Restless Focus V Spell History

Spell Overview | Raw Spell Data | Compare Versions

12/20/2019 - Description changed from 'Improves the power of your damaging and healing abilities by #1%.' to 'Improves the power of your level #3 and lower damaging and healing abilities by #1%.'

12/18/2019 - New Spell - Restless Focus V - first appeared in EQResource Spell Database.

10/21/2015 - Slot 1 changed from 'Summon to 6 units away' to 'Cast: Hate's Pull XIX'

09/23/2015 - New Spell - Restless Focus V - first appeared in EQResource Spell Database.

Spell history shown is from the begining of EQResource's spell database - August 21, 2013