2 updated strings (RED indicates old description, GREEN indicates new description):

ID: 0

ID: 10023
You cannot change personas in your current zone because it is not a starting city or fast camp zone.
You cannot change personas in your current zone.

7 new strings found:

ID: 8342
Test copy is currently disabled because you are on a Beta server.

ID: 8343
Test copy is currently disabled because you are on a Test server.

ID: 10039
This command cannot be used on the Beta Server.

ID: 10040
This character is now flagged to be Beta Copied. Your character will be copied (not moved) to the Beta Server. Characters are copied every morning and will be accessible after the daily Beta Server patch. There is no need to use this command again on this character. If you wish to Beta Copy another character, please switch to that character and use /BETA again. Thank you!

ID: 10041
This character has already requested to be Beta Copied. Characters are copied every morning and will be accessible after the daily Beta Server patch.

ID: 10042
Unable to complete your Beta Copy request. Please try again later.

ID: 11033
You cannot change personas while you are holding something.