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Spell Changes for March 15, 2019

Test Server Data

Have Your Cake:
       - Slot 1 changed from 'Aura Effect: N/A - Travel Assistance (10thPartyCake)' to 'Aura Effect: N/A - Travel Assistance (TenthPartyCake)'

Freezing Sleet:
       - Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'You are covered in increasing amounts of freezing sleet.'
       - Wear Off Message changed from '' to 'The sleet falls away.'
       - Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Freezing Sleet'
       - Target changed from 'Single' to 'Caster PB'
       - Slot 1 changed from '' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 998 per tick (Growing @ 999/tick)'
       - Spell Range changed from '1000' to '0'
       - Spell Icon changed from '' to ''
       - Duration changed from '0' to '50'
       - AE Range changed from '0' to '2000'
       - Description changed from 'Pulls target into the frog's mouth, causing #2 damage and stunning.' to ''
       - Song Window changed from 'Buff Window' to 'Song Window'

Summon Snow Griffon:
       - Spell Name changed from 'AVCReserved' to 'Summon Snonw Griffin'
       - Target changed from 'Single' to 'Self'
       - Slot 1 changed from '' to 'Summon Mount: EW2Raid1BossMount'
       - Spell Range changed from '1000' to '0'
       - Spell Icon changed from '' to ''
       - Description changed from 'Pulls target into the frog's mouth, causing #2 damage and stunning.' to ''

Spell history shown is from the begining of EQResource's spell database - August 21, 2013