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Spell Changes for December 05, 2024
Effulgent Presence:
- Slot 21 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 150150' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 60150'
Fiery Breath:
- Slot 21 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 150150 per Tick' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 65150 per Tick'
Luminous Breath:
- Slot 21 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 200200 per Tick' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 85200 per Tick'
Tail Smack:
- Slot 21 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 200200' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 75200'
- Slot 23 changed from 'Stun for 7s' to 'Stun for 4s'
Shower of Spikes:
- Slot 21 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 100100' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 65100'
- Slot 21 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 150150' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 75150'
- Slot 21 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 125125' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 85125'
Disinfection Aura:
- Slot 21 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 150150' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 55150'
Contrition Aura:
- Slot 21 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 150150' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 55150'
Crippling Slice:
- Slot 21 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 170170 per Tick' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 70170 per Tick'
Guardian Rush:
- Slot 21 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 70700' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 55700'
Massive Slash:
- Slot 21 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 100100' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 65100'
- Slot 21 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 110110' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 75110'
Venomous Bites:
- Slot 21 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 45000 per Tick' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 25000 per Tick'
Pitching Deck:
- Slot 21 changed from 'Gradual Pull to 0 Units Away (Force=275) up to Your Level' to 'Gradual Pull to 0 Units Away (Force=125) up to Your Level'
Malicious Eye:
- Slot 22 changed from 'Decrease Current Mana by 5500 per Tick (v417)' to 'Decrease Current Mana by 2500 per Tick (v417)'
Scalewrought Blood Sickness:
- Slot 21 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 425425 per Tick' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 75425 per Tick'
Stare of the Curator:
- Slot 21 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 300750' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 75750'
Bright Sparkle:
- Slot 21 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 505505' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 70505'
Dark Sparkle:
- Slot 21 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 505505' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 70505'
Burst of Light:
- Slot 21 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 750750' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 100750'
- Slot 22 changed from 'Interrupt Casting' to 'Stun for 3s'
Burst of Darkness:
- Slot 21 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 750750' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 100750'
Impact of Shadows:
- Slot 21 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 450450' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 85450'
Poisonous Blood Fog:
- Slot 21 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 450450 per Tick' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 95450 per Tick'
Poisonous Blood Explosion:
- Slot 21 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 400400 per Tick' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 55400 per Tick'
- Slot 24 changed from 'Decrease Current Mana by 9500 per Tick (v417)' to 'Decrease Current Mana by 3500 per Tick (v417)'
Heart Stutter:
- Slot 21 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 750750 per Tick' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 125750 per Tick'
Strength of the Overseer:
- Target changed from 'Caster AE' to 'Single'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- AE Range changed from '600' to '0'
- Description changed from 'Charms the target.' to ''
Strength of the Striker:
- Description changed from 'Causes #21 hit point damage.' to ''
Strength of the Artificer:
- Description changed from 'Causes #21 mana damage.' to ''
Strength of the Skyguardian:
- Target changed from 'Caster AE' to 'Single'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- AE Range changed from '600' to '0'
Mind-Binding Aspect:
- Description changed from 'Grants immunity to *#24%N.' to ''
Body-Binding Aspect:
- Slot 22 changed from 'Decrease Current Mana by 10000 per Tick (v417)' to 'Decrease Current Mana by 5000 per Tick (v417)'
- Description changed from 'Heals #21 hit points and causes #22 mana damage.' to ''
Energy-Binding Aspect:
- Description changed from 'Suppresses mana regeneration.' to ''
Venom-Binding Aspect:
- Description changed from 'Increases damage from *#22%n.' to ''
Oculus Blind:
- Slot 21 changed from 'Blind' to 'Decrease Current Mana by 5000 per Tick (v417)'
- Slot 22 changed from 'Decrease Current Mana by 12000 per Tick (v417)' to 'Interrupt Casting (80% Chance)'
- Slot 23 changed from 'Interrupt Casting (80% Chance)' to ''
- Description changed from 'Causes #22 mana damage and blindness. Has a chance to interrupt spell casting.' to ''
Blood-curdling Slice:
- Description changed from 'Causes #21 hit point damage.' to ''
- Slot 22 changed from 'Stun for 15s' to 'Stun for 7s'
- Description changed from 'Causes #21 hit point damage and stuns for #22 seconds.' to ''
Envenomed Breath:
- Description changed from 'Reduces incoming healing by #21 percent.' to ''
Firelord's Incinerator:
- Slot 22 changed from 'Decrease Current Mana by 12000 per Tick (v417)' to 'Decrease Current Mana by 3500 per Tick (v417)'
- Description changed from 'Causes #21 hit point and #22 mana damage.' to ''
Unripe Oculus:
- Description changed from 'Stuns for #21 seconds.' to ''
Ripening Slice:
- Description changed from 'Causes #21 hit point damage.' to ''
Uncontrolled Strength:
- Description changed from 'Causes #21 hit point damage.' to ''
Poisonous Seed:
- Description changed from 'Causes #21 hit point damage and roots the target.' to ''
Poisonous Explosion:
- Description changed from 'Causes #21 hit point damage.' to ''