0 updated strings (RED indicates old description, GREEN indicates new description):

23 new strings found:

ID: 29343^28
Wind the Music Box: Kelethin

ID: 29344^28
Teleport to Castle of Mistmoore

ID: 29345^28
Teleport to Lesser Faydark

ID: 29346^28
Teleport to Greater Faydark

ID: 29347^28
Teleport to Clan Crushbone

ID: 29348^28
Teleport to Plane of Growth

ID: 29349^28
Teleport to Ocean of Tears

ID: 53206^6
Pry open the Feir'Dal Heritage Crate! What interesting items might it hold?

ID: 53207^6
Summons a Faydark Willowisp familiar.

ID: 53208^6
Summons a Wasp Drone familiar.

ID: 53209^6
Summons a Kodiak Cub familiar.

ID: 53210^6
Summons a Sylvan Faun familiar.

ID: 53211^6
Summons a Crushbone Orc Peon familiar.

ID: 53212^6
Summons a Faydwer Grizzly mount for you to ride.

ID: 53213^6
Opens a mystical portal that teleports you outside the Castle of Mistmoore.

ID: 53214^6
Opens a mystical portal that teleports you to a Brownie encampment in Lesser Faydark.

ID: 53215^6
Opens a mystical portal that teleports you to the entrance of Kelethin in Greater Faydark.

ID: 53216^6
Opens a mystical portal that teleports you outside the keep in Clan Crushbone.

ID: 53217^6
Opens a mystical portal that teleports you to the Plane of Growth.

ID: 53218^6
Opens a mystical portal that teleports you to Sisters Island in the Ocean of Tears.

ID: 53219^6
Cloaks you in a shimmering illusion that makes you appear to be a Faydark Forest Guardian.

ID: 53220^6
Cloaks you in a shimmering illusion that makes you appear to be a Faydark Forest Guardian.

ID: 154601^43
Play a joyous tune from Kelethin.