Covenant of Sticks and Stones Spell History

Spell Overview | Raw Spell Data | Compare Versions | Timer Info

12/08/2020 - Slot 13 changed from 'Limit Spells: ' to 'Limit Spells: Yelinak's Insult'

12/18/2019 - Description changed from 'Forms a covenant of song over your target, causing other Bards' insults up to level #12 to deal between #1 and $1% more damage for %z.
If %L or more insults are focused in this time, it will trigger *#14%N, dealing *#14#1 damage to the target!
' to 'Forms a covenant of song over your target, causing other Bards' insults up to level #14 to deal between #1 and $1% more damage for %z.
If %L or more insults are focused in this time, it will trigger *#16%N, dealing *#16#1 damage to the target!

12/18/2019 - Slot 15 changed from '' to 'Limit: Different Caster'

12/18/2019 - Slot 16 changed from '' to 'Cast on Max Hits: Resolution of Broken Bones'

12/18/2019 - Slot 14 changed from 'Cast on Max Hits: Resolution of Broken Bones' to 'Limit Max Level: 115 (Lose 100% per Level)'

12/18/2019 - Slot 13 changed from 'Limit: Different Caster' to 'Limit Spells: '

12/18/2019 - Slot 12 changed from 'Limit Max Level: 115 (Lose 100% per Level)' to 'Limit Spells: Omorden's Insult'

12/11/2018 - Land on Self Message changed from '' to 'You are targeted by a covenant of sticks and stones.'

12/11/2018 - Land on Other Message changed from '' to ' is targeted by a covenant of sticks and stones.'

12/11/2018 - Wear Off Message changed from '' to 'The covenant of sticks and stones fades away.'

Spell history shown is from the begining of EQResource's spell database - August 21, 2013