Spell Name, Effect, or ID: Class: Min Level: Range / Max Level: Expansion: Source:

Level 1

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Burst of Flame
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5

4 Single
Fire Flux
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 12

23 Caster PB
1: Decrease Stamina Loss by 1

3 Line of Sight
Minor Shielding
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 10
2: Increase Armor Class by 1 to 1, Based on Class

10 Self
Reclaim Energy
1: Reclaim Pet

5 Pet
Summon Dagger
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Dagger x 1

10 Self
Summon Drink
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Globe of Water x 1

10 Self
Summon Food
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Black Bread x 1

10 Self
True North
1: Face North

5 Self

Level 2

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Elementalkin: Water
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS01L002ElemWat

40 Self
Summon Bandages
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Bandages x 20

15 Self
Summon Brass Choker
1: Summon Item: Jedah's Brass Choker x 1

40 Self

Level 3

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Elementalkin: Fire
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS01L003ElemHeat

40 Self
Sense Summoned
1: Face the Direction of a Summoned NPC

5 Self
Summon Wisp
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Wisp Stone x 1

30 Self

Level 4

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 14

7 Single
Elementalkin: Air
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS01L004ElemAir

40 Self
1: Gate (98% Chance) to Bind Location

70 Self

Level 5

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Elementalkin: Earth
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS01L005ElemErf

40 Self
Flame Bolt
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 55

25 Line of Sight
Lesser Shielding
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 30
2: Increase Armor Class by 2 to 3, Based on Class
6: Increase Magic Resist by 10

25 Self

Level 6

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Dimensional Pocket
1: Summon Item: Dimensional Pocket x 1

40 Self
Elementaling: Water
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS02L006ElemWat

80 Self
Eye of Zomm
1: Eye of Zomm

30 Self

Level 7

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Elementaling: Fire
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS02L007ElemHeat

80 Self
Renew Elements
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 32
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 10
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 10
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 10

15 Pet
Shield of Fire
1: Increase Damage Shield by 6
2: Increase Fire Resist by 10

40 Single
Shock of Blades
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 42

18 Single

Level 8

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Elementaling: Air
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS02L008ElemAir

80 Self
1: Invisibility (Unstable)

30 Single
Staff of Tracing
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Staff of Tracing x 1

20 Self
Summon Linen Mantle
1: Summon Item: Tavee's Linen Mantle x 1

40 Self

Level 9

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Elementaling: Earth
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS02L009ElemErf

80 Self
Summon Fang
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Snake Fang x 1

40 Self
Ward Summoned
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 14

6 Summoned

Level 10

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Cancel Magic
1: Dispel (1)

30 Single
Elemental: Water
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS02L010ElemWat

120 Self
Rain of Blades
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 26

62 Target AE
Summon Tarnished Bauble
1: Summon Item: Jolum's Tarnished Bauble x 1

40 Self

Level 11

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
3: Increase Strength by 15
4: Increase Melee Haste by 15%
6: Increase Armor Class by 2 to 2, Based on Class

35 Pet
Elemental: Fire
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS03L011ElemHeat

120 Self
Summon Elemental Defender
1: Summon Item: Elemental Defender x 1

40 Self

Level 12

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Bind Affinity
1: Set Bind Spot to Current Location

100 Single
Column of Fire
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 51

65 Target AE
Elemental: Air
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS03L012ElemAir

120 Self

Level 13

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Elemental: Earth
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS03L013ElemErf

120 Self
1: Identify Item

50 Single
Phantom Leather
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 1 per Tick
4: Increase Armor Class by 2 to 3, Based on Class

60 Self
Wuggan's Lesser Appraisal
1: Appraise Chest (69)

70 Single

Level 14

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Minor Summoning: Water
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS03L014ElemWat

160 Self
Staff of Warding
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Staff of Warding x 1

40 Self
Wuggan's Lesser Discombobulation
1: Disarm Chest (69)

70 Single
Wuggan's Lesser Extrication
1: Unlock Chest (87)

70 Single

Level 15

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Minor Summoning: Fire
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS03L015ElemHeat

160 Self
Shock of Flame
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 122

48 Single
Summon Heatstone
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Heatstone x 1

40 Self
Summon Throwing Dagger
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Throwing Dagger x 100

20 Self

Level 16

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Focus Crude Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
1: Summon Item: Crude Spellcaster's Empowering Essence x 1

100 Self
Focus Primitive Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
1: Summon Item: Primitive Spellcaster's Empowering Essence x 1

50 Self
Focus Rudimentary Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
1: Summon Item: Rudimentary Spellcaster's Empowering Essence x 1

75 Self
Minor Summoning: Air
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS04L016ElemAir

160 Self
See Invisible
1: See Invisible

25 Single
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 50
2: Increase Armor Class by 3 to 4, Based on Class
6: Increase Magic Resist by 12

50 Self
Summon Tiny Ring
1: Summon Item: Naki's Tiny Ring x 1

40 Self

Level 17

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Minor Summoning: Earth
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS04L017ElemErf

160 Self
Rain of Fire
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 75

125 Target AE
Summon Phantom Leather
1: Summon Item: Phantom Satchel x 1
2: Summon into Bag: Phantom Leather Skullcap x 1
3: Summon into Bag: Phantom Leather Tunic x 1
4: Summon into Bag: Phantom Leather Sleeves x 1
5: Summon into Bag: Phantom Leather Bracer x 1
6: Summon into Bag: Phantom Leather Bracer x 1
7: Summon into Bag: Phantom Leather Gloves x 1
8: Summon into Bag: Phantom Leather Leggings x 1
9: Summon into Bag: Phantom Leather Boots x 1

100 Self
Summon Waterstone
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Waterstone x 1

40 Self

Level 18

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Bolt of Flame
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 297

102 Line of Sight
Expulse Summoned
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 122

41 Summoned
Lesser Summoning: Water
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS04L018ElemWat

200 Self
Renew Summoning
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 87
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 10
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 10
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 10

36 Pet

Level 19

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Elemental Shield
2: Increase Cold Resist by 15
4: Increase Fire Resist by 15

50 Self
Lesser Summoning: Fire
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS04L019ElemHeat

200 Self
Shield of Flame
1: Increase Damage Shield by 9
2: Increase Fire Resist by 15

60 Single
Tiny Companion
1: Decrease Pet Size by 50%

50 Pet

Level 20

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Focus Makeshift Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
1: Summon Item: Makeshift Spellcaster's Empowering Essence x 1

150 Self
Focus Mass Crude Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
1: Summon Item: Crude Spellcaster's Empowering Essence x 5

400 Self
Focus Mass Primitive Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
1: Summon Item: Primitive Spellcaster's Empowering Essence x 5

200 Self
Focus Mass Rudimentary Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
1: Summon Item: Rudimentary Spellcaster's Empowering Essence x 5

300 Self
Lesser Summoning: Air
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS04L020ElemAir

200 Self
Spear of Warding
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Spear of Warding x 1

60 Self
Summon Arrows
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Arrow x 100

30 Self
Summon Jade Bracelet
1: Summon Item: Gallenite's Jade Bracelet x 1

40 Self
Summon Wooden Bracelet
1: Summon Item: Rallican's Wooden Bracelet x 1

40 Self

Level 21

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Black Bread x 20

25 Self
Lesser Summoning: Earth
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS05L021ElemErf

200 Self
Summon Silver Choker
1: Summon Item: Jedah's Silver Choker x 1

80 Self

Level 22

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Globe of Water x 20

25 Self
Flame Flux
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 96

123 Caster PB
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 20
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 20
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 20
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 20

60 Single
Summoning: Water
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS05L022ElemWat

240 Self

Level 23

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Shock of Spikes
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 227

75 Single
Summoning: Fire
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS05L023ElemHeat

240 Self
Wuggan's Appraisal
1: Appraise Chest (72)

145 Single

Level 24

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Focus Mass Makeshift Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
1: Summon Item: Makeshift Spellcaster's Empowering Essence x 5

600 Self
Major Shielding
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 75
2: Increase Armor Class by 4 to 5, Based on Class
6: Increase Magic Resist by 14

80 Self
Staff of Runes
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Staff of Runes x 1

60 Self
Summoning: Air
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS05L024ElemAir

240 Self
Wuggan's Discombobulation
1: Disarm Chest (72)

145 Single
Wuggan's Extrication
1: Unlock Chest (114)

145 Single

Level 25

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Dismiss Summoned
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 244

73 Summoned
Phantom Chain
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 2 per Tick
4: Increase Armor Class by 3 to 4, Based on Class

100 Self
Summon Phantom Chain
1: Summon Item: Phantom Satchel x 1
2: Summon into Bag: Phantom Chain Coif x 1
3: Summon into Bag: Phantom Chain Coat x 1
4: Summon into Bag: Phantom Chain Sleeves x 1
5: Summon into Bag: Phantom Chain Bracer x 1
6: Summon into Bag: Phantom Chain Bracer x 1
7: Summon into Bag: Phantom Chain Gloves x 1
8: Summon into Bag: Phantom Chain Greaves x 1
9: Summon into Bag: Phantom Chain Boots x 1

200 Self
Summoning: Earth
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS05L025ElemErf

240 Self

Level 26

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Greater Summoning: Water
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS06L026ElemWat

200 Self
Rain of Spikes
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 91

162 Target AE
Sword of Runes
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Sword of Runes x 1

75 Self

Level 27

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
2: Increase Movement Speed by 20%

45 Pet
Greater Summoning: Fire
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS06L027ElemHeat

200 Self
Summon Leather Mantle
1: Summon Item: Tavee's Leather Mantle x 1

80 Self

Level 28

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Expel Summoned
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 385

108 Summoned
Greater Summoning: Air
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS06L028ElemAir

200 Self
Inferno Shield
1: Increase Damage Shield by 15
2: Increase Fire Resist by 20

80 Single

Level 29

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Burnout II
3: Increase Strength by 45
4: Increase Melee Haste by 35%
6: Increase Armor Class by 2 to 3, Based on Class

75 Pet
Greater Summoning: Earth
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS06L029ElemErf

200 Self
Summon Coldstone
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Coldstone x 1

40 Self

Level 30

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Dimensional Hole
1: Summon Item: Dimensional Hole x 1

60 Self
Focus Elementary Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
1: Summon Item: Elementary Spellcaster's Empowering Essence x 1

200 Self
Monster Summoning I
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS06L030MonSum

200 Self
Summon Shiny Bauble
1: Summon Item: Jolum's Shiny Bauble x 1

80 Self

Level 31

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 418

136 Single
Minor Conjuration: Water
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS07L031ElemWat

200 Self
Summon Shard of the Core
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Shard of the Core x 1

50 Self

Level 32

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Greater Shielding
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 100
2: Increase Armor Class by 5 to 7, Based on Class
6: Increase Magic Resist by 16

120 Self
Minor Conjuration: Fire
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS07L032ElemHeat

200 Self
Nullify Magic
1: Dispel (4)
2: Dispel (4)

50 Single

Level 33

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Cinder Bolt
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 510

165 Line of Sight
Minor Conjuration: Air
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS07L033ElemAir

200 Self
Staff of Symbols
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Staff of Symbols x 1

80 Self
Wuggan's Greater Appraisal
1: Appraise Chest (120)

240 Single

Level 34

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Focus Mass Elementary Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
1: Summon Item: Elementary Spellcaster's Empowering Essence x 5

800 Self
Minor Conjuration: Earth
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS07L034ElemErf

200 Self
Refresh Summoning
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 175
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 10
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 10
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 10

93 Pet
Wuggan's Greater Discombobulation
1: Disarm Chest (120)

240 Single
Wuggan's Greater Extrication
1: Unlock Chest (125)

240 Single

Level 35

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Dagger of Symbols
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Dagger of Symbols x 1

100 Self
Rain of Lava
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 172

250 Target AE

Level 36

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Lesser Conjuration: Water
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS08L036ElemWat

200 Self
Summon Companion
1: Summon Pet

50 Self

Level 37

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Lesser Conjuration: Fire
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS08L037ElemHeat

200 Self
Summon Ring of Flight
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Ring of Flight x 1

100 Self
Summon Twisted Ring
1: Summon Item: Naki's Twisted Ring x 1

80 Self

Level 38

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Barrier of Combustion
1: Increase Damage Shield by 20
2: Increase Fire Resist by 22

100 Single
Lesser Conjuration: Air
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS08L038ElemAir

200 Self
Summon Phantom Plate
1: Summon Item: Phantom Satchel x 1
2: Summon into Bag: Phantom Plate Helm x 1
3: Summon into Bag: Phantom Breastplate x 1
4: Summon into Bag: Phantom Plate Vambraces x 1
5: Summon into Bag: Phantom Plate Bracers x 1
6: Summon into Bag: Phantom Plate Bracers x 1
7: Summon into Bag: Phantom Plate Gauntlets x 1
8: Summon into Bag: Phantom Plate Greaves x 1
9: Summon into Bag: Phantom Plate Boots x 1

300 Self

Level 39

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Flame Arc
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 181

199 Caster PB
Lesser Conjuration: Earth
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS08L039ElemErf

200 Self

Level 40

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Focus Modest Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
1: Summon Item: Modest Spellcaster's Empowering Essence x 1

250 Self

Level 41

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Conjuration: Water
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS09L041ElemWat

200 Self
Elemental Armor
2: Increase Cold Resist by 30
4: Increase Fire Resist by 30

100 Self
Phantom Plate
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 3 per Tick
4: Increase Armor Class by 4 to 5, Based on Class

200 Self
Shock of Swords
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 584

162 Single

Level 42

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
1: Increase Chance to Reflect Spell by 40% for 40% Base Damage

100 Self
Conjuration: Fire
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS09L042ElemHeat

200 Self
Summon Opal Bracelet
1: Summon Item: Gallenite's Opal Bracelet x 1

80 Self
Summon: Orb of Exploration
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Orb of Exploration x 1

50 Self

Level 43

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Arch Shielding
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 150
2: Increase Armor Class by 6 to 8, Based on Class
6: Increase Magic Resist by 20

200 Self
Conjuration: Air
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS09L043ElemAir

200 Self
Elemental Maelstrom
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 250
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 69 per Tick

87 Single

Level 44

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Conjuration: Earth
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS09L044ElemErf

200 Self
Focus Mass Modest Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
1: Summon Item: Modest Spellcaster's Empowering Essence x 5

1000 Self
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 40
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 40
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 40
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 40

100 Single
Modulating Rod
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Modulating Rod x 1

200 Single
Primal Remedy
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 120 per Tick

200 Pet
Summon Stone Bracelet
1: Summon Item: Rallican's Stone Bracelet x 1

80 Self

Level 45

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Shield of Lava
1: Increase Damage Shield by 25
2: Increase Fire Resist by 25

120 Single
Summon Orb
1: Summon Item: Orb of Mastery x 1

500 Self

Level 46

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Greater Conjuration: Earth
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS10L046ElemErf

200 Self
Ward of Calliav
1: Absorb 1 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 11747

200 Pet

Level 47

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Burnout III
3: Increase Strength by 50
4: Increase Melee Haste by 60%
6: Increase Armor Class by 3 to 4, Based on Class

150 Pet
Greater Conjuration: Fire
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS10L047ElemHeat

200 Self
Lava Bolt
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 817

238 Line of Sight

Level 48

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Banish Summoned
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 540

136 Summoned
Greater Conjuration: Air
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS10L048ElemAir

200 Self
Summon Elemental Blanket
1: Summon Item: Elemental Blanket x 1

220 Self

Level 49

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Greater Conjuration: Water
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS10L049ElemWat

200 Self
Rain of Swords
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 324

375 Target AE

Level 50

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Focus Simple Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
1: Summon Item: Simple Spellcaster's Empowering Essence x 1

300 Self
Monster Summoning II
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS10L050MonSum

200 Self
Summon Golden Choker
1: Summon Item: Jedah's Golden Choker x 1

160 Self

Level 51

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Gift of Xev
1: Summon Item: Glowing Backpack x 1
2: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Black Bread x 20
3: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Globe of Water x 20
4: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Bandages x 20

60 Self
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 60
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 60
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 60
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 60

175 Single
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 608

361 Caster PB
Summon Silken Mantle
1: Summon Item: Tavee's Silken Mantle x 1

160 Self
Vocarate: Earth
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS11L051ElemErf

300 Self

Level 52

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Bristlebane's Bundle
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Ale x 20
2: Summon Item: Summoned: Cake x 20
3: Summon Item: Summoned: Spinning Bottle x 1
4: Summon Item: Summoned: A Firework x 1

50 Self
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 974

291 Single
Elemental Empathy
3: Increase Strength by 60
4: Increase Melee Haste by 60%
6: Increase Armor Class by 4 to 5, Based on Class

Recourse: Elemental Empathy Recourse

300 Pet
Phantom Armor
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 5 per Tick
4: Increase Armor Class by 5 to 7, Based on Class

225 Self
Summon Brilliant Bauble
1: Summon Item: Jolum's Brilliant Bauble x 1

160 Self
Transon's Elemental Infusion
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 611
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 16
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 16
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 16

172 Pet
Vocarate: Fire
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS11L052ElemHeat

300 Self

Level 53

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Annul Magic
1: Dispel (9)
2: Dispel (9)

75 Single
Boon of Immolation
1: Increase Damage Shield by 25
2: Increase Fire Resist by 25

360 Target Group
Quiver of Marr
1: Summon Item: Quiver of Marr x 1
2: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Arrow of Marr x 100
3: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Arrow of Marr x 100
4: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Arrow of Marr x 100
5: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Arrow of Marr x 100
6: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Arrow of Marr x 100
7: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Arrow of Marr x 100

60 Self
Summon Studded Ring
1: Summon Item: Naki's Studded Ring x 1

160 Self
Vocarate: Air
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS11L053ElemAir

300 Self

Level 54

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Bandolier of Luclin
1: Summon Item: Bandolier of Luclin x 1
2: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Knife of Luclin x 100
3: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Knife of Luclin x 100
4: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Knife of Luclin x 100
5: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Knife of Luclin x 100
6: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Knife of Luclin x 100
7: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Knife of Luclin x 100

60 Self
Elemental Cloak
2: Increase Cold Resist by 45
4: Increase Fire Resist by 45

125 Self
Elemental Draw
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 800

Recourse: Elemental Draw Recourse

0 / 0 Pet2
Focus Mass Simple Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
1: Summon Item: Simple Spellcaster's Empowering Essence x 5

1200 Self
1: Absorb Damage using Mana: 50%
2: Root
5: Increase Damage Shield by 10
6: Increase Current Mana by 12 per Tick

90 Pet, Restriction: Fire Pet
Phantasmal Armor
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 6 per Tick
4: Increase Armor Class by 7 to 9, Based on Class

225 Self
Scars of Sigil
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 622

186 Line of Sight
Shield of the Magi
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 250
2: Increase Armor Class by 7 to 9, Based on Class
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 1250
6: Increase Magic Resist by 24

300 Self
Summon Iron Bracelet
1: Summon Item: Rallican's Iron Bracelet x 1

160 Self
Summon Ruby Bracelet
1: Summon Item: Gallenite's Ruby Bracelet x 1

160 Self
Veil of Elements
1: Invisibility

100 Self
Vocarate: Water
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS11L054ElemWat

300 Self

Level 55

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Burnout IV
3: Increase Strength by 60
4: Increase Melee Haste by 65%
6: Increase Armor Class by 4 to 5, Based on Class

150 Pet
Call of the Hero
1: Summon Targeted Player to Current Location

500 Single In Group
Earthen Strength
1: Aura Effect: Earthen Strength Effect (PCIObMagS11L055TrapPetAug)

250 Pet
Focus Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
1: Summon Item: Spellcaster's Empowering Essence x 1

350 Self
Pouch of Quellious
1: Summon Item: Pouch of Quellious x 1
2: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Shuriken of Quellious x 100
3: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Shuriken of Quellious x 100
4: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Shuriken of Quellious x 100
5: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Shuriken of Quellious x 100

60 Self
Rage of Zomm
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS11L055ElemErf x 1 for 18s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

725 Single
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 630

399 Target AE
Wrath of the Elements
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 350
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 132 per Tick

145 Single

Level 56

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Cadeau of Flame
1: Increase Damage Shield by 35
2: Increase Fire Resist by 33

155 Single
Dyzil's Deafening Decoy
Hate Override: -1

1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS12L056Decoy x 1 for 30s

350 Single
Exile Summoned
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 798

185 Summoned
Mass Mystical Transvergence
1: Summon Item: Rod of Mystical Transvergence x 1

2750 Nearby Players
Muzzle of Mardu
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Muzzle of Mardu x 1

100 Self
Rod of Mystical Transvergence
1: Summon Item: Rod of Mystical Transvergence x 1

400 Single

Level 57

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Eye of Tallon
1: Eye of Zomm
2: Invisibility (Unstable)
3: Increase Magnification by 120%
4: See Invisible

65 Self
Greater Vocaration: Earth
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS12L057ElemErf

400 Self
Imbue Earth
1: Summon Item: Brown Diamond of Earth x 1

1000 Self
Shock of Steel
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1193

293 Single

Level 58

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Greater Vocaration: Fire
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS12L058ElemHeat

400 Self
Guard of Calliav
1: Absorb 2 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 12922

350 Pet
1: Fire Resist by 0
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 60
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 60
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 60
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 60

200 Single
1: Increase Chance to Reflect Spell by 50% for 50% Base Damage

150 Self
Transon's Phantasmal Protection
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 6 per Tick
4: Increase Current Mana by 6 per Tick
8: Increase Armor Class by 7 to 9, Based on Class

325 Self
2: Increase Movement Speed by 92%

60 Pet

Level 59

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Focus Mass Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
1: Summon Item: Spellcaster's Empowering Essence x 5

1400 Self
Greater Vocaration: Air
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS12L059ElemAir

400 Self
Imbue Air
1: Summon Item: Cloudy Diamond of Air x 1

1000 Self
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 675
2: Decrease Current Mana by 50

427 Target AE
Manifest Elements
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS12L059Epic

500 Self
Seeking Flame of Seukor
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1607

413 Line of Sight
Valiant Companion
2: Fear Immunity

200 Pet

Level 60

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Aegis of Ro
1: Increase Damage Shield by 35
2: Increase Fire Resist by 33

450 Target Group
Ancient: Burnout Blaze
3: Increase Strength by 80
4: Increase Melee Haste by 80%
5: Increase Attack by 40
6: Increase Armor Class by 5 to 7, Based on Class

150 Pet
Ancient: Shock of Sun
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1350

285 Single
1: Destroy the Target

500 Summoned
Focus Refined Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
1: Summon Item: Refined Spellcaster's Empowering Essence x 1

400 Self
Greater Vocaration: Water
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS12L060ElemWat

400 Self
Imbue Fire
1: Summon Item: Red Diamond of Fire x 1

1000 Self
Imbue Water
1: Summon Item: Aqua Diamond of Water x 1

1000 Self
Maelstrom of Electricity
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 675

475 Target AE
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 35
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 35
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 35
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 35

350 Single
Monster Summoning III
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS12L060MonSum

400 Self
Shock of Fiery Blades
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1294

335 Single
Transon's Elemental Renewal
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 873
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 20
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 20
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 20

237 Pet
Wind of the Desert
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1050

780 Caster PB

Level 61

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Belt of Magi`Kot
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Belt of Magi`Kot x 1

100 Self
Blade of Walnan
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Blade of Walnan x 1

100 Self
Elemental Barrier
2: Increase Cold Resist by 60
4: Increase Fire Resist by 60

75 Self
Firebolt of Tallon
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2100

515 Line of Sight
Flameshield of Ro
1: Increase Damage Shield by 48
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

190 Single
Shield of the Arcane
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 300
2: Increase Armor Class by 8 to 11, Based on Class
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 1300
6: Increase Magic Resist by 30

350 Self
Summon Glowing Bauble
1: Summon Item: Jolum's Glowing Bauble x 1

160 Self
Summon Platinum Choker
1: Summon Item: Jedah's Platinum Choker x 1

160 Self
Summon Runed Mantle
1: Summon Item: Tavee's Runed Mantle x 1

160 Self
Summon Sapphire Bracelet
1: Summon Item: Gallenite's Sapphire Bracelet x 1

160 Self
Summon Spiked Ring
1: Summon Item: Naki's Spiked Ring x 1

160 Self
Summon Steel Bracelet
1: Summon Item: Rallican's Steel Bracelet x 1

160 Self
Summon: Lava Orb
1: Summon Item: Lava Orb x 1

1275 Self
Ward of Xegony
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS13L061ElemAir

400 Self

Level 62

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Burning Sand
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 980

270 Single
Burnout V
3: Increase Strength by 80
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase Attack by 40
6: Increase Armor Class by 5 to 7, Based on Class

150 Pet
Fist of Ixiblat
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Hand of Ixiblat x 1

100 Self
Servant of Marr
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS13L062ElemWat

400 Self
Sun Storm
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 800

440 Target AE
Talisman of Return
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Talisman of Return x 1

300 Self
Xegony's Phantasmal Guard
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 8 per Tick
4: Increase Current Mana by 8 per Tick
8: Increase Armor Class by 9 to 12, Based on Class

375 Self

Level 63

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Black Steel
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1475

345 Single
Blade of The Kedge
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Blade of the Kedge x 1

100 Self
Child of Ro
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS13L063ElemHeat

400 Self
Elemental Silence
1: Mesmerize up to Level 60
2: Memory Blur (70% Chance)

150 Summoned
Maelstrom of Ro
1: Increase Damage Shield by 48
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

450 Target Group
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 70
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 70
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 70
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 70

300 Single
Summon Jewelry Bag
1: Summon Item: Phantom Satchel x 1
2: Summon into Bag: Jedah's Platinum Choker x 1
3: Summon into Bag: Tavee's Runed Mantle x 1
4: Summon into Bag: Gallenite's Sapphire Bracelet x 1
5: Summon into Bag: Naki's Spiked Ring x 1
6: Summon into Bag: Jolum's Glowing Bauble x 1
7: Summon into Bag: Rallican's Steel Bracelet x 1

300 Self

Level 64

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Destroy Summoned
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1350

286 Summoned
Focus Mass Refined Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
1: Summon Item: Refined Spellcaster's Empowering Essence x 5

1600 Self
Girdle of Magi`Kot
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Girdle of Magi`Kot x 1

100 Self
Maelstrom of Thunder
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 900

480 Target AE
Planar Renewal
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 1200
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 24
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 24
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 24

290 Pet
Protection of Calliav
1: Absorb 3 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 14214

500 Pet
Shield of Maelin
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 350
2: Increase Armor Class by 9 to 11, Based on Class
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 1350
6: Increase Magic Resist by 40

300 Self

Level 65

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Ancient: Chaos Vortex
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1920

474 Single
Call of the Arch Mage
1: Charm up to Level 60

500 Summoned
Elemental Siphon
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1200

Recourse: Elemental Siphon Recourse

0 / 0 Pet2
Focus Intricate Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
1: Summon Item: Intricate Spellcaster's Empowering Essence x 1

450 Self
Monster Summoning IV
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS13L065MonSum

400 Self
Rathe's Son
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS13L065ElemErf

400 Self
Rock of Taelosia
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1623

379 Single
Sun Vortex
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1600

395 Single

Level 66

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Bolt of Jerikor
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2889

644 Line of Sight
Child of Wind
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS14L066ElemAir

400 Self
Elemental Aura
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 390
2: Increase Armor Class by 10 to 14, Based on Class
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 1390
6: Increase Magic Resist by 40

455 Self
1: Increase Damage Shield by 62
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

247 Single
Summon Calliav's Glowing Bauble
1: Summon Item: Calliav's Glowing Bauble x 1

200 Self
Summon Calliav's Jeweled Bracelet
1: Summon Item: Calliav's Jeweled Bracelet x 1

200 Self
Summon Calliav's Platinum Choker
1: Summon Item: Calliav's Platinum Choker x 1

200 Self
Summon Calliav's Runed Mantle
1: Summon Item: Calliav's Runed Mantle x 1

200 Self
Summon Calliav's Spiked Ring
1: Summon Item: Calliav's Spiked Ring x 1

200 Self
Summon Calliav's Steel Bracelet
1: Summon Item: Calliav's Steel Bracelet x 1

200 Self
Summon Fireblade
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Fireblade x 1

150 Self

Level 67

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Child of Water
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS14L067ElemWat

400 Self
Rain of Jerikor
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1099

549 Target AE
Summon Crystal Belt
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Crystal Belt x 1

125 Self
Summon Dagger of the Deep
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Dagger of the Deep x 1

125 Self
Summon Sphere of Air
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Sphere of Air x 1

300 Self
Summon Staff of the North Wind
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Staff of the North Wind x 1

150 Self

Level 68

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Blade Strike
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2029

431 Single
Burning Aura
1: Add Defensive Proc: Burning Vengeance with 400% Rate Mod

300 Single
Child of Fire
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS14L068ElemHeat

400 Self
Phantom Shield
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 9 per Tick
4: Increase Current Mana by 9 per Tick
8: Increase Armor Class by 12 to 16, Based on Class

468 Self
Pyrilen Skin
12: Increase Damage Shield by 420

300 Single
Summon Pouch of Jerikor
1: Summon Item: Phantom Satchel x 1
2: Summon into Bag: Calliav's Platinum Choker x 1
3: Summon into Bag: Calliav's Runed Mantle x 1
4: Summon into Bag: Calliav's Jeweled Bracelet x 1
5: Summon into Bag: Calliav's Spiked Ring x 1
6: Summon into Bag: Calliav's Glowing Bauble x 1
7: Summon into Bag: Calliav's Steel Bracelet x 1

300 Self

Level 69

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Bulwark of Calliav
1: Absorb 4 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 15635

500 Pet
Burning Earth
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1348

337 Single
Desolate Summoned
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1857

357 Summoned
Elemental Fury
2: Increase Hit Damage by 5% (v185)
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase Attack by 52
6: Increase Armor Class by 6 to 9, Based on Class

187 Pet
Fickle Fire
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2475

Recourse: Fickle Fire Recourse

519 Single
Focus Mass Intricate Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
1: Summon Item: Intricate Spellcaster's Empowering Essence x 5

1800 Self
Renewal of Jerikor
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 1645
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 28
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 28
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 28

358 Pet
Summon: Molten Orb
1: Summon Item: Molten Orb x 1

1550 Self

Level 70

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Ancient: Nova Strike
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2377

525 Single
Ancient: Veil of Pyrilonus
12: Increase Damage Shield by 500

330 Single
Child of Earth
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS14L070ElemErf

400 Self
Circle of Fireskin
1: Increase Damage Shield by 62
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

585 Target Group
Elemental Simulacrum
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1600

Recourse: Elemental Simulacrum Recourse

0 / 0 Pet2
Focus Elaborate Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
1: Summon Item: Elaborate Spellcaster's Empowering Essence x 1

500 Self
Iceflame Guard
2: Add Melee Proc: Iceflame Strike with 150% Rate Mod
3: Increase Damage Shield by 15

200 Pet
Raging Servant
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS14L070Garg2Red x 1 for 18s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

1650 Single
Rathe's Strength
1: Aura Effect: Rathe's Strength Effect (PCIObMagS14L070TrapPetAug)

400 Pet
Spear of Ro
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3119

684 Line of Sight
Star Scream
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1237

598 Target AE
Star Strike
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2201

494 Single

Level 71

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Bolt of Molten Slag
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3612

764 Line of Sight
Bolt of Molten Slag Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3755

793 Line of Sight
Bolt of Molten Slag Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3900

824 Line of Sight
Burnout VI
2: Increase Hit Damage by 6% (v185)
3: Increase Strength by 96
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase Attack by 62
6: Increase Armor Class by 8 to 10, Based on Class

224 Pet
Burnout VI Rk. II
2: Increase Hit Damage by 7% (v185)
3: Increase Strength by 100
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase Attack by 65
6: Increase Armor Class by 8 to 11, Based on Class

234 Pet
Burnout VI Rk. III
2: Increase Hit Damage by 8% (v185)
3: Increase Strength by 104
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase Attack by 68
6: Increase Armor Class by 8 to 11, Based on Class

243 Pet
Essence of Air
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS15L071ElemAir

400 Self
1: Increase Damage Shield by 74
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

296 Single
Magmaskin Rk. II
1: Increase Damage Shield by 78
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

309 Single
Magmaskin Rk. III
1: Increase Damage Shield by 81
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

321 Single
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 3% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 76
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 76
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 76
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 76
6: Limit Max Level: 75 (Lose 5% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Resist: Magic
10: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills

360 Single
Malosinise Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 5% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 78
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 78
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 78
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 78
6: Limit Max Level: 75 (Lose 5% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Resist: Magic
10: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills

375 Single
Malosinise Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 7% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 80
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 80
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 80
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 80
6: Limit Max Level: 75 (Lose 5% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Resist: Magic
10: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills

390 Single
Prime Shielding
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 468
2: Increase Armor Class by 12 to 16, Based on Class
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 1468
6: Increase Magic Resist by 48

546 Self
Prime Shielding Rk. II
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 488
2: Increase Armor Class by 13 to 17, Based on Class
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 1488
6: Increase Magic Resist by 50

569 Self
Summon Aenda's Trinkets
1: Summon Item: Phantom Satchel x 1
2: Summon into Bag: Aenda's Satin Choker x 1
3: Summon into Bag: Aenda's Woven Shawl x 1
4: Summon into Bag: Aenda's Linked Bracelet x 1
5: Summon into Bag: Aenda's Gold Ring x 1
6: Summon into Bag: Aenda's Ridged Earhoop x 1
7: Summon into Bag: Aenda's Jade Bracelet x 1

300 Self
Summon Muzzle of Mowcha
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Muzzle of Mowcha x 1

125 Self
Summon Plate of the Elements
1: Summon Item: Phantom Satchel x 1
2: Summon into Bag: Eidolon Plate Helm x 1
3: Summon into Bag: Eidolon Plate Vambraces x 1
4: Summon into Bag: Eidolon Plate Gauntlets x 1
5: Summon into Bag: Eidolon Plate Boots x 1
6: Summon into Bag: Eidolon Plate Bracers x 1
7: Summon into Bag: Eidolon Plate Breastplate x 1
8: Summon into Bag: Eidolon Plate Greaves x 1
9: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Lucid Belt x 1

150 Self

Level 72

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Beam of Molten Slag
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1056

589 Frontal AE
Beam of Molten Slag Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1099

612 Frontal AE
Beam of Molten Slag Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1141

635 Frontal AE
Essence of Water
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS15L072ElemWat

400 Self
Phantasmal Warden
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 10 per Tick
4: Increase Current Mana by 10 per Tick
8: Increase Armor Class by 14 to 19, Based on Class

562 Self
Phantasmal Warden Rk. II
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 11 per Tick
4: Increase Current Mana by 11 per Tick
8: Increase Armor Class by 15 to 20, Based on Class

585 Self
Rain of Molten Slag
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1373

682 Target AE
Rain of Molten Slag Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1429

709 Target AE
Shock of Silvered Steel
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2537

512 Single
Shock of Silvered Steel Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2638

532 Single
Shock of Silvered Steel Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2740

552 Single
Wand of Elemental Transvergence
1: Summon Item: Wand of Elemental Transvergence x 1

400 Single

Level 73

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Annihilate the Unnatural
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2666
2: 10% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 2% Chance to Cast Annihilate Destruction (v340)

486 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Annihilate the Unnatural Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2772
2: 10% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 2% Chance to Cast Annihilate Destruction (v340)

505 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Annihilate the Unnatural Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2879
2: 10% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 2% Chance to Cast Annihilate Destruction (v340)

525 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Essence of Fire
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS15L073ElemHeat

400 Self
Granite Stance
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 33%, Total: 2500
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 80%

480 Pet
Granite Stance Rk. II
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 33%, Total: 5000
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 80%

500 Pet
Granite Stance Rk. III
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 33%, Total: 7500
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 80%

520 Pet
Renewal of Aenda
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 2440
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 32
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 32
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 32
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 8

504 Pet
Renewal of Aenda Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 2526
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 33
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 33
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 33
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 12

521 Pet
Renewal of Aenda Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 2612
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 34
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 34
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 34
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 16

539 Pet
Scalding Sands
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1686

400 Single
Scalding Sands Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1753

416 Single
Scalding Sands Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1820

432 Single
Scorching Skin
12: Increase Damage Shield by 504

360 Single
Scorching Skin Rk. II
12: Increase Damage Shield by 525

375 Single
Scorching Skin Rk. III
12: Increase Damage Shield by 546

390 Single
Summon Elemental Armaments
1: Summon Item: Phantom Satchel x 1
2: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Windwoven Dreamcatcher x 1
3: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Windwoven Dreamcatcher x 1
4: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Searing Torch x 1
5: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Searing Torch x 1
6: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Icefall Icicle x 1
7: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Icefall Icicle x 1
8: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Jagged Ragesword x 1
9: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Jagged Ragesword x 1

375 Self

Level 74

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Aegis of Calliav
1: Absorb 5 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 17198

500 Pet
Aegis of Calliav Rk. II
1: Absorb 6 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 17198

500 Pet
Aegis of Calliav Rk. III
1: Absorb 7 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 17198

500 Pet
Circle of Magmaskin
1: Increase Damage Shield by 74
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

702 Target Group
Circle of Magmaskin Rk. II
1: Increase Damage Shield by 78
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

731 Target Group
Circle of Magmaskin Rk. III
1: Increase Damage Shield by 81
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

761 Target Group
Essence of Earth
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS15L074ElemErf

400 Self
Focus Mass Elaborate Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
1: Summon Item: Elaborate Spellcaster's Empowering Essence x 5

2000 Self
Iceflame Body
2: Add Melee Proc: Iceflame Strike with 150% Rate Mod
3: Increase Damage Shield by 18

240 Pet
Iceflame Body Rk. II
2: Add Melee Proc: Iceflame Strike II with 150% Rate Mod
3: Increase Damage Shield by 19

250 Pet
Iceflame Body Rk. III
2: Add Melee Proc: Iceflame Strike III with 150% Rate Mod
3: Increase Damage Shield by 20

260 Pet
Rain of Thunderbolts
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1546

744 Target AE
Rain of Thunderbolts Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1609

773 Target AE
Summon Wintry Paradox
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Elemental Ice Sliver x 1

1422 Self
Summon Wintry Paradox Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Elemental Ice Fragment x 1

1477 Self
Summon Wintry Paradox Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Elemental Ice Shard x 1

1533 Self

Level 75

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Blazing Stance
1: Absorb Damage using Mana: 50%
2: Root
5: Increase Damage Shield by 20
6: Increase Current Mana by 50 per Tick

480 Pet, Restriction: Fire Pet
Blazing Stance Rk. II
1: Absorb Damage using Mana: 50%
2: Root
5: Increase Damage Shield by 25
6: Increase Current Mana by 75 per Tick

480 Pet, Restriction: Fire Pet
Blazing Stance Rk. III
1: Absorb Damage using Mana: 50%
2: Root
5: Increase Damage Shield by 30
6: Increase Current Mana by 100 per Tick

480 Pet, Restriction: Fire Pet
Elemental Symbiosis
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1920

Recourse: Elemental Symbiosis Recourse

0 / 0 Pet2
Elemental Symbiosis Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2000

Recourse: Elemental Symbiosis Recourse Rk. II

0 / 0 Pet2
Elemental Symbiosis Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2080

Recourse: Elemental Symbiosis Recourse Rk. III

0 / 0 Pet2
Fickle Inferno
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2866

Recourse: Fickle Inferno Recourse

580 Single
Fickle Inferno Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2979

Recourse: Fickle Inferno Recourse

602 Single
Fickle Inferno Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3094

Recourse: Fickle Inferno Recourse

626 Single
Focus Ornate Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
1: Summon Item: Ornate Spellcaster's Empowering Essence x 1

600 Self
Mass Elemental Transvergence
1: Summon Item: Wand of Elemental Transvergence x 1

3750 Nearby Players
Mass Elemental Transvergence Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Wand of Elemental Transvergence x 1

3250 Nearby Players
Monster Summoning V
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS15L075MonSum

400 Self
Rampaging Servant
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS15L075Garg2Red x 1 for 18s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

1980 Single
Rampaging Servant Rk. II
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS15L075Garg2Red x 1 for 20s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

2063 Single
Rampaging Servant Rk. III
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS15L075Garg2Red x 1 for 22s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

2145 Single

Level 76

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Bolt of Molten Dross
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4131

842 Line of Sight
Bolt of Molten Dross Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4694

922 Line of Sight
Bolt of Molten Dross Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5071

972 Line of Sight
Burnout VII
2: Increase Hit Damage by 9% (v185)
3: Increase Strength by 107
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase Attack by 70
6: Increase Armor Class by 7 to 9, Based on Class

250 Pet
Burnout VII Rk. II
2: Increase Hit Damage by 10% (v185)
3: Increase Strength by 122
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase Attack by 79
6: Increase Armor Class by 8 to 11, Based on Class

285 Pet
Burnout VII Rk. III
2: Increase Hit Damage by 11% (v185)
3: Increase Strength by 130
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase Attack by 85
6: Increase Armor Class by 9 to 11, Based on Class

304 Pet
Core of Air
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS16L076ElemAir

400 Self
1: Increase Damage Shield by 86
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

331 Single
Lavaskin Rk. II
1: Increase Damage Shield by 98
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

377 Single
Lavaskin Rk. III
1: Increase Damage Shield by 105
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

402 Single
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 3% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 82
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 82
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 82
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 82
6: Limit Max Level: 80 (Lose 10% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Resist: Magic
10: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills

401 Single
Malosinatia Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 5% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 86
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 86
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 86
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 86
6: Limit Max Level: 80 (Lose 10% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Resist: Magic
10: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills

458 Single
Malosinatia Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 7% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 90
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 90
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 90
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 90
6: Limit Max Level: 80 (Lose 10% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Resist: Magic
10: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills

488 Single
Prime Guard
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 537
2: Increase Armor Class by 14 to 18, Based on Class
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 1537
6: Increase Magic Resist by 54

609 Self
Prime Guard Rk. II
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 634
2: Increase Armor Class by 16 to 21, Based on Class
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 1634
6: Increase Magic Resist by 61

694 Self
Prime Guard Rk. III
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 683
2: Increase Armor Class by 17 to 22, Based on Class
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 1683
6: Increase Magic Resist by 65

740 Self
Summon Nastel's Heirlooms
1: Summon Item: Phantom Satchel x 1
2: Summon into Bag: Nastel's Satin Choker x 1
3: Summon into Bag: Nastel's Woven Shawl x 1
4: Summon into Bag: Nastel's Linked Bracelet x 1
5: Summon into Bag: Nastel's Gold Ring x 1
6: Summon into Bag: Nastel's Ridged Earhoop x 1
7: Summon into Bag: Nastel's Jade Bracelet x 1

300 Self
Summon Plate of the Prime
1: Summon Item: Phantom Satchel x 1
2: Summon into Bag: Prime Plate Helm x 1
3: Summon into Bag: Prime Plate Vambraces x 1
4: Summon into Bag: Prime Plate Gauntlets x 1
5: Summon into Bag: Prime Plate Boots x 1
6: Summon into Bag: Prime Plate Bracers x 1
7: Summon into Bag: Prime Plate Breastplate x 1
8: Summon into Bag: Prime Plate Greaves x 1
9: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Prime Belt x 1

150 Self

Level 77

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Aspect of Zomm
1: Eye of Zomm
2: Invisibility
3: Increase Magnification by 120%
4: See Invisible (Enhanced - 3)

65 Self
Aspect of Zomm Rk. II
1: Eye of Zomm
2: Invisibility
3: Increase Magnification by 120%
4: See Invisible (Enhanced - 3)

65 Self
Aspect of Zomm Rk. III
1: Eye of Zomm
2: Invisibility
3: Increase Magnification by 120%
4: See Invisible (Enhanced - 3)

65 Self
Beam of Molten Dross
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1209

661 Frontal AE
Beam of Molten Dross Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1374

751 Frontal AE
Beam of Molten Dross Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1484

811 Frontal AE
Core of Water
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS16L077ElemWat

400 Self
Eidolic Guardian
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 13 per Tick
4: Increase Current Mana by 13 per Tick
8: Increase Armor Class by 16 to 21, Based on Class

626 Self
Eidolic Guardian Rk. II
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 15 per Tick
4: Increase Current Mana by 15 per Tick
8: Increase Armor Class by 18 to 24, Based on Class

714 Self
Eidolic Guardian Rk. III
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 17 per Tick
4: Increase Current Mana by 17 per Tick
8: Increase Armor Class by 20 to 26, Based on Class

761 Self
Rain of Molten Dross
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1572

766 Target AE
Rain of Molten Dross Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1786

871 Target AE
Rain of Molten Dross Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1929

940 Target AE
Shock of Cineral Steel
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2902

564 Single
Shock of Cineral Steel Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3297

618 Single
Shock of Cineral Steel Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3562

651 Single
Shock of Many
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1849 if Between 1 and 2 Pets on Hatelist
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7865 if Between 3 and 6 Pets on Hatelist
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 13877 if At Least 7 Pets On Hatelist

596 Line of Sight
Shock of Many Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1941 if Between 1 and 2 Pets on Hatelist
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8258 if Between 3 and 6 Pets on Hatelist
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 14571 if At Least 7 Pets On Hatelist

654 Line of Sight
Shock of Many Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2038 if Between 1 and 2 Pets on Hatelist
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8671 if Between 3 and 6 Pets on Hatelist
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 15300 if At Least 7 Pets On Hatelist

689 Line of Sight
Wand of Prime Transvergence
1: Summon Item: Rod of Prime Transvergence x 1

500 Single
Wand of Prime Transvergence Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Rod of Prime Transvergence x 1

433 Single
Wand of Prime Transvergence Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Rod of Prime Transvergence x 1

367 Single

Level 78

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Annihilate the Aberrant
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3049
2: 10% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 2% Chance to Cast Annihilate Havoc (v340)

536 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Annihilate the Aberrant Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3465
2: 10% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 2% Chance to Cast Annihilate Havoc (v340)

587 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Annihilate the Aberrant Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3743
2: 10% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 2% Chance to Cast Annihilate Havoc (v340)

619 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Core of Fire
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS16L078ElemHeat

400 Self
Grounded Stance
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 33%, Total: 2750
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 80%

535 Pet
Grounded Stance Rk. II
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 33%, Total: 6500
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 80%

610 Pet
Grounded Stance Rk. III
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 33%, Total: 10500
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 80%

650 Pet
Promised Recovery
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Recovery Trigger
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (10069)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 10069
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 10069

516 Pet
Promised Recovery Rk. II
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Recovery Trigger Rk. II
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (10926)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 10926
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 10926

539 Pet
Promised Recovery Rk. III
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Recovery Trigger Rk. III
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (11500)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 11500
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 11500

554 Pet
Revival of Aenro
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 2678
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 35
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 35
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 35
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 12

532 Pet
Revival of Aenro Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 2904
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 40
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 40
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 40
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 18

556 Pet
Revival of Aenro Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 3056
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 43
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 43
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 43
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 24

571 Pet
Scorching Sands
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1928

441 Single
Scorching Sands Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2191

484 Single
Scorching Sands Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2367

510 Single
Searing Skin
12: Increase Damage Shield by 578

401 Single
Searing Skin Rk. II
12: Increase Damage Shield by 656

458 Single
Searing Skin Rk. III
12: Increase Damage Shield by 709

488 Single
Summon Cauldron of Many Things
1: Summon Item: Cauldron of Many Things x 1

125 Self
Summon Prime Armaments
1: Summon Item: Phantom Satchel x 1
2: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Tonfa of the North Wind x 1
3: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Tonfa of the North Wind x 1
4: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Blazing Brand x 1
5: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Blazing Brand x 1
6: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Winterbane x 1
7: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Winterbane x 1
8: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Jagged Ragesword x 1
9: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Jagged Ragesword x 1

375 Self

Level 79

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Aegis of Kildrukaun
1: Absorb 7 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 18918

500 Pet
Aegis of Kildrukaun Rk. II
1: Absorb 8 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 18918

500 Pet
Aegis of Kildrukaun Rk. III
1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 18918

500 Pet
Burning Brimbody
1: Add Defensive Proc: Burning Vengeance with 400% Rate Mod

401 Single
Burning Brimbody Rk. II
1: Add Defensive Proc: Burning Vengeance II with 400% Rate Mod

458 Single
Burning Brimbody Rk. III
1: Add Defensive Proc: Burning Vengeance III with 400% Rate Mod

488 Single
Circle of Lavaskin
1: Increase Damage Shield by 86
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

782 Target Group
Circle of Lavaskin Rk. II
1: Increase Damage Shield by 98
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

892 Target Group
Circle of Lavaskin Rk. III
1: Increase Damage Shield by 105
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

950 Target Group
Core of Earth
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS16L079ElemErf

400 Self
Focus Mass Ornate Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
1: Summon Item: Ornate Spellcaster's Empowering Essence x 5

2400 Self
Iceflame Tenement
2: Add Melee Proc: Iceflame Clash with 150% Rate Mod
3: Increase Damage Shield by 21

268 Pet
Iceflame Tenement Rk. II
2: Add Melee Proc: Iceflame Clash Rk. II with 150% Rate Mod
3: Increase Damage Shield by 24

305 Pet
Iceflame Tenement Rk. III
2: Add Melee Proc: Iceflame Clash Rk. III with 150% Rate Mod
3: Increase Damage Shield by 26

325 Pet
Summon Gelid Paradox
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Elemental Ice Sliver x 1

1567 Self
Summon Gelid Paradox Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Elemental Ice Fragment x 1

1717 Self
Summon Gelid Paradox Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Elemental Ice Shard x 1

1810 Self
Torrent of Thunderbolts
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1770

836 Target AE
Torrent of Thunderbolts Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2011

949 Target AE
Torrent of Thunderbolts Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2172

1024 Target AE

Level 80

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Fickle Pyroclasm
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3277

Recourse: Fickle Inferno Recourse

639 Single
Fickle Pyroclasm Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3724

Recourse: Fickle Inferno Recourse

700 Single
Fickle Pyroclasm Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4023

Recourse: Fickle Inferno Recourse

738 Single
Focus Runed Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
1: Summon Item: Runed Spellcaster's Empowering Essence x 1

700 Self
Hungry Flames
1: Cast on Fade: Hungry Flames
12: Increase Damage Shield by 136

1053 Single
Hungry Flames Rk. II
1: Cast on Fade: Hungry Flames Rk. II
12: Increase Damage Shield by 154

1153 Single
Hungry Flames Rk. III
1: Cast on Fade: Hungry Flames Rk. III
12: Increase Damage Shield by 167

1216 Single
Mass Prime Transvergence
1: Summon Item: Rod of Prime Transvergence x 1

4688 Nearby Players
Mass Prime Transvergence Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Rod of Prime Transvergence x 1

4063 Nearby Players
Mass Prime Transvergence Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Rod of Prime Transvergence x 1

3438 Nearby Players
Monster Summoning VI
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS16L080MonSum

400 Self
Prime Symbiosis
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2140

Recourse: Prime Symbiosis Recourse

0 / 0 Pet2
Prime Symbiosis Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2440

Recourse: Prime Symbiosis Recourse Rk. II

0 / 0 Pet2
Prime Symbiosis Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2600

Recourse: Prime Symbiosis Recourse Rk. III

0 / 0 Pet2
Rancorous Servant
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS16L080Garg2Mtl x 1 for 18s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

2207 Single
Rancorous Servant Rk. II
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS16L080Garg2Mtl x 1 for 20s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

2517 Single
Rancorous Servant Rk. III
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS16L080Garg2Mtl x 1 for 22s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

2682 Single

Level 81

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Aspect of Air
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS17L081ElemAir

400 Self
Bolt of Molten Scoria
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5166

989 Line of Sight
Bolt of Molten Scoria Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5868

1082 Line of Sight
Bolt of Molten Scoria Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6338

1141 Line of Sight
1: Increase Damage Shield by 108
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

403 Single
Brimstoneskin Rk. II
1: Increase Damage Shield by 123
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

460 Single
Brimstoneskin Rk. III
1: Increase Damage Shield by 132
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

490 Single
Burnout VIII
2: Increase Hit Damage by 12% (v185)
3: Increase Strength by 131
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase Attack by 85
6: Increase Armor Class by 9 to 11, Based on Class

305 Pet
Burnout VIII Rk. II
2: Increase Hit Damage by 13% (v185)
3: Increase Strength by 149
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase Attack by 96
6: Increase Armor Class by 10 to 13, Based on Class

348 Pet
Burnout VIII Rk. III
2: Increase Hit Damage by 14% (v185)
3: Increase Strength by 159
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase Attack by 103
6: Increase Armor Class by 11 to 14, Based on Class

371 Pet
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 8% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 90
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 90
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 90
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 90
6: Limit Max Level: 85 (Lose 10% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Resist: Magic
10: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills

490 Single
Malosenea Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 9% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 95
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 95
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 95
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 95
6: Limit Max Level: 85 (Lose 10% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Resist: Magic
10: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills

559 Single
Malosenea Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 10% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 99
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 99
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 99
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 99
6: Limit Max Level: 85 (Lose 10% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Resist: Magic
10: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills

595 Single
Shield of the Void
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 697
2: Increase Armor Class by 17 to 22, Based on Class
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 1697
6: Increase Magic Resist by 65

743 Self
Shield of the Void Rk. II
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 824
2: Increase Armor Class by 19 to 25, Based on Class
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 1824
6: Increase Magic Resist by 74

847 Self
Shield of the Void Rk. III
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 888
2: Increase Armor Class by 20 to 27, Based on Class
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 1888
6: Increase Magic Resist by 79

902 Self
Summon Zabella's Heirlooms
1: Summon Item: Phantom Satchel x 1
2: Summon into Bag: Zabella's Satin Choker x 1
3: Summon into Bag: Zabella's Woven Shawl x 1
4: Summon into Bag: Zabella's Linked Bracelet x 1
5: Summon into Bag: Zabella's Gold Ring x 1
6: Summon into Bag: Zabella's Ridged Earhoop x 1
7: Summon into Bag: Zabella's Jade Bracelet x 1

300 Self

Level 82

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Aspect of Water
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS17L082ElemWat

400 Self
Beam of Molten Scoria
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1511

811 Frontal AE
Beam of Molten Scoria Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1717

922 Frontal AE
Beam of Molten Scoria Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1786

958 Frontal AE
Empyrean Guardian
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 18 per Tick
4: Increase Current Mana by 18 per Tick
8: Increase Armor Class by 20 to 26, Based on Class

764 Self
Empyrean Guardian Rk. II
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 21 per Tick
4: Increase Current Mana by 21 per Tick
8: Increase Armor Class by 22 to 30, Based on Class

871 Self
Empyrean Guardian Rk. III
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 23 per Tick
4: Increase Current Mana by 23 per Tick
8: Increase Armor Class by 24 to 32, Based on Class

928 Self
Jolt of Many
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2242 if Between 1 and 2 Pets on Hatelist
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 9538 if Between 3 and 6 Pets on Hatelist
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 16830 if At Least 7 Pets On Hatelist

701 Line of Sight
Jolt of Many Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2354 if Between 1 and 2 Pets on Hatelist
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 10015 if Between 3 and 6 Pets on Hatelist
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 17671 if At Least 7 Pets On Hatelist

767 Line of Sight
Jolt of Many Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2472 if Between 1 and 2 Pets on Hatelist
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 10516 if Between 3 and 6 Pets on Hatelist
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 18555 if At Least 7 Pets On Hatelist

809 Line of Sight
Rain of Molten Scoria
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1964

940 Target AE
Rain of Molten Scoria Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2232

1068 Target AE
Rain of Molten Scoria Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2322

1111 Target AE
Shock of Discordant Steel
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3628

662 Single
Shock of Discordant Steel Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4121

725 Single
Shock of Discordant Steel Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4451

764 Single
Wand of Ethereal Transvergence
1: Summon Item: Rod of Ethereal Transvergence x 1

625 Single
Wand of Ethereal Transvergence Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Rod of Ethereal Transvergence x 1

542 Single
Wand of Ethereal Transvergence Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Rod of Ethereal Transvergence x 1

458 Single

Level 83

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Annihilate the Anomalous
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3813
2: 10% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 2% Chance to Cast Annihilate Havoc (v340)

630 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Annihilate the Anomalous Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4331
2: 10% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 2% Chance to Cast Annihilate Havoc (v340)

689 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Annihilate the Anomalous Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4678
2: 10% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 2% Chance to Cast Annihilate Havoc (v340)

727 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Aspect of Fire
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS17L083ElemHeat

400 Self
Earthen Stance
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 33%, Total: 3025
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 80%

653 Pet
Earthen Stance Rk. II
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 33%, Total: 8450
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 80%

744 Pet
Earthen Stance Rk. III
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 33%, Total: 14700
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 80%

793 Pet
Promised Rejuvenation
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Rejuvenation Trigger
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (11583)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 11583
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 11583

557 Pet
Promised Rejuvenation Rk. II
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Rejuvenation Trigger Rk. II
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (12563)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 12563
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 12563

582 Pet
Promised Rejuvenation Rk. III
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Rejuvenation Trigger Rk. III
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (13221)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 13221
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 13221

598 Pet
Renewal of Cadwin
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 3078
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 43
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 43
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 43
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 18

574 Pet
Renewal of Cadwin Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 3340
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 49
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 49
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 49
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 27

600 Pet
Renewal of Cadwin Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 3514
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 52
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 52
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 52
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 36

617 Pet
Summon Cauldron of Endless Goods
1: Summon Item: Cauldron of Endless Goods x 1

125 Self
Summon Ethereal Armaments
1: Summon Item: Phantom Satchel x 1
2: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Tonfa of the North Wind x 1
3: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Tonfa of the North Wind x 1
4: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Blazing Brand x 1
5: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Blazing Brand x 1
6: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Winterbane x 1
7: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Winterbane x 1
8: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Jagged Ragesword x 1
9: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Jagged Ragesword x 1

375 Self
Thaumatize Pet
1: Cast Thaumaturgic Overload (v374)

Recourse: Thaumatize Owner

200 Pet
Thaumatize Pet Rk. II
1: Cast Thaumaturgic Overload II (v374)

Recourse: Thaumatize Owner II

240 Pet
Thaumatize Pet Rk. III
1: Cast Thaumaturgic Overload III (v374)

Recourse: Thaumatize Owner III

280 Pet
Torrid Sands
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2411

519 Single
Torrid Sands Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2738

567 Single
Torrid Sands Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2958

598 Single
Torrid Skin
12: Increase Damage Shield by 722

490 Single
Torrid Skin Rk. II
12: Increase Damage Shield by 820

559 Single
Torrid Skin Rk. III
12: Increase Damage Shield by 886

595 Single

Level 84

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Aspect of Earth
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS17L084ElemErf

400 Self
Burning Pyroshroud
1: Add Defensive Proc: Burning Retaliation with 400% Rate Mod

490 Single
Burning Pyroshroud Rk. II
1: Add Defensive Proc: Burning Retaliation II with 400% Rate Mod

559 Single
Burning Pyroshroud Rk. III
1: Add Defensive Proc: Burning Retaliation III with 400% Rate Mod

595 Single
Chaotic Boon
1: Cast on Spell Use: Chaotic Replenishment (10% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Detrimental
3: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
6: Limit Max Level: 85 (Lose 100% per Level)

642 Self
Chaotic Boon Rk. II
1: Cast on Spell Use: Chaotic Replenishment II (12% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Detrimental
3: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
6: Limit Max Level: 85 (Lose 100% per Level)

733 Self
Chaotic Boon Rk. III
1: Cast on Spell Use: Chaotic Replenishment III (14% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Detrimental
3: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
6: Limit Max Level: 85 (Lose 100% per Level)

781 Self
Circle of Brimstoneskin
1: Increase Damage Shield by 108
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

954 Target Group
Circle of Brimstoneskin Rk. II
1: Increase Damage Shield by 123
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

1088 Target Group
Circle of Brimstoneskin Rk. III
1: Increase Damage Shield by 132
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

1160 Target Group
Deluge of Thunderbolts
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2212

1025 Target AE
Deluge of Thunderbolts Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2513

1165 Target AE
Deluge of Thunderbolts Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2614

1211 Target AE
Focus Mass Runed Spellcaster's Empowering Essence
1: Summon Item: Runed Spellcaster's Empowering Essence x 5

2800 Self
Iceflame Efflux
2: Add Melee Proc: Iceflame Assault with 150% Rate Mod
3: Increase Damage Shield by 26

326 Pet
Iceflame Efflux Rk. II
2: Add Melee Proc: Iceflame Assault Rk. II with 150% Rate Mod
3: Increase Damage Shield by 30

372 Pet
Iceflame Efflux Rk. III
2: Add Melee Proc: Iceflame Assault Rk. III with 150% Rate Mod
3: Increase Damage Shield by 32

397 Pet
Summon Elemental Ore
1: Summon Item: Elemental Ore x 1

125 Self
Summon Frigid Paradox
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Elemental Ice Sliver x 1

1842 Self
Summon Frigid Paradox Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Elemental Ice Fragment x 1

2016 Self
Summon Frigid Paradox Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Elemental Ice Shard x 1

2125 Self

Level 85

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Arcane Distillect
1: Aura Effect: Arcane Distillect Effect (PCIObMagS17L085TrapPetAug)

400 Self
Arcane Distillect Rk. II
1: Aura Effect: Arcane Distillect Effect (PCIObMagS17L085TrapPetAug)

360 Self
Arcane Distillect Rk. III
1: Aura Effect: Arcane Distillect Effect (PCIObMagS17L085TrapPetAug)

320 Self
Ethereal Symbiosis
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2611

Recourse: Ethereal Symbiosis Recourse

0 / 0 Pet2
Ethereal Symbiosis Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2977

Recourse: Ethereal Symbiosis Recourse Rk. II

0 / 0 Pet2
Ethereal Symbiosis Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3172

Recourse: Ethereal Symbiosis Recourse Rk. III

0 / 0 Pet2
Fickle Blaze
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4098

Recourse: Fickle Inferno Recourse

751 Single
Fickle Blaze Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4655

Recourse: Fickle Inferno Recourse

822 Single
Fickle Blaze Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5028

Recourse: Fickle Inferno Recourse

866 Single
Hulking Bodyguard
1: Add Defensive Proc: Summon Bodyguard with 400% Rate Mod

490 Self
Hulking Bodyguard Rk. II
1: Add Defensive Proc: Summon Bodyguard with 400% Rate Mod

559 Self
Hulking Bodyguard Rk. III
1: Add Defensive Proc: Summon Bodyguard with 400% Rate Mod

595 Self
Mass Ethereal Transvergence
1: Summon Item: Rod of Ethereal Transvergence x 1

5860 Nearby Players
Mass Ethereal Transvergence Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Rod of Ethereal Transvergence x 1

5079 Nearby Players
Mass Ethereal Transvergence Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Rod of Ethereal Transvergence x 1

4298 Nearby Players
Monster Summoning VII
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS17L085MonSum

6000 Self
Ravenous Flames
1: Cast on Fade: Ravenous Flames
12: Increase Damage Shield by 170

1237 Single
Ravenous Flames Rk. II
1: Cast on Fade: Ravenous Flames Rk. II
12: Increase Damage Shield by 193

1353 Single
Ravenous Flames Rk. III
1: Cast on Fade: Ravenous Flames Rk. III
12: Increase Damage Shield by 208

1427 Single
Rumbling Servant
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS17L085Garg2Run x 1 for 18s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

2693 Single
Rumbling Servant Rk. II
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS17L085Garg2Run x 1 for 20s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

3071 Single
Rumbling Servant Rk. III
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS17L085Garg2Run x 1 for 22s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

3272 Single
Surge of Thaumacretion
3: Increase Spell Damage Shield by 750
4: Increase Damage Shield by 1200

1806 Single
Surge of Thaumacretion Rk. II
3: Increase Spell Damage Shield by 870
4: Increase Damage Shield by 1450

2010 Single
Surge of Thaumacretion Rk. III
3: Increase Spell Damage Shield by 1167
4: Increase Damage Shield by 1569

2240 Single
1: Increase Chance to Twincast by 100%
2: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
3: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker
4: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
5: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
6: Limit Type: Detrimental

1 Self
Twincast Rk. II
1: Increase Chance to Twincast by 100%
2: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
3: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker
4: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
5: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
6: Limit Type: Detrimental

1 Self
Twincast Rk. III
1: Increase Chance to Twincast by 100%
2: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
3: Limit Effect: Exclude Twincast Blocker
4: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
5: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
6: Limit Type: Detrimental

1 Self

Level 86

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Bolt of Rhyolite
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7104

1236 Line of Sight
Bolt of Rhyolite Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8069

1353 Line of Sight
Bolt of Rhyolite Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8715

1426 Line of Sight
Burnout IX
2: Increase Hit Damage by 14% (v185)
3: Increase Strength by 144
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase Attack by 102
6: Increase Armor Class by 10 to 14, Based on Class

336 Pet
Burnout IX Rk. II
2: Increase Hit Damage by 15% (v185)
3: Increase Strength by 164
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase Attack by 115
6: Increase Armor Class by 12 to 16, Based on Class

383 Pet
Burnout IX Rk. III
2: Increase Hit Damage by 16% (v185)
3: Increase Strength by 175
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase Attack by 124
6: Increase Armor Class by 13 to 17, Based on Class

408 Pet
Construct of Air
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS18L086ElemAir

400 Self
Dreamfire Coat
1: Increase Damage Shield by 162
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

806 Single
Dreamfire Coat Rk. II
1: Increase Damage Shield by 185
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

920 Single
Dreamfire Coat Rk. III
1: Increase Damage Shield by 198
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

980 Single
Gift of Daybreak
1: Summon Item: Glowing Backpack x 1
2: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Black Bread x 20
3: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Globe of Water x 20
4: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Black Bread x 20
5: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Globe of Water x 20
6: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Bandages x 20
7: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Bandages x 20
8: Summon into Bag: Summoned: Sphere of Air x 1

238 Single
Grant Enibik's Heirlooms
1: Summon Item: Folded Pack of Enibik's Heirlooms x 1

300 Single
Grant Spectral Plate
1: Summon Item: Folded Pack of Spectral Plate x 1

200 Single
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 8% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 100
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 100
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 100
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 100
6: Limit Max Level: 90 (Lose 10% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Resist: Magic
10: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills

515 Single
Malosene Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 9% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 105
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 105
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 105
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 105
6: Limit Max Level: 90 (Lose 10% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Resist: Magic
10: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills

587 Single
Malosene Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 10% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 110
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 110
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 110
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 110
6: Limit Max Level: 90 (Lose 10% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Resist: Magic
10: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills

625 Single
Shield of Dreams
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 1003
2: Increase Armor Class by 24 to 32, Based on Class
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 2003
6: Increase Magic Resist by 83

817 Self
Shield of Dreams Rk. II
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 1185
2: Increase Armor Class by 28 to 37, Based on Class
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 2185
6: Increase Magic Resist by 93

932 Self
Shield of Dreams Rk. III
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 1276
2: Increase Armor Class by 29 to 39, Based on Class
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 2276
6: Increase Magic Resist by 100

992 Self
Strike of Sand
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3118

455 Single
Strike of Sand Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3541

498 Single
Strike of Sand Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3825

525 Single

Level 87

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Beam of Rhyolite
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1911

932 Frontal AE
Beam of Rhyolite Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2172

1060 Frontal AE
Beam of Rhyolite Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2260

1102 Frontal AE
Clash of Many
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2719 if Between 1 and 2 Pets on Hatelist
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 11568 if Between 3 and 6 Pets on Hatelist
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 20411 if At Least 7 Pets On Hatelist

985 Line of Sight
Clash of Many Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2855 if Between 1 and 2 Pets on Hatelist
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 12146 if Between 3 and 6 Pets on Hatelist
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 21432 if At Least 7 Pets On Hatelist

1078 Line of Sight
Clash of Many Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2998 if Between 1 and 2 Pets on Hatelist
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 12753 if Between 3 and 6 Pets on Hatelist
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 22504 if At Least 7 Pets On Hatelist

1136 Line of Sight
Cognitive Guardian
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 23 per Tick
4: Increase Current Mana by 23 per Tick
8: Increase Armor Class by 25 to 32, Based on Class

840 Self
Cognitive Guardian Rk. II
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 26 per Tick
4: Increase Current Mana by 26 per Tick
8: Increase Armor Class by 28 to 37, Based on Class

941 Self
Cognitive Guardian Rk. III
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 29 per Tick
4: Increase Current Mana by 29 per Tick
8: Increase Armor Class by 30 to 39, Based on Class

984 Self
Construct of Water
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS18L087ElemWat

400 Self
Grant Visor of Vabtik
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Visor of Vabtik x 1

125 Single
Rain of Rhyolite
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3240

1241 Target AE
Rain of Rhyolite Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3683

1382 Target AE
Rain of Rhyolite Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3831

1410 Target AE
Shock of Ethereal Steel
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5141

853 Single
Shock of Ethereal Steel Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5839

934 Single
Shock of Ethereal Steel Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6306

984 Single
Splash of Lava
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2730

541 Target Ring AE
Splash of Lava Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3103

596 Target Ring AE
Splash of Lava Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3228

647 Target Ring AE
Wand of Spectral Transvergence
1: Summon Item: Rod of Spectral Transvergence x 1

688 Single
Wand of Spectral Transvergence Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Rod of Spectral Transvergence x 1

596 Single
Wand of Spectral Transvergence Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Rod of Spectral Transvergence x 1

504 Single

Level 88

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Annihilate the Divergent
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6029
2: 12% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 2% Chance to Cast Annihilate Havoc (v340)

760 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Annihilate the Divergent Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6849
2: 12% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 2% Chance to Cast Annihilate Havoc (v340)

832 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Annihilate the Divergent Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7398
2: 12% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 3% Chance to Cast Annihilate Havoc (v340)

878 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Beam of Daggers
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1911

932 Frontal AE
Beam of Daggers Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2172

1060 Frontal AE
Beam of Daggers Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2260

1102 Frontal AE
Blazing Sands
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4492

879 Single
Blazing Sands Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5101

960 Single
Blazing Sands Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5511

1013 Single
Blazing Skin
12: Increase Damage Shield by 1083

539 Single
Blazing Skin Rk. II
12: Increase Damage Shield by 1230

615 Single
Blazing Skin Rk. III
12: Increase Damage Shield by 1329

655 Single
Construct of Fire
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS18L088ElemHeat

400 Self
Grant Spectral Armaments
1: Summon Item: Folded Pack of Spectral Armaments x 1

375 Single
Promised Wardmending
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Wardmending Trigger
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (15736)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 15736
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 15736

631 Pet
Promised Wardmending Rk. II
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Wardmending Trigger II
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (17067)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 17067
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 17067

659 Pet
Promised Wardmending Rk. III
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Wardmending Trigger III
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (17961)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 17961
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 17961

677 Pet
Renewal of Volark
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 5112
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 44
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 44
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 44
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 18

1063 Pet
Renewal of Volark Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 5368
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 50
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 50
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 50
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 28

1106 Pet
Renewal of Volark Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 5636
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 53
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 53
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 53
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 37

1150 Pet
Tellurian Stance
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 33%, Total: 15053
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 80%

718 Pet
Tellurian Stance Rk. II
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 33%, Total: 22110
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 80%

818 Pet
Tellurian Stance Rk. III
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 33%, Total: 33149
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 80%

872 Pet

Level 89

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Burning Veil
1: Add Defensive Proc: Burning Lash with 400% Rate Mod

858 Single
Burning Veil Rk. II
1: Add Defensive Proc: Burning Lash II with 400% Rate Mod

979 Single
Burning Veil Rk. III
1: Add Defensive Proc: Burning Lash III with 400% Rate Mod

1042 Single
Chaotic Blessing
1: Cast on Spell Use: Chaotic Renewal (10% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Detrimental
3: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
6: Limit Max Level: 90 (Lose 100% per Level)

677 Self
Chaotic Blessing Rk. II
1: Cast on Spell Use: Chaotic Renewal II (12% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Detrimental
3: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
6: Limit Max Level: 90 (Lose 100% per Level)

773 Self
Chaotic Blessing Rk. III
1: Cast on Spell Use: Chaotic Renewal III (14% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Detrimental
3: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
6: Limit Max Level: 90 (Lose 100% per Level)

823 Self
Circle of Dreamfire
1: Increase Damage Shield by 162
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

1908 Target Group
Circle of Dreamfire Rk. II
1: Increase Damage Shield by 185
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

2176 Target Group
Circle of Dreamfire Rk. III
1: Increase Damage Shield by 198
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

2320 Target Group
Construct of Earth
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS18L089ElemErf

400 Self
Grant Glacial Paradox
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Spectral Ice Sliver x 1

2211 Single
Grant Glacial Paradox Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Spectral Ice Fragment x 1

2419 Single
Grant Glacial Paradox Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Spectral Ice Shard x 1

2550 Single
Grant Ring of Levitation
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Ring of Levitation x 1

350 Single
Iceflame Ward
2: Add Melee Proc: Iceflame Crash with 150% Rate Mod
3: Increase Damage Shield by 39

489 Pet
Iceflame Ward Rk. II
2: Add Melee Proc: Iceflame Crash II with 150% Rate Mod
3: Increase Damage Shield by 45

558 Pet
Iceflame Ward Rk. III
2: Add Melee Proc: Iceflame Crash III with 150% Rate Mod
3: Increase Damage Shield by 48

596 Pet
Rain of Daggers
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3163

1173 Target AE
Rain of Daggers Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3593

1306 Target AE
Rain of Daggers Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3738

1332 Target AE
Scalding Winds
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5138

2278 Caster PB
Scalding Winds Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5838

2590 Caster PB
Scalding Winds Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6072

2692 Caster PB

Level 90

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Fickle Flare
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5410

Recourse: Fickle Inferno Recourse

901 Single
Fickle Flare Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6145

Recourse: Fickle Inferno Recourse

986 Single
Fickle Flare Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6637

Recourse: Fickle Inferno Recourse

1039 Single
Gather Potential
1: Increase Current Mana by 6554

1 Self
Gather Potential Rk. II
1: Increase Current Mana by 7473

1 Self
Gather Potential Rk. III
1: Increase Current Mana by 7963

1 Self
Mass Spectral Transvergence
1: Summon Item: Rod of Spectral Transvergence x 1

6192 Nearby Players
Mass Spectral Transvergence Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Rod of Spectral Transvergence x 1

5364 Nearby Players
Mass Spectral Transvergence Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Rod of Spectral Transvergence x 1

4536 Nearby Players
Monster Summoning VIII
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS18L090MonSum

7000 Self
Ruinous Servant
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS18L090Garg2Run x 1 for 18s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

2814 Single
Ruinous Servant Rk. II
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS18L090Garg2Run x 1 for 20s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

2970 Single
Ruinous Servant Rk. III
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS18L090Garg2Run x 1 for 22s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

3181 Single
Spear of Magma
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 12563

2739 Line of Sight
Spear of Magma Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 14271

2999 Line of Sight
Spear of Magma Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 15414

3161 Line of Sight
Spectral Symbiosis
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3264

Recourse: Spectral Symbiosis Recourse

0 / 0 Pet2
Spectral Symbiosis Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3721

Recourse: Spectral Symbiosis Recourse II

0 / 0 Pet2
Spectral Symbiosis Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3965

Recourse: Spectral Symbiosis Recourse III

0 / 0 Pet2
Surge of Shadowflares
3: Increase Spell Damage Shield by 1080
4: Increase Damage Shield by 1728

2364 Single
Surge of Shadowflares Rk. II
3: Increase Spell Damage Shield by 1253
4: Increase Damage Shield by 2088

2459 Single
Surge of Shadowflares Rk. III
3: Increase Spell Damage Shield by 1680
4: Increase Damage Shield by 2260

2557 Single
Tellurian Bodyguard
1: Add Defensive Proc: Tellurian Bodyguard with 400% Rate Mod

539 Self
Tellurian Bodyguard
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS18L090ElemErfRk1 x 1 for 6s

0 / 0 Single
Tellurian Bodyguard II
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS18L090ElemErfRk2 x 1 for 6s

0 / 0 Single
Tellurian Bodyguard III
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS18L090ElemErfRk3 x 1 for 6s

0 / 0 Single
Tellurian Bodyguard Rk. II
1: Add Defensive Proc: Tellurian Bodyguard II with 400% Rate Mod

615 Self
Tellurian Bodyguard Rk. III
1: Add Defensive Proc: Tellurian Bodyguard III with 400% Rate Mod

655 Self
Voracious Flames
1: Cast on Fade: Voracious Flames
12: Increase Damage Shield by 213

1361 Single
Voracious Flames Rk. II
1: Cast on Fade: Voracious Flames II
12: Increase Damage Shield by 241

1488 Single
Voracious Flames Rk. III
1: Cast on Fade: Voracious Flames III
12: Increase Damage Shield by 260

1570 Single

Level 91

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Bolt of Molten Steel
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 9695

1467 Line of Sight
Bolt of Molten Steel Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 10180

1526 Line of Sight
Bolt of Molten Steel Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 10689

1587 Line of Sight
Burnout X
2: Increase Hit Damage by 17% (v185)
3: Increase Strength by 193
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase Attack by 136
6: Increase Armor Class by 14 to 18, Based on Class

383 Pet
Burnout X Rk. II
2: Increase Hit Damage by 18% (v185)
3: Increase Strength by 203
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase Attack by 143
6: Increase Armor Class by 15 to 19, Based on Class

398 Pet
Burnout X Rk. III
2: Increase Hit Damage by 19% (v185)
3: Increase Strength by 213
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase Attack by 150
6: Increase Armor Class by 15 to 20, Based on Class

414 Pet
Burst of Sand
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4303

564 Single
Burst of Sand Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4518

587 Single
Burst of Sand Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4744

610 Single
1: Increase Damage Shield by 238
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

947 Single
Embercoat Rk. II
1: Increase Damage Shield by 250
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

985 Single
Embercoat Rk. III
1: Increase Damage Shield by 263
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

1024 Single
Facet of Air
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS19L091ElemAir

400 Self
Grant Atleris' Heirlooms
1: Summon Item: Folded Pack of Atleris' Heirlooms x 1

300 Single
Grant Manaforged Plate
1: Summon Item: Folded Pack of Manaforged Plate x 1

200 Single
Grant Sphere of Air
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Sphere of Air x 1

172 Single
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 8% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 115
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 115
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 115
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 115
6: Limit Max Level: 95 (Lose 10% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Resist: Magic
10: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills

623 Single
Maloseneta Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 9% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 120
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 120
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 120
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 120
6: Limit Max Level: 95 (Lose 10% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Resist: Magic
10: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills

648 Single
Maloseneta Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 10% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 125
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 125
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 125
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 125
6: Limit Max Level: 95 (Lose 10% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Resist: Magic
10: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills

674 Single
Shield of Bronze
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 1595
2: Increase Armor Class by 34 to 45, Based on Class
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 2595
6: Increase Magic Resist by 110

1005 Self
Shield of Bronze Rk. II
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 1675
2: Increase Armor Class by 36 to 47, Based on Class
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 2675
6: Increase Magic Resist by 116

1045 Self
Shield of Bronze Rk. III
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 1759
2: Increase Armor Class by 37 to 49, Based on Class
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 2759
6: Increase Magic Resist by 122

1087 Self

Level 92

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Beam of Molten Steel
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2543

1127 Frontal AE
Beam of Molten Steel Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2670

1172 Frontal AE
Beam of Molten Steel Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2804

1219 Frontal AE
Facet of Water
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS19L092ElemWat

400 Self
Grant Quiver of Kalkek
1: Summon Item: Folded Quiver of Kalkek x 1

200 Single
Rain of Molten Steel
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6321

1467 Target AE
Rain of Molten Steel Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6637

1526 Target AE
Rain of Molten Steel Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6969

1587 Target AE
Shock of Argathian Steel
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7094

961 Single
Shock of Argathian Steel Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7449

999 Single
Shock of Argathian Steel Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7821

1039 Single
Splash of Molten Steel
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3551

617 Target Ring AE
Splash of Molten Steel Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3729

642 Target Ring AE
Splash of Molten Steel Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3915

668 Target Ring AE
Splendrous Guardian
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 33 per Tick
4: Increase Current Mana by 33 per Tick
8: Increase Armor Class by 34 to 44, Based on Class

1012 Self
Splendrous Guardian Rk. II
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 35 per Tick
4: Increase Current Mana by 35 per Tick
8: Increase Armor Class by 35 to 47, Based on Class

1052 Self
Splendrous Guardian Rk. III
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 37 per Tick
4: Increase Current Mana by 37 per Tick
8: Increase Armor Class by 37 to 49, Based on Class

1094 Self
Strike of Many
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3298 if Between 1 and 2 Pets on Hatelist
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 14028 if Between 3 and 6 Pets on Hatelist
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 24754 if At Least 7 Pets On Hatelist

1394 Line of Sight
Strike of Many Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3463 if Between 1 and 2 Pets on Hatelist
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 14729 if Between 3 and 6 Pets on Hatelist
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 25992 if At Least 7 Pets On Hatelist

1450 Line of Sight
Strike of Many Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3636 if Between 1 and 2 Pets on Hatelist
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 15465 if Between 3 and 6 Pets on Hatelist
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 27292 if At Least 7 Pets On Hatelist

1508 Line of Sight
Wand of Arcane Transvergence
1: Summon Item: Rod of Arcane Transvergence x 1

897 Single
Wand of Arcane Transvergence Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Rod of Arcane Transvergence x 1

777 Single
Wand of Arcane Transvergence Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Rod of Arcane Transvergence x 1

657 Single

Level 93

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Abolish the Divergent
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 9248
2: 12% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 2% Chance to Cast Abolish Destruction (v340)

992 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Abolish the Divergent Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 9710
2: 12% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 2% Chance to Cast Abolish Destruction (v340)

1032 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Abolish the Divergent Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 10196
2: 12% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 3% Chance to Cast Abolish Destruction (v340)

1073 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Beam of Razors
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2486

1054 Frontal AE
Beam of Razors Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2610

1096 Frontal AE
Beam of Razors Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2741

1140 Frontal AE
Burning Sands
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6062

1078 Single
Burning Sands Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6365

1121 Single
Burning Sands Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6683

1166 Single
Facet of Fire
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS19L093ElemHeat

400 Self
Grant Manaforged Armaments
1: Summon Item: Folded Pack of Manaforged Armaments x 1

375 Single
Molten Skin
12: Increase Damage Shield by 1661

719 Single
Molten Skin Rk. II
12: Increase Damage Shield by 1744

748 Single
Molten Skin Rk. III
12: Increase Damage Shield by 1831

778 Single
Promised Amendment
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Amendment Trigger
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (20655)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 20655
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 20655

720 Pet
Promised Amendment Rk. II
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Amendment Trigger II
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (21688)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 21688
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 21688

749 Pet
Promised Amendment Rk. III
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Amendment Trigger III
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (22772)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 22772
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 22772

779 Pet
Renewal of Sirqo
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 8877
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 44
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 44
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 44
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 18

1694 Pet
Renewal of Sirqo Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 9321
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 50
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 50
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 50
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 28

1762 Pet
Renewal of Sirqo Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 9787
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 53
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 53
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 53
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 37

1832 Pet
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 33%, Total: 39000
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 80%

954 Pet
Steelstance Rk. II
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 33%, Total: 42000
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 80%

992 Pet
Steelstance Rk. III
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 33%, Total: 45000
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 80%

1032 Pet
Summon Exigent Servant
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Exigent Servant x 1

4491 Self
Summon Exigent Servant Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Exigent Servant II x 1

4671 Self
Summon Exigent Servant Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Exigent Servant III x 1

4858 Self
Summon Servant
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS19L093RuneRk1 x 1 for 30s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

10 Single
Summon Servant II
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS19L093RuneRk2 x 1 for 30s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

10 Single
Summon Servant III
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS19L093RuneRk3 x 1 for 30s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

10 Single

Level 94

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Chaotic Assistance
1: Cast on Spell Use: Chaotic Restitution (10% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Detrimental
3: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
6: Limit Max Level: 95 (Lose 100% per Level)

806 Self
Chaotic Assistance Rk. II
1: Cast on Spell Use: Chaotic Restitution II (12% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Detrimental
3: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
6: Limit Max Level: 95 (Lose 100% per Level)

838 Self
Chaotic Assistance Rk. III
1: Cast on Spell Use: Chaotic Restitution III (14% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Detrimental
3: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
6: Limit Max Level: 95 (Lose 100% per Level)

872 Self
Circle of Embers
1: Increase Damage Shield by 238
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

2242 Target Group
Circle of Embers Rk. II
1: Increase Damage Shield by 250
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

2332 Target Group
Circle of Embers Rk. III
1: Increase Damage Shield by 263
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

2425 Target Group
Facet of Earth
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS19L094ElemErf

400 Self
Grant Frostrift Paradox
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Frostrift Sliver x 1

2504 Single
Grant Frostrift Paradox Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Frostrift Fragment x 1

2604 Single
Grant Frostrift Paradox Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Frostrift Shard x 1

2708 Single
Iceflame Armor
2: Add Melee Proc: Iceflame Strike with 150% Rate Mod
3: Increase Damage Shield by 60

627 Pet
Iceflame Armor Rk. II
2: Add Melee Proc: Iceflame Strike II with 150% Rate Mod
3: Increase Damage Shield by 63

652 Pet
Iceflame Armor Rk. III
2: Add Melee Proc: Iceflame Strike III with 150% Rate Mod
3: Increase Damage Shield by 66

678 Pet
Magma Blaze
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 3996

10 Single
Molten Veil
1: Add Defensive Proc: Molten Lash with 400% Rate Mod

1095 Single
Molten Veil Rk. II
1: Add Defensive Proc: Molten Lash II with 400% Rate Mod

1139 Single
Molten Veil Rk. III
1: Add Defensive Proc: Molten Lash III with 400% Rate Mod

1185 Single
Rain of Razors
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6168

1430 Target AE
Rain of Razors Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6476

1487 Target AE
Rain of Razors Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6800

1546 Target AE
Scalding Blast
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6679

2575 Caster PB
Scalding Blast Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7013

2678 Caster PB
Scalding Blast Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7364

2785 Caster PB
Summon Blazing Orb
1: Summon Item: Blazing Orb x 1

3147 Self

Level 95

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Arcane Symbiosis
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4362

Recourse: Arcane Symbiosis Recourse

0 / 0 Pet2
Arcane Symbiosis Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4580

Recourse: Arcane Symbiosis Recourse II

0 / 0 Pet2
Arcane Symbiosis Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4809

Recourse: Arcane Symbiosis Recourse III

0 / 0 Pet2
Famished Flames
1: Cast on Fade: Famished Flames
12: Increase Damage Shield by 312

1602 Single
Famished Flames Rk. II
1: Cast on Fade: Famished Flames II
12: Increase Damage Shield by 328

1666 Single
Famished Flames Rk. III
1: Cast on Fade: Famished Flames III
12: Increase Damage Shield by 344

1733 Single
Fickle Flames
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7301

Recourse: Fickle Inferno Recourse

1105 Single
Fickle Flames Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7666

Recourse: Fickle Inferno Recourse

1149 Single
Fickle Flames Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8049

Recourse: Fickle Inferno Recourse

1195 Single
Gather Capacity
1: Increase Current Mana by 8759

1 Self
Gather Capacity Rk. II
1: Increase Current Mana by 9197

1 Self
Gather Capacity Rk. III
1: Increase Current Mana by 9657

1 Self
Mass Arcane Transvergence
1: Summon Item: Rod of Arcane Transvergence x 1

6406 Nearby Players
Mass Arcane Transvergence Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Rod of Arcane Transvergence x 1

5549 Nearby Players
Mass Arcane Transvergence Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Rod of Arcane Transvergence x 1

4692 Nearby Players
Monster Summoning IX
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS19L095MonSum

8000 Self
Ruthless Servant
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS19L095Garg2Metal x 1 for 18s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

2994 Single
Ruthless Servant Rk. II
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS19L095Garg2Metal x 1 for 20s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

3114 Single
Ruthless Servant Rk. III
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS19L095Garg2Metal x 1 for 22s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

3239 Single
Spear of Molten Steel
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 18111

3097 Line of Sight
Spear of Molten Steel Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 19016

3221 Line of Sight
Spear of Molten Steel Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 19967

3350 Line of Sight
Steelbound Bodyguard
1: Add Defensive Proc: Steelbound Bodyguard with 400% Rate Mod

589 Self
Steelbound Bodyguard
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS19L095ElemErfRk1 x 1 for 6s

0 / 0 Single
Steelbound Bodyguard II
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS19L095ElemErfRk2 x 1 for 6s

0 / 0 Single
Steelbound Bodyguard III
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS19L095ElemErfRk3 x 1 for 6s

0 / 0 Single
Steelbound Bodyguard Rk. II
1: Add Defensive Proc: Steelbound Bodyguard II with 400% Rate Mod

665 Self
Steelbound Bodyguard Rk. III
1: Add Defensive Proc: Steelbound Bodyguard III with 400% Rate Mod

705 Self
Summon Exigent Minion
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Exigent Minion x 1

4707 Self
Summon Exigent Minion Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Exigent Minion II x 1

4895 Self
Summon Exigent Minion Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Exigent Minion III x 1

5091 Self
Summon Minion
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS19L095RuneRk1 x 1 for 30s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

10 Single
Summon Minion II
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS19L095RuneRk2 x 1 for 30s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

10 Single
Summon Minion III
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS19L095RuneRk3 x 1 for 30s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

10 Single
Surge of Arcanum
3: Increase Spell Damage Shield by 2016
4: Increase Damage Shield by 2712

2568 Single
Surge of Arcanum Rk. II
3: Increase Spell Damage Shield by 2117
4: Increase Damage Shield by 2848

2671 Single
Surge of Arcanum Rk. III
3: Increase Spell Damage Shield by 2223
4: Increase Damage Shield by 2990

2778 Single

Level 96

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Auspice of Shadows
2: Absorb 5 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 45804

823 Pet
Auspice of Shadows Rk. II
2: Absorb 5 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 48094

856 Pet
Auspice of Shadows Rk. III
2: Absorb 5 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 50499

890 Pet
Blast of Sand
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8397

771 Single
Blast of Sand Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8817

802 Single
Blast of Sand Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 9258

834 Single
Bolt of Molten Magma
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 14216

1511 Line of Sight
Bolt of Molten Magma Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 14927

1571 Line of Sight
Bolt of Molten Magma Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 15673

1634 Line of Sight
Burnout XI
2: Increase Hit Damage by 20% (v185)
3: Increase Strength by 234
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase Attack by 165
6: Increase Armor Class by 19 to 25, Based on Class

416 Pet
Burnout XI Rk. II
2: Increase Hit Damage by 21% (v185)
3: Increase Strength by 246
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase Attack by 173
6: Increase Armor Class by 20 to 27, Based on Class

432 Pet
Burnout XI Rk. III
2: Increase Hit Damage by 22% (v185)
3: Increase Strength by 258
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase Attack by 182
6: Increase Armor Class by 21 to 28, Based on Class

449 Pet
1: Increase Damage Shield by 329
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

1027 Single
Flameskin Rk. II
1: Increase Damage Shield by 345
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

1069 Single
Flameskin Rk. III
1: Increase Damage Shield by 362
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

1111 Single
Grant Frightforged Plate
1: Summon Item: Folded Pack of Frightforged Plate x 1

200 Single
Grant Nint's Heirlooms
1: Summon Item: Folded Pack of Nint's Heirlooms x 1

300 Single
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 10% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 130
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 130
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 130
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 130
6: Limit Max Level: 100 (Lose 10% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Resist: Magic
10: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills

676 Single
Malosenia Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 10% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 135
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 135
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 135
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 135
6: Limit Max Level: 100 (Lose 10% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Resist: Magic
10: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills

703 Single
Malosenia Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 10% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 140
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 140
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 140
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 140
6: Limit Max Level: 100 (Lose 10% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Resist: Magic
10: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills

731 Single
Maloseniac Eminence
2: Add Melee Proc: Eminent Strike with 200% Rate Mod
3: Increase Damage Shield by 83

540 Pet
Maloseniac Eminence Rk. II
2: Add Melee Proc: Eminent Strike II with 200% Rate Mod
3: Increase Damage Shield by 87

562 Pet
Maloseniac Eminence Rk. III
2: Add Melee Proc: Eminent Strike III with 200% Rate Mod
3: Increase Damage Shield by 91

584 Pet
Shard of Air
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS20L096ElemAir

434 Self
Shield of the Dauntless
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 3254
2: Increase Armor Class by 54 to 72, Based on Class
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 4254
6: Increase Magic Resist by 126

1090 Self
Shield of the Dauntless Rk. II
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 3417
2: Increase Armor Class by 57 to 75, Based on Class
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 4417
6: Increase Magic Resist by 132

1134 Self
Shield of the Dauntless Rk. III
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 3588
2: Increase Armor Class by 60 to 79, Based on Class
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 4588
6: Increase Magic Resist by 138

1179 Self

Level 97

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Beam of Brimstone
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 9113

1127 Frontal AE
Beam of Brimstone Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 9569

1172 Frontal AE
Beam of Brimstone Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 10047

1219 Frontal AE
Call of the Heroes
1: Summon Targeted Player to Current Location

1357 Caster Group
Call of the Heroes Rk. II
1: Summon Targeted Player to Current Location

1305 Caster Group
Call of the Heroes Rk. III
1: Summon Targeted Player to Current Location

1255 Caster Group
Grant Visor of Gobeker
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Visor of Gobeker x 1

125 Single
Phantasmal Guardian
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 44 per Tick
4: Increase Current Mana by 44 per Tick
8: Increase Armor Class by 46 to 61, Based on Class

1098 Self
Phantasmal Guardian Rk. II
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 46 per Tick
4: Increase Current Mana by 46 per Tick
8: Increase Armor Class by 49 to 64, Based on Class

1141 Self
Phantasmal Guardian Rk. III
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 48 per Tick
4: Increase Current Mana by 48 per Tick
8: Increase Armor Class by 51 to 67, Based on Class

1187 Self
Rain of Blistersteel
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 13415

1534 Target AE
Rain of Blistersteel Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 14086

1595 Target AE
Rain of Blistersteel Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 14790

1659 Target AE
Salvo of Many
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4000 if Between 1 and 2 Pets on Hatelist
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 17011 if Between 3 and 6 Pets on Hatelist
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 30021 if At Least 7 Pets On Hatelist

1500 Line of Sight
Salvo of Many Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4200 if Between 1 and 2 Pets on Hatelist
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 17862 if Between 3 and 6 Pets on Hatelist
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 31522 if At Least 7 Pets On Hatelist

1560 Line of Sight
Salvo of Many Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4410 if Between 1 and 2 Pets on Hatelist
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 18755 if Between 3 and 6 Pets on Hatelist
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 33098 if At Least 7 Pets On Hatelist

1622 Line of Sight
Shard of Water
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS20L097ElemWat

400 Self
Shield of Fate
1: Absorb Spell Damage: 60%, on Hits over 8000, Total: 123750
2: Absorb Melee Damage: 75%, on Hits over 10000, Total: 94756

860 Self
Shield of Fate Rk. II
1: Absorb Spell Damage: 60%, on Hits over 8000, Total: 129938
2: Absorb Melee Damage: 75%, on Hits over 10000, Total: 99494

894 Self
Shield of Fate Rk. III
1: Absorb Spell Damage: 60%, on Hits over 8000, Total: 136435
2: Absorb Melee Damage: 75%, on Hits over 10000, Total: 104469

930 Self
Shock of Blistersteel
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 9815

901 Single
Shock of Blistersteel Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 10306

937 Single
Shock of Blistersteel Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 10821

974 Single
Wand of Phantasmal Modulation
1: Summon Item: Wand of Phantasmal Modulation x 1

5110 Self
Wand of Phantasmal Modulation Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Wand of Phantasmal Modulation x 1

4913 Self
Wand of Phantasmal Modulation Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Wand of Phantasmal Modulation x 1

4724 Self

Level 98

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Beam of Scythes
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8840

1082 Frontal AE
Beam of Scythes Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 9282

1125 Frontal AE
Beam of Scythes Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 9746

1170 Frontal AE
Broiling Sands
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7585

1021 Single
Broiling Sands Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7964

1062 Single
Broiling Sands Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8362

1104 Single
Exterminate the Unnatural
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 12490
2: 24% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 10% Chance to Cast Exterminate Destruction (v340)

1146 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Exterminate the Unnatural Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 13115
2: 24% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 11% Chance to Cast Exterminate Destruction (v340)

1192 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Exterminate the Unnatural Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 13771
2: 24% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 12% Chance to Cast Exterminate Destruction (v340)

1240 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Grant Frightforged Armaments
1: Summon Item: Folded Pack of Frightforged Armaments x 1

375 Single
Groundswell Stance
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 33%, Total: 46800
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 80%

1035 Pet
Groundswell Stance Rk. II
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 33%, Total: 52700
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 80%

1076 Pet
Groundswell Stance Rk. III
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 33%, Total: 60600
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 80%

1120 Pet
Infernal Skin
12: Increase Damage Shield by 2151

780 Single
Infernal Skin Rk. II
12: Increase Damage Shield by 2259

812 Single
Infernal Skin Rk. III
12: Increase Damage Shield by 2372

844 Single
Iron Bolt
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 13505

1349 Line of Sight
Iron Bolt Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 14180

1403 Line of Sight
Iron Bolt Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 14889

1459 Line of Sight
1: Increase Chance to Reflect Spell by 65% for 65% Base Damage

375 Self
Mirror Rk. II
1: Increase Chance to Reflect Spell by 67% for 67% Base Damage

375 Self
Mirror Rk. III
1: Increase Chance to Reflect Spell by 70% for 70% Base Damage

375 Self
Promised Amelioration
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Amelioration Trigger
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (31198)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 31198
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 31198

781 Pet
Promised Amelioration Rk. II
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Amelioration Trigger II
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (32758)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 32758
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 32758

813 Pet
Promised Amelioration Rk. III
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Amelioration Trigger III
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (34396)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 34396
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 34396

845 Pet
Renewal of Hererra
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 17264
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 70
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 70
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 70
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 46

1973 Pet
Renewal of Hererra Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 18127
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 72
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 72
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 72
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 48

2052 Pet
Renewal of Hererra Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 19033
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 74
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 74
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 74
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 50

2134 Pet
Shard of Fire
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS20L098ElemHeat

400 Self
Summon Imperious Servant
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Imperious Servant x 1

4873 Self
Summon Imperious Servant Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Imperious Servant II x 1

5068 Self
Summon Imperious Servant Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Imperious Servant III x 1

5271 Self
Summon Servant
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS20L098RuneRk1 x 1 for 30s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

10 Single
Summon Servant II
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS20L098RuneRk2 x 1 for 30s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

10 Single
Summon Servant III
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS20L098RuneRk3 x 1 for 30s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

10 Single

Level 99

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Aegis of Nefori
1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 20772

707 Pet
Aegis of Nefori Rk. II
1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 21811

735 Pet
Aegis of Nefori Rk. III
1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 22902

764 Pet
Broiling Blast
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8763

2308 Caster PB
Broiling Blast Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 9201

2400 Caster PB
Broiling Blast Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 9661

2496 Caster PB
Chaotic Benevolence
1: Cast on Spell Use: Chaotic Benevolence Effect (10% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Detrimental
3: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
6: Limit Max Level: 100 (Lose 100% per Level)

875 Self
Chaotic Benevolence Rk. II
1: Cast on Spell Use: Chaotic Benevolence Effect II (12% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Detrimental
3: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
6: Limit Max Level: 100 (Lose 100% per Level)

909 Self
Chaotic Benevolence Rk. III
1: Cast on Spell Use: Chaotic Benevolence Effect III (14% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Detrimental
3: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
6: Limit Max Level: 100 (Lose 100% per Level)

946 Self
Circle of Flameskin
1: Increase Damage Shield by 329
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

2433 Target Group
Circle of Flameskin Rk. II
1: Increase Damage Shield by 345
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

2530 Target Group
Circle of Flameskin Rk. III
1: Increase Damage Shield by 362
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

2631 Target Group
Grant Icebound Paradox
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Icebound Sliver x 1

1463 Single
Grant Icebound Paradox Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Icebound Fragment x 1

1522 Single
Grant Icebound Paradox Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Icebound Shard x 1

1583 Single
Iceflame Eminence
2: Add Melee Proc: Iceflame Strike with 150% Rate Mod
3: Increase Damage Shield by 83

680 Pet
Iceflame Eminence Rk. II
2: Add Melee Proc: Iceflame Strike II with 150% Rate Mod
3: Increase Damage Shield by 87

707 Pet
Iceflame Eminence Rk. III
2: Add Melee Proc: Iceflame Strike III with 150% Rate Mod
3: Increase Damage Shield by 91

736 Pet
Magmatic Veil
1: Add Defensive Proc: Magmatic Lash with 400% Rate Mod

1188 Single
Magmatic Veil Rk. II
1: Add Defensive Proc: Magmatic Lash II with 400% Rate Mod

1236 Single
Magmatic Veil Rk. III
1: Add Defensive Proc: Magmatic Lash III with 400% Rate Mod

1286 Single
Rain of Scythes
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 13090

1496 Target AE
Rain of Scythes Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 13745

1556 Target AE
Rain of Scythes Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 14432

1618 Target AE
Shard of Earth
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS20L099ElemErf

400 Self
Summon Cauldron of Endless Bounty
1: Summon Item: Cauldron of Countless Goods x 1

220 Self
Summon Cauldron of Endless Bounty Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Cauldron of Countless Goods II x 1

229 Self
Summon Cauldron of Endless Bounty Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Cauldron of Countless Goods III x 1

238 Self

Level 100

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Blistersteel Malosenia
Hate Override: -1

1: Cast Malosenia (v374)
2: Cast Shock of Blistersteel (v374)

1735 Single
Blistersteel Malosenia Rk. II
Hate Override: -1

1: Cast Malosenia Rk. II (v374)
2: Cast Shock of Blistersteel Rk. II (v374)

1804 Single
Blistersteel Malosenia Rk. III
Hate Override: -1

1: Cast Malosenia Rk. III (v374)
2: Cast Shock of Blistersteel Rk. III (v374)

1876 Single
Ether Shard Strike
Hate Override: -1

1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 14062

0 / 0 Single
Fickle Magma
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 13949

Recourse: Fickle Magma Recourse

1564 Single
Fickle Magma Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 14646

Recourse: Fickle Magma Recourse

1627 Single
Fickle Magma Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 15378

Recourse: Fickle Magma Recourse

1692 Single
Gather Magnitude
1: Increase Current Mana by 11822

1 Self
Gather Magnitude Rk. II
1: Increase Current Mana by 12413

1 Self
Gather Magnitude Rk. III
1: Increase Current Mana by 13033

1 Self
Groundswell Bodyguard
1: Add Defensive Proc: Groundswell Bodyguard with 400% Rate Mod

639 Self
Groundswell Bodyguard
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS20L100ElemErfRk1 x 1 for 6s

0 / 0 Single
Groundswell Bodyguard II
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS20L100ElemErfRk2 x 1 for 6s

0 / 0 Single
Groundswell Bodyguard III
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS20L100ElemErfRk3 x 1 for 6s

0 / 0 Single
Groundswell Bodyguard Rk. II
1: Add Defensive Proc: Groundswell Bodyguard II with 400% Rate Mod

722 Self
Groundswell Bodyguard Rk. III
1: Add Defensive Proc: Groundswell Bodyguard III with 400% Rate Mod

765 Self
Mass Phantasmal Transvergence
1: Summon Item: Wand of Phantasmal Transvergence x 1

6951 Nearby Players
Mass Phantasmal Transvergence Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Wand of Phantasmal Transvergence x 1

6021 Nearby Players
Mass Phantasmal Transvergence Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Wand of Phantasmal Transvergence x 1

5091 Nearby Players
Monster Summoning X
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS20L100MonSum

9000 Self
Phantasmal Symbiosis
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5771

Recourse: Phantasmal Symbiosis Recourse

0 / 0 Pet2
Phantasmal Symbiosis Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6060

Recourse: Phantasmal Symbiosis Recourse II

0 / 0 Pet2
Phantasmal Symbiosis Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6363

Recourse: Phantasmal Symbiosis Recourse III

0 / 0 Pet2
Relentless Servant
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS20L100Garg2Runic x 1 for 18s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

3248 Single
Relentless Servant Rk. II
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS20L100Garg2Runic x 1 for 20s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

3379 Single
Relentless Servant Rk. III
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS20L100Garg2Runic x 1 for 22s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

3514 Single
Remote Relentless Servant
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS20L100Garg2Runic x 1 for 18s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

3410 Target Ring AE
Remote Relentless Servant Rk. II
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS20L100Garg2Runic x 1 for 20s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

3546 Target Ring AE
Remote Relentless Servant Rk. III
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS20L100Garg2Runic x 1 for 22s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

3688 Target Ring AE
Spear of Blistersteel
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 24460

3951 Line of Sight
Spear of Blistersteel Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 25683

4109 Line of Sight
Spear of Blistersteel Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 26967

4273 Line of Sight
Summon Imperious Minion
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Imperious Minion x 1

5107 Self
Summon Imperious Minion Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Imperious Minion II x 1

5311 Self
Summon Imperious Minion Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Imperious Minion III x 1

5524 Self
Summon Minion
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS20L100RuneRk1 x 1 for 30s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

10 Single
Summon Minion II
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS20L100RuneRk2 x 1 for 30s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

10 Single
Summon Minion III
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS20L100RuneRk3 x 1 for 30s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

10 Single
Surge of Shadow
3: Increase Spell Damage Shield by 2779
4: Increase Damage Shield by 3738

2786 Single
Surge of Shadow Rk. II
3: Increase Spell Damage Shield by 2918
4: Increase Damage Shield by 3925

2898 Single
Surge of Shadow Rk. III
3: Increase Spell Damage Shield by 3064
4: Increase Damage Shield by 4121

3014 Single

Level 101

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Bolt of Molten Shieldstone
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 15673

1716 Line of Sight
Bolt of Molten Shieldstone Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 16457

1793 Line of Sight
Bolt of Molten Shieldstone Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 17280

1874 Line of Sight
Burnout XII
2: Increase Hit Damage by 22% (v185)
3: Increase Strength by 258
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase Attack by 182
6: Increase Armor Class by 21 to 28, Based on Class

471 Pet
Burnout XII Rk. II
2: Increase Hit Damage by 23% (v185)
3: Increase Strength by 271
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase Attack by 191
6: Increase Armor Class by 22 to 29, Based on Class

492 Pet
Burnout XII Rk. III
2: Increase Hit Damage by 24% (v185)
3: Increase Strength by 285
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase Attack by 201
6: Increase Armor Class by 23 to 31, Based on Class

514 Pet
Convocation of Air
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS21L101ElemAir

488 Self
Dichotomic Companion
1: Cast Highest Rank Known: Dichotomic Companion 1 (v470)

8624 Pet
Firebound Alliance
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 33236 (v484, After Crit)
2: Limit Target: Single
3: Limit Target: Line of Sight
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Type: Detrimental
6: Limit Min Level: 96
7: Limit Max Level: 110 (Lose 100% per Level)
8: Limit Max Duration: Instant Spells Only
9: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
10: Limit Min Value: 2500 (Current Hit Points [SPA 0])
11: Limit Caster Class: MAG
12: Limit: Different Caster
13: Cast on Max Hits: Firebound Fulmination

11292 Single
Firebound Alliance Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 34898 (v484, After Crit)
2: Limit Target: Single
3: Limit Target: Line of Sight
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Type: Detrimental
6: Limit Min Level: 96
7: Limit Max Level: 110 (Lose 100% per Level)
8: Limit Max Duration: Instant Spells Only
9: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
10: Limit Min Value: 2500 (Current Hit Points [SPA 0])
11: Limit Caster Class: MAG
12: Limit: Different Caster
13: Cast on Max Hits: Firebound Fulmination II

11744 Single
Firebound Alliance Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 36643 (v484, After Crit)
2: Limit Target: Single
3: Limit Target: Line of Sight
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Type: Detrimental
6: Limit Min Level: 96
7: Limit Max Level: 110 (Lose 100% per Level)
8: Limit Max Duration: Instant Spells Only
9: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
10: Limit Min Value: 2500 (Current Hit Points [SPA 0])
11: Limit Caster Class: MAG
12: Limit: Different Caster
13: Cast on Max Hits: Firebound Fulmination III

12214 Single
Flameweave Coat
1: Increase Damage Shield by 407
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

1167 Single
Flameweave Coat Rk. II
1: Increase Damage Shield by 427
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

1220 Single
Flameweave Coat Rk. III
1: Increase Damage Shield by 448
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

1275 Single
Grant Calix's Heirlooms
1: Summon Item: Folded Pack of Antius' Heirlooms x 1

300 Single
Grant Thassis' Plate
1: Summon Item: Folded Pack of Thalassic Plate x 1

200 Single
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 10% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 140
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 140
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 140
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 140
6: Limit Max Level: 105 (Lose 10% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Resist: Magic
10: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills

768 Single
Malosenete Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 10% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 145
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 145
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 145
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 145
6: Limit Max Level: 105 (Lose 10% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Resist: Magic
10: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills

803 Single
Malosenete Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 1% to 10% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 150
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 150
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 150
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 150
6: Limit Max Level: 105 (Lose 10% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Resist: Magic
10: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills

839 Single
Shield of the Pellarus
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 3857
2: Increase Armor Class by 63 to 83, Based on Class
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 4857
6: Increase Magic Resist by 138

1238 Self
Shield of the Pellarus Rk. II
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 4050
2: Increase Armor Class by 66 to 87, Based on Class
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 5050
6: Increase Magic Resist by 145

1294 Self
Shield of the Pellarus Rk. III
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 4253
2: Increase Armor Class by 69 to 91, Based on Class
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 5253
6: Increase Magic Resist by 152

1352 Self

Level 102

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Auspice of Eternity
2: Absorb 5 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 58074

921 Pet
Auspice of Eternity Rk. II
2: Absorb 5 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 63881

953 Pet
Auspice of Eternity Rk. III
2: Absorb 5 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 70269

986 Pet
Beam of Molten Shieldstone
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 10549

1280 Frontal AE
Beam of Molten Shieldstone Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 11076

1338 Frontal AE
Beam of Molten Shieldstone Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 11630

1398 Frontal AE
Blazing Jet
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 26094

10 Single
Blazing Jet II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 27399

10 Single
Blazing Jet III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 28769

10 Single
Convocation of Water
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS21L102ElemWat

450 Self
Praetorian Guardian
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 48 per Tick
4: Increase Current Mana by 48 per Tick
8: Increase Armor Class by 54 to 71, Based on Class

1246 Self
Praetorian Guardian Rk. II
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 50 per Tick
4: Increase Current Mana by 50 per Tick
8: Increase Armor Class by 56 to 74, Based on Class

1302 Self
Praetorian Guardian Rk. III
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 53 per Tick
4: Increase Current Mana by 53 per Tick
8: Increase Armor Class by 59 to 78, Based on Class

1361 Self
Shield of Consequence
1: Absorb Spell Damage: 60%, on Hits over 12000, Total: 146668
2: Absorb Melee Damage: 75%, on Hits over 12000, Total: 112304

977 Self
Shield of Consequence Rk. II
1: Absorb Spell Damage: 60%, on Hits over 12000, Total: 157668
2: Absorb Melee Damage: 75%, on Hits over 12000, Total: 120727

1021 Self
Shield of Consequence Rk. III
1: Absorb Spell Damage: 60%, on Hits over 12000, Total: 169493
2: Absorb Melee Damage: 75%, on Hits over 12000, Total: 129782

1067 Self
Shock of Darksteel
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 10821

1023 Single
Shock of Darksteel Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 11362

1069 Single
Shock of Darksteel Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 11930

1117 Single
Storm of Many
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 4851 if Between 1 and 2 Pets on Hatelist
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 20630 if Between 3 and 6 Pets on Hatelist
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 36408 if At Least 7 Pets On Hatelist

1703 Line of Sight
Storm of Many Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5094 if Between 1 and 2 Pets on Hatelist
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 21662 if Between 3 and 6 Pets on Hatelist
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 38228 if At Least 7 Pets On Hatelist

1780 Line of Sight
Storm of Many Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5349 if Between 1 and 2 Pets on Hatelist
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 22745 if Between 3 and 6 Pets on Hatelist
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 40139 if At Least 7 Pets On Hatelist

1860 Line of Sight
Summon Firebound Orb
1: Summon Item: Firebound Orb x 1

8739 Self
Summon Firebound Orb Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Firebound Orb II x 1

9089 Self
Summon Firebound Orb Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Firebound Orb III x 1

9453 Self
Wand of Dark Modulation
1: Summon Item: Wand of Pelagic Modulation x 1

4960 Self
Wand of Dark Modulation Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Wand of Pelagic Modulation x 1

4769 Self
Wand of Dark Modulation Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Wand of Pelagic Modulation x 1

4586 Self

Level 103

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Convocation of Fire
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS21L103ElemHeat

450 Self
Coronal Rain
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 15530

1808 Target AE
Coronal Rain Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 16307

1889 Target AE
Coronal Rain Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 17122

1974 Target AE
Coronal Skin
12: Increase Damage Shield by 2965

886 Single
Coronal Skin Rk. II
12: Increase Damage Shield by 3113

926 Single
Coronal Skin Rk. III
12: Increase Damage Shield by 3269

968 Single
Eradicate the Unnatural
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 14460
2: 24% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 10% Chance to Cast Eradicate Destruction (v340)

1302 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Eradicate the Unnatural Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 15183
2: 24% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 11% Chance to Cast Eradicate Destruction (v340)

1361 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Eradicate the Unnatural Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 15942
2: 24% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 12% Chance to Cast Eradicate Destruction (v340)

1422 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Grant Thassis' Armaments
1: Summon Item: Folded Pack of Thalassic Armaments x 1

375 Single
Meteoric Bolt
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 16825

1510 Line of Sight
Meteoric Bolt Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 17666

1563 Line of Sight
Meteoric Bolt Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 18549

1618 Line of Sight
Promised Invigoration
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Invigoration Trigger
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (36116)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 36116
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 36116

887 Pet
Promised Invigoration Rk. II
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Invigoration Trigger II
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (37922)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 37922
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 37922

927 Pet
Promised Invigoration Rk. III
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Invigoration Trigger III
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (39818)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 39818
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 39818

969 Pet
Renewal of Calix
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 19033
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 74
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 74
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 74
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 50

2241 Pet
Renewal of Calix Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 19985
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 76
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 76
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 76
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 52

2342 Pet
Renewal of Calix Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 20984
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 78
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 78
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 78
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 54

2447 Pet
Searing Sands
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8362

1159 Single
Searing Sands Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8780

1211 Single
Searing Sands Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 9219

1265 Single
Shieldstone Stance
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 33%, Total: 68200
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 80%

1176 Pet
Shieldstone Stance Rk. II
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 33%, Total: 73300
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 80%

1229 Pet
Shieldstone Stance Rk. III
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 33%, Total: 78800
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 80%

1284 Pet
Summon Mutinous Servant
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Exigent Servant XXI x 1

5535 Self
Summon Mutinous Servant Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Exigent Servant XXI II x 1

5784 Self
Summon Mutinous Servant Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Exigent Servant XXI III x 1

6044 Self
Summon Servant
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS21L103RuneRk1 x 1 for 30s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

10 Single
Summon Servant II
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS21L103RuneRk2 x 1 for 30s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

10 Single
Summon Servant III
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS21L103RuneRk3 x 1 for 30s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

10 Single

Level 104

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Aegis of Japac
1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 24620

802 Pet
Aegis of Japac Rk. II
1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 26467

838 Pet
Aegis of Japac Rk. III
1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 28452

876 Pet
Chaotic Benefaction
1: Cast on Spell Use: Chaotic Benefaction Effect (10% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Detrimental
3: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
6: Limit Max Level: 105 (Lose 100% per Level)

993 Self
Chaotic Benefaction Rk. II
1: Cast on Spell Use: Chaotic Benefaction Effect II (12% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Detrimental
3: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
6: Limit Max Level: 105 (Lose 100% per Level)

1038 Self
Chaotic Benefaction Rk. III
1: Cast on Spell Use: Chaotic Benefaction Effect III (14% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Detrimental
3: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
6: Limit Max Level: 105 (Lose 100% per Level)

1085 Self
Circle of Flameweaving
1: Increase Damage Shield by 407
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

2763 Target Group
Circle of Flameweaving Rk. II
1: Increase Damage Shield by 427
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

2887 Target Group
Circle of Flameweaving Rk. III
1: Increase Damage Shield by 448
2: Increase Fire Resist by 45

3017 Target Group
Convocation of Earth
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS21L104ElemErf

450 Self
Darksteel Malosenete
Hate Override: -1

1: Cast Malosenete (v374)
2: Cast Shock of Darksteel (v374)

1970 Single
Darksteel Malosenete Rk. II
Hate Override: -1

1: Cast Malosenete Rk. II (v374)
2: Cast Shock of Darksteel Rk. II (v374)

2059 Single
Darksteel Malosenete Rk. III
Hate Override: -1

1: Cast Malosenete Rk. III (v374)
2: Cast Shock of Darksteel Rk. III (v374)

2152 Single
Iceflame Armaments
2: Add Melee Proc: Iceflame Strike with 150% Rate Mod
3: Increase Damage Shield by 96

773 Pet
Iceflame Armaments Rk. II
2: Add Melee Proc: Iceflame Strike II with 150% Rate Mod
3: Increase Damage Shield by 101

808 Pet
Iceflame Armaments Rk. III
2: Add Melee Proc: Iceflame Strike III with 150% Rate Mod
3: Increase Damage Shield by 106

844 Pet
Rain of Cutlasses
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 15154

1739 Target AE
Rain of Cutlasses Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 15912

1817 Target AE
Rain of Cutlasses Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 16708

1899 Target AE
Searing Blast
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 9661

2621 Caster PB
Searing Blast Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 10144

2739 Caster PB
Searing Blast Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 10651

2862 Caster PB
Summon Coronal Orb
1: Summon Item: Coronal Orb x 1

2643 Self

Level 105

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Chaotic Fire
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 19497
2: Cast Chaotic Fire Chance (v374)

2426 Single
Chaotic Fire Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 20472
2: Cast Chaotic Fire Chance II (v374)

2523 Single
Chaotic Fire Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 21496
2: Cast Chaotic Fire Chance III (v374)

2624 Single
Dark Symbiosis
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6363

Recourse: Dark Symbiosis Recourse

0 / 0 Pet2
Dark Symbiosis Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6681

Recourse: Dark Symbiosis Recourse II

0 / 0 Pet2
Dark Symbiosis Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7015

Recourse: Dark Symbiosis Recourse III

0 / 0 Pet2
Fickle Conflagration
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 15378

Recourse: Fickle Conflagration Recourse

1777 Single
Fickle Conflagration Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 16147

Recourse: Fickle Conflagration Recourse

1857 Single
Fickle Conflagration Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 16954

Recourse: Fickle Conflagration Recourse

1941 Single
Mass Dark Transvergence
1: Summon Item: Wand of Pelagic Transvergence x 1

5346 Nearby Players
Mass Dark Transvergence Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Wand of Pelagic Transvergence x 1

5140 Nearby Players
Mass Dark Transvergence Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Wand of Pelagic Transvergence x 1

4942 Nearby Players
Monster Summoning XI
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS21L105MonSum

10000 Self
Remorseless Servant
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS21L105Garg2Runic x 1 for 18s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

3690 Single
Remorseless Servant Rk. II
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS21L105Garg2Runic x 1 for 20s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

3856 Single
Remorseless Servant Rk. III
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS21L105Garg2Runic x 1 for 22s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

4030 Single
Remote Remorseless Servant
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS21L105Garg2Runic x 1 for 18s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

3872 Target Ring AE
Remote Remorseless Servant Rk. II
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS21L105Garg2Runic x 1 for 20s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

4046 Target Ring AE
Remote Remorseless Servant Rk. III
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS21L105Garg2Runic x 1 for 22s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

4228 Target Ring AE
Shieldstone Bodyguard
1: Add Defensive Proc: Shieldstone Bodyguard with 400% Rate Mod

803 Self
Shieldstone Bodyguard
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS21L105ElemErfRk1 x 1 for 6s

0 / 0 Single
Shieldstone Bodyguard II
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS21L105ElemErfRk2 x 1 for 6s

0 / 0 Single
Shieldstone Bodyguard III
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS21L105ElemErfRk3 x 1 for 6s

0 / 0 Single
Shieldstone Bodyguard Rk. II
1: Add Defensive Proc: Shieldstone Bodyguard II with 400% Rate Mod

839 Self
Shieldstone Bodyguard Rk. III
1: Add Defensive Proc: Shieldstone Bodyguard III with 400% Rate Mod

877 Self
Spear of Molten Shieldstone
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 26967

4487 Line of Sight
Spear of Molten Shieldstone Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 28315

4689 Line of Sight
Spear of Molten Shieldstone Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 29731

4900 Line of Sight
Summon Minion
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS21L105RuneRk1 x 1 for 30s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

10 Single
Summon Minion II
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS21L105RuneRk2 x 1 for 30s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

10 Single
Summon Minion III
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS21L105RuneRk3 x 1 for 30s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

10 Single
Summon Mutinous Minion
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Exigent Minion XXI x 1

5800 Self
Summon Mutinous Minion Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Exigent Minion XXI II x 1

6061 Self
Summon Mutinous Minion Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Exigent Minion XXI III x 1

6334 Self

Level 106

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Bolt of Skyfire
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 19008

2061 Line of Sight
Bolt of Skyfire Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 19958

2154 Line of Sight
Bolt of Skyfire Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 20956

2251 Line of Sight
Burnout XIII
2: Increase Hit Damage by 24% (v185)
3: Increase Strength by 314
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase Attack by 231
6: Increase Armor Class by 25 to 34, Based on Class

565 Pet
Burnout XIII Rk. II
2: Increase Hit Damage by 25% (v185)
3: Increase Strength by 330
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase Attack by 243
6: Increase Armor Class by 27 to 35, Based on Class

590 Pet
Burnout XIII Rk. III
2: Increase Hit Damage by 25% (v185)
3: Increase Strength by 347
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase Attack by 255
6: Increase Armor Class by 28 to 37, Based on Class

617 Pet
Dissident Companion
1: Cast Highest Rank Known: Dissident Companion 1 (v470)

9918 Pet
Embodiment of Air
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS22L106ElemAir

575 Self
Grant Ioulin's Heirlooms
1: Summon Item: Folded Pack of Ioulin's Heirlooms x 1

350 Single
Grant Wirn's Plate
1: Summon Item: Folded Pack of Wirn's Plate x 1

250 Single
Inferno Coat
1: Increase Damage Shield by 672
2: Increase Fire Resist by 50

1403 Single
Inferno Coat Rk. II
1: Increase Damage Shield by 706
2: Increase Fire Resist by 50

1466 Single
Inferno Coat Rk. III
1: Increase Damage Shield by 741
2: Increase Fire Resist by 50

1532 Single
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 2% to 10% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 155
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 155
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 155
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 160
6: Limit Max Level: 110 (Lose 10% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Resist: Magic
10: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills

923 Single
Malosinata Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 2% to 10% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 160
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 160
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 160
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 165
6: Limit Max Level: 110 (Lose 10% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Resist: Magic
10: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills

965 Single
Malosinata Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 2% to 10% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 165
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 165
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 165
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 170
6: Limit Max Level: 110 (Lose 10% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Resist: Magic
10: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills

1008 Single
Shield of Scales
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 5316
2: Increase Armor Class by 86 to 114, Based on Class
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 6316
6: Increase Magic Resist by 154

1487 Self
Shield of Scales Rk. II
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 5582
2: Increase Armor Class by 91 to 120, Based on Class
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 6632
6: Increase Magic Resist by 156

1554 Self
Shield of Scales Rk. III
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 5861
2: Increase Armor Class by 95 to 126, Based on Class
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 6964
6: Increase Magic Resist by 158

1624 Self
Volley of Sand
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 10184

917 Single
Volley of Sand Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 10693

958 Single
Volley of Sand Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 11228

1001 Single

Level 107

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Auspice of Esianti
2: Absorb 5 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 87836

1085 Pet
Auspice of Esianti Rk. II
2: Absorb 5 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 96620

1150 Pet
Auspice of Esianti Rk. III
2: Absorb 5 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 106282

1219 Pet
Beam of Molten Rhyolite
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 12793

1538 Frontal AE
Beam of Molten Rhyolite Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 13433

1607 Frontal AE
Beam of Molten Rhyolite Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 14105

1679 Frontal AE
Burning Guardian
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 66 per Tick
4: Increase Current Mana by 58 per Tick
8: Increase Armor Class by 74 to 98, Based on Class

1497 Self
Burning Guardian Rk. II
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 69 per Tick
4: Increase Current Mana by 61 per Tick
8: Increase Armor Class by 78 to 103, Based on Class

1564 Self
Burning Guardian Rk. III
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 72 per Tick
4: Increase Current Mana by 64 per Tick
8: Increase Armor Class by 82 to 108, Based on Class

1634 Self
Embodiment of Water
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS22L107ElemWat

550 Self
Shield of Order
1: Absorb Spell Damage: 60%, on Hits over 15000, Total: 211866
2: Absorb Melee Damage: 75%, on Hits over 23000, Total: 191521

1174 Self
Shield of Order Rk. II
1: Absorb Spell Damage: 60%, on Hits over 15000, Total: 222459
2: Absorb Melee Damage: 75%, on Hits over 23000, Total: 253261

1227 Self
Shield of Order Rk. III
1: Absorb Spell Damage: 60%, on Hits over 15000, Total: 233582
2: Absorb Melee Damage: 75%, on Hits over 23000, Total: 315000

1282 Self
Shock of Arcronite Steel
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 13123

1229 Single
Shock of Arcronite Steel Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 13779

1284 Single
Shock of Arcronite Steel Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 14468

1342 Single
Volley of Many
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5884 if Between 1 and 2 Pets on Hatelist
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 25019 if Between 3 and 6 Pets on Hatelist
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 44153 if At Least 7 Pets On Hatelist

2046 Line of Sight
Volley of Many Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6178 if Between 1 and 2 Pets on Hatelist
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 26270 if Between 3 and 6 Pets on Hatelist
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 46361 if At Least 7 Pets On Hatelist

2138 Line of Sight
Volley of Many Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6487 if Between 1 and 2 Pets on Hatelist
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 27583 if Between 3 and 6 Pets on Hatelist
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 48679 if At Least 7 Pets On Hatelist

2234 Line of Sight
Wand of Burning Modulation
1: Summon Item: Wand of Arcronite Modulation x 1

5828 Self
Wand of Burning Modulation Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Wand of Arcronite Modulation x 1

5577 Self
Wand of Burning Modulation Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Wand of Arcronite Modulation x 1

5337 Self

Level 108

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Beam of Knives
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 10721

1287 Frontal AE
Beam of Knives Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 11257

1345 Frontal AE
Beam of Knives Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 11820

1406 Frontal AE
Blistering Sands
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 10141

1392 Single
Blistering Sands Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 10648

1455 Single
Blistering Sands Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 11180

1520 Single
Blistering Skin
12: Increase Damage Shield by 4904

1065 Single
Blistering Skin Rk. II
12: Increase Damage Shield by 5149

1113 Single
Blistering Skin Rk. III
12: Increase Damage Shield by 5406

1163 Single
Embodiment of Fire
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS22L108ElemHeat

550 Self
Grant Wirn's Armaments
1: Summon Item: Folded Pack of Wirn's Armaments x 1

450 Single
Korascian Bolt
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 20404

1780 Line of Sight
Korascian Bolt Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 21424

1887 Line of Sight
Korascian Bolt Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 22495

2000 Line of Sight
Promised Alleviation
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Alleviation Trigger
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (59727)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 59727
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 59727

1066 Pet
Promised Alleviation Rk. II
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Alleviation Trigger II
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (62713)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 62713
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 62713

1114 Pet
Promised Alleviation Rk. III
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Alleviation Trigger III
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (65849)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 65849
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 65849

1164 Pet
Promised Alleviation Trigger
Hate Override: 1800

1: Increase Current Hit Points by 59727

0 / 0 Pet
Promised Alleviation Trigger II
Hate Override: 1800

1: Increase Current Hit Points by 62713

0 / 0 Pet
Promised Alleviation Trigger III
Hate Override: 1800

1: Increase Current Hit Points by 65849

0 / 0 Pet
Rain of Molten Rhyolite
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 18834

2171 Target AE
Rain of Molten Rhyolite Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 19776

2269 Target AE
Rain of Molten Rhyolite Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 20765

2371 Target AE
Renewal of Ioulin
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 32576
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 79
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 79
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 79
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 55

2692 Pet
Renewal of Ioulin Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 34150
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 80
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 80
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 80
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 58

2813 Pet
Renewal of Ioulin Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 35803
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 81
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 81
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 81
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 61

2940 Pet
Repudiate the Unnatural
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 17536
2: 24% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 10% Chance to Cast Repudiate Destruction (v340)

1564 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Repudiate the Unnatural Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 18413
2: 24% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 11% Chance to Cast Repudiate Destruction (v340)

1634 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Repudiate the Unnatural Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 19334
2: 24% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 12% Chance to Cast Repudiate Destruction (v340)

1708 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Rhyolite Stance
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 33%, Total: 98500
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 80%

1412 Pet
Rhyolite Stance Rk. II
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 33%, Total: 103400
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 80%

1476 Pet
Rhyolite Stance Rk. III
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 33%, Total: 108600
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 80%

1542 Pet
Summon Insurgent Servant
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Exigent Servant XXII x 1

6648 Self
Summon Insurgent Servant Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Exigent Servant XXII II x 1

6947 Self
Summon Insurgent Servant Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Exigent Servant XXII III x 1

7260 Self
Summon Servant IV Azia
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS22L108RuneRk1 x 1 for 30s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

10 Single
Summon Servant IV Beza
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS22L108RuneRk2 x 1 for 30s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

10 Single
Summon Servant IV Caza
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS22L108RuneRk3 x 1 for 30s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

10 Single

Level 109

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Aegis of Zeklor
1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 35600

964 Pet
Aegis of Zeklor Rk. II
1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 37400

1007 Pet
Aegis of Zeklor Rk. III
1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 39300

1052 Pet
Arcronite Malosinata
Hate Override: -1

1: Cast Highest Rank Known: Malosinata (v470)
2: Cast Highest Rank Known: Shock of Arcronite Steel (v470)

300 Single
Burning Blast
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 11716

3148 Caster PB
Burning Blast Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 12302

3290 Caster PB
Burning Blast Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 12917

3438 Caster PB
Chaotic Munificence
1: Cast on Spell Use: Chaotic Munificence Effect (10% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Detrimental
3: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
6: Limit Max Level: 110 (Lose 100% per Level)

1194 Self
Chaotic Munificence Rk. II
1: Cast on Spell Use: Chaotic Munificence Effect II (12% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Detrimental
3: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
6: Limit Max Level: 110 (Lose 100% per Level)

1248 Self
Chaotic Munificence Rk. III
1: Cast on Spell Use: Chaotic Munificence Effect III (14% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Detrimental
3: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
6: Limit Max Level: 110 (Lose 100% per Level)

1304 Self
Circle of the Inferno
1: Increase Damage Shield by 672
2: Increase Fire Resist by 50

3319 Target Group
Circle of the Inferno Rk. II
1: Increase Damage Shield by 706
2: Increase Fire Resist by 50

3468 Target Group
Circle of the Inferno Rk. III
1: Increase Damage Shield by 741
2: Increase Fire Resist by 50

3624 Target Group
Embodiment of Earth
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS22L109ElemErf

550 Self
Grant Frostbound Paradox
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Frostbound Sliver x 1

1741 Single
Grant Frostbound Paradox Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Frostbound Fragment x 1

1845 Single
Grant Frostbound Paradox Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Frostbound Shard x 1

1956 Single
Iceflame Keep
2: Add Melee Proc: Iceflame Strike VIII Azia with 150% Rate Mod
3: Increase Damage Shield by 159

928 Pet
Iceflame Keep Rk. II
2: Add Melee Proc: Iceflame Strike VIII Beza with 150% Rate Mod
3: Increase Damage Shield by 167

970 Pet
Iceflame Keep Rk. III
2: Add Melee Proc: Iceflame Strike VIII Caza with 150% Rate Mod
3: Increase Damage Shield by 175

1014 Pet
Rain of Knives
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 18379

2089 Target AE
Rain of Knives Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 19298

2183 Target AE
Rain of Knives Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 20263

2281 Target AE
Skyfire Veil
1: Add Defensive Proc: Skyfire Lash with 400% Rate Mod

1415 Single
Skyfire Veil Rk. II
1: Add Defensive Proc: Skyfire Lash II with 400% Rate Mod

1479 Single
Skyfire Veil Rk. III
1: Add Defensive Proc: Skyfire Lash III with 400% Rate Mod

1546 Single

Level 110

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Burning Symbiosis
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7717

Recourse: Burning Symbiosis Recourse

0 / 0 Pet2
Burning Symbiosis Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8103

Recourse: Burning Symbiosis Recourse II

0 / 0 Pet2
Burning Symbiosis Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 8508

Recourse: Burning Symbiosis Recourse III

0 / 0 Pet2
Chaotic Inferno
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 23646
2: Cast Chaotic Inferno Chance (v374)

2886 Single
Chaotic Inferno Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 24828
2: Cast Chaotic Inferno Chance II (v374)

3016 Single
Chaotic Inferno Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 26069
2: Cast Chaotic Inferno Chance III (v374)

3152 Single
Firebound Covenant
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 38475 (v484, After Crit)
2: Limit Target: Single
3: Limit Target: Line of Sight
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Type: Detrimental
6: Limit Min Level: 101
7: Limit Max Level: 115 (Lose 100% per Level)
8: Limit Max Duration: Instant Spells Only
9: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
10: Limit Min Value: 2750 (Current Hit Points [SPA 0])
11: Limit Caster Class: MAG
12: Limit: Different Caster
13: Cast on Max Hits: Firebound Resolution

13435 Single
Firebound Covenant Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 40399 (v484, After Crit)
2: Limit Target: Single
3: Limit Target: Line of Sight
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Type: Detrimental
6: Limit Min Level: 101
7: Limit Max Level: 115 (Lose 100% per Level)
8: Limit Max Duration: Instant Spells Only
9: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
10: Limit Min Value: 2750 (Current Hit Points [SPA 0])
11: Limit Caster Class: MAG
12: Limit: Different Caster
13: Cast on Max Hits: Firebound Resolution II

14241 Single
Firebound Covenant Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 42419 (v484, After Crit)
2: Limit Target: Single
3: Limit Target: Line of Sight
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Type: Detrimental
6: Limit Min Level: 101
7: Limit Max Level: 115 (Lose 100% per Level)
8: Limit Max Duration: Instant Spells Only
9: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
10: Limit Min Value: 2750 (Current Hit Points [SPA 0])
11: Limit Caster Class: MAG
12: Limit: Different Caster
13: Cast on Max Hits: Firebound Resolution III

15095 Single
Gather Capability
1: Increase Current Mana by 14336

1 Self
Gather Capability Rk. II
1: Increase Current Mana by 15053

1 Self
Gather Capability Rk. III
1: Increase Current Mana by 15806

1 Self
Monster Summoning XII
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS22L110MonSum

11000 Self
Reckless Servant
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS22L110Garg2Red x 1 for 18s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

4433 Single
Reckless Servant Rk. II
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS22L110Garg2Red x 1 for 20s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

4632 Single
Reckless Servant Rk. III
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS22L110Garg2Red x 1 for 22s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

4840 Single
Remote Reckless Servant
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS22L110Garg2Red x 1 for 18s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

4651 Target Ring AE
Remote Reckless Servant Rk. II
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS22L110Garg2Red x 1 for 20s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

4860 Target Ring AE
Remote Reckless Servant Rk. III
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS22L110Garg2Red x 1 for 22s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

5079 Target Ring AE
Rhyolitic Bodyguard
1: Add Defensive Proc: Rhyolitic Bodyguard with 400% Rate Mod

965 Self
Rhyolitic Bodyguard
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS22L110ElemErfRk1 x 1 for 6s

0 / 0 Single
Rhyolitic Bodyguard II
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS22L110ElemErfRk2 x 1 for 6s

0 / 0 Single
Rhyolitic Bodyguard III
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS22L110ElemErfRk3 x 1 for 6s

0 / 0 Single
Rhyolitic Bodyguard Rk. II
1: Add Defensive Proc: Rhyolitic Bodyguard II with 400% Rate Mod

1008 Self
Rhyolitic Bodyguard Rk. III
1: Add Defensive Proc: Rhyolitic Bodyguard III with 400% Rate Mod

1053 Self
Spear of Molten Arcronite
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 32704

5390 Line of Sight
Spear of Molten Arcronite Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 34339

5633 Line of Sight
Spear of Molten Arcronite Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 36056

5886 Line of Sight
Summon Insurgent Minion
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Exigent Minion XXII x 1

6967 Self
Summon Insurgent Minion Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Exigent Minion XXII II x 1

7281 Self
Summon Insurgent Minion Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Exigent Minion XXII III x 1

7609 Self
Summon Minion IV Azia
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS22L110RuneRk1 x 1 for 30s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

10 Single
Summon Minion IV Beza
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS22L110RuneRk2 x 1 for 30s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

10 Single
Summon Minion IV Caza
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS22L110RuneRk3 x 1 for 30s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

10 Single

Level 111

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Bolt of Molten Komatiite
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 23052

2473 Line of Sight
Bolt of Molten Komatiite Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 24205

2585 Line of Sight
Bolt of Molten Komatiite Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 25415

2701 Line of Sight
Burnout XIV
2: Increase Hit Damage by 25% (v185)
3: Increase Strength by 364
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase Attack by 281
6: Increase Armor Class by 31 to 41, Based on Class

678 Pet
Burnout XIV Rk. II
2: Increase Hit Damage by 25% (v185)
3: Increase Strength by 373
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase Attack by 288
6: Increase Armor Class by 32 to 43, Based on Class

708 Pet
Burnout XIV Rk. III
2: Increase Hit Damage by 25% (v185)
3: Increase Strength by 382
4: Increase Melee Haste by 85%
5: Increase Attack by 295
6: Increase Armor Class by 34 to 45, Based on Class

740 Pet
Composite Companion
1: Cast Highest Rank Known: Composite Companion 1 (v470)

11406 Pet
Crash of Sand
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 12351

1100 Single
Crash of Sand Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 12969

1150 Single
Crash of Sand Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 13617

1201 Single
Grant Bristlebane's Festivity Bundle
1: Summon Item: Sealed Festivity Bundle x 1

50 Self
Grant Crystasia's Heirlooms
1: Summon Item: Folded Pack of Crystasia's Heirlooms x 1

350 Single
Grant Ocoenydd's Plate
1: Summon Item: Folded Pack of Ocoenydd's Plate x 1

250 Single
Igneous Coat
1: Increase Damage Shield by 5187
2: Increase Fire Resist by 50

1754 Single
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 2% to 10% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 165
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 165
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 165
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 170
6: Limit Max Level: 115 (Lose 10% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Resist: Magic
10: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills

1108 Single
Malosinara Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 2% to 10% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 167
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 169
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 169
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 172
6: Limit Max Level: 115 (Lose 10% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Resist: Magic
10: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills

1158 Single
Malosinara Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 2% to 10% (v296, Before Crit)
2: Decrease Cold Resist by 169
3: Decrease Magic Resist by 173
4: Decrease Poison Resist by 173
5: Decrease Fire Resist by 174
6: Limit Max Level: 115 (Lose 10% per Level)
7: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
8: Limit Type: Detrimental
9: Limit Resist: Magic
10: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills

1210 Single
Manifestation of Air
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS23L111ElemAir

863 Self
Shield of Restless Ice
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 9671
2: Increase Armor Class by 119 to 157, Based on Class
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 10671
6: Increase Magic Resist by 158

1822 Self
Shield of Restless Ice Rk. II
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 10155
2: Increase Armor Class by 125 to 165, Based on Class
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 11155
6: Increase Magic Resist by 160

1904 Self
Shield of Restless Ice Rk. III
1: Increase Max Hit Points by 10663
2: Increase Armor Class by 131 to 174, Based on Class
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 1 is Max Hit Points and Less Than 11663
6: Increase Magic Resist by 162

1989 Self

Level 112

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Auspice of Kildrukaun
2: Absorb 5 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 127538

1310 Pet
Auspice of Kildrukaun Rk. II
2: Absorb 5 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 133915

1389 Pet
Auspice of Kildrukaun Rk. III
2: Absorb 5 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 140611

1472 Pet
Beam of Molten Komatiite
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 15516

1846 Frontal AE
Beam of Molten Komatiite Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 16292

1928 Frontal AE
Beam of Molten Komatiite Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 17107

2015 Frontal AE
Grant Visor of Shoen
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Visor of Shoen x 1

250 Single
Manifestation of Water
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS23L112ElemWat

825 Self
Restless Guardian
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 252 per Tick
4: Increase Current Mana by 67 per Tick
8: Increase Armor Class by 90 to 119, Based on Class

1796 Self
Restless Guardian Rk. II
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 265 per Tick
4: Increase Current Mana by 70 per Tick
8: Increase Armor Class by 94 to 125, Based on Class

1877 Self
Restless Guardian Rk. III
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 278 per Tick
4: Increase Current Mana by 74 per Tick
8: Increase Armor Class by 99 to 131, Based on Class

1961 Self
Shield of Destiny
1: Absorb Spell Damage: 60%, on Hits over 30000, Total: 245261
2: Absorb Melee Damage: 75%, on Hits over 35000, Total: 364667

2935 Self
Shield of Destiny Rk. II
1: Absorb Spell Damage: 60%, on Hits over 30000, Total: 251393
2: Absorb Melee Damage: 75%, on Hits over 35000, Total: 414333

3068 Self
Shield of Destiny Rk. III
1: Absorb Spell Damage: 60%, on Hits over 30000, Total: 257678
2: Absorb Melee Damage: 75%, on Hits over 35000, Total: 464000

3205 Self
Shock of Burning Steel
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 15915

1475 Single
Shock of Burning Steel Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 16711

1541 Single
Shock of Burning Steel Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 17547

1610 Single
Shockwave of Many
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7136 if Between 1 and 2 Pets on Hatelist
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 30341 if Between 3 and 6 Pets on Hatelist
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 53547 if At Least 7 Pets On Hatelist

2455 Line of Sight
Shockwave of Many Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7493 if Between 1 and 2 Pets on Hatelist
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 31858 if Between 3 and 6 Pets on Hatelist
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 56224 if At Least 7 Pets On Hatelist

2566 Line of Sight
Shockwave of Many Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7868 if Between 1 and 2 Pets on Hatelist
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 33451 if Between 3 and 6 Pets on Hatelist
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 59035 if At Least 7 Pets On Hatelist

2681 Line of Sight
Wand of Frozen Modulation
1: Summon Item: Wand of Restless Modulation x 1

6994 Self
Wand of Frozen Modulation Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Wand of Restless Modulation x 1

6692 Self
Wand of Frozen Modulation Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Wand of Restless Modulation x 1

6404 Self

Level 113

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Beam of Scimitars
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 13002

1544 Frontal AE
Beam of Scimitars Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 13652

1614 Frontal AE
Beam of Scimitars Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 14335

1687 Frontal AE
Burning Skin
12: Increase Damage Shield by 12164

1278 Single
Burning Skin Rk. II
12: Increase Damage Shield by 12772

1336 Single
Burning Skin Rk. III
12: Increase Damage Shield by 13411

1396 Single
Grant Yalrek's Armaments
1: Summon Item: Folded Pack of Yalrek's Armaments x 1

450 Single
Incinerating Sands
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 12298

1670 Single
Incinerating Sands Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 12913

1746 Single
Incinerating Sands Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 13559

1824 Single
Komatiite Bolt
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 30368

2150 Line of Sight
Komatiite Bolt Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 31886

2279 Line of Sight
Komatiite Bolt Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 33480

2416 Line of Sight
Manifestation of Fire
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS23L113ElemHeat

825 Self
Obliterate the Unnatural
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 24168
2: 24% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 10% Chance to Cast Obliterate Destruction (v340)

1877 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Obliterate the Unnatural Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 25376
2: 24% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 11% Chance to Cast Obliterate Destruction (v340)

1961 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Obliterate the Unnatural Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 26645
2: 24% Chance to Cast Annihilate Resistances (v340)
3: 12% Chance to Cast Obliterate Destruction (v340)

2050 Single, Restriction: Summoned
Promised Healing
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Healing Trigger
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (75726)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 75726
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 75726

1279 Pet
Promised Healing Rk. II
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Healing Trigger II
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (79512)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 79512
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 79512

1337 Pet
Promised Healing Rk. III
1: Cast on Duration Fade: Promised Healing Trigger III
2: Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (83488)
3: Stacking: Block New Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 83488
4: Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 2 is Delayed Heal Marker and Less Than 83488

1397 Pet
Promised Healing Trigger
Hate Override: 2000

1: Increase Current Hit Points by 75726

0 / 0 Pet
Promised Healing Trigger II
Hate Override: 2000

1: Increase Current Hit Points by 79512

0 / 0 Pet
Promised Healing Trigger III
Hate Override: 2000

1: Increase Current Hit Points by 83488

0 / 0 Pet
Pyroxene Stance
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 33%, Total: 135800
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 80%

1694 Pet
Pyroxene Stance Rk. II
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 33%, Total: 142600
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 80%

1771 Pet
Pyroxene Stance Rk. III
1: Absorb Melee Damage: 33%, Total: 149700
2: Decrease Movement Speed by 80%

1850 Pet
Rain of Molten Komatiite
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 22842

2605 Target AE
Rain of Molten Komatiite Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 23984

2723 Target AE
Rain of Molten Komatiite Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 25183

2845 Target AE
Renewal of Evreth
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 42794
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 81
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 81
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 81
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 61

3230 Pet
Renewal of Evreth Rk. II
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 44934
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 81
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 81
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 81
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 61

3376 Pet
Renewal of Evreth Rk. III
1: Increase Current Hit Points by 47181
2: Decrease Disease Counter by 81
3: Decrease Poison Counter by 81
4: Decrease Curse Counter by 81
5: Decrease Corruption Counter by 61

3528 Pet
Summon Imperative Servant
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Exigent Servant XXIII x 1

8310 Self
Summon Imperative Servant Rk. II
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Exigent Servant XXIII II x 1

8684 Self
Summon Imperative Servant Rk. III
1: Summon Item: Summoned: Exigent Servant XXIII III x 1

9075 Self
Summon Servant V Azia
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS23L113RuneRk1 x 1 for 30s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

10 Single
Summon Servant V Beza
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS23L113RuneRk2 x 1 for 30s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

10 Single
Summon Servant V Caza
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS23L113RuneRk3 x 1 for 30s
2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 1
3: Stacking: Twincast Blocker

10 Single

Level 114

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Aegis of Orfur
1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 49100

1157 Pet
Aegis of Orfur Rk. II
1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 51600

1208 Pet
Aegis of Orfur Rk. III
1: Absorb 9 Hits or Spells, Max per Hit: 54200

1262 Pet
Burning Malosinara
Hate Override: -1

1: Cast Highest Rank Known: Malosinara (v470)
2: Cast Highest Rank Known: Shock of Burning Steel (v470)

360 Single
Chaotic Bestowal
1: Cast on Spell Use: Chaotic Bestowal Effect (10% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Detrimental
3: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
6: Limit Max Level: 115 (Lose 100% per Level)

1433 Self
Chaotic Bestowal Rk. II
1: Cast on Spell Use: Chaotic Bestowal Effect II (12% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Detrimental
3: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
6: Limit Max Level: 115 (Lose 100% per Level)

1498 Self
Chaotic Bestowal Rk. III
1: Cast on Spell Use: Chaotic Bestowal Effect III (14% Chance)
2: Limit Type: Detrimental
3: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
6: Limit Max Level: 115 (Lose 100% per Level)

1565 Self
Circle of Igneous Skin
1: Increase Damage Shield by 5187
2: Increase Fire Resist by 50

4149 Target Group
Exothermic Veil
1: Add Defensive Proc: Exothermic Lash with 400% Rate Mod

1698 Single
Exothermic Veil Rk. II
1: Add Defensive Proc: Exothermic Lash II with 400% Rate Mod

1775 Single
Exothermic Veil Rk. III
1: Add Defensive Proc: Exothermic Lash III with 400% Rate Mod

1855 Single
Flaming Blast
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 16792

3696 Caster PB
Flaming Blast Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 17632

3918 Caster PB
Flaming Blast Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 18514

4153 Caster PB
Iceflame Rampart
2: Add Melee Proc: Iceflame Strike IX Azia with 150% Rate Mod
3: Increase Damage Shield by 2188

1160 Pet
Iceflame Rampart Rk. II
2: Add Melee Proc: Iceflame Strike IX Beza with 150% Rate Mod
3: Increase Damage Shield by 2297

1213 Pet
Iceflame Rampart Rk. III
2: Add Melee Proc: Iceflame Strike IX Caza with 150% Rate Mod
3: Increase Damage Shield by 2412

1268 Pet
Manifestation of Earth
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS23L114ElemErf

825 Self
Rain of Scimitars
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 22289

2507 Target AE
Rain of Scimitars Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 23403

2620 Target AE
Rain of Scimitars Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 24573

2737 Target AE
Summon Molten Komatiite Orb
1: Summon Item: Molten Komatiite Orb x 1

10099 Self

Level 115

Icon Spell Name Spell Effects Mana / End Target Expansion
Chaotic Pyroclasm
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 32586
2: Cast Chaotic Pyroclasm Chance (v374)

3463 Single
Chaotic Pyroclasm Rk. II
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 34215
2: Cast Chaotic Pyroclasm Chance II (v374)

3619 Single
Chaotic Pyroclasm Rk. III
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 35926
2: Cast Chaotic Pyroclasm Chance III (v374)

3782 Single
Firebound Coalition
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 46661 (v484, After Crit)
2: Limit Target: Single
3: Limit Target: Line of Sight
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Type: Detrimental
6: Limit Min Level: 106
7: Limit Max Level: 120 (Lose 100% per Level)
8: Limit Max Duration: Instant Spells Only
9: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
10: Limit Min Value: 3050 (Current Hit Points [SPA 0])
11: Limit Caster Class: MAG
12: Limit: Different Caster
13: Cast on Max Hits: Firebound Resolution III Azia

16227 Single
Firebound Coalition Rk. II
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 48994 (v484, After Crit)
2: Limit Target: Single
3: Limit Target: Line of Sight
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Type: Detrimental
6: Limit Min Level: 106
7: Limit Max Level: 120 (Lose 100% per Level)
8: Limit Max Duration: Instant Spells Only
9: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
10: Limit Min Value: 3050 (Current Hit Points [SPA 0])
11: Limit Caster Class: MAG
12: Limit: Different Caster
13: Cast on Max Hits: Firebound Resolution III Beza

17201 Single
Firebound Coalition Rk. III
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 51444 (v484, After Crit)
2: Limit Target: Single
3: Limit Target: Line of Sight
4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points
5: Limit Type: Detrimental
6: Limit Min Level: 106
7: Limit Max Level: 120 (Lose 100% per Level)
8: Limit Max Duration: Instant Spells Only
9: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
10: Limit Min Value: 3050 (Current Hit Points [SPA 0])
11: Limit Caster Class: MAG
12: Limit: Different Caster
13: Cast on Max Hits: Firebound Resolution III Caza

18233 Single
Gather Potency
1: Increase Current Mana by 19758

1 Self
Gather Potency Rk. II
1: Increase Current Mana by 20746

1 Self
Gather Potency Rk. III
1: Increase Current Mana by 21783

1 Self
Monster Summoning XIII
1: Summon Pet: PCPetMagS23L115MonSum

13000 Self
Pyroxenite Bodyguard
1: Add Defensive Proc: Pyroxenite Bodyguard with 400% Rate Mod

1158 Self
Pyroxenite Bodyguard
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS23L115ElemErfRk1 x 1 for 6s

0 / 0 Single
Pyroxenite Bodyguard II
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS23L115ElemErfRk2 x 1 for 6s

0 / 0 Single
Pyroxenite Bodyguard III
1: Summon Pet: PCSwmMagS23L115ElemErfRk3 x 1 for 6s

0 / 0 Single
Pyroxenite Bodyguard Rk. II
1: Add