Protection of the Spirit Wolf XVII Spell History

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Test Server Data

12/10/2019 - Description changed from 'Increases magic resistance by #4, absorbs #2% of incoming melee up to @2 total points, and #3% of incoming direct spell damage up to @3 total points for %z.' to 'Increases magic resistance by #4 points and absorbs #2% of incoming direct spell and melee damage up to @2 total melee damage or @3 total spell damage.'

12/05/2017 - Description changed from 'When activated, Protection of the Spirit Wolf summons a spirit wolf which will increase your magic resistance by 150 and protect you from 38% of incoming melee up to 52000 points as well as 38% of incoming direct spell damage up to 52000 points for 60s (10 Ticks).' to 'Increases magic resistance by 150, absorbs 38% of incoming melee up to 52000 total points, and 38% of incoming direct spell damage up to 52000 total points for 60s (10 Ticks).'

11/08/2016 - Group id changed from '11233' to '48654'

10/15/2015 - Description changed from 'When activated, Protection of the Spirit Wolf summons a spirit wolf which will protect you from danger. Each rank in this ability increases the amount of damage that can be averted by the spirit wolf.' to 'When activated, Protection of the Spirit Wolf summons a spirit wolf which will increase your magic resistance by 150 and protect you from 38 percent of incoming melee up to 52000 points as well as 38 percent of incoming direct spell damage up to 52000 points for 60s (10 Ticks).'

09/24/2015 - Spell Name changed from 'Protection of the Spirit Wolf' to 'Protection of the Spirit Wolf XVII'

09/24/2015 - Group id changed from '0' to '11233'

10/21/2014 - Spell Icon changed from '' to ''

09/10/2014 - Description changed from 'When activated, Protection of the Spirit Wolf summons a spirit wolf which will protect you from danger. Each rank in this ability increases the amount of damage that can be averted by the spirit wolf. ' to 'When activated, Protection of the Spirit Wolf summons a spirit wolf which will protect you from danger. Each rank in this ability increases the amount of damage that can be averted by the spirit wolf.'

08/19/2013 - New Spell - Protection of the Spirit Wolf XVII - first appeared in EQResource Spell Database.

Spell history shown is from the begining of EQResource's spell database - August 21, 2013