dbstr Changes
16 updated strings (RED indicates old description, GREEN indicates new description):
ID: 52460^6
Increases incoming damage from spell Golem Stonp by $21%. Causes #23 mana and #24 hit point damage every tick.
Increases incoming damage from spell Golem Stomp by $21%. Causes #23 mana and #24 hit point damage every tick.
ID: 54571^6
Causes #21 hit points damage. Will trigger $23%n if bearer is hit with #22%n.
Causes #21 hit points damage. Will trigger *$23%N if bearer is hit with *#22%N.
ID: 54575^6
Grant bearer the ability to trigger #21%n in melee combat.
Grant bearer the ability to trigger *#21%N in melee combat.
ID: 54576^6
Grant bearer the ability to trigger #21%n in melee combat.
Grant bearer the ability to trigger *#21%N in melee combat.
ID: 54582^6
Will trigger $22%n if bearer is hit with #21%n.
Will trigger $22%n if bearer is hit with *#21%N.
ID: 54583^6
Will trigger $22%n if bearer is hit with #21%n.
Will trigger $22%n if bearer is hit with *#21%N.
ID: 54586^6
Causes targets vision to blurr. Indicates target has stepped into a poisonous clowd.
Causes target's vision to blur. Indicates target has stepped into a poisonous cloud.
ID: 54589^6
Charms the target.
Causes the target to wander off.
ID: 54594^6
Causes #21 hit point damage. Casts *#23%n on bearer when duration expires.
Causes #21 hit point damage. Casts *#22%n on bearer when duration expires.
ID: 54595^6
Grants immunity to *#24.
Grants immunity to *#24%N.
ID: 54596^6
Heals #31 hit points and caues #22 mana damage.
Heals #21 hit points and causes #22 mana damage.
ID: 54599^6
Causes #22 mana damage and blindness. Has a chance it interrupt spell casting.
Causes #22 mana damage and blindness. Has a chance to interrupt spell casting.
ID: 54624^6
Casts *#23%n on bearer when duration expires.
Causes #21 hit point damage and #23 mana damage. Summons a purification.
ID: 54625^6
Causes #21 hit point damage and #23 mana damage. Summons a purification.
Casts *#23%n on bearer when duration expires.
ID: 68842^6
Summons a silver plated bear for you to ride. Additionally, you will be granted AC, an increase to maximum health, and an increase to maximum mana.
Summons a silver plated bear for you to ride.
ID: 68843^6
Summons a silver plated roboboar for you to ride. Additionally, you will be granted AC, an increase to maximum health, and an increase to maximum mana.
Summons a silver plated roboboar for you to ride.
82 new strings found:
ID: 40316^28
Wind the Music Box: Crescent Reach
ID: 40435^28
Teleport to Dragon Necropolis
ID: 40436^28
Teleport to The Temple of Veeshan
ID: 40437^28
Teleport to Skyshrine
ID: 40438^28
Teleport to The Broodlands
ID: 40439^28
Teleport to Goru`kar Mesa
ID: 40440^28
Teleport to Ashengate, Reliquary of the Scale
ID: 54643^6
Causes blindness and #22 mana damage and silences.
ID: 54644^6
Causes #21 hit points damage. Will trigger *$22%N if bearer is hit with *#23%N.
ID: 54645^6
If bearer dies with this curse their essence will be used to form a new danger.
ID: 54646^6
Bearer will see only what the caster sees.
ID: 54647^6
Causes #21 hit points damage, knocks the target back, and stuns them for #23 seconds.
ID: 54648^6
Grant bearer the ability to trigger *#21%N in melee combat.
ID: 54649^6
Grant bearer the ability to trigger *#21%n in melee combat.
ID: 54650^6
Causes #21 hit points damage.
ID: 54651^6
Causes #21 hit points damage.
ID: 54652^6
Causes #21 hit points damage and stuns for #22 seconds.
ID: 54653^6
Causes #21 hit points damage and stuns for #22 seconds.
ID: 54654^6
Causes #21 hit points damage.
ID: 54655^6
Will trigger *$21%N if bearer is hit with *#22%N.
ID: 54656^6
Will trigger *$21%N if bearer is hit with *#22%N.
ID: 54657^6
Causes #21 hit points damage, slows movement by #22 and melee by #23. Silences and gives amnesia.
ID: 54658^6
Causes #21 hit point and #24 mana damage, slows movement by #22 and melee by #24.
ID: 54659^6
Causes targets vision to blur. Indicates target has stepped into a poisonous cloud.
ID: 54660^6
Stuns target for #21 seconds.
ID: 54661^6
Causes #21 hit point and #23 mana damage. Slows movement by #22. Reduces attack power by #24.
ID: 54662^6
Charms the target.
ID: 69057^6
Pry open the Drakkin Heritage Crate! What interesting items might it hold?
ID: 69058^6
Summons an Emerald Scale Drake familiar.
ID: 69059^6
Changes your pet to look like an Emerald Scale Drake.
ID: 69060^6
Summons a Diamondback Snake familiar.
ID: 69061^6
Changes your pet to look like a Diamondback Snake.
ID: 69062^6
Summons a High Desert Basilisk familiar.
ID: 69063^6
Changes your pet to look like a High Desert Basilisk.
ID: 69064^6
Summons a Savage Caiman familiar.
ID: 69065^6
Changes your pet to look like a Savage Caiman.
ID: 69066^6
Summons a Spawn of Vergalid familiar.
ID: 69067^6
Changes your pet to look like a Spawn of Vergalid.
ID: 69068^6
Summons an Atathus-touched wyvern mount for you to ride.
ID: 69069^6
Opens a mystical portal that teleports you to Dragon Necropolis near a dragon graveyard.
ID: 69070^6
Opens a mystical portal that teleports you to the entrance of The Temple of Veeshan.
ID: 69071^6
Opens a mystical portal that teleports you to Skyshrine near the entrance to The Wakening Land.
ID: 69072^6
Opens a mystical portal that teleports you near a draconic shrine in The Broodlands.
ID: 69073^6
Opens a mystical portal that teleports you to Goru`kar Mesa near the entrance to Sunderock Springs.
ID: 69074^6
Opens a mystical portal that teleports you to Ashengate, Reliquary of the Scale near the entrance to Direwind Cliffs.
ID: 69075^6
Cloaks you in a shimmering illusion that makes you appear to be a Harpy Queen.
ID: 69076^6
Cloaks you in a shimmering illusion that makes you appear to be a Harpy Queen.
ID: 69240^6
Cloaks you in a shimmering illusion that makes you appear to be a fungal warrior.
ID: 69241^6
Summons a grey squirrel for you to ride.
ID: 69242^6
Causes #21 hit point damage every tick and slows movement by #23 and combat speed by #22.
ID: 69243^6
Roots target in place and causes #22 hit point damage.
ID: 69244^6
Pulls target toward caster.
ID: 69245^6
Inflicts #21 hit point damage.
ID: 69246^6
Strikes your target with disease, doing up to #22 damage.
ID: 69247^6
Sickens your target, lowering their resistance to disease, while also increasing the damage they will take from disease-based spells.
ID: 69248^6
Causes #24 hit points damage and slows melee attacks and spell casting.
ID: 161932^43
You notice a tiny inscription on the broken key. As you rub your finger over the carvings you feel a surge of power.
ID: 161936^43
You notice a tiny inscription on the repaired key. As you rub your finger over the carvings you feel a surge of power.
ID: 161956^43
You notice a tiny inscription on the broken key. As you rub your finger over the carvings you feel a surge of power.
ID: 170030^43
Play a heroic tune from Crescent Reach.
ID: 2071520^41
The Outer Brood Pre-order
ID: 2071521^41
The Outer Brood Pack-in (Collector's, Premium, or Family and Friends Edition)
ID: 2071525^41
The Outer Brood Pack-in (Premium or Family and Friends Edition)
ID: 2071529^41
The Outer Brood Pack-in (Family and Friends Edition)
ID: 94900010^21
Apprentice Mercenaries (Scalewrought Soldier)
ID: 94900020^21
Journeyman Mercenaries (Scalewrought Soldier)
ID: 94901015^22
ID: 94901015^23
Race: Scalewrought Soldier
Type: Tank
Confidence: High
Proficiency: Apprentice
Description: The mercenary you will be assigned is an apprentice tank who exhibits a basic proficiency in the full array of the skills and abilities used in their profession. Typically, this classification consists of mercenaries that have no field experience and possess advanced formal apprentice-level education, two factors that play a critical role in defining the mercenary's confidence level and frequent tendency to flee during moderately challenging encounters.
The mercenary's appointment to you will serve as the finalization of their apprenticeship and the contractual, monetary obligations associated with the mercenary's services are commensurate with their experience.
ID: 94901025^22
ID: 94901025^23
Race: Scalewrought Soldier
Type: Tank
Confidence: High
Proficiency: Journeyman
Description: The mercenary you will be assigned is a journeyman tank who exhibits an intermediate proficiency in the full array of the skills and abilities used in their profession. Typically, this classification consists of mercenaries that have basic field experience and possess advanced formal journeyman-level education, two factors that play a critical role in defining the mercenary's confidence level and typical tendency to flee during very challenging encounters.
The mercenary's appointment to you will serve as the finalization of their journeymanship and the contractual, monetary obligations associated with the mercenary's services are commensurate with their experience.
ID: 94902015^22
ID: 94902015^23
Race: Scalewrought Soldier
Type: Healer
Confidence: High
Proficiency: Apprentice
Description: The mercenary you will be assigned is an apprentice healer who exhibits a basic proficiency in the full array of the spells and skills used in their profession. Typically, this classification consists of mercenaries that have no field experience and possess advanced formal apprentice-level education, two factors that play a critical role in defining the mercenary's confidence level and frequent tendency to flee during moderately challenging encounters.
The mercenary's appointment to you will serve as the finalization of their apprenticeship and the contractual, monetary obligations associated with the mercenary's services are commensurate with their experience.
ID: 94902025^22
ID: 94902025^23
Race: Scalewrought Soldier
Type: Healer
Confidence: High
Proficiency: Journeyman
Description: The mercenary you will be assigned is a journeyman healer who exhibits an intermediate proficiency in the full array of the spells and skills used in their profession. Typically, this classification consists of mercenaries that have basic field experience and possess advanced formal journeyman-level education, two factors that play a critical role in defining the mercenary's confidence level and typical tendency to flee during very challenging encounters.
The mercenary's appointment to you will serve as the finalization of their journeymanship and the contractual, monetary obligations associated with the mercenary's services are commensurate with their experience.
ID: 94909015^22
ID: 94909015^23
Race: Scalewrought Soldier
Type: Melee Damage
Confidence: High
Proficiency: Apprentice
Description: The mercenary you will be assigned is an apprentice assassin who exhibits a basic proficiency in the full array of the skills and abilities used in their profession. Typically, this classification consists of mercenaries that have no field experience and possess advanced formal apprentice-level education, two factors that play a critical role in defining the mercenary's confidence level and frequent tendency to flee during moderately challenging encounters.
The mercenary's appointment to you will serve as the finalization of their apprenticeship and the contractual, monetary obligations associated with the mercenary's services are commensurate with their experience.
ID: 94909025^22
ID: 94909025^23
Race: Scalewrought Soldier
Type: Melee Damage
Confidence: High
Proficiency: Journeyman
Description: The mercenary you will be assigned is a journeyman assassin who exhibits an intermediate proficiency in the full array of the skills and abilities used in their profession. Typically, this classification consists of mercenaries that have basic field experience and possess advanced formal journeyman-level education, two factors that play a critical role in defining the mercenary's confidence level and typical tendency to flee during very challenging encounters.
The mercenary's appointment to you will serve as the finalization of their journeymanship and the contractual, monetary obligations associated with the mercenary's services are commensurate with their experience.
ID: 94912015^22
ID: 94912015^23
Race: Scalewrought Soldier
Type: Damage Caster
Confidence: High
Proficiency: Apprentice
Description: The mercenary you will be assigned is an apprentice caster who exhibits a basic proficiency in the full array of the spells and skills used in their profession. Typically, this classification consists of mercenaries that have no field experience and possess advanced formal apprentice-level education, two factors that play a critical role in defining the mercenary's confidence level and frequent tendency to flee during moderately challenging encounters.
The mercenary's appointment to you will serve as the finalization of their apprenticeship and the contractual, monetary obligations associated with the mercenary's services are commensurate with their experience.
ID: 94912025^22
ID: 94912025^23
Race: Scalewrought Soldier
Type: Damage Caster
Confidence: High
Proficiency: Journeyman
Description: The mercenary you will be assigned is a journeyman caster who exhibits an intermediate proficiency in the full array of the spells and skills used in their profession. Typically, this classification consists of mercenaries that have basic field experience and possess advanced formal journeyman-level education, two factors that play a critical role in defining the mercenary's confidence level and typical tendency to flee during very challenging encounters.
The mercenary's appointment to you will serve as the finalization of their journeymanship and the contractual, monetary obligations associated with the mercenary's services are commensurate with their experience.