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Spell Changes for January 18, 2023

Notes: Live Patch 1/18/23

Cure Corruption:
       - Druid Level changed from '71' to '61'
       - Paladin Level changed from '75' to '65'
       - Shaman Level changed from '72' to '62'

Cure Corruption Rk. II:
       - Druid Level changed from '71' to '61'
       - Paladin Level changed from '75' to '65'
       - Shaman Level changed from '72' to '62'

Cure Corruption Rk. III:
       - Druid Level changed from '71' to '61'
       - Paladin Level changed from '75' to '65'
       - Shaman Level changed from '72' to '62'

Resist Corruption:
       - Cleric Level changed from '73' to '63'
       - Druid Level changed from '73' to '63'

Resist Corruption Rk. II:
       - Cleric Level changed from '73' to '63'
       - Druid Level changed from '73' to '63'

Resist Corruption Rk. III:
       - Cleric Level changed from '73' to '63'
       - Druid Level changed from '73' to '63'

Shared Purity:
       - Cleric Level changed from '74' to '64'

Shared Purity Rk. II:
       - Cleric Level changed from '74' to '64'

Shared Purity Rk. III:
       - Cleric Level changed from '74' to '64'

Expunge Corruption:
       - Cleric Level changed from '74' to '64'

Expunge Corruption Rk. II:
       - Cleric Level changed from '74' to '64'

Expunge Corruption Rk. III:
       - Cleric Level changed from '74' to '64'

Chant of the Napaea:
       - Druid Level changed from '74' to '64'
       - Shaman Level changed from '74' to '64'

Chant of the Napaea Rk. II:
       - Druid Level changed from '74' to '64'
       - Shaman Level changed from '74' to '64'

Chant of the Napaea Rk. III:
       - Druid Level changed from '74' to '64'
       - Shaman Level changed from '74' to '64'

Wishka's Favor:
       - Shaman Level changed from '75' to '65'

Wishka's Favor Rk. II:
       - Shaman Level changed from '75' to '65'

Wishka's Favor Rk. III:
       - Shaman Level changed from '75' to '65'

       - Paladin Level changed from '71' to '61'

Absolve Rk. II:
       - Paladin Level changed from '71' to '61'

Absolve Rk. III:
       - Paladin Level changed from '71' to '61'

Minohten's Purifying Panpipes:
       - Bard Level changed from '74' to '64'

Minohten's Purifying Panpipes Rk. II:
       - Bard Level changed from '74' to '64'

Minohten's Purifying Panpipes Rk. III:
       - Bard Level changed from '74' to '64'

Staccato Rhythms:
       - Bard Level changed from '75' to '65'

Staccato Rhythms Rk. II:
       - Bard Level changed from '75' to '65'

Staccato Rhythms Rk. III:
       - Bard Level changed from '75' to '65'

Grandmaster's Focus:
       - Slot 3 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Dragon Punch Knockback' to 'Inhibit Effect: Add AA Proc'

The Pillar of Light:
       - Slot 3 changed from 'Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Healing Focus and Less Than 1000' to 'Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Spell Healing and Less Than 1000'

The Pillar of Light:
       - Slot 4 changed from 'Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Healing Focus and Less Than 1000' to 'Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Spell Healing and Less Than 1000'

The Pillar of Light:
       - Slot 4 changed from 'Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Healing Focus and Less Than 1000' to 'Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Spell Healing and Less Than 1000'

The Pillar of Light:
       - Slot 3 changed from 'Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Healing Focus and Less Than 1000' to 'Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Spell Healing and Less Than 1000'
       - Slot 9 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Damage Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Damage'
       - Slot 12 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Mana Cost Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Mana Cost'

The Pillar of Light:
       - Slot 3 changed from 'Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Healing Focus and Less Than 1000' to 'Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Spell Healing and Less Than 1000'
       - Slot 9 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Damage Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Damage'

The Pillar of Light:
       - Slot 3 changed from 'Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Healing Focus and Less Than 1000' to 'Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Spell Healing and Less Than 1000'

The Pillar of the Black:
       - Slot 3 changed from 'Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Healing Focus and Less Than 1000' to 'Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Spell Healing and Less Than 1000'

The Pillar of the Black:
       - Slot 4 changed from 'Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Healing Focus and Less Than 1000' to 'Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Spell Healing and Less Than 1000'

The Pillar of the Black:
       - Slot 4 changed from 'Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Healing Focus and Less Than 1000' to 'Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Spell Healing and Less Than 1000'

The Pillar of the Black:
       - Slot 3 changed from 'Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Healing Focus and Less Than 1000' to 'Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Spell Healing and Less Than 1000'

The Pillar of the Black:
       - Slot 12 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Healing Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Healing'

The Pillar of the Black:
       - Slot 9 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Duration Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Duration'

The Pillar of Nature:
       - Slot 3 changed from 'Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Healing Focus and Less Than 1000' to 'Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Spell Healing and Less Than 1000'

The Pillar of Nature:
       - Slot 4 changed from 'Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Healing Focus and Less Than 1000' to 'Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Spell Healing and Less Than 1000'

The Pillar of Nature:
       - Slot 4 changed from 'Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Healing Focus and Less Than 1000' to 'Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Spell Healing and Less Than 1000'

The Pillar of Nature:
       - Slot 3 changed from 'Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Healing Focus and Less Than 1000' to 'Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Spell Healing and Less Than 1000'
       - Slot 9 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Damage Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Damage'
       - Slot 12 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Mana Cost Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Mana Cost'

The Pillar of Nature:
       - Slot 9 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Healing Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Healing'

The Pillar of Nature:
       - Slot 9 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Damage Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Damage'
       - Slot 12 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Mana Cost Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Mana Cost'

The Pillar of Nature:
       - Slot 9 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Damage Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Damage'
       - Slot 12 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Mana Cost Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Mana Cost'

The Pillar of Nature:
       - Slot 9 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Duration Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Duration'
       - Slot 12 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Mana Cost Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Mana Cost'

The Pillar of the Arcane:
       - Slot 3 changed from 'Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Healing Focus and Less Than 1000' to 'Stacking: Overwrite Existing Spell if Slot 1 is Spell Healing and Less Than 1000'

The Pillar of the Arcane:
       - Slot 12 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Healing Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Healing'

The Pillar of the Arcane:
       - Slot 12 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Healing Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Healing'

The Pillar of the Arcane:
       - Slot 9 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Duration Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Duration'

The Pillar of the Arcane:
       - Slot 9 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Duration Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Duration'
       - Slot 12 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Healing Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Healing'

Fal`Kaa's Dark Grasp:
       - Slot 10 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Mana Cost Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Mana Cost'

Fal`Kaa's Dark Grasp:
       - Slot 8 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Mana Cost Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Mana Cost'

Fal`Kaa's Dark Grasp:
       - Slot 8 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Mana Cost Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Mana Cost'

Fal`Kaa's Dark Grasp:
       - Slot 6 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Mana Cost Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Mana Cost'

Remorse IV:
       - Slot 9 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Damage Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Damage'

Remorse V:
       - Slot 9 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Damage Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Damage'
       - Slot 10 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Healing Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Healing'

Remorse IV:
       - Slot 9 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Damage Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Damage'

Remorse V:
       - Slot 9 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Damage Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Damage'
       - Slot 10 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Healing Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Healing'

Stench of Decay:
       - Slot 11 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Mana Cost Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Mana Cost'

Stench of Decay:
       - Slot 11 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Mana Cost Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Mana Cost'

Pestering Shock:
       - Slot 8 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Haste Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Haste'

Curse of Suffering:
       - Slot 12 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Healing Focus (AA)' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Healing (AA)'

Mental Breakdown:
       - Slot 2 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Mana Cost Focus (Worn, AA)' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Mana Cost (Worn, AA)'

Weight of Rot:
       - Slot 10 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Mana Cost Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Mana Cost'

Weight of Rot:
       - Slot 10 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Mana Cost Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Mana Cost'

       - Slot 1 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Haste Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Haste'

Mental Breakdown:
       - Slot 2 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Mana Cost Focus (Worn, AA)' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Mana Cost (Worn, AA)'

Boiling Bloodrain:
       - Slot 25 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Dragon Punch Knockback' to 'Inhibit Effect: Add AA Proc'

Shining Light:
       - Description changed from 'Causes blindness and movement slow of #22. Increases damage by #23 percent from #24%N.' to 'Causes blindness and movement slow of #22. Increases damage by #23 to $23 percent from *#24%N.'

Four-barbed Knife:
       - Slot 21 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 25% of Total Hit Points, Max: 0' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 25% of Total Hit Points, Max: 500000'
       - Slot 22 changed from 'Increase Current Endurance by 0.2% of Total Endurance, Max: 0' to 'Decrease Current Endurance by 20% of Total Endurance, Max: 100000'
       - Description changed from 'Causes #21 hit point and #22 endurance damage immediately. #23 hit point damage over time and #24 percent chance to interrupt spells.' to 'Causes #21 percent hit point and #22 percent endurance damage immediately. #23 hit point damage over time and #24 percent chance to interrupt spells.'

Bursting Shadow:
       - Description changed from 'Dooms #23%N when duration ends.' to 'Dooms *#23%N when duration ends.'

Darkening Heart:
       - Description changed from 'Causes #22 hit point and #23 mana damage. Dooms #21%N when duration ends.' to 'Causes #22 hit point and #23 mana damage. Dooms *#21%N when duration ends.'

Night Fire:
       - Description changed from 'Causes #21 mana damage and stuns for #22 seconds in a %J area.' to 'Causes #21 mana damage and stuns for #22 seconds.'

Night's Death:
       - Slot 29 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Cast on Spell Land' to 'Inhibit Effect: Cast on Spell Land v481'
       - Slot 31 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Haste Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Haste'
       - Slot 33 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Damage Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Damage'
       - Slot 39 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Duration Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Duration'
       - Slot 40 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Duration Mod' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Duration Mod'
       - Slot 48 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Healing Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Healing'
       - Slot 52 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Mana Cost Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Mana Cost'
       - Description changed from 'Increases effects from #22%J by #21 to #22 percent. Suppresses focus effects in a %J area.' to 'Increases effects from *#22%N by #21 to $21 percent. Suppresses focus effects in a %J area.'

Setting Sun:
       - Description changed from 'Decreases melee speed #21. #22 chance to interrupt spell casting. Removed by moving #26.' to 'Decreases melee speed #21. #22 chance to interrupt spell casting. Removed by moving #26. Dooms *#25%N.'

Rising Sun:
       - Description changed from 'Decreases melee speed #21. #22 chance to interrupt spell casting. Dooms #25%N and #26%N when duration ends.' to 'Decreases melee speed #21. #22 chance to interrupt spell casting. Dooms *#25%N and *#26%N when duration ends.'

Sudden Night:
       - Description changed from 'Causes #21 hit point damage and blindness. Melee attacks by target cause #23 return damage. Procs $24%N on spells cast in a %J area.' to 'Causes #21 hit point damage and blindness in a %J area. Melee attacks by target cause #23 return damage. Procs *$24%N on spells cast.'

Apathetic Restraint:
       - Description changed from 'Reduces melee speed to #21 and increases reuse timers in a %J area.' to 'Reduces melee speed by #21 percent and increases reuse timers in a %J area.'

Thinning Skin:
       - Description changed from 'Reduces armor by #21. Increases effects from #23%N by from #22 to $22 percent.' to 'Reduces armor by #21. Increases effects from *#23%N by #22 to $22 percent.'

Slicing Energy:
       - Description changed from 'Causes #22 hit point and #21 mana damage in a %J area.' to 'Causes #22 hit point and #21 mana damage.'

       - Description changed from 'Reduces melee speed to #25. Causes #26 endurance damage. Increases incoming melee damage by #27 percent. Reduced STR by #21, DEX by #22, STA by #23 and AGI by #24.' to 'Reduces melee speed by #25 percent. Causes #26 endurance damage. Increases incoming melee damage by #27 percent. Reduced STR by #21, DEX by #22, STA by #23 and AGI by #24.'

Power Deficiency:
       - Description changed from 'Limits hit points to #21 and mana to #22 percent in a %J area.' to 'Limits hit points to #21 percent and mana to #22 percent in a %J area.'

Bursting Darkness:
       - Description changed from 'Dooms #23%N when duration ends. Removed by moving #24 distance.' to 'Dooms *#23%N when duration ends. Removed by moving #24 distance.'

Dimming Heart:
       - Description changed from 'Causes #22 hit point and #23 mana damage. Dooms #21%N when duration ends.' to 'Causes #22 hit point and #23 mana damage. Dooms *#21%N when duration ends.'

Dazzling Light:
       - Description changed from 'Causes blindness and movement slow of #22. Increases damage by #23 percent from #24%N.' to 'Causes blindness and movement slow of #22. Increases damage by #23 percent from *#24%N.'

Shadow Link:
       - Description changed from 'Heals #23 hit points.' to 'Heals #21 hit points.'

Barbed Arrow:
       - Slot 21 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 25% of Total Hit Points, Max: 100000' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 25% of Total Hit Points, Max: 1000000'
       - Slot 22 changed from 'Decrease Current Endurance by 0.2% of Total Endurance, Max: 1000000' to 'Decrease Current Endurance by 20% of Total Endurance, Max: 1000000'
       - Description changed from 'Causes #21 percent hit point and #22 endurance percent instantly and #23 hit point damage over time. Has a #24 percent change to interrupt spells.' to 'Causes #21 percent hit point and #22 percent endurance damage instantly and #23 hit point damage over time. Has a #24 percent chance to interrupt spells.'

Night's Demise:
       - Slot 29 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Cast on Spell Land' to 'Inhibit Effect: Cast on Spell Land v481'
       - Slot 31 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Haste Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Haste'
       - Slot 33 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Damage Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Damage'
       - Slot 39 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Duration Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Duration'
       - Slot 40 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Duration Mod' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Duration Mod'
       - Slot 48 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Healing Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Healing'
       - Slot 52 changed from 'Inhibit Effect: Mana Cost Focus' to 'Inhibit Effect: Spell Mana Cost'
       - Description changed from 'Increases effects from #22%J by #21 to #22 percent. Suppresses focus effects in a %J area.' to 'Increases effects from *#22%N by #21 to $21 percent. Suppresses focus effects in a %J area.'

Sun Rising:
       - Description changed from 'Decreases melee speed #21. #22 chance to interrupt spell casting. Dooms #25%N when duration ends.' to 'Decreases melee speed #21 percent. #22 chance to interrupt spell casting. Dooms *#25%N when duration ends.'

Unforeseen Night:
       - Description changed from 'Causes #21 hit point damage and blindness. Melee attacks by target cause #23 return damage. Procs $24%N on spells cast in a %J area.' to 'Causes #21 hit point damage and blindness in a %J area. Melee attacks by target cause #23 return damage. Procs *$24%N on spells cast.'

Erratic Magic:
       - Land on Self Message changed from 'You magic harms you.' to 'Your own magic harms you.'

Apathetic Inhibition:
       - Description changed from 'Reduces melee speed to #21 and increases reuse timers in a %J area.' to 'Reduces melee speed by #21 percent and increases reuse timers in a %J area.'

Weakening Skin:
       - Description changed from 'Reduces armor by #21. Increases effects from #23%N by from #22 to $22 percent.' to 'Reduces armor by #21. Increases effects from *#23%N by from #22 to $22 percent.'

Cutting Energy:
       - Description changed from 'Causes #22 hit point and #21 mana damage in a %J area.' to 'Causes #22 hit point and #21 mana damage.'

       - Description changed from 'Reduces melee speed to #25. Causes #26 endurance damage. Increases incoming melee damage by #27 percent. Reduced STR by #21, DEX by #22, STA by #23 and AGI by #24.' to 'Reduces melee speed by #25 percent. Reduces STR by #21, DEX by #22, STA by #23 and AGI by #24.'

Energy Diminished:
       - Description changed from 'Limits hit points to #21 and mana to #22 percent in a %J area.' to 'Limits hit points to #21 percent and mana to #22 percent in a %J area.'

Ground Punch:
       - Description changed from 'Causes #21 hit point damage. Stuns for #22 seconds. Knocks back in %J area.' to 'Causes #21 hit point damage in %J area. Stuns for #22 seconds. Knocks back.'

Spore Spurt:
       - Description changed from 'Causes #21 hit point and #22 mana damage. Lowers melee speed to #23 percent and movement speel by #24 percent in a front cont of %J distance.' to 'Causes #21 hit point and #22 mana damage. Lowers melee speed by #23 percent and movement speed by #24 percent in a front cone of %J distance.'

Art Requires Suffering:
       - Spell Range changed from '1000' to '0'

Enhanced Energy:
       - Description changed from 'Increases melee speed to #21 percent. Increases movement speed by #22. Target is immune to melee slow.' to 'Increases melee speed by #21 percent. Increases movement speed by #22. Target is immune to melee slow.'

Stingy Stifling Spores:
       - Spell Type changed from 'Detrimental - Resist: Unresistable ' to 'Detrimental - Resist: Lowest '

Shock Stifling Spores:
       - Spell Type changed from 'Detrimental - Resist: Unresistable ' to 'Detrimental - Resist: Lowest '

Scuffle Stifling Spores:
       - Spell Type changed from 'Detrimental - Resist: Unresistable ' to 'Detrimental - Resist: Lowest '
       - Description changed from 'Reduces melee speed to #21 percent.' to 'Reduces melee speed by #21 percent.'

Suppression Stifling Spores:
       - Spell Type changed from 'Detrimental - Resist: Unresistable ' to 'Detrimental - Resist: Lowest '

Bright Gas Explosion:
       - Spell Type changed from 'Detrimental - Resist: Unresistable ' to 'Detrimental - Resist: Lowest '

Transformational Infection:
       - Spell Type changed from 'Detrimental - Resist: Unresistable ' to 'Detrimental - Resist: Lowest '

Embedded Spores:
       - Spell Type changed from 'Detrimental - Resist: Unresistable ' to 'Detrimental - Resist: Lowest '
       - Description changed from 'Causes #21 mana damage. Casts $22%N when spell #23%N lands on target.' to 'Causes #21 mana damage. Casts *$22%N when spell *#23%N lands on target.'

       - Spell Range changed from '100' to '1000'
       - Description changed from 'Grants #21 damage protection in a %J area. If that protection is entirely used, casts #22%N on bearer.' to 'Grants #21 damage protection. If that protection is entirely used, casts *#22%N on bearer.'

Sapping Aura:
       - Description changed from 'Modifies all stats by #21 and reduces movement rate by #22 in a %J area.' to 'Decreases all stats by #21 and reduces movement rate by #22 in a %J area.'

Energy Diminished:
       - Description changed from 'Limits hit points to #21 and mana to #22 percent in a %J area.' to 'Limits hit points to #21 percent and mana to #22 percent in a %J area.'

Enhanced Energy:
       - Description changed from 'Increases melee speed to #21 percent and movement rate by #22 percent. Grants immunity to movement speed altering spells.' to 'Increases melee speed by #21 percent and movement rate by #22 percent. Grants immunity to movement speed altering spells.'

Amorphous Amplification:
       - Description changed from 'Causes #21 mana damage and increases effects from spells #23%N, #24%N, #25%N, and #26%N. Grants immunity to #28%N. Casts $29%N when #30%N lands on bearer. Covers a %J area.' to 'Causes #21 mana damage and increases effects from spells *#23%N, *#24%N, *#25%N, and *#26%N. Grants immunity to *#28%N. Casts *$29%N when *#30%N lands on bearer. Covers a %J area.'

Explosive Soulfire:
       - Description changed from 'Causes #21 hit point and #22 mana damage. Dooms #23%N when duration ends.' to 'Causes #21 hit point and #22 mana damage. Dooms *#23%N when duration ends.'

Soulfire Explosion:
       - Description changed from 'Causes #21 hit point and #22 mana damage in a %J area.' to 'Causes #21 hit point and #22 mana damage.'

Flickering Illusion:
       - Slot 21 changed from 'Increase Chance to Avoid Melee by 1000%' to 'Increase Chance to Avoid Melee by 500%'

Fatal Curse:
       - Description changed from 'Causes #21 mana damage. Casts #22%N when duration ends.' to 'Causes #21 mana damage. Casts *#22%N when duration ends.'

       - Description changed from 'Reduces melee speed to #21 percent.' to 'Reduces melee speed by #21 percent.'

Curse of Hashiss:
       - Description changed from 'Causes #21 mana damage over time. Dooms #23%N on person dispelling this spell, or #24%N on the bearer when duration wears out. Has #22 curse counters.' to 'Causes #21 mana damage over time. Dooms *#23%N on person dispelling this spell, or *#24%N on the bearer when duration wears out. Has #22 curse counters.'

Restoring of the Dawn:
       - Slot 21 changed from 'Increase Current Hit Points by 3% of Total Hit Points, Max: 0' to 'Increase Current Hit Points by 3% of Total Hit Points, Max: 900000000'

Feral Flame:
       - Land on Self Message changed from 'Your soul burns, your oen energy is being used against you.' to 'Your soul burns, your own energy is being used against you.'

Explosive Soulflame:
       - Description changed from 'Causes #21 hit point and #22 mana damage. Dooms #23%N when duration ends.' to 'Causes #21 hit point and #22 mana damage. Dooms *#23%N when duration ends.'

Soulflame Explosion:
       - Description changed from 'Causes #21 hit point and #22 mana damage in a %J area.' to 'Causes #21 hit point and #22 mana damage.'

Power Deficiency:
       - Description changed from 'Limits hit points to #21 and mana to #22 percent.' to 'Limits hit points to #21 percent and mana to #22 percent.'

Protection of the Primal Spirits:
       - Slot 3 changed from 'Absorb DoT Damage: 100%' to ''
       - Slot 8 changed from '' to 'Absorb DoT Damage: 100%'

Illusion: Syl Ren:
       - Slot 1 changed from 'Illusion: Syl Tor' to 'Illusion: Syl Ren'

New Spell - Summon Familiar: Lovely Brownie

New Spell - Pet Illusion: Lovely Brownie

New Spell - Mortifier's Unity XI

New Spell - Dark Lord's Unity XI Azia

New Spell - Dark Lord's Unity XI Beza

Spell history shown is from the begining of EQResource's spell database - August 21, 2013