Mark of the Mage Hunter I Spell History

Spell Overview | Raw Spell Data | Compare Versions

12/18/2019 - Description changed from 'Reduces the damage of incoming spells by #1%, for up to $1 damage per spell for %z or for up to @1 total damage.' to 'Absorbs #1% of incoming direct spell damage up to $1 damage per hit up to @1 total damage.'

03/16/2016 - Description changed from 'Reduces the damage of incoming spells by 25 percent, for up to 1000 damage per spell for 3m (30 Ticks) or for up to 5000 total damage.' to 'Reduces the damage of incoming spells by 25%, for up to 1000 damage per spell for 3m (30 Ticks) or for up to 5000 total damage.'

09/23/2015 - Spell Name changed from 'Mark of the Mage Hunter' to 'Mark of the Mage Hunter I'

09/23/2015 - Group id changed from '0' to '37193'

09/23/2015 - Description changed from 'When activated, Mark of the Mage Hunter reduces the damage of incoming spells by up to 1000 damage per spell for the first rank and 1250 for the second rank. The Mark of the Mage Hunter dissipates after 5000 hit points of damage have been absorbed for the' to 'Reduces the damage of incoming spells by 25 percent, for up to 1000 damage per spell for 3m (30 Ticks) or for up to 5000 total damage.'

08/19/2013 - New Spell - Mark of the Mage Hunter I - first appeared in EQResource Spell Database.

Spell history shown is from the begining of EQResource's spell database - August 21, 2013