Spell Name
Spell Effects
Mana / End
Adalora's Shade |
1: Summon Pet: PCPetNecS22L107Spec2
Self |
Adalora's Swift Deconstruction |
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7102 per Tick 2: Increase Curse Counter by 14
Single |
Adalora's Swift Deconstruction Rk. II |
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7458 per Tick 2: Increase Curse Counter by 14
Single |
Adalora's Swift Deconstruction Rk. III |
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7831 per Tick 2: Increase Curse Counter by 14
Single |
Bomoda's Grasp |
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5619 per Tick 4: Return 82.5% of Spell Damage as Hit Points, Max per Hit: 16225
Single |
Bomoda's Grasp Rk. II |
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5900 per Tick 4: Return 82.5% of Spell Damage as Hit Points, Max per Hit: 17036
Single |
Bomoda's Grasp Rk. III |
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 6195 per Tick 4: Return 82.5% of Spell Damage as Hit Points, Max per Hit: 17888
Single |
Cascading Deathshield |
2: Absorb Damage: 100%, Total: 27648 4: Cast on Fade: Azia Deathshield
Pet |
Cascading Deathshield Rk. II |
2: Absorb Damage: 100%, Total: 29030 4: Cast on Fade: Azia Deathshield II
Pet |
Cascading Deathshield Rk. III |
2: Absorb Damage: 100%, Total: 30482 4: Cast on Fade: Azia Deathshield III
Pet |
Effluvium |
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2167 per Tick if Not Plant 2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5400 per Tick if Plant 3: Increase Poison Counter by 26
Single |
Effluvium Rk. II |
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2275 per Tick if Not Plant 2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5670 per Tick if Plant 3: Increase Poison Counter by 26
Single |
Effluvium Rk. III |
1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 2389 per Tick if Not Plant 2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 5954 per Tick if Plant 3: Increase Poison Counter by 26
Single |
Inevitable End |
1: Increase Curse Counter by 32 2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7102 per Tick
Single |
Inevitable End Rk. II |
1: Increase Curse Counter by 32 2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7458 per Tick
Single |
Inevitable End Rk. III |
1: Increase Curse Counter by 32 2: Decrease Current Hit Points by 7831 per Tick
Single |
Malevolent Covenant |
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 37318 (v484, After Crit) 2: Limit Target: Single 3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points 4: Limit Type: Detrimental 5: Limit Min Level: 101 6: Limit Max Level: 115 (Lose 100% per Level) 7: Limit Min Duration: 18s 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 9: Limit Min Value: 1760 (Current Hit Points [SPA 0]) 10: Limit Caster Class: NEC 11: Limit: Different Caster 12: Cast on Max Hits: Malevolent Resolution
Single |
Malevolent Covenant Rk. II |
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 39184 (v484, After Crit) 2: Limit Target: Single 3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points 4: Limit Type: Detrimental 5: Limit Min Level: 101 6: Limit Max Level: 115 (Lose 100% per Level) 7: Limit Min Duration: 18s 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 9: Limit Min Value: 1760 (Current Hit Points [SPA 0]) 10: Limit Caster Class: NEC 11: Limit: Different Caster 12: Cast on Max Hits: Malevolent Resolution II
Single |
Malevolent Covenant Rk. III |
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 41143 (v484, After Crit) 2: Limit Target: Single 3: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points 4: Limit Type: Detrimental 5: Limit Min Level: 101 6: Limit Max Level: 115 (Lose 100% per Level) 7: Limit Min Duration: 18s 8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 9: Limit Min Value: 1760 (Current Hit Points [SPA 0]) 10: Limit Caster Class: NEC 11: Limit: Different Caster 12: Cast on Max Hits: Malevolent Resolution III
Single |
Scent of Extinction |
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 364 (v297, Before Crit) 2: Decrease Disease Resist by 117 3: Limit Max Level: 113 (Lose 10% per Level) 4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points 5: Limit Resist: Disease 6: Decrease Poison Resist by 117 7: Limit Type: Detrimental 8: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 9: Increase Disease Counter by 20 10: Limit Resist: Poison
Single |
Scent of Extinction Rk. II |
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 382 (v297, Before Crit) 2: Decrease Disease Resist by 120 3: Limit Max Level: 113 (Lose 10% per Level) 4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points 5: Limit Resist: Disease 6: Decrease Poison Resist by 120 7: Limit Type: Detrimental 8: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 9: Increase Disease Counter by 20 10: Limit Resist: Poison
Single |
Scent of Extinction Rk. III |
1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 401 (v297, Before Crit) 2: Decrease Disease Resist by 123 3: Limit Max Level: 113 (Lose 10% per Level) 4: Limit Effect: Current Hit Points 5: Limit Resist: Disease 6: Decrease Poison Resist by 123 7: Limit Type: Detrimental 8: Limit Type: Exclude Combat Skills 9: Increase Disease Counter by 20 10: Limit Resist: Poison
Single |
Shield of Order |
1: Absorb Spell Damage: 60%, on Hits over 15000, Total: 211866 2: Absorb Melee Damage: 75%, on Hits over 23000, Total: 191521
Self |
Shield of Order Rk. II |
1: Absorb Spell Damage: 60%, on Hits over 15000, Total: 222459 2: Absorb Melee Damage: 75%, on Hits over 23000, Total: 253261
Self |
Shield of Order Rk. III |
1: Absorb Spell Damage: 60%, on Hits over 15000, Total: 233582 2: Absorb Melee Damage: 75%, on Hits over 23000, Total: 315000
Self |
Sigil of the Arcron |
2: Increase Hit Damage by 23% (v185) 3: Increase Strength by 342 4: Increase Melee Haste by 85% 6: Increase Armor Class by 28 to 36, Based on Class
Pet |
Sigil of the Arcron Rk. II |
2: Increase Hit Damage by 24% (v185) 3: Increase Strength by 359 4: Increase Melee Haste by 85% 6: Increase Armor Class by 29 to 38, Based on Class
Pet |
Sigil of the Arcron Rk. III |
2: Increase Hit Damage by 25% (v185) 3: Increase Strength by 377 4: Increase Melee Haste by 85% 6: Increase Armor Class by 30 to 40, Based on Class
Pet |