Dichotomic Psalm of Empowerment 3 Spell History

Spell Overview | Raw Spell Data | Compare Versions

10/19/2016 - Slot 1 changed from 'Increase Current Hit Points by 4934' to 'Increase Current Hit Points by 4308'

10/19/2016 - Slot 2 changed from 'Increase Current Mana by 1058' to 'Increase Current Mana by 1928'

10/19/2016 - Slot 3 changed from 'Increase Current Endurance by 373' to 'Increase Current Endurance by 281'

10/19/2016 - Slot 10 changed from 'Increase Hit Damage by 119. Changes Based On Skill Delay.' to 'Increase Hit Damage by 2086. Changes Based On Skill Delay.'

10/19/2016 - Slot 20 changed from 'Increase Hit Damage by 119. Changes Based On Skill Delay.' to ''

10/19/2016 - Description changed from 'Restores 4934 hit points, 1058 mana, and 373 endurance when first landing, and increases damage dealt by most melee skills by 119 hit points. This value is reduced by faster weapons.' to 'Restores 4308 hit points, 1928 mana, and 281 endurance when first landing, and increases damage dealt by most melee skills by 2086 hit points. This value is reduced by faster weapons.'

09/21/2016 - Target changed from 'Caster Group' to 'Single'

09/21/2016 - Slot 1 changed from 'Increase Current Hit Points by 4655' to 'Increase Current Hit Points by 4934'

09/21/2016 - Slot 2 changed from 'Increase Current Mana by 2234' to 'Increase Current Mana by 1058'

09/21/2016 - Slot 3 changed from 'Increase Current Endurance by 392' to 'Increase Current Endurance by 373'

09/21/2016 - Slot 10 changed from 'Increase Hit Damage by 102. Decays Based On Skill Delay.' to 'Increase Hit Damage by 119. Decays Based On Skill Delay.'

09/21/2016 - Slot 20 changed from 'Increase Hit Damage by 102. Decays Based On Skill Delay.' to ''

09/21/2016 - Spell Icon changed from '' to ''

09/21/2016 - AE Range changed from '60' to '0'

09/21/2016 - Description changed from 'Restores 4655 hit points, 2234 mana, and 392 endurance when first landing, and increases damage dealt by most melee skills by 102 hit points. This value is reduced by faster weapons.' to 'Restores 4934 hit points, 1058 mana, and 373 endurance when first landing, and increases damage dealt by most melee skills by 119 hit points. This value is reduced by faster weapons.'

11/18/2015 - New Spell - Dichotomic Psalm of Empowerment 3 - first appeared in EQResource Spell Database.

Spell history shown is from the begining of EQResource's spell database - August 21, 2013