Hastening of Jharin
Enchanter (119)
Slot 2:
Increase Agility by 455 |
Slot 3:
Increase Dexterity by 380 |
Slot 4:
Increase Attack by 319 |
Slot 5:
Increase Melee Haste by 68% |
Slot 6:
Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 35% |
Slot 7:
Increase Chance to Triple Attack by 22% |
Slot 8:
Increase Critical Hit Damage by 15% of Base Damage |
5518 |
Casting Time:
9s |
Recast Time:
1.5s |
Spell Bar Lockout:
1.5s |
Yes |
Yes |
42m |
Alteration |
Target Group |
Spell Type:
Beneficial: Blockable |
100 |
AE Range:
100 |
Yes |
In Game Description:
Fills your group with frantic energy, increasing their attack speed to #5%, agility by #2, dexterity by #3, attack rating by #4, chance to score critical hits by #6%, chance to triple attack by #7%, and critical damage by #8%. |
Land on You:
Your body begins to move faster. |
Land on Other:
Target's body begins to move faster. |
Wear off:
Your speed fades. |
Drop Down Menu 1:
Utility Beneficial -> Haste
Questions? Comments? Post them here! Original page - https://spells.eqresource.com/spells.php?id=63978