Spells & Skills
| ||||||||||||||||
- Adroit Idol of Perpetual Reverie
- Agraena's Cracked Femur
- Agraena's Pristine Femur
- Algot's Focus Crystal
- all range //G21AV agidex
- all range //G21AV intwis
- all range //G21AV strsta
- Amorphous Wand of the Vine Tender
- Ancient Alaran Manuscript
- Ancient Enchanted Recurve Bow
- Ancient Reptile Bone
- Ancient Text
- Ancient Underfoot Lightstone
- Anguished Totem
- Archaic Flute
- Arcus Spiritus
- Arms of the Cliknar
- Armsman's Bow
- Assassin's Coin
- Atathus` Warfire Greaves
- Atkru's Tome
- Attendant's Fetish
- August Infused Glowbow
- August Uninfused Glowbow
- Aurelian Vyrebrand
- Autarchian Robe
- Auto-Aiming Steamcoiled Recurvinator
- Badly Chewed Doll
- Ball of Cosgrove Clay
- Ball of Everliving Golem
- Band of Endless Fire
- Baneice Globe
- Baneice Orb
- Basirt's Golden Stein
- Beastbinder's Bauble
- Bejeweled Gemstone Knife
- Bellikos Replica
- ber range
- Black Book of Spells
- Bleached Bones
- Bleached Totem
- Blood of the Dhampyre
- Blood Ritual Knife
- Bloodbinder's Bauble
- Bloodmagic Emblem
- Bloodmagic Spellscroll
- Bloodmoon Fetish
- Bloodwood Bow
- Blossom of Logos
- Bone Fife
- Bone Goblet
- Bone Shards of Venril Sathir
- Bones of a Recent Victim
- Boomerang of Wonders
- Bore Brisk Outbreaker
- Bottled Rage
- Bow of Fiery Revelation
- Bow of Grasping Vines
- Bow of Hope
- Bow of Nature's Caress
- Bow of Nightfall
- Bow of Prediction
- Bow of the Warder
- Bow of the Weeping Willow
- Braxi Bone Trinket
- brd range
- brd range
- Brenda's Lavender Cinch
- Brilliant Idol of Perpetual Reverie
- Brodha's Gaff Hook
- bst range
- Buckled Belt of the Commandant
- Buffed Dragonkin Talisman
- Burial Mark
- Burning Heart of Slag
- Burynai Scoutpick
- Candied Brain
- Candle of Dark Flames
- Candle of the Ceremony
- Candle of the Spirit's Flames
- Cannoneer's Calamity
- Carved Bone Totem
- Casmion's Black Book of Spells
- Celestrium Chestplate
- Cerebrum of the Pack
- Chalice of Celebration
- Chalice of Centi Heritage
- Chestplate of the Manipulator
- Chip of the Wall
- Chipped Amethyst
- Chipped Bonedart
- Chiseled Chelicera
- Claws of Castigation
- Cloak of Spikes
- Cloak of the Scarlet Legion
- clr range
- clr range
- Clump of Gnawed Moss
- Code of Zan Fi
- Compendium of Antonican Creatures
- Conflagrant Compound Bow
- Conflagrant Idol of Adroitness
- Conflagrant Idol of Brilliance
- Conflagrant Idol of Vigor
- Conflagrant Longbow
- Contained Black Winds of Corruption
- Core of the Darkmud Keeper
- Corrupted Dragon Totem
- Corrupted Feeler
- Cracked Mithril Shell
- Crook of the Cruel Captor
- Crushbone-Patch Doll
- Crystallized Lava Spike
- Crystallized Refuse
- Crystallized Shadow Ectoplasm
- Cursed Bow of Seros
- Cursed Idol of Knowledge
- Dactyl Fused Dagger
- Daelai's Dandy Brush
- Dancing Shadows
- Dark Storm Emblem
- Darkened Clay Guardian Shield
- Darkened Corrupted Orb of Living Ice
- Darkened Essence of Corruption
- Darkened Wind Saber
- Darkwater Crystal
- Decomposing Golem Brain
- Desiccated Bow of Anguillifor
- Diary of Jealous Loathing
- Digger's Friend
- Diminutive Bow
- Dinosaur Hunter's Notes
- Dire Gounus Egg
- Dirt Dauber Staff
- Discordling Shoulderspike
- Disempowered Phylactery
- Divergent Acrimony Wand
- Dove's Cry
- Dragon Master's Lash
- Dragon Tamer's Whip
- Draton`ra`s Shadowskin Greaves
- Dread Dartgun
- Dread Vnayyanye's Censor
- Dream Destroyer's Essence
- Dream Weaver Bow
- Dried Grave-Flower
- Dulled Shissar Ulak
- Dwarven Ringmail Tunic
- Earbinder's Bauble
- Effigy of the Scorned
- Elfbone
- Emblazoned Goblet of Vitality
- Empowered Lantern
- Empyrean Lamp of Ashes
- enc range
- Endunr's Bottled Gold
- Energized Mithril Shell
- Enforcer's Bow
- Ensorcelled Children's Doll
- Ensorcelled Doubloon
- Ensorcelled Suncloak
- Ensorcelled Treant Branch
- Enthralling Orb
- Erilon Soldier Bow
- Eron's Jewelry
- Eron's Jewelry
- Essence of a Specter
- Essence of Suffering
- Ethercharged Bola
- Etherpiercer Javelin
- Evanescent Coronach's Fiery Tongue
- Evanescent Energy Core
- Extravagant Infused Recurve Bow
- Extravagant Uninfused Recurve Bow
- Eye of the Hierophant
- Fantastic Outrider's Bow
- Fatal Affliction Totem
- Father's Knife
- Faycite Seal of the Cutpurse
- Feather Fury
- Feltinth's Bow of Frost
- Festering Fusillader
- Fieldsplitter Shortbow
- Flail of the Fickle Flayer
- Flask of Rage
- Flawless Autumn Leaf
- Flawless Talisman of Rex
- Fog Herb Totem
- Forgotten Mojo
- Formula of Inversion
- Forsaken Soul
- Fortified Feather Duster
- Foul Breath of the Coronach
- Foul Soul of the Foreman
- Fractured Clip
- Fractured Sunstone
- Fragile Glass Cornea
- Fragmented Crystal
- Fresh Purple Flower
- Freshly Mined Gold Shard
- Frightbloom
- Frost Burnt Eyes
- Frost Strike
- Frost-Strung Bow
- Frostbite
- Frosted Serpentine Trinket
- Frosted Wrap of the Calm Spirit
- Frosty Mug of the Observant
- Fused Coral Bow
- Fused Coral Longbow
- Ganborn's Rod of Curses
- Ganborn's Stick of Curses
- Gate Caller Focus Crystal
- Gearlock Steel Curvebow
- Genari Tibia
- Ghastly Orb
- Ghostly Lantern
- Gilded Belt Knife
- Gilded Bow of the Hunter
- Glorious Infused Recurve Bow
- Glorious Uninfused Recurve Bow
- Gluttonous Spoon
- Gnawstone
- Gnomework Spine Bow
- Goblin Frost Totem
- Gounus Egg
- Grandiose Consigned Adept's Shard
- Grandiose Consigned Combatant's Shard
- Grandiose Consigned Recurve Bow
- Gravedigger's Shovel
- Gravedigging Shovel
- Grawrarawr Carapace Shard
- Grawrarawr's Heart
- Greken Heart
- Greken Heartstone
- Grim Idol of Dread
- Grizelna's Mad Doll
- Guide to the Forge
- Hak'ouz Visions
- Handmade Cloth Doll
- Hard-Bristled Brush
- Heartless Spines
- Heartwood Bow
- Heavenly Toadstool
- Heraldry of the Gods
- Heroic Bow of the Hunter
- Heroic Doll of the Guardian
- Heroic Rod of the Adept
- Heroic Totem of the Agile
- Heroic Totem of the Courageous
- Hiqork's Bone Effigy
- Hissing Staff
- Hoarfrosted Bow
- Holy Scepter of the Sky
- Honey Hex
- Hook of Disemboweling
- Horn of Howling Horrors
- Hralkt, Darkbow of Unwilling Servitude
- Hunter's Fetish
- Ice Star
- Icemaul's Fang
- Icon of the Deep
- Ikanyrd, Longbow of Arcane Fortune
- Iksar Bone Bow
- Ilk'Dazi's Book of the Heavens
- Il`Valrikar's Verdant Orb of Life
- Inscribed Bone Totem
- Intact Golem Brain
- Intricately Carved Serpent Figurine
- Intruderbane Hook
- Isopexine Swiftbow
- Ivrikdal's Aura of Corruption
- Jaws of the Mechanic
- Jenni's Memento
- Jonthan's Extensive Octavo
- Katerra's Totem
- Kezhda's Coveted Chalice
- Khrix's Brilliant Idol of the Dawn
- Kika Globe
- Kopp's Ritualistic Sistrum
- Kraken's Brain
- Kraken's Eye
- Kranigan's Instruction Manual
- Kromrif's Stringless Bow of Rot
- Kurlok's Maddening Song
- Large Jaws of the Mechanic
- Lava Vial
- Lavish Compound Bow of Heroes
- Light of Corruption
- Lily of the Stoic
- Lizardman Stone Idol
- Lockjaw's Femur
- Longbow of Perpetual Reverie
- Longbow of the Hunter's Anguish
- Longbow of the Royal Court
- Longbow of Time's Reflection
- Longbow of Uprising
- Lost Child's Doll
- Lost Light of the House
- Lost Soul
- Lost Stein of Dain Frostweaver IV
- Lucky Coin Pouch
- Luclin Bone Doll
- Luclinite Ensanguined Idol of Adroitness
- Luclinite Ensanguined Idol of Brilliance
- Luclinite Ensanguined Idol of Vigor
- Luclinite Ensanguined Longbow
- Luclinite Ensanguined Riding Bow
- Lunatic's Blade
- Mad Child's Doll
- Magical Woodly-Woop
- Malarian Egg Sac
- Mammoth Bone Bow
- Mangled Talisman of Rex
- Many-Pocketed Pouch
- Margidor's Frosty Tablet
- Master's Fetish
- Mature Greken Heart
- Maxima, the Dream
- Mercurial Remedium
- Mindshatter
- mnk rng range
- mnk rng range
- Moldering Biotrophic Branch
- Moonlight Longbow
- Mosscovered Longbow
- Mug of Eternal Ale
- Mysaphar`s Thoughtbringer Greaves
- Necrocrystal Fragment
- Novel of the Moon Kitties
- Olive Branch Bow
- Ooze Covered Warbow
- Orb of the Deep
- Orb of the Sky
- Orb of Uprising
- Ornamental Dagger
- Oscillating Stone
- Paragon's Crystal of the Adept
- Paragon's Crystal of the Combatant
- Paragon's Recurve Bow
- Pestilent Shortbow
- Petrified Arthicrex Mushroom
- Phantasmal Luclinite Idol of Adroitness
- Phantasmal Luclinite Idol of Brilliance
- Phantasmal Luclinite Idol of Vigor
- Phantasmal Luclinite Longbow
- Phantasmal Luclinite Riding Bow
- Plate Boots of the Hoary Dwarf
- Plush Vah Shir Doll
- Pocket of Clouds
- Poisoned Apple
- Polished Obsidian Orb
- Polished Tsetsian Thorax
- Preserved Peacock Feather
- Queen's Defender
- Rainfall Emblem
- Razornails
- Reclaimed Gyroscope
- Recovered Orc Bow
- Reflective Gem of Communication
- Refracted Steel Longbow
- Regal Infused Recurve Bow
- Regal Uninfused Recurve Bow
- Regla's Pick
- Replicate of the Patch Guardian
- Riding Bow of Perpetual Reverie
- Ritualist's Recurve Bow
- Ritualistic Doll
- Rivervale Bandit's Coin
- Rixact's Corrupted Soul
- rog range
- Rose of Mourning
- Rumbling Thunder Emblem
- Ruminate
- Sailor's Gaff Hook
- Sale Sign
- Sarith Scout Bow
- Sarith Waterknife
- Scaled Bow of Fire
- Scepter of the Augur
- Screaming Striker
- Second Sight Lantern
- Secret Dawn Compound Bow
- Secret Dawn Idol of Adroitness
- Secret Dawn Idol of Brilliance
- Secret Dawn Idol of Vigor
- Secret Dawn Longbow
- Sergeant's Mining Pick
- Serpent Fang Charm
- Severed Head of Severity
- Shade Bow
- Shakare's Hair
- Shakare's Talon
- Sharra's Ritualistic Doll
- Shears of Fate
- shm bst range
- shm bst range
- shm bst range
- shm bst range rare
- shm nec range
- shm nec range
- Short Bow of Uprising
- Shrunken Jack-o-Lantern
- Shrunken Samhain's Head
- Shuriken of Zan Fi
- Sickle of Urash
- Sienna Book of Directions
- Sigil of Driving Power
- Sigil of Uprising
- Silver Cymbals
- Silversteel Chainmail Hauberk
- Silvery Trinket
- Sir Rothan's Blackened Fingerbones
- Siren's Hunting Bow
- Siren's War Bow
- Skin of Bitter Wine
- Skraiw's Golden Skull Talisman
- Slagstone
- Slave's Final Companion
- Slayer's Skullband
- Slightly Chewed Doll
- Slimy Tentacle
- Sliver of the Shieldbearer's Shield
- Sludge Flinger
- Slurid's Heartstone
- Small Manisi Branch
- Small Manisi Branch
- Somatic Sparkthorn of Kuua
- Soulmage's Leathers
- Soulstriker
- Sparkbinder's Bauble
- Sparkling Soul Bow
- Sparkthorn
- Spectral Book of Knowledge and Tactics
- Spectral Essence
- Spernal Fetish
- Spikemangler's Shoulderspike
- Spinal Extractor
- Spong's Digging Tool
- Sporerune Bow
- Spruce Berry Bow
- Spy's Gem of Stealth
- Staff of the Five Tribes
- Stalwart Fear Amethyst
- Stalwart Recurve Bow
- Steam-Infused Shard
- Steam-Powered Disc of Command
- Steamshard
- Stem of Destruction
- Stix's Blade
- Stone Idol of Spirituality
- Stonebark Bow
- Storm Glass
- Storm Heart Crystal
- Storm Serpent's Sigil
- Stormguard Sigil
- Stormwheel's Core
- Strange Arx Mentis Flask
- Stygian Nightmare's Bow
- Sunbeam Bow
- Surefall Outrider Longbow
- Sway of the Canine
- Swiftbinder's Bauble
- Swiftwind Bone Trinket
- Tail of Corpsehide
- Tainted Tentacle Flail
- Talisman of Uprising
- Tamer's Whip
- Taruun Recruit's Shortbow
- Teacher's Tome
- Terror Infused Linked Coat
- Thale's Trophy
- Thassis' Pride
- The Joys of Cooking
- The Last Cigar
- The Mad's Raving
- The Prospector's Loot
- The Root of All Evil
- Throwing Fang of Corpsehide
- Thundering Rage Emblem
- Timesplitter Throwing Axe
- Timeworn Coin
- Totem of Corruption
- Totem of Dark Rites
- Totem of Soulhollow
- Totem of Souls
- Totem of the Loda Kai
- Totem of the Scarecrow
- Totem of Venril Sathir
- Totem of Vile Rites
- Treantwood Longbow
- Trelinna's Sweeper
- Tribal Song Totem
- Twisted Stranglebow
- Tyro's Golden Idol
- Underquarry Staunchhook
- Unsuspected Striker
- Unyielding Devotion Bow
- Vaniki's Compound Longbow
- Velium Infused Compound Bow
- Velium Infused Idol of Adroitness
- Velium Infused Idol of Brilliance
- Velium Infused Idol of Vigor
- Velium Infused Longbow
- Velium Threaded Bow
- Velium Threaded Compound Bow
- Velium Threaded Idol of Adroitness
- Velium Threaded Idol of Brilliance
- Velium Threaded Idol of Vigor
- Venomous Wand
- Verdant Sphere of Suppression
- Vigorous Idol of Perpetual Reverie
- Vision of Tomorrow
- Visionary's Notes
- Vye`Lithiar, Varken's Longbow
- Wand of the Deep Waters
- war pal shd range
- War-Scarred Fetish
- Warden's Vest
- Warmaster's Longbow
- Warped Chitin Bow
- Watertight Tacklebox
- Well Balanced Throwing Knife
- Well-Used Sweeper
- Wersan's Treasure
- White Rose of Disturbing Visions
- White Rose of Fearful Reverie
- White Rose of the Elusive Eidolon
- White Rose of the Vagarious Servant
- Whitened Totem
- Willowcrush's Branch
- Wilted Purple Flower
- Wind Lance
- Winged Short Bow
- wiz range
- Wolyenie, Eloquent Elegy
- Wood Elf Ancient Spellbook
- Woodsman's Knife
- Worn Children's Doll
- Worn Incisor
- Woven Cloak of Darkest Night
- Wyndrazer
- Xixkt's Fetish
- Zikatar
- Agraena's Cracked Femur
- Agraena's Pristine Femur
- Algot's Focus Crystal
- all range //G21AV agidex
- all range //G21AV intwis
- all range //G21AV strsta
- Amorphous Wand of the Vine Tender
- Ancient Alaran Manuscript
- Ancient Enchanted Recurve Bow
- Ancient Reptile Bone
- Ancient Text
- Ancient Underfoot Lightstone
- Anguished Totem
- Archaic Flute
- Arcus Spiritus
- Arms of the Cliknar
- Armsman's Bow
- Assassin's Coin
- Atathus` Warfire Greaves
- Atkru's Tome
- Attendant's Fetish
- August Infused Glowbow
- August Uninfused Glowbow
- Aurelian Vyrebrand
- Autarchian Robe
- Auto-Aiming Steamcoiled Recurvinator
- Badly Chewed Doll
- Ball of Cosgrove Clay
- Ball of Everliving Golem
- Band of Endless Fire
- Baneice Globe
- Baneice Orb
- Basirt's Golden Stein
- Beastbinder's Bauble
- Bejeweled Gemstone Knife
- Bellikos Replica
- ber range
- Black Book of Spells
- Bleached Bones
- Bleached Totem
- Blood of the Dhampyre
- Blood Ritual Knife
- Bloodbinder's Bauble
- Bloodmagic Emblem
- Bloodmagic Spellscroll
- Bloodmoon Fetish
- Bloodwood Bow
- Blossom of Logos
- Bone Fife
- Bone Goblet
- Bone Shards of Venril Sathir
- Bones of a Recent Victim
- Boomerang of Wonders
- Bore Brisk Outbreaker
- Bottled Rage
- Bow of Fiery Revelation
- Bow of Grasping Vines
- Bow of Hope
- Bow of Nature's Caress
- Bow of Nightfall
- Bow of Prediction
- Bow of the Warder
- Bow of the Weeping Willow
- Braxi Bone Trinket
- brd range
- brd range
- Brenda's Lavender Cinch
- Brilliant Idol of Perpetual Reverie
- Brodha's Gaff Hook
- bst range
- Buckled Belt of the Commandant
- Buffed Dragonkin Talisman
- Burial Mark
- Burning Heart of Slag
- Burynai Scoutpick
- Candied Brain
- Candle of Dark Flames
- Candle of the Ceremony
- Candle of the Spirit's Flames
- Cannoneer's Calamity
- Carved Bone Totem
- Casmion's Black Book of Spells
- Celestrium Chestplate
- Cerebrum of the Pack
- Chalice of Celebration
- Chalice of Centi Heritage
- Chestplate of the Manipulator
- Chip of the Wall
- Chipped Amethyst
- Chipped Bonedart
- Chiseled Chelicera
- Claws of Castigation
- Cloak of Spikes
- Cloak of the Scarlet Legion
- clr range
- clr range
- Clump of Gnawed Moss
- Code of Zan Fi
- Compendium of Antonican Creatures
- Conflagrant Compound Bow
- Conflagrant Idol of Adroitness
- Conflagrant Idol of Brilliance
- Conflagrant Idol of Vigor
- Conflagrant Longbow
- Contained Black Winds of Corruption
- Core of the Darkmud Keeper
- Corrupted Dragon Totem
- Corrupted Feeler
- Cracked Mithril Shell
- Crook of the Cruel Captor
- Crushbone-Patch Doll
- Crystallized Lava Spike
- Crystallized Refuse
- Crystallized Shadow Ectoplasm
- Cursed Bow of Seros
- Cursed Idol of Knowledge
- Dactyl Fused Dagger
- Daelai's Dandy Brush
- Dancing Shadows
- Dark Storm Emblem
- Darkened Clay Guardian Shield
- Darkened Corrupted Orb of Living Ice
- Darkened Essence of Corruption
- Darkened Wind Saber
- Darkwater Crystal
- Decomposing Golem Brain
- Desiccated Bow of Anguillifor
- Diary of Jealous Loathing
- Digger's Friend
- Diminutive Bow
- Dinosaur Hunter's Notes
- Dire Gounus Egg
- Dirt Dauber Staff
- Discordling Shoulderspike
- Disempowered Phylactery
- Divergent Acrimony Wand
- Dove's Cry
- Dragon Master's Lash
- Dragon Tamer's Whip
- Draton`ra`s Shadowskin Greaves
- Dread Dartgun
- Dread Vnayyanye's Censor
- Dream Destroyer's Essence
- Dream Weaver Bow
- Dried Grave-Flower
- Dulled Shissar Ulak
- Dwarven Ringmail Tunic
- Earbinder's Bauble
- Effigy of the Scorned
- Elfbone
- Emblazoned Goblet of Vitality
- Empowered Lantern
- Empyrean Lamp of Ashes
- enc range
- Endunr's Bottled Gold
- Energized Mithril Shell
- Enforcer's Bow
- Ensorcelled Children's Doll
- Ensorcelled Doubloon
- Ensorcelled Suncloak
- Ensorcelled Treant Branch
- Enthralling Orb
- Erilon Soldier Bow
- Eron's Jewelry
- Eron's Jewelry
- Essence of a Specter
- Essence of Suffering
- Ethercharged Bola
- Etherpiercer Javelin
- Evanescent Coronach's Fiery Tongue
- Evanescent Energy Core
- Extravagant Infused Recurve Bow
- Extravagant Uninfused Recurve Bow
- Eye of the Hierophant
- Fantastic Outrider's Bow
- Fatal Affliction Totem
- Father's Knife
- Faycite Seal of the Cutpurse
- Feather Fury
- Feltinth's Bow of Frost
- Festering Fusillader
- Fieldsplitter Shortbow
- Flail of the Fickle Flayer
- Flask of Rage
- Flawless Autumn Leaf
- Flawless Talisman of Rex
- Fog Herb Totem
- Forgotten Mojo
- Formula of Inversion
- Forsaken Soul
- Fortified Feather Duster
- Foul Breath of the Coronach
- Foul Soul of the Foreman
- Fractured Clip
- Fractured Sunstone
- Fragile Glass Cornea
- Fragmented Crystal
- Fresh Purple Flower
- Freshly Mined Gold Shard
- Frightbloom
- Frost Burnt Eyes
- Frost Strike
- Frost-Strung Bow
- Frostbite
- Frosted Serpentine Trinket
- Frosted Wrap of the Calm Spirit
- Frosty Mug of the Observant
- Fused Coral Bow
- Fused Coral Longbow
- Ganborn's Rod of Curses
- Ganborn's Stick of Curses
- Gate Caller Focus Crystal
- Gearlock Steel Curvebow
- Genari Tibia
- Ghastly Orb
- Ghostly Lantern
- Gilded Belt Knife
- Gilded Bow of the Hunter
- Glorious Infused Recurve Bow
- Glorious Uninfused Recurve Bow
- Gluttonous Spoon
- Gnawstone
- Gnomework Spine Bow
- Goblin Frost Totem
- Gounus Egg
- Grandiose Consigned Adept's Shard
- Grandiose Consigned Combatant's Shard
- Grandiose Consigned Recurve Bow
- Gravedigger's Shovel
- Gravedigging Shovel
- Grawrarawr Carapace Shard
- Grawrarawr's Heart
- Greken Heart
- Greken Heartstone
- Grim Idol of Dread
- Grizelna's Mad Doll
- Guide to the Forge
- Hak'ouz Visions
- Handmade Cloth Doll
- Hard-Bristled Brush
- Heartless Spines
- Heartwood Bow
- Heavenly Toadstool
- Heraldry of the Gods
- Heroic Bow of the Hunter
- Heroic Doll of the Guardian
- Heroic Rod of the Adept
- Heroic Totem of the Agile
- Heroic Totem of the Courageous
- Hiqork's Bone Effigy
- Hissing Staff
- Hoarfrosted Bow
- Holy Scepter of the Sky
- Honey Hex
- Hook of Disemboweling
- Horn of Howling Horrors
- Hralkt, Darkbow of Unwilling Servitude
- Hunter's Fetish
- Ice Star
- Icemaul's Fang
- Icon of the Deep
- Ikanyrd, Longbow of Arcane Fortune
- Iksar Bone Bow
- Ilk'Dazi's Book of the Heavens
- Il`Valrikar's Verdant Orb of Life
- Inscribed Bone Totem
- Intact Golem Brain
- Intricately Carved Serpent Figurine
- Intruderbane Hook
- Isopexine Swiftbow
- Ivrikdal's Aura of Corruption
- Jaws of the Mechanic
- Jenni's Memento
- Jonthan's Extensive Octavo
- Katerra's Totem
- Kezhda's Coveted Chalice
- Khrix's Brilliant Idol of the Dawn
- Kika Globe
- Kopp's Ritualistic Sistrum
- Kraken's Brain
- Kraken's Eye
- Kranigan's Instruction Manual
- Kromrif's Stringless Bow of Rot
- Kurlok's Maddening Song
- Large Jaws of the Mechanic
- Lava Vial
- Lavish Compound Bow of Heroes
- Light of Corruption
- Lily of the Stoic
- Lizardman Stone Idol
- Lockjaw's Femur
- Longbow of Perpetual Reverie
- Longbow of the Hunter's Anguish
- Longbow of the Royal Court
- Longbow of Time's Reflection
- Longbow of Uprising
- Lost Child's Doll
- Lost Light of the House
- Lost Soul
- Lost Stein of Dain Frostweaver IV
- Lucky Coin Pouch
- Luclin Bone Doll
- Luclinite Ensanguined Idol of Adroitness
- Luclinite Ensanguined Idol of Brilliance
- Luclinite Ensanguined Idol of Vigor
- Luclinite Ensanguined Longbow
- Luclinite Ensanguined Riding Bow
- Lunatic's Blade
- Mad Child's Doll
- Magical Woodly-Woop
- Malarian Egg Sac
- Mammoth Bone Bow
- Mangled Talisman of Rex
- Many-Pocketed Pouch
- Margidor's Frosty Tablet
- Master's Fetish
- Mature Greken Heart
- Maxima, the Dream
- Mercurial Remedium
- Mindshatter
- mnk rng range
- mnk rng range
- Moldering Biotrophic Branch
- Moonlight Longbow
- Mosscovered Longbow
- Mug of Eternal Ale
- Mysaphar`s Thoughtbringer Greaves
- Necrocrystal Fragment
- Novel of the Moon Kitties
- Olive Branch Bow
- Ooze Covered Warbow
- Orb of the Deep
- Orb of the Sky
- Orb of Uprising
- Ornamental Dagger
- Oscillating Stone
- Paragon's Crystal of the Adept
- Paragon's Crystal of the Combatant
- Paragon's Recurve Bow
- Pestilent Shortbow
- Petrified Arthicrex Mushroom
- Phantasmal Luclinite Idol of Adroitness
- Phantasmal Luclinite Idol of Brilliance
- Phantasmal Luclinite Idol of Vigor
- Phantasmal Luclinite Longbow
- Phantasmal Luclinite Riding Bow
- Plate Boots of the Hoary Dwarf
- Plush Vah Shir Doll
- Pocket of Clouds
- Poisoned Apple
- Polished Obsidian Orb
- Polished Tsetsian Thorax
- Preserved Peacock Feather
- Queen's Defender
- Rainfall Emblem
- Razornails
- Reclaimed Gyroscope
- Recovered Orc Bow
- Reflective Gem of Communication
- Refracted Steel Longbow
- Regal Infused Recurve Bow
- Regal Uninfused Recurve Bow
- Regla's Pick
- Replicate of the Patch Guardian
- Riding Bow of Perpetual Reverie
- Ritualist's Recurve Bow
- Ritualistic Doll
- Rivervale Bandit's Coin
- Rixact's Corrupted Soul
- rog range
- Rose of Mourning
- Rumbling Thunder Emblem
- Ruminate
- Sailor's Gaff Hook
- Sale Sign
- Sarith Scout Bow
- Sarith Waterknife
- Scaled Bow of Fire
- Scepter of the Augur
- Screaming Striker
- Second Sight Lantern
- Secret Dawn Compound Bow
- Secret Dawn Idol of Adroitness
- Secret Dawn Idol of Brilliance
- Secret Dawn Idol of Vigor
- Secret Dawn Longbow
- Sergeant's Mining Pick
- Serpent Fang Charm
- Severed Head of Severity
- Shade Bow
- Shakare's Hair
- Shakare's Talon
- Sharra's Ritualistic Doll
- Shears of Fate
- shm bst range
- shm bst range
- shm bst range
- shm bst range rare
- shm nec range
- shm nec range
- Short Bow of Uprising
- Shrunken Jack-o-Lantern
- Shrunken Samhain's Head
- Shuriken of Zan Fi
- Sickle of Urash
- Sienna Book of Directions
- Sigil of Driving Power
- Sigil of Uprising
- Silver Cymbals
- Silversteel Chainmail Hauberk
- Silvery Trinket
- Sir Rothan's Blackened Fingerbones
- Siren's Hunting Bow
- Siren's War Bow
- Skin of Bitter Wine
- Skraiw's Golden Skull Talisman
- Slagstone
- Slave's Final Companion
- Slayer's Skullband
- Slightly Chewed Doll
- Slimy Tentacle
- Sliver of the Shieldbearer's Shield
- Sludge Flinger
- Slurid's Heartstone
- Small Manisi Branch
- Small Manisi Branch
- Somatic Sparkthorn of Kuua
- Soulmage's Leathers
- Soulstriker
- Sparkbinder's Bauble
- Sparkling Soul Bow
- Sparkthorn
- Spectral Book of Knowledge and Tactics
- Spectral Essence
- Spernal Fetish
- Spikemangler's Shoulderspike
- Spinal Extractor
- Spong's Digging Tool
- Sporerune Bow
- Spruce Berry Bow
- Spy's Gem of Stealth
- Staff of the Five Tribes
- Stalwart Fear Amethyst
- Stalwart Recurve Bow
- Steam-Infused Shard
- Steam-Powered Disc of Command
- Steamshard
- Stem of Destruction
- Stix's Blade
- Stone Idol of Spirituality
- Stonebark Bow
- Storm Glass
- Storm Heart Crystal
- Storm Serpent's Sigil
- Stormguard Sigil
- Stormwheel's Core
- Strange Arx Mentis Flask
- Stygian Nightmare's Bow
- Sunbeam Bow
- Surefall Outrider Longbow
- Sway of the Canine
- Swiftbinder's Bauble
- Swiftwind Bone Trinket
- Tail of Corpsehide
- Tainted Tentacle Flail
- Talisman of Uprising
- Tamer's Whip
- Taruun Recruit's Shortbow
- Teacher's Tome
- Terror Infused Linked Coat
- Thale's Trophy
- Thassis' Pride
- The Joys of Cooking
- The Last Cigar
- The Mad's Raving
- The Prospector's Loot
- The Root of All Evil
- Throwing Fang of Corpsehide
- Thundering Rage Emblem
- Timesplitter Throwing Axe
- Timeworn Coin
- Totem of Corruption
- Totem of Dark Rites
- Totem of Soulhollow
- Totem of Souls
- Totem of the Loda Kai
- Totem of the Scarecrow
- Totem of Venril Sathir
- Totem of Vile Rites
- Treantwood Longbow
- Trelinna's Sweeper
- Tribal Song Totem
- Twisted Stranglebow
- Tyro's Golden Idol
- Underquarry Staunchhook
- Unsuspected Striker
- Unyielding Devotion Bow
- Vaniki's Compound Longbow
- Velium Infused Compound Bow
- Velium Infused Idol of Adroitness
- Velium Infused Idol of Brilliance
- Velium Infused Idol of Vigor
- Velium Infused Longbow
- Velium Threaded Bow
- Velium Threaded Compound Bow
- Velium Threaded Idol of Adroitness
- Velium Threaded Idol of Brilliance
- Velium Threaded Idol of Vigor
- Venomous Wand
- Verdant Sphere of Suppression
- Vigorous Idol of Perpetual Reverie
- Vision of Tomorrow
- Visionary's Notes
- Vye`Lithiar, Varken's Longbow
- Wand of the Deep Waters
- war pal shd range
- War-Scarred Fetish
- Warden's Vest
- Warmaster's Longbow
- Warped Chitin Bow
- Watertight Tacklebox
- Well Balanced Throwing Knife
- Well-Used Sweeper
- Wersan's Treasure
- White Rose of Disturbing Visions
- White Rose of Fearful Reverie
- White Rose of the Elusive Eidolon
- White Rose of the Vagarious Servant
- Whitened Totem
- Willowcrush's Branch
- Wilted Purple Flower
- Wind Lance
- Winged Short Bow
- wiz range
- Wolyenie, Eloquent Elegy
- Wood Elf Ancient Spellbook
- Woodsman's Knife
- Worn Children's Doll
- Worn Incisor
- Woven Cloak of Darkest Night
- Wyndrazer
- Xixkt's Fetish
- Zikatar
Improved Dodge V By: EQResource Spell Parser On: June 11, 2016, 04:55:13 PM
Questions? Comments? Post them here! Original page - https://spells.eqresource.com/spells.php?id=9612