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Spell Changes for March 05, 2019

Test Server Data

Faction Test 1:
       - Slot 2 changed from 'Increase Faction with Lion by 100' to 'Increase Faction with Race: Lion by 100'
       - Slot 3 changed from 'Decrease Faction with Race200 by 200' to 'Decrease Faction with Race: Erollisi Marr by 200'

Have Your Cake:
       - Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'You start the party!'
       - Land on Other Message changed from '' to ' starts a party!'

Summon Firiona Vie's Unicorn:
       - Spell Name changed from 'N/A - Reckless Abandon Chance' to 'Summon Firiona Vie's Unicorn'
       - Recast Time changed from '1.5' to '0'
       - Slot 1 changed from '75% Chance To Also Cast N/A - Reckless Abandon Chance I' to 'Summon Mount: SumFHMm0Fast'
       - Slot 2 changed from '25% Chance To Also Cast N/A - Reckless Abandon Chance II' to ''
       - Spell Icon changed from '' to ''
       - Requires Item ID 1 changed from '0' to '-1'
       - Requires Item ID 2 changed from '0' to '-1'
       - Requires Item ID 3 changed from '0' to '-1'
       - Requires Item ID 3 changed from '0' to '-1'
       - Duration changed from '0' to '3600'
       - Zone Restriction changed from '' to 'Outdoors'
       - Dispellable changed from 'Yes' to 'No'
       - Description changed from '' to 'Summons a Firiona Vie's Unicorn mount.'
       - Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'You summon Firiona Vie's Unicorn'
       - Land on Other Message changed from '' to ' summons Firiona Vie's Unicorn'
       - Wear Off Message changed from '' to ' your Firiona Vie's Unicorn leaves'

Sweeping Flames:
       - Viral changed from 'Range: 100, Recast: 10s to 10s' to 'Range: 50, Recast: 10s to 10s'
       - Song Window changed from 'Buff Window' to 'Song Window'

Hand of Holy Wrath VI:
       - Description changed from 'Deals 4800 damage, casts *33408%n, which restores *334084800 mana, and recourses *%R%N, which heals your group for #%R4800.' to 'Deals 4800 damage, casts *33408%n, which restores *334084800 mana, and recourses *%R%N, which heals your group for *%R4800.'

Arms of Holy Wrath VI:
       - Description changed from 'Deals 12000 damage, casts *45932%n, which restores *4593212000 mana, and recourses *%R%N, which heals your group for #%R12000.' to 'Deals 12000 damage, casts *45932%n, which restores *4593212000 mana, and recourses *%R%N, which heals your group for *%R12000.'

Whispering Midnight Casting Fire:
       - Slot 6 changed from '' to 'Limit Effect: Current Hit Points'
       - Slot 7 changed from '' to 'Limit Effect: Current Hit Points Non Repeating'

Whispering Midnight Casting Magic:
       - Slot 6 changed from '' to 'Limit Effect: Current Hit Points'
       - Slot 7 changed from '' to 'Limit Effect: Current Hit Points Non Repeating'

Blazing Euphoria Casting Fire:
       - Slot 6 changed from '' to 'Limit Effect: Current Hit Points'
       - Slot 7 changed from '' to 'Limit Effect: Current Hit Points Non Repeating'

Blazing Euphoria Casting Magic:
       - Slot 6 changed from '' to 'Limit Effect: Current Hit Points'
       - Slot 7 changed from '' to 'Limit Effect: Current Hit Points Non Repeating'

Challenged Resurrection:
       - Spell Name changed from 'Challeneged Resurrection' to 'Challenged Resurrection'

Journey: Plane of Knowledge:
       - Description changed from 'Mystically transports you near the Plane of Knowledge book in Plane of Knowledge.' to 'Mystically transports you near the Plane of Tranquility stone in Plane of Knowledge.'

Quaff of the Craftsman:
       - Max Hits Type changed from 'UNKNOWN MAX HIT TYPE' to 'Tradeskill Combines'

Familiar: Drogan Goblin:
       - Description changed from 'Your Drogan Goblin familiar inspires you and your spells that consume mana will do 3%to 5 percent extra damage. Aditionally it will reduce the damage that you take from damage shields by 37 .' to 'Your Drogan Goblin familiar inspires you and your spells that consume mana will do 3 to 5 percent extra damage. Aditionally it will reduce the damage that you take from damage shields by 37 .'

Summon Royal Antonican Sokokar:
       - Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'You summon a royal Antonican sokokar.'
       - Land on Other Message changed from '' to ' summons a royal Antonican sokokar.'
       - Wear Off Message changed from '' to ' your a royal Antonican sokokar leaves.'

Frost Explosion:
       - Target changed from 'Target AE' to 'Caster PB'
       - Spell Icon changed from '' to ''

Huntmaster's Howl:
       - Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Huntmaster's Howl'
       - Slot 1 changed from '' to 'Increase Hit Damage v2 by 15%'
       - Description changed from 'Pulls target into the frog's mouth, causing #2 damage and stunning.' to ''

Spell history shown is from the begining of EQResource's spell database - August 21, 2013