5 updated strings (RED indicates old description, GREEN indicates new description):

ID: 0

ID: 3584
You are not the dynamic zone leader, only %1 can issue this command.
Greetings Norrathian, by creating a new character and playing on Aradune you agree to abide by the server specific rules and regulations in addition to the previously agreed upon terms of service and EULA. (everquest.com/TLP2020) Do you accept these rules?

ID: 3596
You receive an exceptional heal.
Greetings Norrathian, by creating a new character and playing on Rizlona you agree to abide by the server specific rules and regulations in addition to the previously agreed upon terms of service and EULA. (everquest.com/TLP2020) Do you accept these rules?

ID: 9083
YOUR magical skin absorbs %1 spell.
Experience (No AA or Mercenary Exp)

ID: 9084
%1 magical skin absorbs %2 spell.
You have reached your Max Completed Quests for this rotation. You will be able to complete more Overseer Quests in %1.

11 new strings found:

ID: 8301

ID: 8302
The /usurp command can be used by a senior officer to become guild leader. The current guild must have no leader, or the current leader must have been offline for at least one year.

ID: 8303
You cannot use the /usurp command because your guild rank is not %1.

ID: 8304
This command will attempt to make you the guild leader, if you guild does not currently have a leader or if the current leader has been offline for one year.
Are you sure you wish to usurp your guild leader?

ID: 8305
Sending request to usurp current guild leadership, and make you the new leader...

ID: 8306
Due to inactivity or absence of a leader, %1 has assumed leadership of the guild.

ID: 8307
You were unable to usurp leadership of the guild. The current guild leader has been online in the past year.

ID: 8308
You have been automatically promoted to guild leader because of the loss of the guild's former leader, %1.

ID: 14584
You have started the Overseer quest %1 with the following agent(s): %2

ID: 14585
Your Overseer quest %1 has been completed.

ID: 14586
Your Overseer quest %1 has been abandoned.