4 updated strings (RED indicates old description, GREEN indicates new description):

ID: 0

ID: 5523
Level %1 Heroic - Qty: %2
LVL %1 Heroic, Qty %2

ID: 8310
Your inventory is full. %1 has been placed %2!
Your inventory is full. %1 has been placed in your overflow items!

ID: 14238
You cannot create a Heroic character on this server because it has not unlocked Call of the Forsaken.
You cannot create a Heroic character on this server because it has not unlocked Planes of Power.

4 new strings found:

ID: 8336
Your inventory is full. %1 %2 have been placed in your overflow items!

ID: 8337
You are not allowed to loot the item: %1. You are not currently a member of the zone's expedition.

ID: 8338
You are not allowed to loot the item: %1. You do not have a lockout timer for this event that matches the current instance.

ID: 8339
A magical force unique to %1 is preventing you from looting %2.