6 updated strings (RED indicates old description, GREEN indicates new description):

ID: 0

ID: 674
That player doesn't have the necessary expansions for that level. Setting them to the allowed max level based on expansions owned.
That player cannot be buffed to that level because they don't have the necessary expansions, membership, or the server is level capped. Setting them to the allowed max level instead.

ID: 5124
You cannot afford to be sent on an Adventure at the moment.
You will now automatically give your fellowship consent to move your corpse.

ID: 5138
%1 has not completed enough adventures to join you.
You will no longer automatically give your fellowship consent to move your corpse.

ID: 6171
Reward will result in duplicate Lore Items.
You were unable to complete this quest because it would result in a %1, and you already have one.

ID: 8104
Held Item
You are unable to use Expedient Recovery at this time. You may only use Expedient Recovery in non-combat zones on level locked servers.

5 new strings found:

ID: 10006

ID: 10007
You do not have access to this spell gem slot.

ID: 10008
You cannot memorize this spell.

ID: 10009
Usage: /memspellslot

ID: 10010
Entering 0 for the Spell ID will forget the spell gem slot.