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Spell Changes for September 18, 2024
The General's Shield:
- Description changed from '' to 'Dramatically educes damage from detrimental spells.'
Scalewrought Power Aura:
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Scalewrought Power Aura'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Decrease Movement Speed by 900%'
- Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 450450 per Tick'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- Duration changed from '0' to '2'
- Description changed from '' to 'Causes #22 hit points damage and slow movement by #21.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'A powerful magical force that pins you to the ground.'
- Wear Off Message changed from '' to 'You are able to move freely again.'
Fractured Scalewrought Power:
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Fractured Scalewrought Power'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 575575 per Tick'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- Duration changed from '0' to '2'
- Description changed from '' to 'Causes #21 hit points damage.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'Jagged radiating power hits you.'
- Wear Off Message changed from '' to 'The jagged powers stops.'
Embedded Explosion:
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Embedded Explosion'
- Target changed from 'Single' to 'Target AE'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 850850'
- Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Mana by 35000 (v417)'
- Slot 23 changed from '' to 'Push Back 3 Units and Up 4 Units'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- AE Range changed from '0' to '200'
- Description changed from '' to 'Causes #21 hit points damage, #22 mana damage, and knocks target back.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'The invasive power building inside you explodes.'
Rudder Slap:
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Rudder Slap'
- Target changed from 'Single' to 'Directional AE'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 750750'
- Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Stun for 6s'
- Slot 23 changed from '' to 'Push Back 2 Units and Up 5 Units'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- AE Range changed from '0' to '300'
- Description changed from '' to 'Causes #21 hit points damage, stuns for #22 seconds, and knocks target back.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'A massive tail slams into you.'
Clinging Mites:
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Clinging Mites'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 330330 per Tick'
- Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Mana by 20000 per Tick (v417)'
- Slot 23 changed from '' to 'Melee and Skill Silence'
- Slot 24 changed from '' to 'Decrease Spell Haste by 50%'
- Slot 25 changed from '' to 'Limit Max Casting Time: 15s'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- Duration changed from '0' to '10'
- Description changed from '' to 'Causes #21 hit points damage and #22 mana damage. Causes amnesia and slows casting time.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'Mites cling to you and start to feed.'
- Wear Off Message changed from '' to 'The mites are knocked off you.'
Loaned Energy Discharge:
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Loaned Energy Discharge'
- Target changed from 'Single' to 'Caster AE'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 800800'
- Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Stun for 6s'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- AE Range changed from '0' to '900'
- Description changed from '' to 'Causes #21 hit points damage and stuns for #22 seconds.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'Power slams into you.'
Crushing Boulder:
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Crushing Boulder'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 650650'
- Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Stun for 2s'
- Slot 23 changed from '' to 'Push Back 2 Units and Up 2 Units'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- Description changed from '' to 'Causes #21 hit points damage, stuns for #22 seconds, and knocks target back.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'A massive boulder slams into you.'
Embedded Energy:
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Embedded Energy'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Cast on Duration Fade: Embedded Explosion'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- Duration changed from '0' to '3'
- Description changed from '' to 'Dooms *#21%N when duration expires.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'Foreign energy enters your body and prepares to explode.'
- Wear Off Message changed from '' to 'The energy explodes.'
Mental Break:
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Mental Break'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Stun for 6s'
- Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Mana by 10000 (v417)'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- Description changed from '' to 'Causes #22 mana damage and stuns for #21 seconds.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'Your mind snaps.'
Effulgent Presence:
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Effulgent Presence'
- Target changed from 'Single' to 'Caster AE'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 150150'
- Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Mana by 1500 (v417)'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- AE Range changed from '0' to '500'
- Description changed from '' to 'Causes #21 hit point damage and #22 mana damage.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'Power washes over you, tearing at your mind and skin.'
Fiery Breath:
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Fiery Breath'
- Target changed from 'Single' to 'Directional AE'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 150150 per Tick'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- Duration changed from '0' to '4'
- AE Range changed from '0' to '1500'
- Description changed from '' to 'Causes #21 hit point damage.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'Your skin burns.'
Luminous Breath:
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Luminous Breath'
- Target changed from 'Single' to 'Directional AE'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 200200 per Tick'
- Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Mana by 2500 per Tick (v417)'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- Duration changed from '0' to '4'
- AE Range changed from '0' to '200'
- Description changed from '' to 'Causes #21 hit point damage and #22 mana damage.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'Glowing heat ravages your body.'
Tail Smack:
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Tail Smack'
- Target changed from 'Single' to 'Directional AE'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 200200'
- Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Push Back 3 Units and Up 3 Units'
- Slot 23 changed from '' to 'Stun for 7s'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- AE Range changed from '0' to '200'
- Description changed from '' to 'Causes #21 hit point damage, knockback, and stuns for #23 seconds.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'A massive tail slams into you.'
Shower of Spikes:
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Shower of Spikes'
- Target changed from 'Single' to 'Caster AE'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 100100'
- Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Push Back 2 Units and Up 2 Units'
- Slot 23 changed from '' to 'Stun for 2s'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- AE Range changed from '0' to '100'
- Description changed from '' to 'Causes #21 hit point damage, knockback, and stuns for #23 seconds.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'Spines flam into you.'
Disinfection of Veeshan:
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Disinfection of Veeshan'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Alter Vision: Base1=2 Base2=35 Max=0'
- Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Tint Vision: Red=13 Green=134 Blue=255'
- Slot 23 changed from '' to 'Cast on Duration Fade: Disinfection'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- Duration changed from '0' to '4'
- Description changed from '' to 'Casts *#23%n on bearer when duration expires.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'You have been commanded to purify yourself.'
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Disinfection'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 150150'
- Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Summon Pet: GLDMiss2MonitorAddPur'
- Slot 23 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Mana by 3000 (v417)'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- Description changed from '' to 'Casts *#23%n on bearer when duration expires.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'You are purified, and it is painful.'
Contrition for Disobedience:
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Contrition for Disobedience'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Alter Vision: Base1=2 Base2=35 Max=0'
- Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Alter Vision: Base1=0 Base2=-65536 Max=0'
- Slot 23 changed from '' to 'Cast on Duration Fade: Contrition'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- Duration changed from '0' to '4'
- Description changed from '' to 'Causes #21 hit point damage and #23 mana damage. Summons a purification.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'You need to do penance for your disobedence.'
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Contrition'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 125125'
- Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Stun for 10s'
- Slot 23 changed from '' to 'Summon Pet: GLDMiss2MonitorAddPen'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- Description changed from '' to 'Causes #21 hit point damage and stuns for #22 seconds. Summons a penance.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'You suffer your penance.'
Disinfection Aura:
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Disinfection Aura'
- Target changed from 'Single' to 'Caster AE'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 150150'
- Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Mana by 2000 (v417)'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- AE Range changed from '0' to '300'
- Description changed from '' to 'Causes #21 hit point damage and #22 mana damage.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'You are purified, and it is painful.'
Contrition Aura:
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Contrition Aura'
- Target changed from 'Single' to 'Caster AE'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 150150'
- Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Stun for 3s'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- AE Range changed from '0' to '300'
- Description changed from '' to 'Causes #21 hit point damage and stuns for #22 seconds.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'You suffer your penance.'
Crippling Slice:
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Crippling Slice'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 170170 per Tick'
- Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Decrease Movement Speed by 30%'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- Duration changed from '0' to '3'
- Description changed from '' to 'Causes #21 hit point damage. Slows movement by #22.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'Claws cut into muscles and tendons.'
- Wear Off Message changed from '' to 'You recover your mobility.'
Guardian Rush:
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Guardian Rush'
- Target changed from 'Single' to 'Frontal AE'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 70700'
- Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Push Back 3 Units and Up 8 Units'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- AE Range changed from '0' to '40'
- Description changed from '' to 'Causes #21 hit point damage and knocks the target back.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'A gilded guardian charges you.'
Massive Slash:
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Massive Slash'
- Target changed from 'Single' to 'Directional AE'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 100100'
- Spell Range changed from '1000' to '200'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- AE Range changed from '0' to '200'
- Description changed from '' to 'Causes #21 hit point damage and stuns the target for #22 seconds.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'A huge, sharp claw slashes into you.'
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Thagomizerized'
- Target changed from 'Single' to 'Directional AE'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 110110'
- Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Push Back 3 Units and Up 5 Units'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- AE Range changed from '0' to '200 to 200'
- Description changed from '' to 'Causes #21 hit point damage and knocks the target back.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'A massive clump of spikes and hard scales smashes into you.'
Mind Dazing Aura:
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Mind Dazing Aura'
- Target changed from 'Single' to 'Caster AE'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Stun for 3s'
- Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Mana by 1500 (v417)'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- AE Range changed from '0' to '600'
- Description changed from '' to 'Causes #22 mana damage and stuns the target for #21 seconds.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'Incomprehensible power overwhelms your mind.'
- Wear Off Message changed from '' to 'Your mind clears.'
Venomous Bites:
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Venomous Bites'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 45000 per Tick'
- Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Decrease Melee Haste by 20% (v371, Incremental)'
- Slot 23 changed from '' to 'Decrease Movement Speed by 20%'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- Duration changed from '0' to '2'
- Description changed from '' to 'Causes #21 hit point damage, slows attack speed by #22 and movement by #23.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'Poison courses slowly through your veins.'
- Wear Off Message changed from '' to 'The poison fades.'
Pain of the Leviathan:
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Pain of the Leviathan'
- Target changed from 'Single' to 'Caster AE'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Increase Spell Damage Taken by 250% to 260% (v296, Before Crit)'
- Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Limit Spell: Usira's Overwhelming Presence'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- Duration changed from '0' to '6'
- AE Range changed from '0' to '1000'
- Description changed from '' to 'Increases the damage from *#22%N by #21 percent.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'Your energy wanes, your strength drains.'
- Wear Off Message changed from '' to 'You strength and energy return.'
Usira's Staggering Presence:
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Usira's Staggering Presence'
- Target changed from 'Single' to 'Caster AE'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 65650'
- Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Mana by 1000 (v417)'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- AE Range changed from '0' to '600'
- Description changed from '' to 'Causes #21 hit point and #22 mana damage.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'Even glancing at Usira causes you to suffer from their power.'
Fatal Manipulation:
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Fatal Manipulation'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 500000 per Tick'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- Duration changed from '0' to '2'
- Description changed from '' to 'Causes #21 hit points damage.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'Deadly magic courses through you.'
Pitching Deck:
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Pitching Deck'
- Target changed from 'Single' to 'Caster AE'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Gradual Pull to 0 Units Away (Force=275) up to Your Level'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- Duration changed from '0' to '1'
- AE Range changed from '0' to '1000'
- Description changed from '' to 'Tosses the target across the pitching floor.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'The floor pitches wildly beneath you.'
- Wear Off Message changed from '' to 'The leviathan stops writhing in pain.'
Gripping Tendons:
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Gripping Tendons'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Gradual Pull to 0 Units Away (Force=300) up to Your Level'
- Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 65650 per Tick'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- Duration changed from '0' to '2'
- Description changed from '' to 'Pulls target towards caster and causes #22 damage.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'A tendon grabs you and squeezes you as it contracts.'
- Wear Off Message changed from '' to 'The tendon releases you.'
Neural Jolt:
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Neural Jolt'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 65650'
- Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Mana by 800 (v417)'
- Slot 23 changed from '' to 'Stun for 2s'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- Description changed from '' to 'Causes #21 hit point and #22 mana damage. Also stuns the target for #23 seconds.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'Electricity courses through your body.'
Neural Burst:
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Neural Burst'
- Target changed from 'Single' to 'Caster AE'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 65650'
- Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Mana by 1000 (v417)'
- Slot 23 changed from '' to 'Stun for 4s'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- AE Range changed from '0' to '320'
- Description changed from '' to 'Causes #21 hit point and #22 mana damage. Also stuns the target for #23 seconds.'
- Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'A massive electrical shock surges through you.'
The General's Safeguard:
- Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'The General's Safeguard'
- Target changed from 'Single' to 'Self'
- Spell Type changed from 'Detrimental - Resist: Unresistable ' to 'Beneficial: Blockable'
- Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Increase Spell and DoT Damage Taken by 99% to 100% (v483, After Crit)'
- Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Limit Type: Detrimental'
- Spell Range changed from '1000' to '0'
- Spell Icon changed from '' to '
- Duration changed from '0' to '120'
- Description changed from '' to 'Dramatically educes damage from detrimental spells.'
- Cast by Other Message changed from '' to 'The General puts up a magical barrier.'
- Wear Off Message changed from '' to 'The General's Shield fades.'
Argent Clockwork Wrulon Saddle:
- Description changed from 'Summons a silver plated wrulon for you to ride. Additionally, you will be granted AC, an increase to maximum health, and an increase to maximum mana.' to 'Summons a silver plated wrulon for you to ride.'
Argent Whirligig Flyer Control Device:
- Description changed from 'Summons a silver plated whirligig for you to ride. Additionally, you will be granted AC, an increase to maximum health, and an increase to maximum mana.' to 'Summons a silver plated whirligig for you to ride.'
Argent Clockwork Sokokar Saddle:
- Description changed from 'Summons a silver plated sokokar for you to ride. Additionally, you will be granted AC, an increase to maximum health, and an increase to maximum mana.' to 'Summons a silver plated sokokar for you to ride.'
Argent Clockwork Sessiloid Saddle:
- Description changed from 'Summons a silver plated worg for you to ride. Additionally, you will be granted AC, an increase to maximum health, and an increase to maximum mana.' to 'Summons a silver plated sessiloid for you to ride.'
Argent Clockwork Selyrah Saddle:
- Spell Name changed from 'Argent Clockwork Seylrah Saddle' to 'Argent Clockwork Selyrah Saddle'
- Description changed from 'Summons a silver plated sessiloid for you to ride. Additionally, you will be granted AC, an increase to maximum health, and an increase to maximum mana.' to 'Summons a silver plated selyrah for you to ride.'
- Land on Self Message changed from 'You summon an argent clockwork seylrah.' to 'You summon an argent clockwork selyrah.'
- Land on Other Message changed from ' summons an argent clockwork seylrah.' to ' summons an argent clockwork selyrah.'
- Wear Off Message changed from 'Your clockwork seylrah runs off with metallic clanking.' to 'Your clockwork selyrah runs off with metallic clanking.'
Argent Clockwork Rhino Saddle:
- Description changed from 'Summons a silver plated seylrah for you to ride. Additionally, you will be granted AC, an increase to maximum health, and an increase to maximum mana.' to 'Summons a silver plated rhino for you to ride.'
Argent Clockwork Worg Saddle:
- Description changed from 'Summons a silver plated rhino for you to ride. Additionally, you will be granted AC, an increase to maximum health, and an increase to maximum mana.' to 'Summons a silver plated worg for you to ride.'
New Spell - Poison Trap
New Spell - Net Trap
New Spell - Forceful Explosion
New Spell - Thornshower