Spells & Skills - Data by EQResource.com

Spell Name Classes Spell Effects
Dichotomic Paroxysm 1 Necromancer (250)
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 13927 per Tick
4: Return 250% of Spell Damage as Hit Points, Max per Hit: 15625

Dichotomic Paroxysm 2 Necromancer (250)
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 14623 per Tick
4: Return 250% of Spell Damage as Hit Points, Max per Hit: 15625

Dichotomic Paroxysm 3 Necromancer (250)
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 15354 per Tick
4: Return 250% of Spell Damage as Hit Points, Max per Hit: 15625

Dichotomic Paroxysm 4 Necromancer (250)
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 16122 per Tick
4: Return 250% of Spell Damage as Hit Points, Max per Hit: 15625

Dichotomic Paroxysm 5 Necromancer (250)
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 16928 per Tick
4: Return 250% of Spell Damage as Hit Points, Max per Hit: 15625

Dichotomic Paroxysm 6 Necromancer (250)
3: Decrease Current Hit Points by 17774 per Tick
4: Return 250% of Spell Damage as Hit Points, Max per Hit: 15625