E`ci's Lament Poison XII Spell History

Spell Overview | Raw Spell Data | Compare Versions

12/18/2019 - Slot 11 changed from 'Add Proc: ' to 'Add Proc: E`ci's Lament Poison Strike XII'

07/17/2019 - Slot 11 changed from 'Add Proc: E`ci's Lament Poison Strike XII' to 'Add Proc: '

05/15/2019 - Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'You poison your weapon with E`ci's Lament Poison.'

05/15/2019 - Land on Other Message changed from '' to ' poisons their weapon.'

05/15/2019 - Wear Off Message changed from '' to 'The E`ci's Lament Poison wears off your weapon.'

Spell history shown is from the begining of EQResource's spell database - August 21, 2013