Rebirth of Heaven's Truth Spell History

Spell Overview | Raw Spell Data | Compare Versions

08/16/2023 - Description changed from 'The target's rebirth is restricted to the truth. As a side effect, the target will heal #1 each tick for %Z seconds.' to 'The target's rebirth is restricted to the truth. As a side effect, the target will heal #14 each tick for %Z.'

12/11/2018 - Spell Name changed from 'N/A - Reckless Abandon' to 'Rebirth of Heaven's Truth'

12/11/2018 - Endurance Upkeep changed from '50 / second' to '0 / second'

12/11/2018 - Target changed from 'Self' to 'Single'

12/11/2018 - Spell Type changed from 'Beneficial: Not Blockable' to 'Detrimental - Resist: Unresistable '

12/11/2018 - Slot 1 changed from 'Increase Hit Damage by 75%' to ''

12/11/2018 - Slot 2 changed from 'Cast on Fade: N/A - Reckless Abandon Recourse I' to ''

12/11/2018 - Slot 14 changed from '' to 'Increase Current Hit Points by 10000 per tick'

12/11/2018 - Spell Range changed from '0' to '100'

12/11/2018 - Spell Icon changed from '' to ''

12/11/2018 - Requires Item ID 1 changed from '0' to '-1'

12/11/2018 - Requires Item ID 2 changed from '0' to '-1'

12/11/2018 - Requires Item ID 3 changed from '0' to '-1'

12/11/2018 - Requires Item ID 3 changed from '0' to '-1'

12/11/2018 - Description changed from 'Allows a Berserker to throw caution to the wind and enter into a heightened state of combat at the risk of suffering terrible wounds when the burst of fury has run its course.' to 'The target's rebirth is restricted to the truth. As a side effect, the target will heal 0 each tick for %Z seconds.'

12/11/2018 - Song Window changed from 'Song Window' to 'Buff Window'

12/11/2018 - Land on Self Message changed from 'You recklessly abandon yourself to combat.' to 'You restrict rebirth to truth.'

12/11/2018 - Land on Other Message changed from '' to ' restricts rebirth to truth.'

12/11/2018 - Wear Off Message changed from '' to 'The restriction eases.'

06/17/2015 - Spell Name changed from 'Reckless Abandon' to 'N/A - Reckless Abandon'

06/17/2015 - Slot 2 changed from 'Cast on Fade: Reckless Abandon Recourse I' to 'Cast on Fade: N/A - Reckless Abandon Recourse I'

08/19/2013 - New Spell - Rebirth of Heaven's Truth - first appeared in EQResource Spell Database.

Spell history shown is from the begining of EQResource's spell database - August 21, 2013