm
1: Summon Item: Gray Diamond of Storms x 1

1000 Self
Instinctual Fear
1: Fear up to Level 55

75 Animal
1: Increase Armor Class by 4 to 6, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 595
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 595
5: Increase Current Hit Points by 4 per Tick

400 Single
1: Decrease Current Mana by 150
2: Evacuate to Safe Spot in Zone

100 Target Group
Zephyr: Barindu
1: Translocate to Barindu, Location: -515, 209, -119

225 Single
Zephyr: Bloodfields
1: Translocate to bloodfields, Location: 524, -183, -565

225 Single
Zephyr: Dawnshroud
1: Translocate to dawnshroud, Location: 325, -996, 121

225 Single
Zephyr: Tranquility
1: Translocate to potranquility, Location: 774, -1463, -876

225 Single

Level 58

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Circle of Seasons
1: Increase Fire Resist by 55
2: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Cold Resist and Less Than 55
3: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Cold Resist and Less Than 55
4: Increase Cold Resist by 55

400 Target Group
Eradicate Disease
1: Decrease Disease Counter by 30
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 30

250 Single
Eradicate Poison
1: Decrease Poison Counter by 30
2: Decrease Poison Counter by 30

250 Single
Fist of Karana
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 812

357 Target AE
Regrowth of the Grove
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 38 per Tick

600 Target Group
Shield of Blades
1: Increase Damage Shield by 32

150 Single
Tunare's Renewal
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 75% of Total Hit Points, Max: 2925

400 Single

Level 59

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Circle of Buried Sea
1: Teleport to buriedsea, Location: -3933, -2828, 380

300 Caster Group
Incarnate Anew
1: Resurrect with 90% Experience Recovered

700 Corpse
Legacy of Thorn
1: Increase Damage Shield by 32

350 Target Group
Protection of the Cabbage
1: Increase Armor Class by 5 to 7, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 485
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 485
4: Increase Current Mana by 6 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1080
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 2485

500 Single
Spirit of Oak
1: Illusion: Tree
2: Root
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 21 per Tick
4: Increase Current Mana by 4 per Tick

25 Self
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1294

335 Single

Level 60

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Ancient: Legacy of Blades
1: Increase Damage Shield by 36

350 Target Group
Ancient: Starfire of Ro
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1350

300 Single
1: Destroy the Target

500 Summoned
Circle of The Steppes
1: Teleport to steppes, Location: 625, -1152, 155

300 Caster Group
Entrapping Roots
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 385
2: Root

200 Target AE
Form of the Hunter
1: Illusion: Black Spirit Wolf
2: Increase Movement Speed by 102%
3: Increase Attack by 127
4: Ultravision

150 Self
Mask of the Hunter
1: Increase Player Size by 25%
2: Increase Magnification by 115%
3: Increase Current Mana by 3 per Tick
4: See Invisible

100 Self
Mask of the Stalker
1: Increase Player Size by 25%
2: Increase Magnification by 115%
3: Increase Current Mana by 3 per Tick
4: See Invisible

150 Self
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1132

263 Single
Nature's Recovery
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 30 per Tick

250 Single
Nature's Touch
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 1491

457 Single
Protection of the Glades
1: Increase Armor Class by 5 to 7, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 485
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 485
4: Increase Current Mana by 6 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1081
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 2486

1200 Target Group
Ring of The Steppes
1: Teleport to steppes, Location: 625, -1152, 155

150 Self
Teleport Guild Hall Anchor
1: Teleport to Your Guild Anchor

750 Nearby Players
Zephyr: The Steppes
1: Translocate to steppes, Location: 625, -1152, 155

225 Single

Level 61

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 850

650 Caster PB
Cure Corruption
1: Decrease Corruption Counter by 4

75 Single
Cure Corruption Rk. II
1: Decrease Corruption Counter by 6

75 Single
Cure Corruption Rk. III
1: Decrease Corruption Counter by 8

75 Single
Earthen Roots
2: Root

150 Single
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 56%

100 Single
Hand of Ro
7: Decrease Fire Resist by 72
10: Decrease Attack by 100
12: Decrease Armor Class by 3 to 4, Based on Class

165 Single
Instinctual Panic
1: Fear up to Level 60

100 Animal
Mire Thorns
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55%

75 Single
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 58 per Tick

275 Single
Storm's Fury
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 410
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 65

230 Single
Winter's Storm
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 850

500 Target AE

Level 62

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Flight of Eagles
1: See Invisible
2: Increase Movement Speed by 70%
3: Levitate
4: Infravision

500 Target Group
Immolation of Ro
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 175 per Tick
3: Decrease Fire Resist by 35
10: Decrease Armor Class by 6 to 8, Based on Class

311 Single
Karana's Rage
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1100

450 Target AE
Nature's Might
1: Increase Strength by 55

125 Single
Ring of Slaughter
1: Teleport to wallofslaughter, Location: 13, -943, 130

200 Self
Ro's Illumination
5: Decrease Attack by 80
6: Decrease Armor Class by 3 to 4, Based on Class

150 Single

Level 63

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Blessing of Replenishment
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 58 per Tick

650 Target Group
Command of Tunare
1: Charm up to Level 60

420 Animal
E`ci's Frosty Breath
5: Decrease Cold Resist by 55
6: Decrease Armor Class by 7 to 10, Based on Class

250 Single
Nature's Infusion
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 2050

560 Single
Protection of the Nine
1: Increase Armor Class by 7 to 10, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 618
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 618
4: Increase Current Mana by 8 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1109
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 2618

725 Single
Resist Corruption
1: Increase Corruption Resist by 10

50 Single
Resist Corruption Rk. II
1: Increase Corruption Resist by 15

50 Single
Resist Corruption Rk. III
1: Increase Corruption Resist by 20

50 Single
Shield of Bracken
1: Increase Damage Shield by 40

180 Single
Swarming Death
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 438 per Tick

625 Single

Level 64

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
2: Increase Armor Class by 11 to 14, Based on Class
3: Increase Damage Shield by 13

295 Self
Chant of the Napaea
1: Decrease Corruption Counter by 2

20 Caster Group
Chant of the Napaea Rk. II
1: Decrease Corruption Counter by 3

20 Caster Group
Chant of the Napaea Rk. III
1: Decrease Corruption Counter by 4

20 Caster Group
Circle of Slaughter
1: Teleport to wallofslaughter, Location: 13, -943, 130

400 Caster Group
Karana's Renewal
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 75% of Total Hit Points, Max: 4680

600 Single
Protection of Seasons
1: Increase Fire Resist by 72
2: Increase Cold Resist by 72

450 Target Group
Savage Roots
2: Root

75 Single
Summer's Flame
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1600

395 Single
Vengeance of Tunare
1: Increase Curse Counter by 8
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 608 per Tick

609 Single
Zephyr: Buried Sea
1: Translocate to buriedsea, Location: -3933, -2828, 380

225 Single

Level 65

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Ancient: Chaos Frost
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1450

290 Single
Blessing of the Nine
1: Increase Armor Class by 7 to 10, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 618
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 618
4: Increase Current Mana by 8 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1110
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 2619

1700 Target Group
Destroy Summoned
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1350

286 Summoned
Legacy of Bracken
1: Increase Damage Shield by 40

380 Target Group
Mask of the Forest
2: Increase Magnification by 120%
3: Increase Current Mana by 4 per Tick
4: See Invisible
5: Ultravision

200 Self
Sylvan Embers
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 214 per Tick
3: Decrease Fire Resist by 40
10: Decrease Armor Class by 7 to 9, Based on Class

399 Single
Sylvan Fire
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1761

435 Single
Sylvan Infusion
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 2441

607 Single
Winter's Frost
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1375

305 Single

Level 66

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Earth Shiver
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1105

812 Caster PB
Instinctual Terror
1: Fear up to Level 65

125 Animal
Oaken Vigor
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 70 per Tick

343 Single
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 535
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 70

287 Single
Tempest Wind
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1168

623 Target AE

Level 67

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Glacier Breath
5: Decrease Cold Resist by 55
6: Decrease Armor Class by 9 to 12, Based on Class

250 Single
Immolation of the Sun
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 304 per Tick
3: Decrease Fire Resist by 40
10: Decrease Armor Class by 8 to 11, Based on Class

508 Single
Lion's Strength
7: Increase Hit Damage by 5% (v185)

165 Single
Nature's Serenity
1: Decrease Social Radius to 15 up to Level 70

200 Single
Nettle Shield
1: Increase Damage Shield by 55

225 Single
Sun's Corona
5: Decrease Attack by 90
6: Decrease Armor Class by 4 to 6, Based on Class

187 Single
Zephyr: Slaughter
1: Translocate to wallofslaughter, Location: 13, -943, 130

225 Single

Level 68

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 2810

691 Single
Cloak of Nature
1: Invisibility

150 Single
Desolate Summoned
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1857

357 Summoned
2: Increase Armor Class by 14 to 19, Based on Class
3: Increase Damage Shield by 17

368 Self
Skin of the Reptile
4: Add Defensive Proc: Skin of the Reptile Trigger with 400% Rate Mod

512 Single
Steeloak Skin
1: Increase Armor Class by 10 to 13, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 772
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 772
4: Increase Current Mana by 9 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1144
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 2771

906 Single
Wasp Swarm
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 636 per Tick

919 Single

Level 69

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Blessing of Oak
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 70 per Tick

845 Target Group
Oaken Guard
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 75%, Total: 5000
2: Add Defensive Proc: Oaken Guard Parry with 400% Rate Mod

250 Self
Serpent Vines
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55%

125 Single
Solstice Strike
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2201

494 Single
Spore Spiral
2: Root

200 Single
Vengeance of the Sun
1: Increase Curse Counter by 16
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 896 per Tick

889 Single

Level 70

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Ancient: Chlorobon
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 3094

723 Single
Ancient: Glacier Frost
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2042

405 Single
Aura of Life
1: Aura Effect: Aura of Life Effect (PCIObDruS14L070VineTrap)

400 Self
10: Increase Damage Shield by 210

300 Single
Blessing of Steeloak
1: Increase Armor Class by 10 to 13, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 772
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 772
4: Increase Current Mana by 9 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1145
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 2772

2210 Target Group
Circle of Direwind
1: Teleport to direwind, Location: -1199, 25, 38

300 Caster Group
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2125

Recourse: Blessing of the Dawn

482 Single
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1892

381 Single
Hungry Vines
4: Decrease Movement Speed by 50%

Recourse: Hungry Vines Recourse

500 Caster PB
Legacy of Nettles
1: Increase Damage Shield by 55

475 Target Group
Mask of the Wild
2: Increase Magnification by 120%
3: Increase Current Mana by 5 per Tick
4: See Invisible
5: Ultravision

250 Self
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 1500

1100 Caster Group
Nature's Beckon
1: Charm up to Level 65

800 Animal
Ring of Direwind
1: Teleport to direwind, Location: -1199, 25, 38

150 Self
Zephyr: Direwind
1: Translocate to direwind, Location: -1199, 25, 38

225 Single

Level 71

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Beast's Beckoning
1: Charm up to Level 73

960 Single, Restriction: Animal or Insect
Beast's Beckoning Rk. II
1: Charm up to Level 73

1000 Single, Restriction: Animal or Insect
Blistering Sunray
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 327 per Tick
3: Decrease Fire Resist by 43
10: Decrease Armor Class by 10 to 13, Based on Class

573 Single
Blistering Sunray Rk. II
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 335 per Tick
3: Decrease Fire Resist by 44
10: Decrease Armor Class by 10 to 13, Based on Class

585 Single
Cloudburst Hail
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1460

776 Target AE
Cloudburst Hail Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1519

806 Target AE
Cloudburst Hail Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1577

836 Target AE
1: 10% Chance to Cast Wild Fernspurs (v340)
10: Increase Damage Shield by 462

741 Single
Fernspur Rk. II
1: 10% Chance to Cast Wild Fernspurs (v340)
10: Increase Damage Shield by 481

770 Single
Fernspur Rk. III
1: 10% Chance to Cast Wild Fernspurs (v340)
10: Increase Damage Shield by 499

800 Single
Gale of the Stormborn
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 705
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 75

341 Single
Gale of the Stormborn Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 733
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 75

354 Single
Mammoth's Strength
7: Increase Hit Damage by 6% (v185)

198 Single
Mammoth's Strength Rk. II
7: Increase Hit Damage by 7% (v185)

206 Single
Mammoth's Strength Rk. III
7: Increase Hit Damage by 8% (v185)

215 Single
Nature's Placidity
1: Decrease Social Radius to 15 up to Level 75

250 Single
Nature's Placidity Rk. II
1: Decrease Social Radius to 12 up to Level 75

250 Single

Level 72

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Direwild Skin
1: Increase Armor Class by 12 to 15, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 926
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 926
4: Increase Current Mana by 10 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1173
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 2925

1087 Single
Direwild Skin Rk. II
1: Increase Armor Class by 12 to 16, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 965
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 965
4: Increase Current Mana by 10 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1180
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 2964

1133 Single
Icefall Breath
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 3% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 75 (Lose 5% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Decrease Cold Resist by 58
6: Decrease Armor Class by 10 to 13, Based on Class
7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
8: Limit Resist: Cold

300 Single
Icefall Breath Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 5% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 75 (Lose 5% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Decrease Cold Resist by 59
6: Decrease Armor Class by 10 to 13, Based on Class
7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
8: Limit Resist: Cold

313 Single
Pure Life
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 3176

742 Single
Pure Life Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 3287

768 Single
Pure Life Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 3399

794 Single
Vinelash Cascade
2: Root
3: Cast on Fade: Vinelash Ensnare

200 Frontal AE
Vinelash Cascade Rk. II
2: Root
3: Cast on Fade: Vinelash Ensnare

200 Frontal AE
Vinelash Cascade Rk. III
2: Root
3: Cast on Fade: Vinelash Ensnare

200 Frontal AE
Viridifloral Shield
1: Increase Damage Shield by 66

270 Single
Viridifloral Shield Rk. II
1: Increase Damage Shield by 69

281 Single

Level 73

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Annihilate the Unnatural
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2666
2: 10% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 2% Chance to Cast Annihilate Destruction (v340)

486 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Annihilate the Unnatural Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2772
2: 10% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 2% Chance to Cast Annihilate Destruction (v340)

505 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Annihilate the Unnatural Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2879
2: 10% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 2% Chance to Cast Annihilate Destruction (v340)

525 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Skin to Vines
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 3% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 75 (Lose 5% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
7: Transform Body Type to Plant

300 Single, Restriction: Living
Skin to Vines Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 5% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 75 (Lose 5% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
7: Transform Body Type to Plant

300 Single, Restriction: Living
Swarm of Fireants
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 884 per Tick

1156 Single
Swarm of Fireants Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 917 per Tick

1200 Single
Swarm of Fireants Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 951 per Tick

1246 Single
2: Increase Armor Class by 17 to 23, Based on Class
3: Increase Damage Shield by 20

442 Self
Viridicoat Rk. II
2: Increase Armor Class by 18 to 24, Based on Class
3: Increase Damage Shield by 21

460 Self
Winter's Flame
1: Cast Winter's Flame Frostbite (v374)
2: Cast Winter's Flame Burn (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 427
4: Current Hit Points by 0

519 Single
Winter's Flame Burn
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1651
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Flame Burn II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1717
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Flame Burn III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1783
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Flame Frostbite
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1419
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Flame Frostbite II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1475
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Flame Frostbite III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1532
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Flame Rk. II
1: Cast Winter's Flame Frostbite II (v374)
2: Cast Winter's Flame Burn II (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 427
4: Current Hit Points by 0

539 Single
Winter's Flame Rk. III
1: Cast Winter's Flame Frostbite III (v374)
2: Cast Winter's Flame Burn III (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 427
4: Current Hit Points by 0

560 Single

Level 74

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Direwood Guard
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 75%, Total: 6000
2: Add Defensive Proc: Direwood Guard Parry with 400% Rate Mod

300 Self
Direwood Guard Rk. II
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 75%, Total: 6250
2: Add Defensive Proc: Direwood Guard Parry with 400% Rate Mod

313 Self
Equinox Burn
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2752

586 Single
Equinox Burn Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2861

608 Single
Equinox Burn Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2972

632 Single
Hoar Frost
5: Decrease Attack by 108
6: Decrease Armor Class by 5 to 7, Based on Class

224 Single
Hoar Frost Rk. II
5: Decrease Attack by 113
6: Decrease Armor Class by 5 to 7, Based on Class

234 Single
Hoar Frost Rk. III
5: Decrease Attack by 117
6: Decrease Armor Class by 6 to 7, Based on Class

243 Single
Spirit of Falcons
1: See Invisible
2: Increase Movement Speed by 90%
3: Levitate
4: Ultravision

350 Single
1: Increase Curse Counter by 16
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1231 per Tick

1104 Single
Sunscorch Rk. II
1: Increase Curse Counter by 16
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1277 per Tick

1148 Single
Tectonic Quake
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1381

1010 Caster PB
Tectonic Quake Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1437

1049 Caster PB
Tectonic Quake Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1492

1089 Caster PB

Level 75

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Adrenaline Surge
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 3439
2: 30% Chance to Cast Adrenaline Surge Effect (v340)

981 Single
Adrenaline Surge Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 3560
2: 30% Chance to Cast Adrenaline Surge Effect (v340)

1015 Single
Adrenaline Surge Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 3681
2: 30% Chance to Cast Adrenaline Surge Effect (v340)

1050 Single
Blessing of the Direwild
1: Increase Armor Class by 12 to 15, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 926
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 926
4: Increase Current Mana by 10 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1174
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 2926

2652 Target Group
Blessing of the Direwild Rk. II
1: Increase Armor Class by 12 to 16, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 965
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 965
4: Increase Current Mana by 10 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1181
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 2965

2763 Target Group
Blessing of the Direwild Rk. III
1: Increase Armor Class by 13 to 17, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 1004
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 1004
4: Increase Current Mana by 10 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1189
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 3004

2873 Target Group
Circle of Loping Plains
1: Teleport to lopingplains, Location: 2547, 1457, 240

300 Caster Group
Legacy of Viridiflora
1: Increase Damage Shield by 66

570 Target Group
Legacy of Viridiflora Rk. II
1: Increase Damage Shield by 69

594 Target Group
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 1695

1182 Caster Group
Lunarlight Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 1754

1223 Caster Group
Lunarlight Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 1814

1265 Caster Group
Nature's Blazing Wrath
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3361
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 914 per Tick

1269 Single
Nature's Blazing Wrath Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3529
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 960 per Tick

1331 Single
Rime Crystals
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2365

452 Single
Rime Crystals Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2459

470 Single
Rime Crystals Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2554

488 Single
Ring of Loping Plains
1: Teleport to lopingplains, Location: 2547, 1457, 240

150 Self
Second Life
1: Cast when Saved from Death: Wildtender's Survival VIII (25% Chance)

600 Self
Second Life Rk. II
1: Cast when Saved from Death: Wildtender's Survival VIII (29% Chance)

600 Self
Zephyr: Loping Plains
1: Translocate to lopingplains, Location: 2547, 1457, 240

225 Single

Level 76

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Beast's Bewitching
1: Charm up to Level 78

1070 Single, Restriction: Animal or Insect
Beast's Bewitching Rk. II
1: Charm up to Level 78

1220 Single, Restriction: Animal or Insect
Beast's Bewitching Rk. III
1: Charm up to Level 78

1300 Single, Restriction: Animal or Insect
1: 10% Chance to Cast Wild Fernspikes (v340)
10: Increase Damage Shield by 529

817 Single
Fernspike Rk. II
1: 10% Chance to Cast Wild Fernspikes (v340)
10: Increase Damage Shield by 601

895 Single
Fernspike Rk. III
1: 10% Chance to Cast Wild Fernspikes (v340)
10: Increase Damage Shield by 649

944 Single
Nature's Calm
1: Decrease Social Radius to 15 up to Level 80

250 Single
Nature's Calm Rk. II
1: Decrease Social Radius to 12 up to Level 80

250 Single
Nature's Calm Rk. III
1: Decrease Social Radius to 10 up to Level 80

250 Single
Spirit of the Stalwart
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 120 per Tick

459 Single
Spirit of the Stalwart Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 144 per Tick

523 Single
Spirit of the Stalwart Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 154 per Tick

558 Single
Tempest of the Stormborn
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 807
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 80

376 Single
Tempest of the Stormborn Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 917
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 80

412 Single
Tempest of the Stormborn Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 990
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 80

434 Single
Torrential Hail
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1671

871 Target AE
Torrential Hail Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1900

991 Target AE
Torrential Hail Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2052

1069 Target AE
Torrid Sunray
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 409 per Tick
3: Decrease Fire Resist by 46
10: Decrease Armor Class by 11 to 14, Based on Class

803 Single
Torrid Sunray Rk. II
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 421 per Tick
3: Decrease Fire Resist by 48
10: Decrease Armor Class by 12 to 16, Based on Class

819 Single
Torrid Sunray Rk. III
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 433 per Tick
3: Decrease Fire Resist by 51
10: Decrease Armor Class by 13 to 17, Based on Class

841 Single

Level 77

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Chillvapor Breath
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 8% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 80 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Decrease Cold Resist by 62
6: Decrease Armor Class by 10 to 14, Based on Class
7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
8: Limit Resist: Cold

335 Single
Chillvapor Breath Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 9% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 80 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Decrease Cold Resist by 65
6: Decrease Armor Class by 11 to 15, Based on Class
7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
8: Limit Resist: Cold

382 Single
Chillvapor Breath Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 10% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 80 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Decrease Cold Resist by 68
6: Decrease Armor Class by 12 to 15, Based on Class
7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
8: Limit Resist: Cold

407 Single
Ironwood Skin
1: Increase Armor Class by 13 to 17, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 1062
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 1062
4: Increase Current Mana by 12 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1193
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 4061

1212 Single
Ironwood Skin Rk. II
1: Increase Armor Class by 15 to 19, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 1255
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 1255
4: Increase Current Mana by 14 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1220
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 4254

1382 Single
Ironwood Skin Rk. III
1: Increase Armor Class by 16 to 21, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 1351
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 1351
4: Increase Current Mana by 15 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1234
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 4350

1473 Single
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 4208

756 Single
Puravida Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 4564

790 Single
Puravida Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 4802

812 Single
Reaping Inferno
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2656
2: Cast on Killshot: Inferno Harvest (100% Chance)

544 Single, Restriction: Hit Points Below 35 Percent
Reaping Inferno Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3018
2: Cast on Killshot: Inferno Harvest II (100% Chance)

596 Single, Restriction: Hit Points Below 35 Percent
Reaping Inferno Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3260
2: Cast on Killshot: Inferno Harvest III (100% Chance)

628 Single, Restriction: Hit Points Below 35 Percent
Sharp Eyes
4: See Invisible (Enhanced - 3)
5: Ultravision

250 Self
Sharp Eyes Rk. II
4: See Invisible (Enhanced - 3)
5: Ultravision

250 Self
Sharp Eyes Rk. III
4: See Invisible (Enhanced - 3)
5: Ultravision

250 Self
Viridifloral Bulwark
1: Increase Damage Shield by 76

301 Single
Viridifloral Bulwark Rk. II
1: Increase Damage Shield by 86

343 Single
Viridifloral Bulwark Rk. III
1: Increase Damage Shield by 93

365 Single

Level 78

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Annihilate the Aberrant
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3049
2: 10% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 2% Chance to Cast Annihilate Havoc (v340)

536 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Annihilate the Aberrant Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3465
2: 10% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 2% Chance to Cast Annihilate Havoc (v340)

587 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Annihilate the Aberrant Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3743
2: 10% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 2% Chance to Cast Annihilate Havoc (v340)

619 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Forbear Corruption
1: Increase Corruption Resist by 15

50 Single
Forbear Corruption Rk. II
1: Increase Corruption Resist by 23

50 Single
Forbear Corruption Rk. III
1: Increase Corruption Resist by 30

50 Single
Horde of Fireants
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1082 per Tick

1431 Single
Horde of Fireants Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1124 per Tick

1565 Single
Horde of Fireants Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1168 per Tick

1652 Single
Skin to Mulch
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 8% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 80 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
7: Transform Body Type to Plant

300 Single, Restriction: Living
Skin to Mulch Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 9% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 80 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
7: Transform Body Type to Plant

300 Single, Restriction: Living
Skin to Mulch Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 10% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 80 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
7: Transform Body Type to Plant

300 Single, Restriction: Living
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2815

Recourse: Blessing of the Dawn

593 Single
Solarsliver Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3199

Recourse: Blessing of the Dawn

650 Single
Solarsliver Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3456

Recourse: Blessing of the Dawn

685 Single
Survival of the Fittest
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 1285 if Hit Points Between 55 and 65 Percent
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 2570 if Hit Points Between 45 and 55 Percent
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 3854 if Hit Points Between 35 and 45 Percent
4: Increase Current Hit Points by 5139 if Hit Points Between 25 and 35 Percent
5: Increase Current Hit Points by 6424 if Hit Points Between 1 and 25 Percent

1190 Target Group
Survival of the Fittest Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 1394 if Hit Points Between 55 and 65 Percent
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 2787 if Hit Points Between 45 and 55 Percent
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 4181 if Hit Points Between 35 and 45 Percent
4: Increase Current Hit Points by 5574 if Hit Points Between 25 and 35 Percent
5: Increase Current Hit Points by 6968 if Hit Points Between 1 and 25 Percent

1244 Target Group
Survival of the Fittest Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 1467 if Hit Points Between 55 and 65 Percent
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 2933 if Hit Points Between 45 and 55 Percent
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 4400 if Hit Points Between 35 and 45 Percent
4: Increase Current Hit Points by 5866 if Hit Points Between 25 and 35 Percent
5: Increase Current Hit Points by 7333 if Hit Points Between 1 and 25 Percent

1278 Target Group
Viridithorn Coat
2: Increase Armor Class by 19 to 25, Based on Class
3: Increase Damage Shield by 23

492 Self
Viridithorn Coat Rk. II
2: Increase Armor Class by 22 to 29, Based on Class
3: Increase Damage Shield by 26

561 Self
Viridithorn Coat Rk. III
2: Increase Armor Class by 23 to 31, Based on Class
3: Increase Damage Shield by 28

598 Self
Winter's Blaze
1: Cast Winter's Blaze Frostbite (v374)
2: Cast Winter's Blaze Burn (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 532
4: Current Hit Points by 0

572 Single
Winter's Blaze Burn
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1888
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Blaze Burn II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2146
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Blaze Burn III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2318
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Blaze Frostbite
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1623
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Blaze Frostbite II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1844
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Blaze Frostbite III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1992
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Blaze Rk. II
1: Cast Winter's Blaze Frostbite II (v374)
2: Cast Winter's Blaze Burn II (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 532
4: Current Hit Points by 0

627 Single
Winter's Blaze Rk. III
1: Cast Winter's Blaze Frostbite III (v374)
2: Cast Winter's Blaze Burn III (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 532
4: Current Hit Points by 0

661 Single

Level 79

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Chant of the Darkvine
1: Decrease Corruption Counter by 3

20 Caster Group
Chant of the Darkvine Rk. II
1: Decrease Corruption Counter by 5

20 Caster Group
Chant of the Darkvine Rk. III
1: Decrease Corruption Counter by 6

20 Caster Group
Equinox Brand
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3147

645 Single
Equinox Brand Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3577

707 Single
Equinox Brand Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3864

746 Single
Gelid Frost
5: Decrease Attack by 119
6: Decrease Armor Class by 6 to 8, Based on Class

250 Single
Gelid Frost Rk. II
5: Decrease Attack by 124
6: Decrease Armor Class by 7 to 9, Based on Class

285 Single
Gelid Frost Rk. III
5: Decrease Attack by 130
6: Decrease Armor Class by 7 to 9, Based on Class

304 Single
Scales of the Reptile
4: Add Defensive Proc: Scales of the Reptile Trigger with 400% Rate Mod

561 Single
Scales of the Reptile Rk. II
4: Add Defensive Proc: Scales of the Reptile Trigger with 400% Rate Mod

581 Single
Scales of the Reptile Rk. III
4: Add Defensive Proc: Scales of the Reptile Trigger with 400% Rate Mod

601 Single
1: Increase Curse Counter by 16
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1503 per Tick

1364 Single
Sunsear Rk. II
1: Increase Curse Counter by 16
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1561 per Tick

1492 Single
Sunsear Rk. III
1: Increase Curse Counter by 16
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1622 per Tick

1573 Single
Talisman of the Stalwart
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 120 per Tick

1086 Target Group
Talisman of the Stalwart Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 144 per Tick

1238 Target Group
Talisman of the Stalwart Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 154 per Tick

1320 Target Group
Tectonic Upheaval
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1581

1135 Caster PB
Tectonic Upheaval Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1797

1290 Caster PB
Tectonic Upheaval Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1940

1391 Caster PB

Level 80

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Adrenaline Swell
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 4654
2: Cast Adrenaline Swell Effect (v340)

1268 Single
Adrenaline Swell Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 5048
2: Cast Adrenaline Swell Effect (v340)

1326 Single
Adrenaline Swell Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 5312
2: Cast Adrenaline Swell Effect (v340)

1362 Single
Blessing of the Ironwood
1: Increase Armor Class by 13 to 17, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 1062
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 1062
4: Increase Current Mana by 12 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1194
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 4062

2956 Target Group
Blessing of the Ironwood Rk. II
1: Increase Armor Class by 15 to 19, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 1255
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 1255
4: Increase Current Mana by 14 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1221
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 4255

3371 Target Group
Blessing of the Ironwood Rk. III
1: Increase Armor Class by 16 to 21, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 1351
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 1351
4: Increase Current Mana by 15 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1235
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 4351

3592 Target Group
Circle of Brell's Rest
1: Teleport to brellsrest, Location: -619, -23, 36

300 Caster Group
Circle of Plane of Time
1: Teleport to potimea, Location: 110, 0, 8

300 Caster Group
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 3825

1386 Caster Group
Crescentbloom Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 4149

1449 Caster Group
Crescentbloom Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 4366

1488 Caster Group
Hoar Crystals
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2705

499 Single
Hoar Crystals Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3074

546 Single
Hoar Crystals Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3321

576 Single
Legacy of Viridithorns
1: Increase Damage Shield by 76

636 Target Group
Legacy of Viridithorns Rk. II
1: Increase Damage Shield by 86

725 Target Group
Legacy of Viridithorns Rk. III
1: Increase Damage Shield by 93

772 Target Group
Mask of the Shadowcat
2: Increase Magnification by 120%
3: Increase Current Mana by 9 per Tick
4: See Invisible
5: Ultravision

350 Self
Mask of the Shadowcat Rk. II
2: Increase Magnification by 120%
3: Increase Current Mana by 11 per Tick
4: See Invisible
5: Ultravision

350 Self
Mask of the Shadowcat Rk. III
2: Increase Magnification by 120%
3: Increase Current Mana by 11 per Tick
4: See Invisible
5: Ultravision

350 Self
Nature's Burning Wrath
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4631
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1764 per Tick

1692 Single
Nature's Burning Wrath Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4863
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1852 per Tick

1712 Single
Nature's Burning Wrath Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5106
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1945 per Tick

1755 Single
1: Cast when Saved from Death: Wildtender's Survival VIII (25% Chance)
2: Cast on Death: Preincarnation Incarnation (100% Chance)

600 Self
Preincarnation Rk. II
1: Cast when Saved from Death: Wildtender's Survival VIII (29% Chance)
2: Cast on Death: Preincarnation Incarnation II (100% Chance)

600 Self
Preincarnation Rk. III
1: Cast when Saved from Death: Wildtender's Survival VIII (33% Chance)
2: Cast on Death: Preincarnation Incarnation III (100% Chance)

600 Self
Ring of Brell's Rest
1: Teleport to brellsrest, Location: -619, -23, 36

150 Self
Ring of Plane of Time
1: Teleport to potimea, Location: 110, 0, 8

150 Self
Zephyr: Brell's Rest
1: Translocate to brellsrest, Location: -619, -23, 36

225 Single
Zephyr: Plane of Time
1: Translocate to potimea, Location: 110, 0, 8

225 Single

Level 81

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Beast's Befriending
1: Charm up to Level 83

1305 Single, Restriction: Animal or Insect
Beast's Befriending Rk. II
1: Charm up to Level 83

1488 Single, Restriction: Animal or Insect
Beast's Befriending Rk. III
1: Charm up to Level 83

1586 Single, Restriction: Animal or Insect
Carve Whistle
1: Summon Item: Wooden Whistle x 1

250 Self
Carve Whistle Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Wooden Whistle x 1

250 Self
Carve Whistle Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Wooden Whistle x 1

250 Self
Cascading Hail
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2089

1069 Target AE
Cascading Hail Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2374

1215 Target AE
Cascading Hail Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2469

1263 Target AE
1: 10% Chance to Cast Wild Frondspurs (v340)
10: Increase Damage Shield by 661

960 Single
Frondspur Rk. II
1: 10% Chance to Cast Wild Frondspurs (v340)
10: Increase Damage Shield by 751

1051 Single
Frondspur Rk. III
1: 10% Chance to Cast Wild Frondspurs (v340)
10: Increase Damage Shield by 811

1108 Single
Nature's Peace
1: Decrease Social Radius to 15 up to Level 85

250 Single
Nature's Peace Rk. II
1: Decrease Social Radius to 12 up to Level 85

250 Single
Nature's Peace Rk. III
1: Decrease Social Radius to 10 up to Level 85

250 Single
Spirit of the Resolute
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 124 per Tick

560 Single
Spirit of the Resolute Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 147 per Tick

638 Single
Spirit of the Resolute Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 158 per Tick

680 Single
Squall of the Stormborn
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1009
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 85

442 Single
Squall of the Stormborn Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1146
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 85

484 Single
Squall of the Stormborn Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1237
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 85

509 Single
Withering Sunray
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 521 per Tick
3: Decrease Fire Resist by 50
10: Decrease Armor Class by 13 to 17, Based on Class

1029 Single
Withering Sunray Rk. II
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 538 per Tick
3: Decrease Fire Resist by 53
10: Decrease Armor Class by 15 to 20, Based on Class

1058 Single
Withering Sunray Rk. III
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 556 per Tick
3: Decrease Fire Resist by 55
10: Decrease Armor Class by 16 to 21, Based on Class

1085 Single

Level 82

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Brierbloom Bulwark
1: Increase Damage Shield by 95

367 Single
Brierbloom Bulwark Rk. II
1: Increase Damage Shield by 108

418 Single
Brierbloom Bulwark Rk. III
1: Increase Damage Shield by 116

446 Single
Coldwhisper Breath
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 8% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 85 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Decrease Cold Resist by 68
6: Decrease Armor Class by 12 to 15, Based on Class
7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
8: Limit Resist: Cold

409 Single
Coldwhisper Breath Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 9% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 85 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Decrease Cold Resist by 72
6: Decrease Armor Class by 13 to 17, Based on Class
7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
8: Limit Resist: Cold

466 Single
Coldwhisper Breath Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 10% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 85 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Decrease Cold Resist by 75
6: Decrease Armor Class by 13 to 18, Based on Class
7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
8: Limit Resist: Cold

497 Single
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 4838

816 Single
Granvida Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 5249

853 Single
Granvida Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 5522

877 Single
Harvesting Inferno
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3321
2: Cast on Killshot: Inferno Harvest (100% Chance)

640 Single, Restriction: Hit Points Below 35 Percent
Harvesting Inferno Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3772
2: Cast on Killshot: Inferno Harvest II (100% Chance)

700 Single, Restriction: Hit Points Below 35 Percent
Harvesting Inferno Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4074
2: Cast on Killshot: Inferno Harvest III (100% Chance)

738 Single, Restriction: Hit Points Below 35 Percent
Heartwood Skin
1: Increase Armor Class by 16 to 21, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 1381
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 1381
4: Increase Current Mana by 17 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1235
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 4380

1479 Single
Heartwood Skin Rk. II
1: Increase Armor Class by 18 to 24, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 1632
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 1632
4: Increase Current Mana by 20 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1269
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 4631

1686 Single
Heartwood Skin Rk. III
1: Increase Armor Class by 19 to 25, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 1757
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 1757
4: Increase Current Mana by 21 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1286
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 4756

1797 Single
Promised Reknit
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Reknit Trigger I
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (10425)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 10425
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 10425

501 Single
Promised Reknit Rk. II
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Reknit Trigger II
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (11307)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 11307
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 11307

524 Single
Promised Reknit Rk. III
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Reknit Trigger III
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (11899)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 11899
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 11899

538 Single
Wild Growth
8: Increase Max Hit Points by 4312 (Decaying to 2200 @ 88/Tick)

428 Single
Wild Growth Rk. II
8: Increase Max Hit Points by 5096 (Decaying to 2600 @ 104/Tick)

488 Single
Wild Growth Rk. III
8: Increase Max Hit Points by 5488 (Decaying to 2800 @ 112/Tick)

520 Single

Level 83

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Annihilate the Anomalous
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3813
2: 10% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 2% Chance to Cast Annihilate Havoc (v340)

630 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Annihilate the Anomalous Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4331
2: 10% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 2% Chance to Cast Annihilate Havoc (v340)

689 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Annihilate the Anomalous Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4678
2: 10% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 2% Chance to Cast Annihilate Havoc (v340)

727 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Brierbloom Coat
2: Increase Armor Class by 23 to 31, Based on Class
3: Increase Damage Shield by 29

600 Self
Brierbloom Coat Rk. II
2: Increase Armor Class by 27 to 35, Based on Class
3: Increase Damage Shield by 33

684 Self
Brierbloom Coat Rk. III
2: Increase Armor Class by 28 to 37, Based on Class
3: Increase Damage Shield by 35

729 Self
Horde of the Hive
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1322 per Tick

1638 Single
Horde of the Hive Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1374 per Tick

1798 Single
Horde of the Hive Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1429 per Tick

1894 Single
Manaflux Enervation
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 3840

50 Targets Target
Manaflux Enervation Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 4270

50 Targets Target
Manaflux Enervation Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 4828

50 Targets Target
Morning's Glory
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3520

Recourse: Blessing of the Dawn

697 Single
Morning's Glory Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3998

Recourse: Blessing of the Dawn

763 Single
Morning's Glory Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4319

Recourse: Blessing of the Dawn

804 Single
Remote Manaflux
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3840
2: Cast Manaflux Enervation (v374)

1418 Single
Remote Manaflux Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4270
2: Cast Manaflux Enervation Rk. II (v374)

1515 Single
Remote Manaflux Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4828
2: Cast Manaflux Enervation Rk. III (v374)

1752 Single
Repel Corruption
1: Increase Corruption Resist by 23

50 Single
Repel Corruption Rk. II
1: Increase Corruption Resist by 35

50 Single
Repel Corruption Rk. III
1: Increase Corruption Resist by 46

50 Single
Skin to Flora
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 8% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 85 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
7: Transform Body Type to Plant

300 Single, Restriction: Living
Skin to Flora Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 9% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 85 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
7: Transform Body Type to Plant

300 Single, Restriction: Living
Skin to Flora Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 10% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 85 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
7: Transform Body Type to Plant

300 Single, Restriction: Living
Survival of the Felicitous
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 1477 if Hit Points Between 55 and 65 Percent
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 2954 if Hit Points Between 45 and 55 Percent
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 4432 if Hit Points Between 35 and 45 Percent
4: Increase Current Hit Points by 5909 if Hit Points Between 25 and 35 Percent
5: Increase Current Hit Points by 7386 if Hit Points Between 1 and 25 Percent

1285 Target Group
Survival of the Felicitous Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 1603 if Hit Points Between 55 and 65 Percent
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 3206 if Hit Points Between 45 and 55 Percent
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 4808 if Hit Points Between 35 and 45 Percent
4: Increase Current Hit Points by 6411 if Hit Points Between 25 and 35 Percent
5: Increase Current Hit Points by 8014 if Hit Points Between 1 and 25 Percent

1343 Target Group
Survival of the Felicitous Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 1686 if Hit Points Between 55 and 65 Percent
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 3373 if Hit Points Between 45 and 55 Percent
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 5059 if Hit Points Between 35 and 45 Percent
4: Increase Current Hit Points by 6746 if Hit Points Between 25 and 35 Percent
5: Increase Current Hit Points by 8432 if Hit Points Between 1 and 25 Percent

1380 Target Group
Winter's Flare
1: Cast Winter's Flare Frostbite (v374)
2: Cast Winter's Flare Burn (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 665
4: Current Hit Points by 0

672 Single
Winter's Flare Burn
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2361
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Flare Burn II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2682
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Flare Burn III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2897
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Flare Frostbite
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2029
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Flare Frostbite II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2305
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Flare Frostbite III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2490
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Flare Rk. II
1: Cast Winter's Flare Frostbite II (v374)
2: Cast Winter's Flare Burn II (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 665
4: Current Hit Points by 0

735 Single
Winter's Flare Rk. III
1: Cast Winter's Flare Frostbite III (v374)
2: Cast Winter's Flare Burn III (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 665
4: Current Hit Points by 0

775 Single

Level 84

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Blanched Frost
5: Decrease Attack by 130
6: Decrease Armor Class by 7 to 9, Based on Class

305 Single
Blanched Frost Rk. II
5: Decrease Attack by 136
6: Decrease Armor Class by 8 to 11, Based on Class

348 Single
Blanched Frost Rk. III
5: Decrease Attack by 143
6: Decrease Armor Class by 9 to 11, Based on Class

371 Single
Blast of Hypergrowth
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmDruS17L084SporePurRk1 x 1 for 34s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

863 Single
Blast of Hypergrowth Rk. II
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmDruS17L084SporePurRk2 x 1 for 34s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

947 Single
Blast of Hypergrowth Rk. III
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmDruS17L084SporePurRk3 x 1 for 34s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

999 Single
Carapace of the Reptile
4: Add Defensive Proc: Carapace of the Reptile Trigger with 400% Rate Mod

658 Single
Carapace of the Reptile Rk. II
4: Add Defensive Proc: Carapace of the Reptile Trigger II with 400% Rate Mod

681 Single
Carapace of the Reptile Rk. III
4: Add Defensive Proc: Carapace of the Reptile Trigger III with 400% Rate Mod

705 Single
Chant of the Burynai
1: Decrease Corruption Counter by 5

20 Caster Group
Chant of the Burynai Rk. II
1: Decrease Corruption Counter by 8

20 Caster Group
Chant of the Burynai Rk. III
1: Decrease Corruption Counter by 10

20 Caster Group
Purified Blood
1: Decrease Poison Counter by 10
2: Decrease Poison Counter by 10
3: Decrease Disease Counter by 10
4: Decrease Disease Counter by 10

100 Single
Purified Blood Rk. II
1: Decrease Poison Counter by 11
2: Decrease Poison Counter by 11
3: Decrease Disease Counter by 11
4: Decrease Disease Counter by 11

100 Single
Purified Blood Rk. III
1: Decrease Poison Counter by 12
2: Decrease Poison Counter by 12
3: Decrease Disease Counter by 12
4: Decrease Disease Counter by 12

100 Single
Summer Solstice
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3936

759 Single
Summer Solstice Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4471

830 Single
Summer Solstice Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4829

875 Single
Sundew Blessing
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3936

Recourse: Healing Twincast

1402 Targets Target
Sundew Blessing Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4471

Recourse: Healing Twincast

1494 Targets Target
Sundew Blessing Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4829

Recourse: Healing Twincast

1553 Targets Target
1: Increase Curse Counter by 16
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1819 per Tick

1548 Single
Sunsinge Rk. II
1: Increase Curse Counter by 16
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1891 per Tick

1699 Single
Sunsinge Rk. III
1: Increase Curse Counter by 16
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1967 per Tick

1789 Single
Talisman of the Resolute
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 124 per Tick

1325 Target Group
Talisman of the Resolute Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 147 per Tick

1510 Target Group
Talisman of the Resolute Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 158 per Tick

1609 Target Group
Tectonic Tumult
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1976

1391 Caster PB
Tectonic Tumult Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2245

1582 Caster PB
Tectonic Tumult Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2335

1644 Caster PB

Level 85

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Adrenaline Burst
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 5633
2: 30% Chance to Cast Adrenaline Burst Effect (v340)

1370 Single
Adrenaline Burst Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 6112
2: 30% Chance to Cast Adrenaline Burst Effect (v340)

1431 Single
Adrenaline Burst Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 6431
2: 30% Chance to Cast Adrenaline Burst Effect (v340)

1471 Single
Blessing of the Heartwood
1: Increase Armor Class by 16 to 21, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 1381
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 1381
4: Increase Current Mana by 17 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1236
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 4381

3607 Target Group
Blessing of the Heartwood Rk. II
1: Increase Armor Class by 18 to 24, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 1632
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 1632
4: Increase Current Mana by 20 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1270
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 4632

4113 Target Group
Blessing of the Heartwood Rk. III
1: Increase Armor Class by 19 to 25, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 1757
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 1757
4: Increase Current Mana by 21 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1287
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 4757

4382 Target Group
Circle of the Grounds
1: Teleport to housegarden, Location: 407, -1330, -101

300 Caster Group
Glaciating Crystals
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3382

586 Single
Glaciating Crystals Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3842

641 Single
Glaciating Crystals Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4150

676 Single
Legacy of Brierbloom
1: Increase Damage Shield by 95

776 Target Group
Legacy of Brierbloom Rk. II
1: Increase Damage Shield by 108

885 Target Group
Legacy of Brierbloom Rk. III
1: Increase Damage Shield by 116

943 Target Group
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 4398

1497 Caster Group
Lunulation Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 4772

1564 Caster Group
Lunulation Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 5020

1607 Caster Group
Mask of the Raptor
2: Increase Magnification by 120%
3: Increase Current Mana by 13 per Tick
4: See Invisible
5: Ultravision

350 Self
Mask of the Raptor Rk. II
2: Increase Magnification by 120%
3: Increase Current Mana by 15 per Tick
4: See Invisible
5: Ultravision

350 Self
Mask of the Raptor Rk. III
2: Increase Magnification by 120%
3: Increase Current Mana by 17 per Tick
4: See Invisible
5: Ultravision

350 Self
Nature's Searing Wrath
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5872
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3015 per Tick

2388 Single
Nature's Searing Wrath Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6166
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3166 per Tick

2416 Single
Nature's Searing Wrath Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6474
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3324 per Tick

2477 Single
Ring of the Grounds
1: Teleport to housegarden, Location: 407, -1330, -101

150 Self
Surge of Ironvines
5: Increase Damage Shield by 2100

1208 Single
Surge of Ironvines Rk. II
5: Increase Damage Shield by 2400

1406 Single
Surge of Ironvines Rk. III
5: Increase Damage Shield by 2800

1606 Single
1: Increase Chance to Twincast by 100%
2: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
3: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker
4: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
5: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
6: Limit Type: Detrimental

1 Self
Twincast Rk. II
1: Increase Chance to Twincast by 100%
2: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
3: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker
4: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
5: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
6: Limit Type: Detrimental

1 Self
Twincast Rk. III
1: Increase Chance to Twincast by 100%
2: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
3: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker
4: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
5: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
6: Limit Type: Detrimental

1 Self
Zephyr: the Grounds
1: Translocate to housegarden, Location: 407, -1330, -101

225 Single

Level 86

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Beast's Beguiling
1: Charm up to Level 88

1436 Single, Restriction: Animal or Insect
Beast's Beguiling Rk. II
1: Charm up to Level 88

1493 Single, Restriction: Animal or Insect
Beast's Beguiling Rk. III
1: Charm up to Level 88

1553 Single, Restriction: Animal or Insect
Cyclonic Hail
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3217

1266 Target AE
Cyclonic Hail Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3525

1362 Target AE
Cyclonic Hail Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3802

1441 Target AE
Grasp of Ro
1: Cast Ro's Reflection (v374)
4: Decrease Attack by 93
6: Decrease Armor Class by 7 to 9, Based on Class
7: Decrease Fire Resist by 73
10: Decrease Attack by 101
12: Decrease Armor Class by 4 to 5, Based on Class

761 Single
Grasp of Ro Rk. II
1: Cast Ro's Reflection II (v374)
4: Decrease Attack by 94
6: Decrease Armor Class by 7 to 9, Based on Class
7: Decrease Fire Resist by 75
10: Decrease Attack by 104
12: Decrease Armor Class by 4 to 5, Based on Class

796 Single
Grasp of Ro Rk. III
1: Cast Ro's Reflection III (v374)
4: Decrease Attack by 96
6: Decrease Armor Class by 7 to 9, Based on Class
7: Decrease Fire Resist by 79
10: Decrease Attack by 109
12: Decrease Armor Class by 4 to 5, Based on Class

817 Single
Mammoth's Force
3: Increase Attack by 141
7: Increase Hit Damage by 9% (v185)

384 Single
Mammoth's Force Rk. II
3: Increase Attack by 152
7: Increase Hit Damage by 10% (v185)

401 Single
Mammoth's Force Rk. III
3: Increase Attack by 164
7: Increase Hit Damage by 11% (v185)

420 Single
Nature's Harmony
1: Decrease Social Radius to 14 up to Level 90

250 Single
Nature's Harmony Rk. II
1: Decrease Social Radius to 12 up to Level 90

250 Single
Nature's Harmony Rk. III
1: Decrease Social Radius to 10 up to Level 90

250 Single
Ro's Reflection
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 4368

0 / 0 Targets Target
Ro's Reflection II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 4809

0 / 0 Targets Target
Ro's Reflection III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 5102

0 / 0 Targets Target
Scorching Sunray
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 212 (v297, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 660 per Tick
3: Decrease Fire Resist by 55
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Max Level: 90 (Lose 100% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
10: Decrease Armor Class by 15 to 20, Based on Class

1254 Single
Scorching Sunray Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 223 (v297, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 683 per Tick
3: Decrease Fire Resist by 58
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Max Level: 90 (Lose 100% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
10: Decrease Armor Class by 17 to 22, Based on Class

1287 Single
Scorching Sunray Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 235 (v297, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 708 per Tick
3: Decrease Fire Resist by 61
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Max Level: 90 (Lose 100% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
10: Decrease Armor Class by 18 to 24, Based on Class

1327 Single
Shear of the Stormborn
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1110
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 90

486 Single
Shear of the Stormborn Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1261
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 90

532 Single
Shear of the Stormborn Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1361
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 90

560 Single
Spirit of the Relentless
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 171 per Tick

728 Single
Spirit of the Relentless Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 202 per Tick

829 Single
Spirit of the Relentless Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 238 per Tick

884 Single
1: 10% Chance to Cast Wild Thornspurs (v340)
10: Increase Damage Shield by 1190

1056 Single
Thornspur Rk. II
1: 10% Chance to Cast Wild Thornspurs (v340)
10: Increase Damage Shield by 1352

1156 Single
Thornspur Rk. III
1: 10% Chance to Cast Wild Thornspurs (v340)
10: Increase Damage Shield by 1460

1219 Single

Level 87

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 5824

893 Single
Benevida Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 6413

947 Single
Benevida Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 6803

982 Single
Bonebriar Bulwark
1: Increase Damage Shield by 124

404 Single
Bonebriar Bulwark Rk. II
1: Increase Damage Shield by 140

460 Single
Bonebriar Bulwark Rk. III
1: Increase Damage Shield by 151

491 Single
Bracing Breath
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 8% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 90 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Decrease Cold Resist by 82
6: Decrease Armor Class by 13 to 17, Based on Class
7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
8: Limit Resist: Cold
9: Cast Bracing Heal (v374)

580 Single
Bracing Breath Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 9% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 90 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Decrease Cold Resist by 86
6: Decrease Armor Class by 14 to 19, Based on Class
7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
8: Limit Resist: Cold
9: Cast Bracing Heal II (v374)

606 Single
Bracing Breath Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 10% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 90 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Decrease Cold Resist by 90
6: Decrease Armor Class by 15 to 20, Based on Class
7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
8: Limit Resist: Cold
9: Cast Bracing Heal III (v374)

623 Single
Bracing Heal
11: Increase Current Hit Points by 1891 per Tick

0 / 0 Targets Target
Bracing Heal II
11: Increase Current Hit Points by 2053 per Tick

0 / 0 Targets Target
Bracing Heal III
11: Increase Current Hit Points by 2159 per Tick

0 / 0 Targets Target
Eyes of the Winter Hawk
4: See Invisible (Enhanced - 3)
5: Ultravision

250 Self
Eyes of the Winter Hawk Rk. II
4: See Invisible (Enhanced - 3)
5: Ultravision

275 Self
Eyes of the Winter Hawk Rk. III
4: See Invisible (Enhanced - 3)
5: Ultravision

300 Self
Promised Replenishment
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Replenishment Trigger I
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (14908)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 14908
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 14908

645 Single
Promised Replenishment Rk. II
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Replenishment Trigger II
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (16169)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 16169
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 16169

674 Single
Promised Replenishment Rk. III
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Replenishment Trigger III
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (17015)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 17015
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 17015

692 Single
Timbercore Skin
1: Increase Armor Class by 21 to 27, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 1826
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 1826
4: Increase Current Mana by 23 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1310
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 5424
7: Increase Current Endurance by 3 per Tick

1708 Single
Timbercore Skin Rk. II
1: Increase Armor Class by 24 to 31, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 2159
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 2159
4: Increase Current Mana by 26 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1356
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 5757
7: Increase Current Endurance by 3 per Tick

1948 Single
Timbercore Skin Rk. III
1: Increase Armor Class by 25 to 33, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 2324
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 2324
4: Increase Current Mana by 30 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1378
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 5922
7: Increase Current Endurance by 4 per Tick

2076 Single
Untamed Growth
8: Increase Max Hit Points by 5929 (Decaying to 3025 @ 121/Tick)

535 Single
Untamed Growth Rk. II
8: Increase Max Hit Points by 7007 (Decaying to 3575 @ 143/Tick)

610 Single
Untamed Growth Rk. III
8: Increase Max Hit Points by 7546 (Decaying to 3850 @ 154/Tick)

650 Single
Wildfire Aura
1: Aura Effect: Wildfire Aura Effect (PCIObDruS18L087AuraFireProcRk1)

1146 Self
Wildfire Aura Rk. II
1: Aura Effect: Wildfire Aura Effect II (PCIObDruS18L087AuraFireProcRk2)

1307 Self
Wildfire Aura Rk. III
1: Aura Effect: Wildfire Aura Effect III (PCIObDruS18L087AuraFireProcRk3)

1393 Self

Level 88

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Annihilate the Divergent
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6029
2: 12% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 2% Chance to Cast Annihilate Havoc (v340)

760 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Annihilate the Divergent Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6849
2: 12% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 2% Chance to Cast Annihilate Havoc (v340)

832 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Annihilate the Divergent Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7398
2: 12% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 3% Chance to Cast Annihilate Havoc (v340)

878 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Bonebriar Coat
2: Increase Armor Class by 29 to 39, Based on Class
3: Increase Damage Shield by 40

660 Self
Bonebriar Coat Rk. II
2: Increase Armor Class by 32 to 42, Based on Class
3: Increase Damage Shield by 44

752 Self
Bonebriar Coat Rk. III
2: Increase Armor Class by 36 to 47, Based on Class
3: Increase Damage Shield by 48

802 Self
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4646

Recourse: Daybreak Blessing

836 Single
Daybreak Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5278

Recourse: Daybreak Blessing

916 Single
Daybreak Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5701

Recourse: Daybreak Blessing

965 Single
Frostfell Aura
1: Aura Effect: Frostfell Aura Effect (PCIObDruS18L088AuraIceProcRk1)

1125 Self
Frostfell Aura Rk. II
1: Aura Effect: Frostfell Aura Effect II (PCIObDruS18L088AuraIceProcRk2)

1283 Self
Frostfell Aura Rk. III
1: Aura Effect: Frostfell Aura Effect III (PCIObDruS18L088AuraIceProcRk3)

1367 Self
Horde of Scoriae
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1904 per Tick

2374 Single
Horde of Scoriae Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1985 per Tick

2446 Single
Horde of Scoriae Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2070 per Tick

2518 Single
Reject Corruption
1: Increase Corruption Resist by 35

50 Single
Reject Corruption Rk. II
1: Increase Corruption Resist by 46

50 Single
Reject Corruption Rk. III
1: Increase Corruption Resist by 60

50 Single
Remote Sunflare
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5481
2: Cast Sunflare Enervation (v374)

1637 Single
Remote Sunflare Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6033
2: Cast Sunflare Enervation Rk. II (v374)

1734 Single
Remote Sunflare Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6402
2: Cast Sunflare Enervation Rk. III (v374)

1886 Single
Skin to Leaves
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 8% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 90 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
7: Transform Body Type to Plant

300 Single, Restriction: Living
Skin to Leaves Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 9% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 90 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
7: Transform Body Type to Plant

300 Single, Restriction: Living
Skin to Leaves Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 10% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 90 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
7: Transform Body Type to Plant

300 Single, Restriction: Living
Sunflare Enervation
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 5481

50 Targets Target
Sunflare Enervation Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 6033

50 Targets Target
Sunflare Enervation Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 6402

50 Targets Target
Survival of the Propitious
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 2001 if Hit Points Between 55 and 65 Percent
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 4002 if Hit Points Between 45 and 55 Percent
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 6003 if Hit Points Between 35 and 45 Percent
4: Increase Current Hit Points by 8004 if Hit Points Between 25 and 35 Percent
5: Increase Current Hit Points by 10005 if Hit Points Between 1 and 25 Percent

1513 Target Group
Survival of the Propitious Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 2171 if Hit Points Between 55 and 65 Percent
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 4343 if Hit Points Between 45 and 55 Percent
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 6514 if Hit Points Between 35 and 45 Percent
4: Increase Current Hit Points by 8685 if Hit Points Between 25 and 35 Percent
5: Increase Current Hit Points by 10857 if Hit Points Between 1 and 25 Percent

1582 Target Group
Survival of the Propitious Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 2284 if Hit Points Between 55 and 65 Percent
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 4569 if Hit Points Between 45 and 55 Percent
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 6853 if Hit Points Between 35 and 45 Percent
4: Increase Current Hit Points by 9137 if Hit Points Between 25 and 35 Percent
5: Increase Current Hit Points by 11422 if Hit Points Between 1 and 25 Percent

1626 Target Group
Winter's Pyre
1: Cast Winter's Pyre Frostbite (v374)
2: Cast Winter's Pyre Burn (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 732
4: Current Hit Points by 0

773 Single
Winter's Pyre Burn
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2987
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Pyre Burn II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3393
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Pyre Burn III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3665
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Pyre Frostbite
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2567
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Pyre Frostbite II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2916
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Pyre Frostbite III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3150
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Pyre Rk. II
1: Cast Winter's Pyre Frostbite II (v374)
2: Cast Winter's Pyre Burn II (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 732
4: Current Hit Points by 0

845 Single
Winter's Pyre Rk. III
1: Cast Winter's Pyre Frostbite III (v374)
2: Cast Winter's Pyre Burn III (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 732
4: Current Hit Points by 0

891 Single

Level 89

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Argent Frost
1: Cast Argent Frost Heal (v340)
5: Decrease Attack by 150
6: Decrease Armor Class by 10 to 13, Based on Class

508 Single
Argent Frost Heal
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 2912

10 Targets Target
Argent Frost Heal II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 3206

10 Targets Target
Argent Frost Heal III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 3402

10 Targets Target
Argent Frost Rk. II
1: Cast Argent Frost Heal II (v340)
5: Decrease Attack by 156
6: Decrease Armor Class by 12 to 15, Based on Class

531 Single
Argent Frost Rk. III
1: Cast Argent Frost Heal III (v340)
5: Decrease Attack by 164
6: Decrease Armor Class by 13 to 17, Based on Class

545 Single
Chant of the Tae Ew
1: Decrease Corruption Counter by 11

20 Caster Group
Chant of the Tae Ew Rk. II
1: Decrease Corruption Counter by 14

20 Caster Group
Chant of the Tae Ew Rk. III
1: Decrease Corruption Counter by 18

20 Caster Group
Gelid Moonbeam
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 212 (v297, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 666 per Tick
3: Decrease Cold Resist by 55
5: Limit Resist: Cold
6: Limit Max Level: 90 (Lose 100% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
10: Decrease Armor Class by 15 to 20, Based on Class

1141 Single
Gelid Moonbeam Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 223 (v297, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 689 per Tick
3: Decrease Cold Resist by 58
5: Limit Resist: Cold
6: Limit Max Level: 90 (Lose 100% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
10: Decrease Armor Class by 17 to 22, Based on Class

1149 Single
Gelid Moonbeam Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 235 (v297, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 714 per Tick
3: Decrease Cold Resist by 61
5: Limit Resist: Cold
6: Limit Max Level: 90 (Lose 100% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
10: Decrease Armor Class by 18 to 24, Based on Class

1164 Single
Polyporous Assault
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmDruS18L089SporePurRk1 x 1 for 34s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

855 Single
Polyporous Assault Rk. II
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmDruS18L089SporePurRk2 x 1 for 34s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

937 Single
Polyporous Assault Rk. III
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmDruS18L089SporePurRk3 x 1 for 34s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

989 Single
Purged Blood
1: Decrease Poison Counter by 14
2: Decrease Poison Counter by 14
3: Decrease Disease Counter by 14
4: Decrease Disease Counter by 14
5: Decrease Curse Counter by 14

150 Single
Purged Blood Rk. II
1: Decrease Poison Counter by 15
2: Decrease Poison Counter by 15
3: Decrease Disease Counter by 15
4: Decrease Disease Counter by 15
5: Decrease Curse Counter by 15

150 Single
Purged Blood Rk. III
1: Decrease Poison Counter by 18
2: Decrease Poison Counter by 18
3: Decrease Disease Counter by 18
4: Decrease Disease Counter by 18
5: Decrease Curse Counter by 18

150 Single
Shell of the Reptile
4: Add Defensive Proc: Shell of the Reptile Curse with 400% Rate Mod

772 Single
Shell of the Reptile Rk. II
4: Add Defensive Proc: Shell of the Reptile Curse II with 400% Rate Mod

799 Single
Shell of the Reptile Rk. III
4: Add Defensive Proc: Shell of the Reptile Curse III with 400% Rate Mod

827 Single
Summer Prominence
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4980

873 Single
Summer Prominence Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5656

955 Single
Summer Prominence Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6109

1006 Single
1: Increase Curse Counter by 16
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2369 per Tick

1819 Single
Sunbrand Rk. II
1: Increase Curse Counter by 16
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2468 per Tick

1997 Single
Sunbrand Rk. III
1: Increase Curse Counter by 16
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2572 per Tick

2103 Single
Sunrise Blessing
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4330

Recourse: Healing Twincast

1542 Targets Target
Sunrise Blessing Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4918

Recourse: Healing Twincast

1643 Targets Target
Sunrise Blessing Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5312

Recourse: Healing Twincast

1708 Targets Target
Talisman of the Relentless
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 171 per Tick

1723 Target Group
Talisman of the Relentless Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 202 per Tick

1963 Target Group
Talisman of the Relentless Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 238 per Tick

2092 Target Group
Tectonic Shock
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2522

1614 Caster PB
Tectonic Shock Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2865

1835 Caster PB
Tectonic Shock Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3108

1989 Caster PB

Level 90

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Adrenaline Blast
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 8460
2: 35% Chance to Cast Adrenaline Blast Effect (v340)

1789 Single
Adrenaline Blast Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 9179
2: 35% Chance to Cast Adrenaline Blast Effect II (v340)

1869 Single
Adrenaline Blast Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 9658
2: 35% Chance to Cast Adrenaline Blast Effect III (v340)

1921 Single
Arboreal Absolution
1: Cast on Spell Use: Arboreal Infusion - Variable Proc Chance on Cast Time 2s=37.5% 3s=50.1% 4s=75% 5s=100%
2: Cast Arboreal Absolution Illusion (v374)
3: Limit Max Level: 90 (Lose 10% per Level)
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Type: Detrimental
6: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10

961 Caster Group
Arboreal Absolution Rk. II
1: Cast on Spell Use: Arboreal Infusion II - Variable Proc Chance on Cast Time 2s=37.5% 3s=50.1% 4s=75% 5s=100%
2: Cast Arboreal Absolution Illusion (v374)
3: Limit Max Level: 90 (Lose 10% per Level)
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Type: Detrimental
6: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10

1024 Caster Group
Arboreal Absolution Rk. III
1: Cast on Spell Use: Arboreal Infusion III - Variable Proc Chance on Cast Time 2s=37.5% 3s=50.1% 4s=75% 5s=100%
2: Cast Arboreal Absolution Illusion (v374)
3: Limit Max Level: 90 (Lose 10% per Level)
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Type: Detrimental
6: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10

1064 Caster Group
Argent Crystals
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4278

674 Single
Argent Crystals Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4860

737 Single
Argent Crystals Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5250

777 Single
Blessing of the Timbercore
1: Increase Armor Class by 21 to 27, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 1826
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 1826
4: Increase Current Mana by 23 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1311
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 5425
7: Increase Current Endurance by 3 per Tick

4166 Target Group
Blessing of the Timbercore Rk. II
1: Increase Armor Class by 24 to 31, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 2159
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 2159
4: Increase Current Mana by 26 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1357
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 5758
7: Increase Current Endurance by 3 per Tick

4750 Target Group
Blessing of the Timbercore Rk. III
1: Increase Armor Class by 25 to 33, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 2324
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 2324
4: Increase Current Mana by 30 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1379
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 5923
7: Increase Current Endurance by 4 per Tick

5061 Target Group
Circle of the Domain
1: Teleport to beastdomain, Location: -3064, 2822, 10

300 Caster Group
Legacy of Bonebriar
1: Increase Damage Shield by 124

854 Target Group
Legacy of Bonebriar Rk. II
1: Increase Damage Shield by 140

974 Target Group
Legacy of Bonebriar Rk. III
1: Increase Damage Shield by 151

1037 Target Group
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 6003

1777 Caster Group
Lunamelioration Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 6514

1857 Caster Group
Lunamelioration Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 6853

1908 Caster Group
Mask of the Arboreal
2: Increase Magnification by 120%
3: Increase Current Mana by 19 per Tick
4: See Invisible
5: Ultravision

385 Self
Mask of the Arboreal Rk. II
2: Increase Magnification by 120%
3: Increase Current Mana by 22 per Tick
4: See Invisible
5: Ultravision

385 Self
Mask of the Arboreal Rk. III
2: Increase Magnification by 120%
3: Increase Current Mana by 25 per Tick
4: See Invisible
5: Ultravision

385 Self
Nature's Incinerating Wrath
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7445
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4654 per Tick

3504 Single
Nature's Incinerating Wrath Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7817
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4887 per Tick

3662 Single
Nature's Incinerating Wrath Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8208
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5131 per Tick

3826 Single
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 6107

1388 Single
Rejuvilation Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 6627

1428 Single
Rejuvilation Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 6972

1454 Single
Ring of the Domain
1: Teleport to beastdomain, Location: -3064, 2822, 10

150 Self
Surge of Bonebriars
1: Cast on Max Hits: Surge of Bonebriars Regrowth
5: Increase Damage Shield by 2606

1329 Single
Surge of Bonebriars Rk. II
1: Cast on Max Hits: Surge of Bonebriars Regrowth II
5: Increase Damage Shield by 2978

1547 Single
Surge of Bonebriars Rk. III
1: Cast on Max Hits: Surge of Bonebriars Regrowth III
5: Increase Damage Shield by 3480

1767 Single
Zephyr: Beasts' Domain
1: Translocate to beastdomain, Location: -3064, 2822, 10

225 Single

Level 91

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Beast's Behest
1: Charm up to Level 93

1544 Single, Restriction: Animal or Insect
Beast's Behest Rk. II
1: Charm up to Level 93

1606 Single, Restriction: Animal or Insect
Beast's Behest Rk. III
1: Charm up to Level 93

1670 Single, Restriction: Animal or Insect
Blazing Sunray
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 282 (v297, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 847 per Tick
3: Decrease Fire Resist by 64
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Max Level: 95 (Lose 100% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
10: Decrease Armor Class by 22 to 29, Based on Class

1587 Single
Blazing Sunray Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 296 (v297, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 879 per Tick
3: Decrease Fire Resist by 67
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Max Level: 95 (Lose 100% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
10: Decrease Armor Class by 23 to 30, Based on Class

1606 Single
Blazing Sunray Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 311 (v297, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 913 per Tick
3: Decrease Fire Resist by 70
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Max Level: 95 (Lose 100% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
10: Decrease Armor Class by 24 to 32, Based on Class

1665 Single
Crashing Hail
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5513

1382 Target AE
Crashing Hail Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5789

1437 Target AE
Crashing Hail Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6078

1494 Target AE
Cyclone of the Stormborn
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1633
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 95

609 Single
Cyclone of the Stormborn Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1715
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 95

633 Single
Cyclone of the Stormborn Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1801
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 95

658 Single
Fawnwalker's Breeze
1: Decrease Poison Counter by 16
2: Decrease Poison Counter by 16
3: Decrease Disease Counter by 16
4: Decrease Disease Counter by 16
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 18

120 Target Group
Fawnwalker's Breeze Rk. II
1: Decrease Poison Counter by 18
2: Decrease Poison Counter by 18
3: Decrease Disease Counter by 18
4: Decrease Disease Counter by 18
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 20

120 Target Group
Fawnwalker's Breeze Rk. III
1: Decrease Poison Counter by 20
2: Decrease Poison Counter by 20
3: Decrease Disease Counter by 20
4: Decrease Disease Counter by 20
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 23

120 Target Group
Flight of Falcons
1: See Invisible
2: Increase Movement Speed by 90%
3: Levitate
4: Ultravision

1000 Target Group
Grip of Ro
1: Cast Ro's Reflection (v374)
4: Decrease Attack by 93
6: Decrease Armor Class by 7 to 9, Based on Class
7: Decrease Fire Resist by 73
10: Decrease Attack by 101
12: Decrease Armor Class by 4 to 5, Based on Class

789 Single
Grip of Ro Rk. II
1: Cast Ro's Reflection II (v374)
4: Decrease Attack by 94
6: Decrease Armor Class by 7 to 9, Based on Class
7: Decrease Fire Resist by 75
10: Decrease Attack by 104
12: Decrease Armor Class by 4 to 5, Based on Class

821 Single
Grip of Ro Rk. III
1: Cast Ro's Reflection III (v374)
4: Decrease Attack by 96
6: Decrease Armor Class by 7 to 9, Based on Class
7: Decrease Fire Resist by 79
10: Decrease Attack by 109
12: Decrease Armor Class by 4 to 5, Based on Class

854 Single
Heliacal Flare
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8195

1966 Target AE
Heliacal Flare Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8605

2045 Target AE
Heliacal Flare Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 9035

2127 Target AE
Nature's Tranquility
1: Decrease Social Radius to 14 up to Level 95

250 Single
Nature's Tranquility Rk. II
1: Decrease Social Radius to 12 up to Level 95

250 Single
Nature's Tranquility Rk. III
1: Decrease Social Radius to 10 up to Level 95

250 Single
Ro's Reflection
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 6122

0 / 0 Targets Target
Ro's Reflection II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 6428

0 / 0 Targets Target
Ro's Reflection III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 6749

0 / 0 Targets Target
Spirit of the Indomitable
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 357 per Tick

1126 Single
Spirit of the Indomitable Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 375 per Tick

1171 Single
Spirit of the Indomitable Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 394 per Tick

1218 Single
1: 10% Chance to Cast Wild Vinespurs (v340)
10: Increase Damage Shield by 1825

1246 Single
Vinespur Rk. II
1: 10% Chance to Cast Wild Vinespurs (v340)
10: Increase Damage Shield by 1962

1296 Single
Vinespur Rk. III
1: 10% Chance to Cast Wild Vinespurs (v340)
10: Increase Damage Shield by 2158

1348 Single

Level 92

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Beastwood Guard
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 75%, Total: 11200
2: Add Defensive Proc: Beastwood Guard Parry with 400% Rate Mod

476 Self
Beastwood Guard Rk. II
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 75%, Total: 12300
2: Add Defensive Proc: Beastwood Guard Parry II with 400% Rate Mod

495 Self
Beastwood Guard Rk. III
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 75%, Total: 13500
2: Add Defensive Proc: Beastwood Guard Parry III with 400% Rate Mod

515 Self
Circle of Alra
1: Teleport to pillarsalra, Location: -61, -36, 670

300 Caster Group
Encompassing Breath
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 8% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 95 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Decrease Cold Resist by 95
6: Decrease Armor Class by 16 to 21, Based on Class
7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
8: Limit Resist: Cold
9: Cast Encompassing Heal (v374)

625 Single
Encompassing Breath Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 9% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 95 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Decrease Cold Resist by 100
6: Decrease Armor Class by 17 to 22, Based on Class
7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
8: Limit Resist: Cold
9: Cast Encompassing Heal II (v374)

650 Single
Encompassing Breath Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 10% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 95 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Decrease Cold Resist by 105
6: Decrease Armor Class by 17 to 23, Based on Class
7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
8: Limit Resist: Cold
9: Cast Encompassing Heal III (v374)

676 Single
Encompassing Heal
11: Increase Current Hit Points by 2483 per Tick

0 / 0 Targets Target
Encompassing Heal II
11: Increase Current Hit Points by 2607 per Tick

0 / 0 Targets Target
Encompassing Heal III
11: Increase Current Hit Points by 2737 per Tick

0 / 0 Targets Target
Lunar Chill
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8047

1803 Target AE
Lunar Chill Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8450

1875 Target AE
Lunar Chill Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8872

1950 Target AE
Promised Revitalization
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Revitalization Trigger I
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (21270)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 21270
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 21270

783 Single
Promised Revitalization Rk. II
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Revitalization Trigger II
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (22334)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 22334
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 22334

814 Single
Promised Revitalization Rk. III
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Revitalization Trigger III
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (23451)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 23451
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 23451

847 Single
Ring of Alra
1: Teleport to pillarsalra, Location: -61, -36, 670

150 Self
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 8164

963 Single
Sanavida Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 8572

1002 Single
Sanavida Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 9001

1042 Single
Spineburr Bulwark
1: Increase Damage Shield by 227

569 Single
Spineburr Bulwark Rk. II
1: Increase Damage Shield by 238

592 Single
Spineburr Bulwark Rk. III
1: Increase Damage Shield by 250

616 Single
Stonebark Skin
1: Increase Armor Class by 30 to 40, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 3068
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 3068
4: Increase Current Mana by 32 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1454
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 6966
7: Increase Current Endurance by 4 per Tick

2082 Single
Stonebark Skin Rk. II
1: Increase Armor Class by 32 to 42, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 3221
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 3221
4: Increase Current Mana by 34 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1477
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 7119
7: Increase Current Endurance by 4 per Tick

2165 Single
Stonebark Skin Rk. III
1: Increase Armor Class by 33 to 44, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 3382
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 3382
4: Increase Current Mana by 36 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1501
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 7280
7: Increase Current Endurance by 5 per Tick

2252 Single
Unfettered Growth
8: Increase Max Hit Points by 9504 (Decaying to 6600 @ 121/Tick)

724 Single
Unfettered Growth Rk. II
8: Increase Max Hit Points by 9963 (Decaying to 6531 @ 143/Tick)

753 Single
Unfettered Growth Rk. III
8: Increase Max Hit Points by 10457 (Decaying to 6761 @ 154/Tick)

783 Single
Wildblaze Aura
1: Aura Effect: Wildblaze Aura Effect (PCIObDruS19L092AuraFireProcRk1)

1379 Self
Wildblaze Aura Rk. II
1: Aura Effect: Wildblaze Aura Effect II (PCIObDruS19L092AuraFireProcRk2)

1434 Self
Wildblaze Aura Rk. III
1: Aura Effect: Wildblaze Aura Effect III (PCIObDruS19L092AuraFireProcRk3)

1491 Self
Zephyr: Pillars of Alra
1: Translocate to pillarsalra, Location: -61, -36, 670

225 Single

Level 93

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Abolish the Divergent
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 9248
2: 12% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 2% Chance to Cast Abolish Destruction (v340)

992 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Abolish the Divergent Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 9710
2: 12% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 2% Chance to Cast Abolish Destruction (v340)

1032 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Abolish the Divergent Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 10196
2: 12% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 3% Chance to Cast Abolish Destruction (v340)

1073 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Frostcloak Aura
1: Aura Effect: Frostcloak Aura Effect (PCIObDruS19L093AuraIceProcRk1)

1353 Self
Frostcloak Aura Rk. II
1: Aura Effect: Frostcloak Aura Effect II (PCIObDruS19L093AuraIceProcRk2)

1407 Self
Frostcloak Aura Rk. III
1: Aura Effect: Frostcloak Aura Effect III (PCIObDruS19L093AuraIceProcRk3)

1463 Self
Horde of Vespids
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2973 per Tick

3739 Single
Horde of Vespids Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3106 per Tick

3872 Single
Horde of Vespids Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3246 per Tick

4010 Single
Remote Sunburst
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7682
2: Cast Sunburst Enervation (v374)

1953 Single
Remote Sunburst Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8066
2: Cast Sunburst Enervation II (v374)

2031 Single
Remote Sunburst Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8469
2: Cast Sunburst Enervation III (v374)

2112 Single
Rescind Corruption
1: Increase Corruption Resist by 40

50 Single
Rescind Corruption Rk. II
1: Increase Corruption Resist by 51

50 Single
Rescind Corruption Rk. III
1: Increase Corruption Resist by 65

50 Single
Roar of Kolos
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 12458
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 95

2474 Single
Roar of Kolos Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 13081
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 95

2573 Single
Roar of Kolos Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 13735
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 95

2676 Single
Skin to Foliage
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 8% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 95 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
7: Transform Body Type to Plant

300 Single, Restriction: Living
Skin to Foliage Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 9% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 95 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
7: Transform Body Type to Plant

300 Single, Restriction: Living
Skin to Foliage Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 10% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 95 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
7: Transform Body Type to Plant

300 Single, Restriction: Living
Spineburr Coat
2: Increase Armor Class by 45 to 59, Based on Class
3: Increase Damage Shield by 52

853 Self
Spineburr Coat Rk. II
2: Increase Armor Class by 47 to 62, Based on Class
3: Increase Damage Shield by 55

887 Self
Spineburr Coat Rk. III
2: Increase Armor Class by 49 to 65, Based on Class
3: Increase Damage Shield by 58

922 Self
Sunburst Enervation
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 7682

50 Targets Target
Sunburst Enervation II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 8066

50 Targets Target
Sunburst Enervation III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 8469

50 Targets Target
Survival of the Prosperous
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 2852 if Hit Points Between 55 and 65 Percent
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 5714 if Hit Points Between 45 and 55 Percent
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 8566 if Hit Points Between 35 and 45 Percent
4: Increase Current Hit Points by 11418 if Hit Points Between 25 and 35 Percent
5: Increase Current Hit Points by 14280 if Hit Points Between 1 and 25 Percent

1837 Target Group
Survival of the Prosperous Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 2995 if Hit Points Between 55 and 65 Percent
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 6000 if Hit Points Between 45 and 55 Percent
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 8994 if Hit Points Between 35 and 45 Percent
4: Increase Current Hit Points by 11989 if Hit Points Between 25 and 35 Percent
5: Increase Current Hit Points by 14994 if Hit Points Between 1 and 25 Percent

1910 Target Group
Survival of the Prosperous Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 3145 if Hit Points Between 55 and 65 Percent
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 6300 if Hit Points Between 45 and 55 Percent
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 9444 if Hit Points Between 35 and 45 Percent
4: Increase Current Hit Points by 12588 if Hit Points Between 25 and 35 Percent
5: Increase Current Hit Points by 15744 if Hit Points Between 1 and 25 Percent

1986 Target Group
Winter's Sear
1: Cast Winter's Sear Frostbite (v374)
2: Cast Winter's Sear Burn (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 915
4: Current Hit Points by 0

935 Single
Winter's Sear Burn
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3780
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Sear Burn II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3969
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Sear Burn III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4167
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Sear Frostbite
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3780
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Sear Frostbite II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3969
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Sear Frostbite III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4167
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Sear Rk. II
1: Cast Winter's Sear Frostbite II (v374)
2: Cast Winter's Sear Burn II (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 915
4: Current Hit Points by 0

972 Single
Winter's Sear Rk. III
1: Cast Winter's Sear Frostbite III (v374)
2: Cast Winter's Sear Burn III (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 915
4: Current Hit Points by 0

1011 Single

Level 94

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Algid Moonbeam
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 282 (v297, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 853 per Tick
3: Decrease Cold Resist by 64
5: Limit Resist: Cold
6: Limit Max Level: 95 (Lose 100% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
10: Decrease Armor Class by 22 to 29, Based on Class

1474 Single
Algid Moonbeam Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 296 (v297, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 885 per Tick
3: Decrease Cold Resist by 67
5: Limit Resist: Cold
6: Limit Max Level: 95 (Lose 100% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
10: Decrease Armor Class by 23 to 30, Based on Class

1491 Single
Algid Moonbeam Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 311 (v297, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 919 per Tick
3: Decrease Cold Resist by 70
5: Limit Resist: Cold
6: Limit Max Level: 95 (Lose 100% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
10: Decrease Armor Class by 24 to 32, Based on Class

1480 Single
Chant of the Izon
1: Decrease Corruption Counter by 24

20 Caster Group
Chant of the Izon Rk. II
1: Decrease Corruption Counter by 27

20 Caster Group
Chant of the Izon Rk. III
1: Decrease Corruption Counter by 30

20 Caster Group
Hide of the Reptile
4: Add Defensive Proc: Hide of the Reptile Curse with 400% Rate Mod

906 Single
Hide of the Reptile Rk. II
4: Add Defensive Proc: Hide of the Reptile Curse II with 400% Rate Mod

938 Single
Hide of the Reptile Rk. III
4: Add Defensive Proc: Hide of the Reptile Curse III with 400% Rate Mod

971 Single
Myconid Assault
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmDruS19L094SporePurRk1 x 1 for 34s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

1089 Single
Myconid Assault Rk. II
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmDruS19L094SporePurRk2 x 1 for 34s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

1133 Single
Myconid Assault Rk. III
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmDruS19L094SporePurRk3 x 1 for 34s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

1178 Single
Perfected Blood
1: Decrease Poison Counter by 30
2: Decrease Poison Counter by 30
3: Decrease Disease Counter by 30
4: Decrease Disease Counter by 30
5: Decrease Curse Counter by 36
6: Decrease Corruption Counter by 36

150 Single
Perfected Blood Rk. II
1: Decrease Poison Counter by 32
2: Decrease Poison Counter by 32
3: Decrease Disease Counter by 32
4: Decrease Disease Counter by 32
5: Decrease Curse Counter by 38
6: Decrease Corruption Counter by 38

150 Single
Perfected Blood Rk. III
1: Decrease Poison Counter by 34
2: Decrease Poison Counter by 34
3: Decrease Disease Counter by 34
4: Decrease Disease Counter by 34
5: Decrease Curse Counter by 40
6: Decrease Corruption Counter by 40

150 Single
Silver Frost
1: Cast Silver Frost Heal (v340)
5: Decrease Attack by 150
6: Decrease Armor Class by 10 to 13, Based on Class

535 Single
Silver Frost Heal
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 4082

10 Targets Target
Silver Frost Heal II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 4286

10 Targets Target
Silver Frost Heal III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 4500

10 Targets Target
Silver Frost Rk. II
1: Cast Silver Frost Heal II (v340)
5: Decrease Attack by 156
6: Decrease Armor Class by 12 to 15, Based on Class

556 Single
Silver Frost Rk. III
1: Cast Silver Frost Heal III (v340)
5: Decrease Attack by 164
6: Decrease Armor Class by 13 to 17, Based on Class

578 Single
Summer Zenith
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7331

1094 Single
Summer Zenith Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7698

1138 Single
Summer Zenith Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8083

1184 Single
Sunbreeze Blessing
1: Cast Sunbreeze Blessing Trigger (v374)

Recourse: Healing Twincast

1932 Single
Sunbreeze Blessing Rk. II
1: Cast Sunbreeze Blessing Trigger Rk. II (v374)

Recourse: Healing Twincast

2009 Single
Sunbreeze Blessing Rk. III
1: Cast Sunbreeze Blessing Trigger Rk. III (v374)

Recourse: Healing Twincast

2089 Single
Sunbreeze Blessing Trigger
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6374

10 Targets Target
Sunbreeze Blessing Trigger Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6693

10 Targets Target
Sunbreeze Blessing Trigger Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7028

10 Targets Target
1: Increase Curse Counter by 16
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3462 per Tick

2325 Single
Sunscorch Rk. II
1: Increase Curse Counter by 16
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3614 per Tick

2375 Single
Sunscorch Rk. III
1: Increase Curse Counter by 16
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3774 per Tick

2405 Single
Talisman of the Indomitable
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 357 per Tick

2180 Target Group
Talisman of the Indomitable Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 375 per Tick

2267 Target Group
Talisman of the Indomitable Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 394 per Tick

2358 Target Group
Tectonic Tremor
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4196 if Not Undead or Summoned
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5665 if Undead
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5036 if Summoned

1918 Caster PB
Tectonic Tremor Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4406 if Not Undead or Summoned
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5948 if Undead
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5288 if Summoned

1995 Caster PB
Tectonic Tremor Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4626 if Not Undead or Summoned
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6245 if Undead
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5552 if Summoned

2075 Caster PB

Level 95

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Adrenaline Flood
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 11590
2: 35% Chance to Cast Adrenaline Flood Effect (v340)

2086 Single
Adrenaline Flood Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 12170
2: 35% Chance to Cast Adrenaline Flood Effect II (v340)

2169 Single
Adrenaline Flood Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 12779
2: 35% Chance to Cast Adrenaline Flood Effect III (v340)

2256 Single
Chill of the Natureward
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1528 per Tick
2: Increase Curse Counter by 18
5: Cast on Duration Fade: Frost of the Natureward

4642 Single
Chill of the Natureward Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1604 per Tick
2: Increase Curse Counter by 18
5: Cast on Duration Fade: Frost of the Natureward II

4851 Single
Chill of the Natureward Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1684 per Tick
2: Increase Curse Counter by 18
5: Cast on Duration Fade: Frost of the Natureward III

5069 Single
Circle of the Landing
1: Teleport to shardslanding, Location: -1453, -1090, 1

300 Caster Group
Circle of West Karana
1: Teleport to ethernere, Location: -477, -4223, 54

400 Caster Group
Frost of the Natureward
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4802 per Tick

10 Single
Frost of the Natureward II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5042 per Tick

10 Single
Frost of the Natureward III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5294 per Tick

10 Single
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 8366

1618 Single
Invigoration Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 8784

1683 Single
Invigoration Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 9223

1750 Single
Legacy of Spineburrs
1: Increase Damage Shield by 227

1117 Target Group
Legacy of Spineburrs Rk. II
1: Increase Damage Shield by 238

1162 Target Group
Legacy of Spineburrs Rk. III
1: Increase Damage Shield by 250

1208 Target Group
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 8224

2072 Caster Group
Lunalleviation Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 8635

2155 Caster Group
Lunalleviation Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 9067

2241 Caster Group
Mask of the Thicket Dweller
2: Increase Magnification by 120%
3: Increase Current Mana by 27 per Tick
4: See Invisible
5: Ultravision

385 Self
Mask of the Thicket Dweller Rk. II
2: Increase Magnification by 120%
3: Increase Current Mana by 29 per Tick
4: See Invisible
5: Ultravision

385 Self
Mask of the Thicket Dweller Rk. III
2: Increase Magnification by 120%
3: Increase Current Mana by 32 per Tick
4: See Invisible
5: Ultravision

385 Self
Nature's Scorching Wrath
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 9439
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7183 per Tick

5205 Single
Nature's Scorching Wrath Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 9911
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7542 per Tick

5439 Single
Nature's Scorching Wrath Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 10407
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7919 per Tick

5683 Single
Ring of the Landing
1: Teleport to shardslanding, Location: -1453, -1090, 1

150 Self
Ring of West Karana
1: Teleport to ethernere, Location: -477, -4223, 54

200 Self
Sterlingfrost Crystals
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6300

845 Single
Sterlingfrost Crystals Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6615

879 Single
Sterlingfrost Crystals Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6946

914 Single
Stonebark Blessing
1: Increase Armor Class by 30 to 40, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 3068
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 3068
4: Increase Current Mana by 32 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1455
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 6967
7: Increase Current Endurance by 4 per Tick

4685 Target Group
Stonebark Blessing Rk. II
1: Increase Armor Class by 32 to 42, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 3221
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 3221
4: Increase Current Mana by 34 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1478
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 7120
7: Increase Current Endurance by 4 per Tick

4872 Target Group
Stonebark Blessing Rk. III
1: Increase Armor Class by 33 to 44, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 3382
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 3382
4: Increase Current Mana by 36 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1502
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 7281
7: Increase Current Endurance by 5 per Tick

5067 Target Group
Surge of Spineburrs
1: Cast on Max Hits: Surge of Spineburrs Regrowth
5: Increase Damage Shield by 4002

1724 Single
Surge of Spineburrs Rk. II
1: Cast on Max Hits: Surge of Spineburrs Regrowth II
5: Increase Damage Shield by 4202

1793 Single
Surge of Spineburrs Rk. III
1: Cast on Max Hits: Surge of Spineburrs Regrowth III
5: Increase Damage Shield by 4412

1865 Single
Zephyr: Shard's Landing
1: Translocate to shardslanding, Location: -1453, -1090, 1

225 Single
Zephyr: West Karana
1: Translocate to ethernere, Location: -477, -4223, 54

300 Single

Level 96

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Beast's Bespelling
1: Charm up to Level 98

1675 Single, Restriction: Animal or Insect
Beast's Bespelling Rk. II
1: Charm up to Level 98

1742 Single, Restriction: Animal or Insect
Beast's Bespelling Rk. III
1: Charm up to Level 98

1812 Single, Restriction: Animal or Insect
Bosquetender's Breeze
1: Decrease Poison Counter by 20
2: Decrease Poison Counter by 20
3: Decrease Disease Counter by 20
4: Decrease Disease Counter by 20
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 23

120 Target Group
Bosquetender's Breeze Rk. II
1: Decrease Poison Counter by 22
2: Decrease Poison Counter by 22
3: Decrease Disease Counter by 22
4: Decrease Disease Counter by 22
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 25

120 Target Group
Bosquetender's Breeze Rk. III
1: Decrease Poison Counter by 24
2: Decrease Poison Counter by 24
3: Decrease Disease Counter by 24
4: Decrease Disease Counter by 24
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 27

120 Target Group
Clutch of Ro
1: Cast Ro's Reflection (v374)
4: Decrease Attack by 93
6: Decrease Armor Class by 7 to 9, Based on Class
7: Decrease Fire Resist by 73
10: Decrease Attack by 101
12: Decrease Armor Class by 4 to 5, Based on Class

856 Single
Clutch of Ro Rk. II
1: Cast Ro's Reflection II (v374)
4: Decrease Attack by 94
6: Decrease Armor Class by 7 to 9, Based on Class
7: Decrease Fire Resist by 75
10: Decrease Attack by 104
12: Decrease Armor Class by 4 to 5, Based on Class

890 Single
Clutch of Ro Rk. III
1: Cast Ro's Reflection III (v374)
4: Decrease Attack by 96
6: Decrease Armor Class by 7 to 9, Based on Class
7: Decrease Fire Resist by 79
10: Decrease Attack by 109
12: Decrease Armor Class by 4 to 5, Based on Class

926 Single
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6686

1499 Target AE
Hailstorm Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7020

1559 Target AE
Hailstorm Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7371

1621 Target AE
Heliacal Fire
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 9939

2133 Target AE
Heliacal Fire Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 10436

2218 Target AE
Heliacal Fire Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 10958

2307 Target AE
Incinerating Sunray
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 327 (v297, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1101 per Tick
3: Decrease Fire Resist by 77
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Max Level: 100 (Lose 100% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
10: Decrease Armor Class by 26 to 35, Based on Class

2094 Single
Incinerating Sunray Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 343 (v297, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1145 per Tick
3: Decrease Fire Resist by 81
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Max Level: 100 (Lose 100% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
10: Decrease Armor Class by 28 to 37, Based on Class

2168 Single
Incinerating Sunray Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 360 (v297, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1192 per Tick
3: Decrease Fire Resist by 85
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Max Level: 100 (Lose 100% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
10: Decrease Armor Class by 29 to 38, Based on Class

2246 Single
Nature's Repose
1: Decrease Social Radius to 14 up to Level 100

250 Single
Nature's Repose Rk. II
1: Decrease Social Radius to 12 up to Level 100

250 Single
Nature's Repose Rk. III
1: Decrease Social Radius to 10 up to Level 100

250 Single
Nurturing Growth
1: Decrease Spell Haste by 10000%
2: Limit Spells: Nurturing Growth
3: Summon Pet: PCSwmDruS20L096BearBlkRk1 x 1 for 365s
4: Limit Spells:
5: Limit Spells: Nourishing Growth
6: Limit Spells: Sustaining Growth
7: Limit Spells: Bolstered Growth
8: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable

363 Self
Nurturing Growth Rk. II
1: Decrease Spell Haste by 10000%
2: Limit Spells: Nurturing Growth
3: Summon Pet: PCSwmDruS20L096BearBlkRk2 x 1 for 365s
4: Limit Spells:
5: Limit Spells: Nourishing Growth
6: Limit Spells: Sustaining Growth
7: Limit Spells: Bolstered Growth
8: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable

378 Self
Nurturing Growth Rk. III
1: Decrease Spell Haste by 10000%
2: Limit Spells: Nurturing Growth
3: Summon Pet: PCSwmDruS20L096BearBlkRk3 x 1 for 365s
4: Limit Spells:
5: Limit Spells: Nourishing Growth
6: Limit Spells: Sustaining Growth
7: Limit Spells: Bolstered Growth
8: Limit Type: Include Non-Focusable

393 Self
Ro's Reflection
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 7761

0 / 0 Targets Target
Ro's Reflection II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 8149

0 / 0 Targets Target
Ro's Reflection III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 8556

0 / 0 Targets Target
Spirit of the Steadfast
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 640 per Tick

1222 Single
Spirit of the Steadfast Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 672 per Tick

1271 Single
Spirit of the Steadfast Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 706 per Tick

1322 Single
1: 10% Chance to Cast Wild Stemfangs (v340)
10: Increase Damage Shield by 2374

1352 Single
Stemfang Rk. II
1: 10% Chance to Cast Wild Stemfangs (v340)
10: Increase Damage Shield by 2493

1406 Single
Stemfang Rk. III
1: 10% Chance to Cast Wild Stemfangs (v340)
10: Increase Damage Shield by 2618

1462 Single
Whirlwind of the Stormborn
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2071
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 100

661 Single
Whirlwind of the Stormborn Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2175
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 100

687 Single
Whirlwind of the Stormborn Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2284
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 100

714 Single

Level 97

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Beastsnag Guard
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 75%, Total: 16200
2: Add Defensive Proc: Beastsnag Guard Parry with 400% Rate Mod

516 Self
Beastsnag Guard Rk. II
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 75%, Total: 17000
2: Add Defensive Proc: Beastsnag Guard Parry II with 400% Rate Mod

537 Self
Beastsnag Guard Rk. III
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 75%, Total: 17900
2: Add Defensive Proc: Beastsnag Guard Parry III with 400% Rate Mod

558 Self
Frosthowl Breath
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 10% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 100 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Decrease Cold Resist by 105
6: Decrease Armor Class by 19 to 25, Based on Class
7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
8: Limit Resist: Cold
9: Cast Frosthowl Heal (v374)

678 Single
Frosthowl Breath Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 10% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 100 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Decrease Cold Resist by 110
6: Decrease Armor Class by 20 to 26, Based on Class
7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
8: Limit Resist: Cold
9: Cast Frosthowl Heal II (v374)

705 Single
Frosthowl Breath Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 10% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 100 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Decrease Cold Resist by 115
6: Decrease Armor Class by 20 to 27, Based on Class
7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
8: Limit Resist: Cold
9: Cast Frosthowl Heal III (v374)

733 Single
Frosthowl Chill
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 9759

1956 Target AE
Frosthowl Chill Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 10247

2034 Target AE
Frosthowl Chill Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 10759

2115 Target AE
Frosthowl Heal
11: Increase Current Hit Points by 3011 per Tick

0 / 0 Targets Target
Frosthowl Heal II
11: Increase Current Hit Points by 3162 per Tick

0 / 0 Targets Target
Frosthowl Heal III
11: Increase Current Hit Points by 3320 per Tick

0 / 0 Targets Target
Granitebark Skin
1: Increase Armor Class by 38 to 51, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 3889
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 3889
4: Increase Current Mana by 40 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1576
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 8387
7: Increase Current Endurance by 5 per Tick

2259 Single
Granitebark Skin Rk. II
1: Increase Armor Class by 40 to 53, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 4083
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 4083
4: Increase Current Mana by 42 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1605
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 8481
7: Increase Current Endurance by 5 per Tick

2349 Single
Granitebark Skin Rk. III
1: Increase Armor Class by 42 to 56, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 4287
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 4287
4: Increase Current Mana by 44 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1635
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 8485
7: Increase Current Endurance by 6 per Tick

2443 Single
Pillar of Ro
4: Decrease Attack by 93
6: Decrease Armor Class by 7 to 9, Based on Class
7: Decrease Fire Resist by 73
10: Decrease Attack by 101
12: Decrease Armor Class by 4 to 5, Based on Class

1195 Target AE
Pillar of Ro Rk. II
4: Decrease Attack by 94
6: Decrease Armor Class by 7 to 9, Based on Class
7: Decrease Fire Resist by 75
10: Decrease Attack by 104
12: Decrease Armor Class by 4 to 5, Based on Class

1243 Target AE
Pillar of Ro Rk. III
4: Decrease Attack by 96
6: Decrease Armor Class by 7 to 9, Based on Class
7: Decrease Fire Resist by 79
10: Decrease Attack by 109
12: Decrease Armor Class by 4 to 5, Based on Class

1293 Target AE
Promised Recovery
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Recovery Trigger I
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (25796)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 25796
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 25796

850 Single
Promised Recovery Rk. II
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Recovery Trigger II
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (27086)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 27086
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 27086

884 Single
Promised Recovery Rk. III
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Recovery Trigger III
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (28440)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 28440
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 28440

919 Single
Rampant Growth
8: Increase Max Hit Points by 11460 (Decaying to 6372 @ 212/Tick)

786 Single
Rampant Growth Rk. II
8: Increase Max Hit Points by 11983 (Decaying to 5431 @ 273/Tick)

817 Single
Rampant Growth Rk. III
8: Increase Max Hit Points by 12532 (Decaying to 4444 @ 337/Tick)

850 Single
Spikethistle Bulwark
1: Increase Damage Shield by 275

617 Single
Spikethistle Bulwark Rk. II
1: Increase Damage Shield by 289

642 Single
Spikethistle Bulwark Rk. III
1: Increase Damage Shield by 303

668 Single
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 9964

1045 Single
Sterivida Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 10462

1087 Single
Sterivida Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 10985

1130 Single
Thornmaw Vines
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55%

275 Single
Thornmaw Vines Rk. II
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55%

275 Single
Thornmaw Vines Rk. III
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 55%

275 Single
Vinelash Assault
2: Root
3: Cast on Fade: Vinelash Ensnare

200 Frontal AE
Vinelash Assault Rk. II
2: Root
3: Cast on Fade: Vinelash Ensnare

200 Frontal AE
Vinelash Assault Rk. III
2: Root
3: Cast on Fade: Vinelash Ensnare

200 Frontal AE
Wildspark Aura
1: Aura Effect: Wildspark Aura Effect (PCIObDruS20L097AuraFireProcRk1)

1496 Self
Wildspark Aura Rk. II
1: Aura Effect: Wildspark Aura Effect II (PCIObDruS20L097AuraFireProcRk2)

1556 Self
Wildspark Aura Rk. III
1: Aura Effect: Wildspark Aura Effect III (PCIObDruS20L097AuraFireProcRk3)

1618 Self

Level 98

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Exterminate the Unnatural
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 12490
2: 24% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 10% Chance to Cast Exterminate Destruction (v340)

1146 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Exterminate the Unnatural Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 13115
2: 24% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 11% Chance to Cast Exterminate Destruction (v340)

1192 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Exterminate the Unnatural Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 13771
2: 24% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 12% Chance to Cast Exterminate Destruction (v340)

1240 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Frostone Aura
1: Aura Effect: Frostone Aura Effect (PCIObDruS20L098AuraIceProcRk1)

1468 Self
Frostone Aura Rk. II
1: Aura Effect: Frostone Aura Effect II (PCIObDruS20L098AuraIceProcRk2)

1527 Self
Frostone Aura Rk. III
1: Aura Effect: Frostone Aura Effect III (PCIObDruS20L098AuraIceProcRk3)

1588 Self
Horde of Mutillids
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4730 per Tick

6253 Single
Horde of Mutillids Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4950 per Tick

6489 Single
Horde of Mutillids Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5181 per Tick

6730 Single
Katabatic Roar
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 15109
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 100

2684 Single
Katabatic Roar Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 15864
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 100

2791 Single
Katabatic Roar Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 16657
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 100

2903 Single
Mysterious Ways
1: Add Skill Proc: Mending Mystery with 100% Rate Mod
2: Limit Skill: 1H Blunt
3: Limit Skill: 1H Slash
4: Limit Skill: 2H Blunt
5: Limit Skill: 2H Slash
6: Limit Skill: Archery
7: Limit Skill: Hand to Hand
8: Limit Skill: 1H Pierce
9: Limit Skill: 2H Pierce

1028 Caster Group
Mysterious Ways Rk. II
1: Add Skill Proc: Mending Mystery II with 100% Rate Mod
2: Limit Skill: 1H Blunt
3: Limit Skill: 1H Slash
4: Limit Skill: 2H Blunt
5: Limit Skill: 2H Slash
6: Limit Skill: Archery
7: Limit Skill: Hand to Hand
8: Limit Skill: 1H Pierce
9: Limit Skill: 2H Pierce

1069 Caster Group
Mysterious Ways Rk. III
1: Add Skill Proc: Mending Mystery III with 100% Rate Mod
2: Limit Skill: 1H Blunt
3: Limit Skill: 1H Slash
4: Limit Skill: 2H Blunt
5: Limit Skill: 2H Slash
6: Limit Skill: Archery
7: Limit Skill: Hand to Hand
8: Limit Skill: 1H Pierce
9: Limit Skill: 2H Pierce

1112 Caster Group
Remote Sunfire
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 9316
2: Cast Sunfire Enervation (v374)

2119 Single
Remote Sunfire Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 9782
2: Cast Sunfire Enervation II (v374)

2204 Single
Remote Sunfire Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 10271
2: Cast Sunfire Enervation III (v374)

2292 Single
Ring of Lceanium
1: Teleport to lceanium, Location: 1098, -384, -37

150 Self
Skin to Seedlings
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 10% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 105 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
7: Transform Body Type to Plant

300 Single, Restriction: Living
Skin to Seedlings Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 11% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 105 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
7: Transform Body Type to Plant

300 Single, Restriction: Living
Skin to Seedlings Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 12% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 105 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
7: Transform Body Type to Plant

300 Single, Restriction: Living
Spikethistle Coat
2: Increase Armor Class by 54 to 71, Based on Class
3: Increase Damage Shield by 64

926 Self
Spikethistle Coat Rk. II
2: Increase Armor Class by 57 to 75, Based on Class
3: Increase Damage Shield by 67

963 Self
Spikethistle Coat Rk. III
2: Increase Armor Class by 60 to 79, Based on Class
3: Increase Damage Shield by 70

1002 Self
Sunfire Enervation
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 9316

50 Targets Target
Sunfire Enervation II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 9782

50 Targets Target
Sunfire Enervation III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 10271

50 Targets Target
Survival of the Fortuitous
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 3459 if Hit Points Between 55 and 65 Percent
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 6929 if Hit Points Between 45 and 55 Percent
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 10388 if Hit Points Between 35 and 45 Percent
4: Increase Current Hit Points by 13847 if Hit Points Between 25 and 35 Percent
5: Increase Current Hit Points by 17317 if Hit Points Between 1 and 25 Percent

1993 Target Group
Survival of the Fortuitous Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 3632 if Hit Points Between 55 and 65 Percent
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 7275 if Hit Points Between 45 and 55 Percent
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 10907 if Hit Points Between 35 and 45 Percent
4: Increase Current Hit Points by 14539 if Hit Points Between 25 and 35 Percent
5: Increase Current Hit Points by 18182 if Hit Points Between 1 and 25 Percent

2073 Target Group
Survival of the Fortuitous Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 3814 if Hit Points Between 55 and 65 Percent
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 7638 if Hit Points Between 45 and 55 Percent
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 11452 if Hit Points Between 35 and 45 Percent
4: Increase Current Hit Points by 15266 if Hit Points Between 25 and 35 Percent
5: Increase Current Hit Points by 19090 if Hit Points Between 1 and 25 Percent

2156 Target Group
Thwart Corruption
1: Increase Corruption Resist by 65

50 Single
Thwart Corruption Rk. II
1: Increase Corruption Resist by 68

50 Single
Thwart Corruption Rk. III
1: Increase Corruption Resist by 71

50 Single
Winter's Wildfire
1: Cast Winter's Wildfire Frostbite (v374)
2: Cast Winter's Wildfire Burn (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 915
4: Current Hit Points by 0

1244 Single
Winter's Wildfire Burn
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5250
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Wildfire Burn II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5513
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Wildfire Burn III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5789
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Wildfire Frostbite
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4917
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Wildfire Frostbite II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5163
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Wildfire Frostbite III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5421
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Wildfire Rk. II
1: Cast Winter's Wildfire Frostbite II (v374)
2: Cast Winter's Wildfire Burn II (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 915
4: Current Hit Points by 0

1294 Single
Winter's Wildfire Rk. III
1: Cast Winter's Wildfire Frostbite III (v374)
2: Cast Winter's Wildfire Burn III (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 915
4: Current Hit Points by 0

1346 Single

Level 99

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Chant of Jaerol
1: Decrease Corruption Counter by 30

20 Caster Group
Chant of Jaerol Rk. II
1: Decrease Corruption Counter by 32

20 Caster Group
Chant of Jaerol Rk. III
1: Decrease Corruption Counter by 34

20 Caster Group
Circle of Lceanium
1: Teleport to lceanium, Location: 1098, -384, -37

300 Caster Group
Cleansed Blood
1: Decrease Poison Counter by 34
2: Decrease Poison Counter by 34
3: Decrease Disease Counter by 34
4: Decrease Disease Counter by 34
5: Decrease Curse Counter by 44
6: Decrease Corruption Counter by 44

150 Single
Cleansed Blood Rk. II
1: Decrease Poison Counter by 36
2: Decrease Poison Counter by 36
3: Decrease Disease Counter by 36
4: Decrease Disease Counter by 36
5: Decrease Curse Counter by 46
6: Decrease Corruption Counter by 46

150 Single
Cleansed Blood Rk. III
1: Decrease Poison Counter by 38
2: Decrease Poison Counter by 38
3: Decrease Disease Counter by 38
4: Decrease Disease Counter by 38
5: Decrease Curse Counter by 48
6: Decrease Corruption Counter by 48

150 Single
Frigid Moonbeam
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 327 (v297, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1107 per Tick
3: Decrease Cold Resist by 77
5: Limit Resist: Cold
6: Limit Max Level: 100 (Lose 100% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
10: Decrease Armor Class by 26 to 35, Based on Class

1830 Single
Frigid Moonbeam Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 343 (v297, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1151 per Tick
3: Decrease Cold Resist by 81
5: Limit Resist: Cold
6: Limit Max Level: 100 (Lose 100% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
10: Decrease Armor Class by 28 to 37, Based on Class

1893 Single
Frigid Moonbeam Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 360 (v297, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1198 per Tick
3: Decrease Cold Resist by 85
5: Limit Resist: Cold
6: Limit Max Level: 100 (Lose 100% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
10: Decrease Armor Class by 29 to 38, Based on Class

1960 Single
Frigid Thornmaw
Hate Override: -1

1: Cast Frigid Moonbeam (v374)
2: Cast Thornmaw Vines (v374)

1272 Single
Frigid Thornmaw Rk. II
Hate Override: -1

1: Cast Frigid Moonbeam Rk. II (v374)
2: Cast Thornmaw Vines Rk. II (v374)

1310 Single
Frigid Thornmaw Rk. III
Hate Override: -1

1: Cast Frigid Moonbeam Rk. III (v374)
2: Cast Thornmaw Vines Rk. III (v374)

1351 Single
Husk of the Reptile
4: Add Defensive Proc: Husk of the Reptile Curse with 400% Rate Mod

1063 Single
Husk of the Reptile Rk. II
4: Add Defensive Proc: Husk of the Reptile Curse II with 400% Rate Mod

1100 Single
Husk of the Reptile Rk. III
4: Add Defensive Proc: Husk of the Reptile Curse III with 400% Rate Mod

1139 Single
Lustrous Frost
1: Cast Lustrous Frost Heal (v340)
5: Decrease Attack by 180
6: Decrease Armor Class by 14 to 19, Based on Class

580 Single
Lustrous Frost Heal
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 5625

10 Targets Target
Lustrous Frost Heal II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 5906

10 Targets Target
Lustrous Frost Heal III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 6201

10 Targets Target
Lustrous Frost Rk. II
1: Cast Lustrous Frost Heal II (v340)
5: Decrease Attack by 189
6: Decrease Armor Class by 15 to 20, Based on Class

603 Single
Lustrous Frost Rk. III
1: Cast Lustrous Frost Heal III (v340)
5: Decrease Attack by 198
6: Decrease Armor Class by 16 to 21, Based on Class

627 Single
Moonfire Enervation
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 9316

50 Targets Target
Moonfire Enervation II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 9782

50 Targets Target
Moonfire Enervation III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 10271

50 Targets Target
Remote Moonfire
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8850
2: Cast Moonfire Enervation (v374)

1928 Single
Remote Moonfire Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 9293
2: Cast Moonfire Enervation II (v374)

2005 Single
Remote Moonfire Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 9758
2: Cast Moonfire Enervation III (v374)

2085 Single
Sporali Assault
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmDruS20L099SporePurRk1 x 1 for 34s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

1182 Single
Sporali Assault Rk. II
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmDruS20L099SporePurRk2 x 1 for 34s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

1229 Single
Sporali Assault Rk. III
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmDruS20L099SporePurRk3 x 1 for 34s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

1278 Single
Summer Suncrest
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8891

1187 Single
Summer Suncrest Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 9336

1234 Single
Summer Suncrest Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 9803

1283 Single
Sunbeam Blessing
1: Cast Sunbeam Blessing Trigger (v374)

Recourse: Healing Twincast

2096 Single
Sunbeam Blessing Rk. II
1: Cast Sunbeam Blessing Trigger Rk. II (v374)

Recourse: Healing Twincast

2180 Single
Sunbeam Blessing Rk. III
1: Cast Sunbeam Blessing Trigger Rk. III (v374)

Recourse: Healing Twincast

2267 Single
Sunbeam Blessing Trigger
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7731

10 Targets Target
Sunbeam Blessing Trigger Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8118

10 Targets Target
Sunbeam Blessing Trigger Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8524

10 Targets Target
1: Increase Curse Counter by 16
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5137 per Tick

3480 Single
Sunblaze Rk. II
1: Increase Curse Counter by 16
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5372 per Tick

3609 Single
Sunblaze Rk. III
1: Increase Curse Counter by 16
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5619 per Tick

3741 Single
Talisman of the Steadfast
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 640 per Tick

2365 Target Group
Talisman of the Steadfast Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 672 per Tick

2460 Target Group
Talisman of the Steadfast Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 706 per Tick

2558 Target Group
Tectonic Temblor
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5204 if Not Undead or Summoned
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7025 if Undead
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6245 if Summoned

2081 Caster PB
Tectonic Temblor Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5464 if Not Undead or Summoned
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7376 if Undead
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6557 if Summoned

2164 Caster PB
Tectonic Temblor Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5737 if Not Undead or Summoned
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7745 if Undead
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6885 if Summoned

2251 Caster PB
Zephyr: Lceanium
1: Translocate to lceanium, Location: 1098, -384, -37

225 Single

Level 100

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Adrenaline Rush
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 14057
2: 35% Chance to Cast Adrenaline Rush Effect (v340)

2263 Single
Adrenaline Rush Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 14760
2: 35% Chance to Cast Adrenaline Rush Effect II (v340)

2354 Single
Adrenaline Rush Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 15498
2: 35% Chance to Cast Adrenaline Rush Effect III (v340)

2448 Single
Chill of the Visionary
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2442 per Tick
2: Increase Curse Counter by 18
5: Cast on Duration Fade: Frost of the Visionary

7739 Single
Chill of the Visionary Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2564 per Tick
2: Increase Curse Counter by 18
5: Cast on Duration Fade: Frost of the Visionary II

8088 Single
Chill of the Visionary Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2692 per Tick
2: Increase Curse Counter by 18
5: Cast on Duration Fade: Frost of the Visionary III

8451 Single
Circle of Skyfire
1: Teleport to skyfiretwo, Location: -1610, 3326, -154

300 Caster Group
Circle of the Tempest
1: Teleport to tempesttemple, Location: -602, -266, 159

300 Caster Group
Frost of the Visionary
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6882 per Tick

10 Single
Frost of the Visionary II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7226 per Tick

10 Single
Frost of the Visionary III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7587 per Tick

10 Single
Gelid Crystals
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7641

917 Single
Gelid Crystals Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8023

954 Single
Gelid Crystals Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8424

992 Single
Granitebark Blessing
1: Increase Armor Class by 38 to 51, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 3889
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 3889
4: Increase Current Mana by 40 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1577
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 8388
7: Increase Current Endurance by 5 per Tick

5083 Target Group
Granitebark Blessing Rk. II
1: Increase Armor Class by 40 to 53, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 4083
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 4083
4: Increase Current Mana by 42 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1606
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 8482
7: Increase Current Endurance by 5 per Tick

5286 Target Group
Granitebark Blessing Rk. III
1: Increase Armor Class by 42 to 56, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 4287
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 4287
4: Increase Current Mana by 44 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1636
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 8486
7: Increase Current Endurance by 6 per Tick

5497 Target Group
Legacy of Spikethistles
1: Increase Damage Shield by 275

1212 Target Group
Legacy of Spikethistles Rk. II
1: Increase Damage Shield by 289

1260 Target Group
Legacy of Spikethistles Rk. III
1: Increase Damage Shield by 303

1310 Target Group
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 9974

2248 Caster Group
Lunassuage Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 10473

2338 Caster Group
Lunassuage Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 10997

2432 Caster Group
Mask of the Bosquetender
2: Increase Magnification by 120%
3: Increase Current Mana by 37 per Tick
4: See Invisible
5: Ultravision

385 Self
Mask of the Bosquetender Rk. II
2: Increase Magnification by 120%
3: Increase Current Mana by 39 per Tick
4: See Invisible
5: Ultravision

385 Self
Mask of the Bosquetender Rk. III
2: Increase Magnification by 120%
3: Increase Current Mana by 41 per Tick
4: See Invisible
5: Ultravision

385 Self
Natural Unity
Hate Override: -1

1: Cast Spikethistle Coat (v374)
2: Cast Mask of the Bosquetender (v374)

1311 Self
Natural Unity Rk. II
Hate Override: -1

1: Cast Spikethistle Coat Rk. II (v374)
2: Cast Mask of the Bosquetender Rk. II (v374)

1348 Self
Natural Unity Rk. III
Hate Override: -1

1: Cast Spikethistle Coat Rk. III (v374)
2: Cast Mask of the Bosquetender Rk. III (v374)

1387 Self
Nature's Withering Wrath
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 11968
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 11087 per Tick

7941 Single
Nature's Withering Wrath Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 12566
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 11641 per Tick

8298 Single
Nature's Withering Wrath Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 13194
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 12223 per Tick

8671 Single
Ring of Skyfire
1: Teleport to skyfiretwo, Location: -1610, 3326, -154

150 Self
Ring of the Tempest
1: Teleport to tempesttemple, Location: -602, -266, 159

150 Self
Stemfang Rush
Hate Override: -1

1: Cast Adrenaline Rush (v374)
2: Cast Stemfang (v374)

3977 Single
Stemfang Rush Rk. II
Hate Override: -1

1: Cast Adrenaline Rush Rk. II (v374)
2: Cast Stemfang Rk. II (v374)

4136 Single
Stemfang Rush Rk. III
Hate Override: -1

1: Cast Adrenaline Rush Rk. III (v374)
2: Cast Stemfang Rk. III (v374)

4301 Single
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 10145

1756 Single
Vivification Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 10652

1826 Single
Vivification Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 11185

1899 Single
Zephyr: Skyfire
1: Translocate to skyfiretwo, Location: -1610, 3326, -154

225 Single
Zephyr: Tempest Temple
1: Translocate to tempesttemple, Location: -602, -266, 159

225 Single

Level 101

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Beast's Bidding
1: Charm up to Level 103

1903 Single, Restriction: Animal or Insect
Beast's Bidding Rk. II
1: Charm up to Level 103

1989 Single, Restriction: Animal or Insect
Beast's Bidding Rk. III
1: Charm up to Level 103

2079 Single, Restriction: Animal or Insect
Consuming Sunray
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 378 (v297, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1447 per Tick
3: Decrease Fire Resist by 85
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Max Level: 105 (Lose 100% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
10: Decrease Armor Class by 31 to 40, Based on Class

2660 Single
Consuming Sunray Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 397 (v297, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1508 per Tick
3: Decrease Fire Resist by 86
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Max Level: 105 (Lose 100% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
10: Decrease Armor Class by 32 to 42, Based on Class

2778 Single
Consuming Sunray Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 417 (v297, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1572 per Tick
3: Decrease Fire Resist by 87
5: Limit Resist: Fire
6: Limit Max Level: 105 (Lose 100% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
10: Decrease Armor Class by 34 to 44, Based on Class

2857 Single
Copsetender's Breeze
1: Decrease Poison Counter by 24
2: Decrease Poison Counter by 24
3: Decrease Disease Counter by 24
4: Decrease Disease Counter by 24
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 27

140 Target Group
Copsetender's Breeze Rk. II
1: Decrease Poison Counter by 25
2: Decrease Poison Counter by 25
3: Decrease Disease Counter by 25
4: Decrease Disease Counter by 25
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 28

140 Target Group
Copsetender's Breeze Rk. III
1: Decrease Poison Counter by 26
2: Decrease Poison Counter by 26
3: Decrease Disease Counter by 26
4: Decrease Disease Counter by 26
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 29

140 Target Group
Crush of Ro
1: Cast Ro's Reflection (v374)
4: Decrease Attack by 96
6: Decrease Armor Class by 7 to 9, Based on Class
7: Decrease Fire Resist by 79
10: Decrease Attack by 109
12: Decrease Armor Class by 4 to 5, Based on Class

972 Single
Crush of Ro Rk. II
1: Cast Ro's Reflection II (v374)
4: Decrease Attack by 98
6: Decrease Armor Class by 7 to 10, Based on Class
7: Decrease Fire Resist by 80
10: Decrease Attack by 114
12: Decrease Armor Class by 4 to 5, Based on Class

1016 Single
Crush of Ro Rk. III
1: Cast Ro's Reflection III (v374)
4: Decrease Attack by 100
6: Decrease Armor Class by 7 to 10, Based on Class
7: Decrease Fire Resist by 81
10: Decrease Attack by 120
12: Decrease Armor Class by 4 to 6, Based on Class

1062 Single
1: 10% Chance to Cast Wild Daggerthorns (v340)
10: Increase Damage Shield by 2749

1535 Single
Daggerthorn Rk. II
1: 10% Chance to Cast Wild Daggerthorns (v340)
10: Increase Damage Shield by 2886

1604 Single
Daggerthorn Rk. III
1: 10% Chance to Cast Wild Daggerthorns (v340)
10: Increase Damage Shield by 3030

1676 Single
Dichotomic Winds
1: Cast Highest Rank Known: Wind of the North 1 (v470)
2: Cast Highest Rank Known: Wind of the South 1 (v470)
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1

9511 Single
Heliacal Pyre
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 11506

2422 Target AE
Heliacal Pyre Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 12081

2531 Target AE
Heliacal Pyre Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 12685

2645 Target AE
Nature's Response
1: Cast: Responsive Regeneration if Hit by Spell and Conditions are Met
2: Limit Target: Caster PB
3: Limit Target: Hatelist
4: Limit Target: Hatelist2
5: Limit Target: Caster PB Players
6: Limit Target: Directional AE
7: Limit Target: Frontal AE
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
10: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
11: Limit Min Value: 20000 (Current Hit Points [SPA 0])

7675 Self
Nature's Response Rk. II
1: Cast: Responsive Regeneration II if Hit by Spell and Conditions are Met
2: Limit Target: Caster PB
3: Limit Target: Hatelist
4: Limit Target: Hatelist2
5: Limit Target: Caster PB Players
6: Limit Target: Directional AE
7: Limit Target: Frontal AE
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
10: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
11: Limit Min Value: 20000 (Current Hit Points [SPA 0])

7982 Self
Nature's Response Rk. III
1: Cast: Responsive Regeneration III if Hit by Spell and Conditions are Met
2: Limit Target: Caster PB
3: Limit Target: Hatelist
4: Limit Target: Hatelist2
5: Limit Target: Caster PB Players
6: Limit Target: Directional AE
7: Limit Target: Frontal AE
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
10: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
11: Limit Min Value: 20000 (Current Hit Points [SPA 0])

8301 Self
Nature's Serenity
1: Decrease Social Radius to 14 up to Level 105

275 Single
Nature's Serenity Rk. II
1: Decrease Social Radius to 12 up to Level 105

275 Single
Nature's Serenity Rk. III
1: Decrease Social Radius to 10 up to Level 105

275 Single
Plummeting Hail
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7740

1702 Target AE
Plummeting Hail Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8127

1779 Target AE
Plummeting Hail Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8533

1859 Target AE
Ro's Reflection
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 8984

0 / 0 Targets Target
Ro's Reflection II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 9433

0 / 0 Targets Target
Ro's Reflection III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 9905

0 / 0 Targets Target
Spirit of the Faithful
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 741 per Tick

1388 Single
Spirit of the Faithful Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 778 per Tick

1450 Single
Spirit of the Faithful Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 817 per Tick

1515 Single
Typhoon of the Stormborn
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2398
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 105

750 Single
Typhoon of the Stormborn Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2518
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 105

784 Single
Typhoon of the Stormborn Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2644
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 105

819 Single

Level 102

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Blizzard Breath
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 10% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 105 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Decrease Cold Resist by 115
6: Decrease Armor Class by 21 to 28, Based on Class
7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
8: Limit Resist: Cold
9: Cast Blizzard Heal (v374)

770 Single
Blizzard Breath Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 10% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 105 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Decrease Cold Resist by 120
6: Decrease Armor Class by 22 to 29, Based on Class
7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
8: Limit Resist: Cold
9: Cast Blizzard Heal II (v374)

805 Single
Blizzard Breath Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 10% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Limit Max Level: 105 (Lose 10% per Level)
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Decrease Cold Resist by 125
6: Decrease Armor Class by 23 to 30, Based on Class
7: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
8: Limit Resist: Cold
9: Cast Blizzard Heal III (v374)

841 Single
Blizzard Heal
11: Increase Current Hit Points by 3486 per Tick

0 / 0 Targets Target
Blizzard Heal II
11: Increase Current Hit Points by 3660 per Tick

0 / 0 Targets Target
Blizzard Heal III
11: Increase Current Hit Points by 3843 per Tick

0 / 0 Targets Target
Bosquetender's Alliance
1: Cast: Forest Showers if Hit by Spell and Conditions are Met
2: Limit Target: Single
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Beneficial
5: Limit Min Level: 96
6: Limit Max Level: 115 (Lose 100% per Level)
7: Limit Max Duration: Instant Spells Only
8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
9: Limit Min Value: 5000 (Current Hit Points [SPA 0])
10: Limit Caster Class: CLR, DRU, SHM
11: Limit: Different Caster
12: Limit: 1 Proc per 1.5s
13: Cast on Max Hits: Bosquetender's Fulmination
14: Cast Forest Showers (v374)

5816 Single
Bosquetender's Alliance Rk. II
1: Cast: Forest Showers II if Hit by Spell and Conditions are Met
2: Limit Target: Single
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Beneficial
5: Limit Min Level: 96
6: Limit Max Level: 115 (Lose 100% per Level)
7: Limit Max Duration: Instant Spells Only
8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
9: Limit Min Value: 5000 (Current Hit Points [SPA 0])
10: Limit Caster Class: CLR, DRU, SHM
11: Limit: Different Caster
12: Limit: 1 Proc per 1.5s
13: Cast on Max Hits: Bosquetender's Fulmination II
14: Cast Forest Showers II (v374)

6049 Single
Bosquetender's Alliance Rk. III
1: Cast: Forest Showers III if Hit by Spell and Conditions are Met
2: Limit Target: Single
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Beneficial
5: Limit Min Level: 96
6: Limit Max Level: 115 (Lose 100% per Level)
7: Limit Max Duration: Instant Spells Only
8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
9: Limit Min Value: 5000 (Current Hit Points [SPA 0])
10: Limit Caster Class: CLR, DRU, SHM
11: Limit: Different Caster
12: Limit: 1 Proc per 1.5s
13: Cast on Max Hits: Bosquetender's Fulmination III
14: Cast Forest Showers III (v374)

6291 Single
Bosquetender's Fortitude
1: Increase Spell Damage by 19798 (v462, After Crit)
2: Limit Target: Single
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Min Level: 96
6: Limit Max Level: 110 (Lose 100% per Level)
7: Limit Max Duration: Instant Spells Only
8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
9: Limit Min Value: 5000 (Current Hit Points [SPA 0])
10: Cast on Max Hits: Bosquetender's Fortitude
11: Increase Healing by 19798 (v396, Before Crit)
12: Limit Target: Single
13: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
14: Limit Type: Beneficial
15: Limit Min Level: 96
16: Limit Max Level: 110 (Lose 100% per Level)
17: Limit Max Duration: Instant Spells Only
18: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
19: Limit Min Value: 5000 (Current Hit Points [SPA 0])
20: Decrease Current Mana by 1472 per Tick

8944 Self
Bosquetender's Fortitude Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage by 20788 (v462, After Crit)
2: Limit Target: Single
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Min Level: 96
6: Limit Max Level: 110 (Lose 100% per Level)
7: Limit Max Duration: Instant Spells Only
8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
9: Limit Min Value: 5000 (Current Hit Points [SPA 0])
10: Cast on Max Hits: Bosquetender's Fortitude Rk. II
11: Increase Healing by 20788 (v396, Before Crit)
12: Limit Target: Single
13: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
14: Limit Type: Beneficial
15: Limit Min Level: 96
16: Limit Max Level: 110 (Lose 100% per Level)
17: Limit Max Duration: Instant Spells Only
18: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
19: Limit Min Value: 5000 (Current Hit Points [SPA 0])
20: Decrease Current Mana by 1509 per Tick

9302 Self
Bosquetender's Fortitude Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage by 21827 (v462, After Crit)
2: Limit Target: Single
3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
4: Limit Type: Detrimental
5: Limit Min Level: 96
6: Limit Max Level: 110 (Lose 100% per Level)
7: Limit Max Duration: Instant Spells Only
8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
9: Limit Min Value: 5000 (Current Hit Points [SPA 0])
10: Cast on Max Hits: Bosquetender's Fortitude Rk. III
11: Increase Healing by 21827 (v396, Before Crit)
12: Limit Target: Single
13: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
14: Limit Type: Beneficial
15: Limit Min Level: 96
16: Limit Max Level: 110 (Lose 100% per Level)
17: Limit Max Duration: Instant Spells Only
18: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
19: Limit Min Value: 5000 (Current Hit Points [SPA 0])
20: Decrease Current Mana by 1547 per Tick

9674 Self
Chant of the Kromtus
1: Decrease Corruption Counter by 34

20 Caster Group
Chant of the Kromtus Rk. II
1: Decrease Corruption Counter by 36

20 Caster Group
Chant of the Kromtus Rk. III
1: Decrease Corruption Counter by 38

20 Caster Group
Column of Ro
4: Decrease Attack by 96
6: Decrease Armor Class by 7 to 9, Based on Class
7: Decrease Fire Resist by 79
10: Decrease Attack by 109
12: Decrease Armor Class by 4 to 5, Based on Class

1358 Target AE
Column of Ro Rk. II
4: Decrease Attack by 98
6: Decrease Armor Class by 7 to 10, Based on Class
7: Decrease Fire Resist by 80
10: Decrease Attack by 114
12: Decrease Armor Class by 4 to 5, Based on Class

1419 Target AE
Column of Ro Rk. III
4: Decrease Attack by 100
6: Decrease Armor Class by 7 to 10, Based on Class
7: Decrease Fire Resist by 81
10: Decrease Attack by 120
12: Decrease Armor Class by 4 to 6, Based on Class

1483 Target AE
Daggerspur Bulwark
1: Increase Damage Shield by 341

701 Single
Daggerspur Bulwark Rk. II
1: Increase Damage Shield by 358

733 Single
Daggerspur Bulwark Rk. III
1: Increase Damage Shield by 376

766 Single
Ferocious Growth
8: Increase Max Hit Points by 13480 (Decaying to 4984 @ 354/Tick)

893 Single
Ferocious Growth Rk. II
8: Increase Max Hit Points by 14500 (Decaying to 5572 @ 372/Tick)

933 Single
Ferocious Growth Rk. III
8: Increase Max Hit Points by 15596 (Decaying to 6212 @ 391/Tick)

975 Single
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 11534

1187 Single
Panavida Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 12111

1240 Single
Panavida Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 12717

1296 Single
Promised Regeneration
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Regeneration Trigger I
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (29862)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 29862
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 29862

965 Single
Promised Regeneration Rk. II
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Regeneration Trigger II
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (31355)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 31355
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 31355

1008 Single
Promised Regeneration Rk. III
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Regeneration Trigger III
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (32923)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 32923
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 32923

1053 Single
Shieldstone Skin
1: Increase Armor Class by 44 to 59, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 4609
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 4609
4: Increase Current Mana by 46 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1667
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 9907
7: Increase Current Endurance by 6 per Tick

2565 Single
Shieldstone Skin Rk. II
1: Increase Armor Class by 47 to 61, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 4839
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 4839
4: Increase Current Mana by 48 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1700
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 10037
7: Increase Current Endurance by 6 per Tick

2680 Single
Shieldstone Skin Rk. III
1: Increase Armor Class by 49 to 64, Based on Class
2: Increase Max Hit Points by 5081
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 5081
4: Increase Current Mana by 50 per Tick
5: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Armor Class and Less Than 1735
6: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 10179
7: Increase Current Endurance by 7 per Tick

2801 Single
Windborne Chill
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 11297

2221 Target AE
Windborne Chill Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 11862

2321 Target AE
Windborne Chill Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 12455

2425 Target AE

Level 103

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Anabatic Roar
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 17490
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 105

3048 Single
Anabatic Roar Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 18365
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 105

3185 Single
Anabatic Roar Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 19283
2: Stun for 2.5s up to Level 105

3328 Single
Daggerspur Coat
2: Increase Armor Class by 63 to 83, Based on Class
3: Increase Damage Shield by 74

1052 Self
Daggerspur Coat Rk. II
2: Increase Armor Class by 66 to 87, Based on Class
3: Increase Damage Shield by 78

1099 Self
Daggerspur Coat Rk. III
2: Increase Armor Class by 69 to 91, Based on Class
3: Increase Damage Shield by 82

1148 Self
Eradicate the Unnatural
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 14460
2: 24% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 10% Chance to Cast Eradicate Destruction (v340)

1302 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Eradicate the Unnatural Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 15183
2: 24% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 11% Chance to Cast Eradicate Destruction (v340)

1361 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Eradicate the Unnatural Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 15942
2: 24% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 12% Chance to Cast Eradicate Destruction (v340)

1422 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Frostweave Aura
1: Aura Effect: Frostweave Aura Effect (PCIObDruS21L103AuraIceProcRk1)

1667 Self
Frostweave Aura Rk. II
1: Aura Effect: Frostweave Aura Effect II (PCIObDruS21L103AuraIceProcRk2)

1742 Self
Frostweave Aura Rk. III
1: Aura Effect: Frostweave Aura Effect III (PCIObDruS21L103AuraIceProcRk3)

1820 Self
Horde of Aculeids
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7625 per Tick

10016 Single
Horde of Aculeids Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7989 per Tick

10456 Single
Horde of Aculeids Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8372 per Tick

10910 Single
Mystical Ways
1: Add Skill Proc: Mending Mystery with 100% Rate Mod
2: Limit Skill: 1H Blunt
3: Limit Skill: 1H Slash
4: Limit Skill: 2H Blunt
5: Limit Skill: 2H Slash
6: Limit Skill: Archery
7: Limit Skill: Hand to Hand
8: Limit Skill: 1H Pierce
9: Limit Skill: 2H Pierce

1585 Caster Group
Mystical Ways Rk. II
1: Add Skill Proc: Mending Mystery II with 100% Rate Mod
2: Limit Skill: 1H Blunt
3: Limit Skill: 1H Slash
4: Limit Skill: 2H Blunt
5: Limit Skill: 2H Slash
6: Limit Skill: Archery
7: Limit Skill: Hand to Hand
8: Limit Skill: 1H Pierce
9: Limit Skill: 2H Pierce

1640 Caster Group
Mystical Ways Rk. III
1: Add Skill Proc: Mending Mystery III with 100% Rate Mod
2: Limit Skill: 1H Blunt
3: Limit Skill: 1H Slash
4: Limit Skill: 2H Blunt
5: Limit Skill: 2H Slash
6: Limit Skill: Archery
7: Limit Skill: Hand to Hand
8: Limit Skill: 1H Pierce
9: Limit Skill: 2H Pierce

1697 Caster Group
Remote Sunflash
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 10785
2: Cast Sunflash Enervation (v374)

2407 Single
Remote Sunflash Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 11324
2: Cast Sunflash Enervation II (v374)

2515 Single
Remote Sunflash Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 11890
2: Cast Sunflash Enervation III (v374)

2628 Single
Sunflash Enervation
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 10785

50 Targets Target
Sunflash Enervation II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 11324

50 Targets Target
Sunflash Enervation III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 11890

50 Targets Target
Survival of the Serendipitous
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 4009 if Hit Points Between 55 and 65 Percent
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 8018 if Hit Points Between 45 and 55 Percent
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 12027 if Hit Points Between 35 and 45 Percent
4: Increase Current Hit Points by 16032 if Hit Points Between 25 and 35 Percent
5: Increase Current Hit Points by 20040 if Hit Points Between 1 and 25 Percent

2264 Target Group
Survival of the Serendipitous Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 4209 if Hit Points Between 55 and 65 Percent
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 8418 if Hit Points Between 45 and 55 Percent
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 12627 if Hit Points Between 35 and 45 Percent
4: Increase Current Hit Points by 16832 if Hit Points Between 25 and 35 Percent
5: Increase Current Hit Points by 21040 if Hit Points Between 1 and 25 Percent

2366 Target Group
Survival of the Serendipitous Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 4419 if Hit Points Between 55 and 65 Percent
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 8838 if Hit Points Between 45 and 55 Percent
3: Increase Current Hit Points by 13257 if Hit Points Between 35 and 45 Percent
4: Increase Current Hit Points by 17672 if Hit Points Between 25 and 35 Percent
5: Increase Current Hit Points by 22090 if Hit Points Between 1 and 25 Percent

2472 Target Group
Unblemished Blood
1: Decrease Poison Counter by 38
2: Decrease Poison Counter by 38
3: Decrease Disease Counter by 38
4: Decrease Disease Counter by 38
5: Decrease Curse Counter by 48
6: Decrease Corruption Counter by 48

175 Single
Unblemished Blood Rk. II
1: Decrease Poison Counter by 39
2: Decrease Poison Counter by 39
3: Decrease Disease Counter by 39
4: Decrease Disease Counter by 39
5: Decrease Curse Counter by 49
6: Decrease Corruption Counter by 49

175 Single
Unblemished Blood Rk. III
1: Decrease Poison Counter by 40
2: Decrease Poison Counter by 40
3: Decrease Disease Counter by 40
4: Decrease Disease Counter by 40
5: Decrease Curse Counter by 50
6: Decrease Corruption Counter by 50

175 Single
Winter's Wildflame
1: Cast Winter's Wildflame Frostbite (v374)
2: Cast Winter's Wildflame Burn (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 915
4: Current Hit Points by 0

1413 Single
Winter's Wildflame Burn
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6078
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Wildflame Burn II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6382
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Wildflame Burn III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6701
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Wildflame Frostbite
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5692
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Wildflame Frostbite II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5977
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Wildflame Frostbite III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6276
2: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

100 Single
Winter's Wildflame Rk. II
1: Cast Winter's Wildflame Frostbite II (v374)
2: Cast Winter's Wildflame Burn II (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 915
4: Current Hit Points by 0

1477 Single
Winter's Wildflame Rk. III
1: Cast Winter's Wildflame Frostbite III (v374)
2: Cast Winter's Wildflame Burn III (v374)
3: Increase Hate by 915
4: Current Hit Points by 0

1543 Single

Level 104

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Adrenaline Torrent
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 16273
2: 35% Chance to Cast Adrenaline Torrent Effect (v340)

2570 Single
Adrenaline Torrent Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 17087
2: 35% Chance to Cast Adrenaline Torrent Effect II (v340)

2686 Single
Adrenaline Torrent Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 17941
2: 35% Chance to Cast Adrenaline Torrent Effect III (v340)

2807 Single
Argent Moonbeam
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 378 (v297, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1453 per Tick
3: Decrease Cold Resist by 85
5: Limit Resist: Cold
6: Limit Max Level: 105 (Lose 100% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
10: Decrease Armor Class by 31 to 40, Based on Class

2386 Single
Argent Moonbeam Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 397 (v297, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1514 per Tick
3: Decrease Cold Resist by 86
5: Limit Resist: Cold
6: Limit Max Level: 105 (Lose 100% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
10: Decrease Armor Class by 32 to 42, Based on Class

2483 Single
Argent Moonbeam Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 417 (v297, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1578 per Tick
3: Decrease Cold Resist by 87
5: Limit Resist: Cold
6: Limit Max Level: 105 (Lose 100% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
10: Decrease Armor Class by 34 to 44, Based on Class

2585 Single
Argent Thornmaw
Hate Override: -1

1: Cast Argent Moonbeam (v374)
2: Cast Thornmaw Vines (v374)

1419 Single
Argent Thornmaw Rk. II
Hate Override: -1

1: Cast Argent Moonbeam Rk. II (v374)
2: Cast Thornmaw Vines Rk. II (v374)

1483 Single
Argent Thornmaw Rk. III
Hate Override: -1

1: Cast Argent Moonbeam Rk. III (v374)
2: Cast Thornmaw Vines Rk. III (v374)

1550 Single
Moonbright Frost
1: Cast Moonbright Frost Heal (v340)
5: Decrease Attack by 208
6: Decrease Armor Class by 16 to 22, Based on Class

658 Single
Moonbright Frost Heal
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 6511

10 Targets Target
Moonbright Frost Heal II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 6837

10 Targets Target
Moonbright Frost Heal III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 7179

10 Targets Target
Moonbright Frost Rk. II
1: Cast Moonbright Frost Heal II (v340)
5: Decrease Attack by 218
6: Decrease Armor Class by 17 to 23, Based on Class

688 Single
Moonbright Frost Rk. III
1: Cast Moonbright Frost Heal III (v340)
5: Decrease Attack by 229
6: Decrease Armor Class by 18 to 24, Based on Class

719 Single
Moonflame Enervation
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 10785

50 Targets Target
Moonflame Enervation II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 11324

50 Targets Target
Moonflame Enervation III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 11890

50 Targets Target
Pellicle of the Reptile
4: Add Defensive Proc: Pellicle of the Reptile Curse with 400% Rate Mod

1196 Single
Pellicle of the Reptile Rk. II
4: Add Defensive Proc: Pellicle of the Reptile Curse II with 400% Rate Mod

1250 Single
Pellicle of the Reptile Rk. III
4: Add Defensive Proc: Pellicle of the Reptile Curse III with 400% Rate Mod

1306 Single
Remote Moonflame
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 10246
2: Cast Moonflame Enervation (v374)

2189 Single
Remote Moonflame Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 10758
2: Cast Moonflame Enervation II (v374)

2288 Single
Remote Moonflame Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 11296
2: Cast Moonflame Enervation III (v374)

2391 Single
Sporali Storm
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmDruS21L104SporePurRk1 x 1 for 34s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

1310 Single
Sporali Storm Rk. II
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmDruS21L104SporePurRk2 x 1 for 34s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

1356 Single
Sporali Storm Rk. III
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmDruS21L104SporePurRk3 x 1 for 34s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

1403 Single
Summer Sunfire
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 10293

1347 Single
Summer Sunfire Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 10808

1408 Single
Summer Sunfire Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 11348

1471 Single