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Spell Name, Effect, or ID: Class: Min Level: Range / Max Level: Expansion: Order: Source:

Icon Spell Name Classes Spell Effects Expansion
Dichotomic Companion 1 Magician (250)
1: Increase Hit Damage by 150% (v185)
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 18025 per Tick
3: Add Melee Proc: Dichotomic Companion Strike 1 with 200% Rate Mod
10: Increase Base Stats by 200

Dichotomic Companion 2 Magician (250)
1: Increase Hit Damage by 150% (v185)
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 18927 per Tick
3: Add Melee Proc: Dichotomic Companion Strike 2 with 200% Rate Mod
10: Increase Base Stats by 200

Dichotomic Companion 3 Magician (250)
1: Increase Hit Damage by 150% (v185)
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 19873 per Tick
3: Add Melee Proc: Dichotomic Companion Strike 3 with 200% Rate Mod
10: Increase Base Stats by 200

Dichotomic Companion 4 Magician (250)
1: Increase Hit Damage by 150% (v185)
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 20867 per Tick
3: Add Melee Proc: Dichotomic Companion Strike 4 with 200% Rate Mod
10: Increase Base Stats by 200

Dichotomic Companion 5 Magician (250)
1: Increase Hit Damage by 150% (v185)
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 21910 per Tick
3: Add Melee Proc: Dichotomic Companion Strike 5 with 200% Rate Mod
10: Increase Base Stats by 200

Dichotomic Companion 6 Magician (250)
1: Increase Hit Damage by 150% (v185)
2: Increase Current Hit Points by 23005 per Tick
3: Add Melee Proc: Dichotomic Companion Strike 6 with 200% Rate Mod
10: Increase Base Stats by 200

Dichotomic Companion Strike 1
Hate Override: -1

1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 27731
2: Decrease Current Hate by 35%

Dichotomic Companion Strike 2
Hate Override: -1

1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 29118
2: Decrease Current Hate by 35%

Dichotomic Companion Strike 3
Hate Override: -1

1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 30574
2: Decrease Current Hate by 35%

Dichotomic Companion Strike 4
Hate Override: -1

1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 32103
2: Decrease Current Hate by 35%

Dichotomic Companion Strike 5
Hate Override: -1

1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 33708
2: Decrease Current Hate by 35%

Dichotomic Companion Strike 6
Hate Override: -1

1: Decrease Current Hit Points by 35393
2: Decrease Current Hate by 35%