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Spell Changes for May 24, 2022

Test Server Data

Notes: Test Patch 5/24/22

Night's Death:
       - Slot 23 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: UNKNOWN SPELL EFFECT' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Damage v508'
       - Slot 24 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: UNKNOWN SPELL EFFECT' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Damage v508'
       - Slot 29 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: UNKNOWN SPELL EFFECT' to 'Inhibit Effect: Cast on Spell Land'
       - Slot 30 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: UNKNOWN SPELL EFFECT' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Cast Amount'
       - Slot 40 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: UNKNOWN SPELL EFFECT' to 'Inhibit Effect: Duration Mod'
       - Slot 50 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: UNKNOWN SPELL EFFECT' to 'Inhibit Effect: Limit Max Hits'
       - Slot 54 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: UNKNOWN SPELL EFFECT' to 'Inhibit Effect: Pet Power'
       - Slot 55 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: UNKNOWN SPELL EFFECT' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Range'
       - Slot 56 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: UNKNOWN SPELL EFFECT' to 'Inhibit Effect: Reagent Use Chance'
       - Slot 57 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: UNKNOWN SPELL EFFECT' to 'Inhibit Effect: Incoming Resist Mod'
       - Slot 58 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: UNKNOWN SPELL EFFECT' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Resist Rate'
       - Slot 59 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: UNKNOWN SPELL EFFECT' to 'Inhibit Effect: Reduce Reuse Timer'
       - Slot 63 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: UNKNOWN SPELL EFFECT' to 'Inhibit Effect: Stun Time Mod'

Apathetic Restraint:
       - Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Apathetic Restraint'
       - Target changed from 'Single' to 'Caster AE'
       - Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Decrease Melee Haste by 99%'
       - Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Reduce Timer by -5s'
       - Slot 23 changed from '' to 'Limit Min Mana Cost: 50'
       - Spell Icon changed from '' to ''
       - Duration changed from '0' to '4'
       - Description changed from 'Pulls target into the frog's mouth, causing #2 damage and stunning.' to ''
       - Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'You feel reluctant to act aggressively.'
       - Wear Off Message changed from '' to 'You reluctance fades.'

Complete Lethargy:
       - Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Complete Lethargy'
       - Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Invulnerability'
       - Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Root'
       - Spell Icon changed from '' to ''
       - Duration changed from '0' to '50'
       - Description changed from 'Pulls target into the frog's mouth, causing #2 damage and stunning.' to ''
       - Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'You have become incapacitated.'
       - Wear Off Message changed from '' to 'You may act again.'

Sapping Slime:
       - Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Sapping Slime'
       - Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Decrease Base Stats by 10000'
       - Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Decrease Movement Speed by 80%'
       - Spell Icon changed from '' to ''
       - Description changed from 'Pulls target into the frog's mouth, causing #2 damage and stunning.' to ''
       - Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'A slimy goop covers you, sapping your strength.'

Energy Returned:
       - Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Energy Returned'
       - Target changed from 'Single' to 'Caster AE'
       - Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 650650'
       - Spell Icon changed from '' to ''
       - AE Range changed from '0' to '200'
       - Description changed from 'Pulls target into the frog's mouth, causing #2 damage and stunning.' to ''
       - Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'Stolen energy slams into you.'

Theft of Power:
       - Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Theft of Power'
       - Slot 21 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 450450'
       - Slot 22 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Mana by 25000 (v417)'
       - Spell Icon changed from '' to ''
       - Description changed from 'Pulls target into the frog's mouth, causing #2 damage and stunning.' to ''
       - Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'Some of your energy is taken from you.'

Pet Illusion: Mithaniel's Proudheart Lion:
       - Slot 1 changed from 'Illusion: UNKNOWN ILLUSION' to 'Illusion: Proudheart Lion'

Pet Illusion: Mithaniel's Trueheart Lion:
       - Slot 1 changed from 'Illusion: UNKNOWN ILLUSION' to 'Illusion: Trueheart Lion'

Summon Familiar: Mithaniel's Boundlessheart Lion:
       - Spell Name changed from 'Summon Familiar: Mithaniel's Boundless Lion' to 'Summon Familiar: Mithaniel's Boundlessheart Lion'
       - Description changed from 'Summons a Mithaniel's Boundless Lion familiar.' to 'Summons a Mithaniel's Boundlessheart Lion familiar.'

Pet Illusion: Mithaniel's Boundlessheart Lion:
       - Spell Name changed from 'Pet Illusion: Mithaniel's Boundless Lion' to 'Pet Illusion: Mithaniel's Boundlessheart Lion'
       - Slot 1 changed from 'Illusion: UNKNOWN ILLUSION' to 'Illusion: Boundless Lion'
       - Description changed from 'Changes your pet to look like a Mithaniel's Boundless Lion.' to 'Changes your pet to look like a Mithaniel's Boundlessheart Lion.'

Spell history shown is from the begining of EQResource's spell database - August 21, 2013