Nature's Restoration IV Spell History

Spell Overview | Raw Spell Data | Compare Versions

12/18/2019 - Spell Name changed from 'N/A - Removed' to 'Nature's Restoration IV'

12/18/2019 - Recast Time changed from '0' to '6'

12/18/2019 - Target changed from 'Self' to 'Caster PB Players'

12/18/2019 - Slot 1 changed from '' to 'Increase Current Hit Points by 130'

12/18/2019 - Group ID changed from '0' to '48598'

12/18/2019 - Spell Icon changed from '' to ''

12/18/2019 - AE Range changed from '0' to '100'

09/18/2019 - Land on Self Message changed from 'You are shielded by light.' to ''

09/18/2019 - Land on Other Message changed from ' is shielded by light.' to ''

09/18/2019 - Spell Name changed from 'Shield of Brilliance XII' to 'N/A - Removed'

09/18/2019 - Paladin Level changed from '254' to '255'

09/18/2019 - Slot 1 changed from 'Increase Chance to Reflect Spell by 100% for 75% Base Damage with 200 Improved Resist Modifier' to ''

09/18/2019 - Group id changed from '32307' to '0'

09/18/2019 - Timer Type changed from 'AA' to ''

09/18/2019 - Duration changed from '2' to '0'

09/18/2019 - Description changed from 'Grants a 75% chance to reflect incoming spells at their caster for 75% of the spell's base power with that spell's resist rate improved by 200 points for up to 12s (2 Ticks).' to 'Grants a 0% chance to reflect incoming spells at their caster for % of the spell's base power with that spell's resist rate improved by points for up to 0s (0 Ticks).'

12/11/2018 - Slot 1 changed from 'Increase Chance to Reflect Spell by 100% (75% Max)' to 'Increase Chance to Reflect Spell by 100% for 75% Base Damage with 200 Extra Resist Modifier'

03/16/2016 - Description changed from 'Grants a 75 percent chance to reflect incoming spells at their caster for 75 percent of the spell's base power with that spell's resist rate improved by 200 points for up to 12s (2 Ticks).' to 'Grants a 75% chance to reflect incoming spells at their caster for 75% of the spell's base power with that spell's resist rate improved by 200 points for up to 12s (2 Ticks).'

11/18/2015 - New Spell - Nature's Restoration IV - first appeared in EQResource Spell Database.

Spell history shown is from the begining of EQResource's spell database - August 21, 2013