dbstr Changes
458 updated strings (RED indicates old description, GREEN indicates new description):
ID: 122^6
Creates a circle of fire around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Creates a circle of fire around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 128^6
A booming voice fills the ears of nearby enemies, causing them to flee in terror.
A booming voice fills the ears of up to %T nearby enemies, causing them to flee in terror.
ID: 143^6
Calls down an intense sunbeam that blinds any creature near your target. This spell can only be cast outdoors.
Calls down an intense sunbeam that blinds up to %T creatures near your target. This spell can only be cast outdoors.
ID: 177^6
Creates a wave of intense color around you that assaults your opponent's senses, briefly stunning all nearby creatures up to level @1 for #1 seconds.
Creates a wave of intense color around you that assaults your opponent's senses, briefly stunning up to %T nearby creatures up to level @1 for #1 seconds.
ID: 178^6
Creates a wave of intense color around you that assaults your opponent's senses, briefly stunning all nearby creatures up to level @1 for #1 seconds.
Creates a wave of intense color around you that assaults your opponent's senses, briefly stunning up to %T nearby creatures up to level @1 for #1 seconds.
ID: 189^6
Creates a circle of fire around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Creates a circle of fire around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 231^6
A forbidden word that causes between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies.
A forbidden word that causes between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies.
ID: 290^6
Creates a wave of intense color around you that assaults your opponent's senses, briefly stunning all nearby targets up to level @1 for #1 seconds.
Creates a wave of intense color around you that assaults your opponent's senses, briefly stunning up to %T nearby targets up to level @1 for #1 seconds.
ID: 307^6
Cause enemies in a small area around your target to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Cause up to %T enemies in a small area around your target to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 313^6
Creates a circle of fire around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Creates a circle of fire around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 363^6
Creates an unholy aura that drains strength from those nearby.
Creates an unholy aura that drains strength from up to %T of those nearby.
ID: 374^6
Covers nearby creatures in a numbing cold, causing between #1 and @1 damage.
Covers up to %T nearby creatures in a numbing cold, causing between #1 and @1 damage.
ID: 379^6
Evokes a number of thin flames to rise around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Evokes a number of thin flames to rise around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 385^6
Creates a circle of lightning around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Creates a circle of lightning around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 405^6
Causes the earth to tremble around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies.
Causes the earth to tremble around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies.
ID: 406^6
Causes the earth to tremble around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies.
Causes the earth to tremble around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies.
ID: 413^6
A forbidden word that causes between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies.
A forbidden word that causes between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies.
ID: 414^6
A forbidden word that causes between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies.
A forbidden word that causes between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies.
ID: 415^6
A forbidden word that causes between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies.
A forbidden word that causes between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies.
ID: 416^6
A forbidden word that causes between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies.
A forbidden word that causes between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies.
ID: 455^6
Drains the strength of all nearby creatures for %z.
Drains the strength of up to %T nearby creatures for %z.
ID: 461^6
Creates an aura of force around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Creates an aura of force around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 471^6
Strikes your target with energy, causing between #1 and @1 damage and stunning them up to level @2 for #2 second.
Strikes up to %T targets with energy, causing between #1 and @1 damage and stunning them up to level @2 for #2 second.
ID: 636^6
Surrounds your target's feet in arcane shackles, slowing their movement speed.
Surrounds up to %T targets' feet in arcane shackles, slowing their movement speed.
ID: 703^6
Clashing notes that cause #1 damage to any nearby creature that is not moving.
Clashing notes that cause #1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures that are not moving.
ID: 705^6
This melody encompasses all nearby creatures in magical bonds, slowing their attack speed.
This melody encompasses up to %T nearby creatures in magical bonds, slowing their attack speed.
ID: 706^6
A terrifying screech that causes nearby enemies to run in terror.
A terrifying screech that causes up to %T nearby enemies to run in terror.
ID: 730^6
A screeching dissonance that causes #1 damage to all nearby creatures and lowers their armor class by #2.
A screeching dissonance that causes #1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures and lowers their armor class by #2.
ID: 733^6
Creates a ring of chaotic flames, causing #1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Creates a ring of chaotic flames, causing #1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 736^6
A harsh dissonance that assails the minds of all nearby creatures, draining their mana.
A harsh dissonance that assails the minds of up to %T nearby creatures, draining their mana.
ID: 746^6
A collection of chords that binds nearby enemies in magical cords, slowing their attacks and causing them damage.
A collection of chords that binds up to %T nearby enemies in magical cords, slowing their attacks and causing them damage.
ID: 941^11
Future Placeholder
Leviathan Wing Right
ID: 942^11
Future Placeholder
Leviathan Wing Left
ID: 943^11
Future Placeholder
Leviathan Tail
ID: 946^11
ID: 1361^1
Gift of the Dark Reign
Gift of the Nest
ID: 1361^4
Your devotion to the Dark Reign increases your total and maximum strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma by 10 points.
Your devotion to the Nest increases your total and maximum strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma by 10 points.
ID: 1362^1
Tenacity of the Dark Reign
Potential of the Nest
ID: 1362^4
Your devotion to the Dark Reign increases your total and maximum strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma by 10 points, your maximum
Your devotion to the Nest increases your total and maximum strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma by 10 points, your maximum
ID: 1363^1
Embrace of the Dark Reign
Embrace of the Nest
ID: 1363^4
Your devotion to the Dark Reign increases your total and maximum strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma by 10 points, your maximum
Your devotion to the Nest increases your total and maximum strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma by 10 points, your maximum
ID: 1364^1
Power of the Dark Reign
Power of the Nest
ID: 1364^4
Your devotion to the Dark Reign increases your total and maximum strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma by 10 points, your maximum
Your devotion to the Nest increases your total and maximum strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma by 10 points, your maximum
ID: 1365^1
Fervor of the Dark Reign
Might of the Nest
ID: 1365^4
Your devotion to the Dark Reign increases your total and maximum strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma by 10 points, your maximum
Your devotion to the Nest increases your total and maximum strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, wisdom, intelligence, and charisma by 10 points, your maximum
ID: 1542^6
Causes the earth to tremble around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies.
Causes the earth to tremble around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies.
ID: 1545^6
A forbidden word that causes between #3 and @3 damage to all nearby enemies.
A forbidden word that causes between #3 and @3 damage to up to %T nearby enemies.
ID: 1589^6
Engulfs creatures near your target in a cloud of insects, slowing their attack rates for %z.
Engulfs up to %T creatures near your target in a cloud of insects, slowing their attack rates for %z.
ID: 1608^6
Commands roots to take hold of your target, doing #1 damage, and preventing their movement for %z.
Commands roots to take hold of up to %T targets, doing #1 damage, and preventing their movement for %z.
ID: 1631^6
Surrounds your target's feet in arcane shackles, slowing their movement speed.
Surrounds up to %T targets' feet in arcane shackles, slowing their movement speed.
ID: 1653^6
Creates a circle of static energy around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby creatures and stunning them up to level @2 for #2 second.
Creates a circle of static energy around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures and stunning them up to level @2 for #2 second.
ID: 1654^6
Creates a circle of ice shards around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Creates a circle of ice shards around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 1655^6
Creates a circle of intense heat around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Creates a circle of intense heat around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 1657^6
Creates a wind of ice around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Creates a wind of ice around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 1659^6
Creates a circle of fire around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Creates a circle of fire around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 1690^6
Causes enemies in the vicinity of your target to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes up to %T enemies in the vicinity of your target to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 1696^6
Creates a wave of intense color around you that assaults your opponent's senses, briefly stunning all nearby creatures up to level @1 for #1 seconds, as well as draining their mana.
Creates a wave of intense color around you that assaults your opponent's senses, briefly stunning up to %T nearby creatures up to level @1 for #1 seconds, as well as draining their mana.
ID: 1699^6
Causes your enemies' ears to echo with the barking of Tashan, lowering the magic resistance of all creatures in the vicinity of your target.
Causes up to %T of your enemies' ears to echo with the barking of Tashan, lowering the magic resistance of all creatures in the vicinity of your target.
ID: 1704^6
Causes the ears of all creatures in a small radius around your target to echo with the barking of Tashan, lowering their magic resistance.
Causes the ears of up to %T creatures in a small radius around your target to echo with the barking of Tashan, lowering their magic resistance.
ID: 1756^6
The dark sounds of the night cause your enemies to rapidly flee in terror.
The dark sounds of the night cause up to %T of your enemies to rapidly flee in terror.
ID: 1758^6
A compelling song that surrounds all nearby creatures in magical bonds, slowing their attack speed and movement rate.
A compelling song that surrounds up to %T nearby creatures in magical bonds, slowing their attack speed and movement rate.
ID: 1764^6
A screeching dissonance that causes pain to all nearby creatures, making them more susceptible to magic and stuns them up to level @3 for #3 seconds.
A screeching dissonance that causes pain to up to %T nearby creatures, making them more susceptible to magic and stuns them up to level @3 for #3 seconds.
ID: 1767^6
Ensnares all those near your target in a tangle of dark vines that decreases their movement rate.
Ensnares up to %T of those near your target in a tangle of dark vines that decreases their movement rate.
ID: 3359^6
Causes all nearby creatures to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes up to %T nearby creatures to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 3365^6
A melody that summons a horde of ethereal halflings to attack your opponent, causing them damage and slowing their attack speed.
A melody that summons a horde of ethereal halflings to attack your opponents, causing up to %T of them damage and slowing their attack speed.
ID: 3464^6
Strikes nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them.
Strikes up to %T nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them.
ID: 3473^6
Causes the earth to tremble around you, causing #1 damage to all nearby enemies.
Causes the earth to tremble around you, causing #1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies.
ID: 3585^6
Cause all nearby creatures to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Cause up to %T nearby creatures to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 4078^6
Creates an circle of burning sand around you, causing @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Creates an circle of burning sand around you, causing @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 4408^6
Creates a wave of intense color around you that assaults your opponent's senses, briefly stunning all nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Creates a wave of intense color around you that assaults your opponent's senses, briefly stunning up to %T nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 4878^6
Causes several creatures around your target to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes up to %T creatures around your target to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 5271^6
Causes the earth to tremble around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies.
Causes the earth to tremble around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies.
ID: 5275^6
Strikes nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them.
Strikes up to %T nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them.
ID: 5336^6
Causes all nearby NPCs to develope an intense hatred for you.
Causes up to %T nearby NPCs to develope an intense hatred for you.
ID: 5346^6
Causes the earth to tremble around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies.
Causes the earth to tremble around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies.
ID: 5349^6
Entangles your target's feet with magical roots, slowing their movement speed for up to %z. The vines also protect the caster's group by absorbing 20% of incoming melee damage up to 1600. The thorns on the vines will damage attacking creatures.
Entangles up to %T of your targets' feet with magical roots, slowing their movement speed for up to %z. The vines also protect the caster's group by absorbing 20% of incoming melee damage up to 1600. The thorns on the vines will damage attacking creatur
ID: 5375^6
A melody that summons a horde of ethereal halflings to attack your opponent, causing them damage and slowing their attack speed.
A melody that summons a horde of ethereal halflings to attack up to %T of your opponents, causing them damage and slowing their attack speed.
ID: 5400^6
Summons the power of your ancestors, slowing nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
Summons the power of your ancestors, slowing up to %T nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
ID: 5451^6
Creates a circle of lightning around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Creates a circle of lightning around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 5455^6
Creates a circle of fire around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Creates a circle of fire around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 5511^6
Causes several creatures around your target to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes up to %T creatures around your target to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 5516^6
Creates a wave of intense color around you that assaults your opponent's senses, briefly stunning all nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Creates a wave of intense color around you that assaults your opponent's senses, briefly stunning up to %T nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 6725^6
Executes a cyclone attack, doing minor damage to all nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
Executes a cyclone attack, doing minor damage to up to %T nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
ID: 6750^6
Executes a whirlwind attack, doing minor damage to all nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
Executes a whirlwind attack, doing minor damage to up to %T nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
ID: 7003^6
Causes all nearby creatures to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes up to %T nearby creatures to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 8018^6
Spews a deluge of acid in a cone in front of you, causing #1 damage to any creatures caught in the spray.
Spews a deluge of acid in a cone in front of you, causing #1 damage to up to %T creatures caught in the spray.
ID: 9622^6
Vengeful spirits protect you, harming any creatures that strikes you for up to %z.
Vengeful spirits protect you, harming any creatures that strikes you for up to #2.
ID: 9776^6
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies.
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies.
ID: 9777^6
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies.
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies.
ID: 9778^6
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies.
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies.
ID: 9800^6
Strikes nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them.
Strikes up to %T nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them.
ID: 9801^6
Strikes nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them.
Strikes up to %T nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them.
ID: 9802^6
Strikes nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them.
Strikes up to %T nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them.
ID: 9917^6
Calls forth a wave of cascading vines that extend directly in front of you. These vines can bind your enemies to the ground for up to %z. After the vines loosen their grip, your enemies will become snared which will reduce their movement speed for up to %z.
Calls forth a wave of cascading vines that extend directly in front of you. These vines can bind up to %T of your enemies to the ground for up to %z. After the vines loosen their grip, your enemies will become snared which will reduce their movement spe
ID: 9918^6
Calls forth a wave of cascading vines that extend directly in front of you. These vines can bind your enemies to the ground for up to %z. After the vines loosen their grip, your enemies will become snared which will reduce their movement speed for up to %z.
Calls forth a wave of cascading vines that extend directly in front of you. These vines can bind up to %T of your enemies to the ground for up to %z. After the vines loosen their grip, your enemies will become snared which will reduce their movement spe
ID: 9919^6
Calls forth a wave of cascading vines that extend directly in front of you. These vines can bind your enemies to the ground for up to %z. After the vines loosen their grip, your enemies will become snared which will reduce their movement speed for up to %z.
Calls forth a wave of cascading vines that extend directly in front of you. These vines can bind up to %T of your enemies to the ground for up to %z. After the vines loosen their grip, your enemies will become snared which will reduce their movement spe
ID: 10047^6
Summons the power of the great tortoise Tortugone, slowing nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
Summons the power of the great tortoise Tortugone, slowing up to %T nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
ID: 10048^6
Summons the power of the great tortoise Tortugone, slowing nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
Summons the power of the great tortoise Tortugone, slowing up to %T nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
ID: 10291^6
Causes all nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
Causes up to %T nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
ID: 10292^6
Causes all nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
Causes up to %T nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
ID: 10293^6
Causes all nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
Causes up to %T nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
ID: 10629^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a small chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a small chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 10630^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a small chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a small chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 10638^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 10639^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 10644^6
Suddenly causes all colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning all nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Suddenly causes all colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning up to %T nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 10645^6
Suddenly causes all colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning all nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Suddenly causes all colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning up to %T nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 10646^6
Suddenly causes all colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning all nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Suddenly causes all colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning up to %T nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 10788^6
Summons the blazing power of Magmaraug to surround you in flames, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Summons the blazing power of Magmaraug to surround you in flames, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 10789^6
Summons the blazing power of Magmaraug to surround you in flames, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Summons the blazing power of Magmaraug to surround you in flames, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 10790^6
Summons the blazing power of Magmaraug to surround you in flames, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Summons the blazing power of Magmaraug to surround you in flames, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 10932^6
Distracts your target and those near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
Distracts your target and up to %T creatures near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
ID: 10933^6
Distracts your target and those near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
Distracts your target and up to %T creatures near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
ID: 10971^6
Executes a vortex blade attack, doing minor damage to all nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
Executes a vortex blade attack, doing minor damage to up to %T nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
ID: 10972^6
Executes a vortex blade attack, doing minor damage to all nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
Executes a vortex blade attack, doing minor damage to up to %T nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
ID: 10973^6
Executes a vortex blade attack, doing minor damage to all nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
Executes a vortex blade attack, doing minor damage to up to %T nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
ID: 14267^6
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies.
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies.
ID: 14268^6
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies.
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies.
ID: 14269^6
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies.
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies.
ID: 14291^6
Strikes nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them.
Strikes up to %T nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them.
ID: 14292^6
Strikes nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them.
Strikes up to %T nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them.
ID: 14293^6
Strikes nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them.
Strikes up to %T nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them.
ID: 14530^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a small chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a small chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 14531^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a small chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a small chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 14532^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a small chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a small chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 14539^6
Causes your target and several creatures near by to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures near by to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 14540^6
Causes your target and several creatures near by to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures near by to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 14541^6
Causes your target and several creatures near by to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures near by to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 14545^6
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning all nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning up to %T nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 14546^6
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning all nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning up to %T nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 14547^6
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning all nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning up to %T nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 14784^6
Distracts your target and those near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
Distracts your target and up to %T creatures near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
ID: 14785^6
Distracts your target and those near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
Distracts your target and up to %T creatures near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
ID: 14786^6
Distracts your target and those near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
Distracts your target and up to %T creatures near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
ID: 15184^6
Causes all nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
Causes up to %T nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
ID: 15185^6
Causes all nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
Causes up to %T nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
ID: 15186^6
Causes all nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
Causes up to %T nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
ID: 15295^6
Summons the power of Rolist, slowing nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
Summons the power of Rolist, slowing up to %T nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
ID: 15296^6
Summons the power of Rolist, slowing nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
Summons the power of Rolist, slowing up to %T nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
ID: 15297^6
Summons the power of Rolist, slowing nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
Summons the power of Rolist, slowing up to %T nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
ID: 15357^6
Executes a whorl blade blade attack, doing minor damage to all nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
Executes a whorl blade blade attack, doing minor damage to up to %T nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
ID: 15358^6
Executes a whorl blade blade attack, doing minor damage to all nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
Executes a whorl blade blade attack, doing minor damage to up to %T nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
ID: 15359^6
Executes a whorl blade blade attack, doing minor damage to all nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
Executes a whorl blade blade attack, doing minor damage to up to %T nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
ID: 15402^6
Summons the blazing power of Vsorug to surround you in flames, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Summons the blazing power of Vsorug to surround you in flames, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 15403^6
Summons the blazing power of Vsorug to surround you in flames, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Summons the blazing power of Vsorug to surround you in flames, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 15404^6
Summons the blazing power of Vsorug to surround you in flames, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Summons the blazing power of Vsorug to surround you in flames, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 15874^6
Vengeful spirits protect you, harming any creatures that strikes you for up to %z.
Vengeful spirits protect you, harming any creatures that strikes you for up to #2.
ID: 18288^6
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies.
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies.
ID: 18289^6
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies.
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies.
ID: 18290^6
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies.
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies.
ID: 18312^6
Strikes nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them.
Strikes up to %T nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them.
ID: 18313^6
Strikes nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them.
Strikes up to %T nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them.
ID: 18314^6
Strikes nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them.
Strikes up to %T nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them.
ID: 18588^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a small chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a small chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 18589^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a small chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a small chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 18590^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a small chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a small chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 18597^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 18598^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 18599^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 18603^6
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning all nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning up to %T nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 18604^6
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning all nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning up to %T nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 18605^6
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning all nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning up to %T nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 18627^2
ID: 18627^4
This ability, when activated, consumes 4500 endurance every 6 seconds, absorbs
This ability cannot be removed early and will trigger
*@%N, when activated, consumes *@#1 endurance per second and absorbs *@#2% of incoming damage with your mana, at a rate of 100 damage to *@$2 mana, while protecting against *@#4% of incoming melee damage that exceeds *@$4 damage per hit for up to *@@4 total damage, and increases your unconscious health by *@#3 points for *@%Z.
*@%N can only be activated if you are above 20% mana and endurance, and cannot be ended early, but will trigger *@*#5%N should your mana or endurance drop below 10%, which ends the bargain and drains your remaining mana and endurance.
ID: 18889^6
Distracts your target and those near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
Distracts your target and up to %T enemies near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
ID: 18890^6
Distracts your target and those near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
Distracts your target and up to %T enemies near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
ID: 18891^6
Distracts your target and those near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
Distracts your target and up to %T enemies near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
ID: 19337^6
Causes all nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
Causes up to %T nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
ID: 19338^6
Causes all nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
Causes up to %T nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
ID: 19339^6
Causes all nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
Causes up to %T nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
ID: 19457^6
Summons the power of Grezan, slowing nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
Summons the power of Grezan, slowing up to %T nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
ID: 19458^6
Summons the power of Grezan, slowing nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
Summons the power of Grezan, slowing up to %T nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
ID: 19459^6
Summons the power of Grezan, slowing nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
Summons the power of Grezan, slowing up to %T nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
ID: 19528^6
Executes a maelstrom blade blade attack, doing minor damage to all nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
Executes a maelstrom blade blade attack, doing minor damage to up to %T nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
ID: 19529^6
Executes a maelstrom blade blade attack, doing minor damage to all nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
Executes a maelstrom blade blade attack, doing minor damage to up to %T nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
ID: 19530^6
Executes a maelstrom blade blade attack, doing minor damage to all nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
Executes a maelstrom blade blade attack, doing minor damage to up to %T nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
ID: 19582^6
Summons the blazing power of Talendor to surround you in flames, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Summons the blazing power of Talendor to surround you in flames, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 19583^6
Summons the blazing power of Talendor to surround you in flames, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Summons the blazing power of Talendor to surround you in flames, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 19584^6
Summons the blazing power of Talendor to surround you in flames, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Summons the blazing power of Talendor to surround you in flames, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 25030^6
Executes a wheeling blade attack, doing minor damage to all nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
Executes a wheeling blade attack, doing minor damage to up to %T nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
ID: 25031^6
Executes a wheeling blade attack, doing minor damage to all nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
Executes a wheeling blade attack, doing minor damage to up to %T nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
ID: 25032^6
Executes a wheeling blade attack, doing minor damage to all nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
Executes a wheeling blade attack, doing minor damage to up to %T nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
ID: 25074^6
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies.
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies.
ID: 25075^6
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies.
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies.
ID: 25076^6
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies.
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies.
ID: 25192^6
Strikes nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them. This spell will deal @4 damage to undead creatures or @5 damage to summoned creatures.
Strikes up to %T nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them. This spell will deal @4 damage to undead creatures or @5 damage to summoned creatures.
ID: 25193^6
Strikes nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them. This spell will deal @4 damage to undead creatures or @5 damage to summoned creatures.
Strikes up to %T nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them. This spell will deal @4 damage to undead creatures or @5 damage to summoned creatures.
ID: 25194^6
Strikes nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them. This spell will deal @4 damage to undead creatures or @5 damage to summoned creatures.
Strikes up to %T nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them. This spell will deal @4 damage to undead creatures or @5 damage to summoned creatures.
ID: 25641^6
Causes all nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
Causes up to %T nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
ID: 25642^6
Causes all nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
Causes up to %T nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
ID: 25643^6
Causes all nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
Causes up to %T nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
ID: 25917^6
Distracts your target and those near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
Distracts your target and up to %T creatures near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
ID: 25918^6
Distracts your target and those near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
Distracts your target and up to %T creatures near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
ID: 25919^6
Distracts your target and those near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
Distracts your target and up to %T creatures near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
ID: 26228^6
Summons the power of Shakare, slowing nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
Summons the power of Shakare, slowing up to %T nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
ID: 26229^6
Summons the power of Shakare, slowing nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
Summons the power of Shakare, slowing up to %T nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
ID: 26230^6
Summons the power of Shakare, slowing nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
Summons the power of Shakare, slowing up to %T nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
ID: 26572^6
Surrounds you in flames, causing up to @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Surrounds you in flames, causing up to @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 26573^6
Surrounds you in flames, causing up to @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Surrounds you in flames, causing up to @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 26574^6
Surrounds you in flames, causing up to @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Surrounds you in flames, causing up to @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 26832^6
Creates a circle of scalding winds around you, causing @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Creates a circle of scalding winds around you, causing @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 26833^6
Creates a circle of scalding winds around you, causing @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Creates a circle of scalding winds around you, causing @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 26834^6
Creates a circle of scalding winds around you, causing @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Creates a circle of scalding winds around you, causing @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 26985^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a #2% chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T nearby creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a #2% chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 26986^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a #2% chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T nearby creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a #2% chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 26987^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a #2% chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T nearby creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a #2% chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 27000^6
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning all nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning up to %T nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 27001^6
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning all nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning up to %T nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 27002^6
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning all nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning up to %T nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 27021^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T nearby creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 27022^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T nearby creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 27023^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T nearby creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 27059^6
Stuns targets of up to level @1.
Stuns up to %T targets of up to level @1.
ID: 27060^6
Stuns targets of up to level @1.
Stuns up to %T targets of up to level @1.
ID: 27061^6
Stuns targets of up to level @1.
Stuns up to %T targets of up to level @1.
ID: 27174^6
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing #1 damage to all surrounding enemies.
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing #1 damage to up to %T surrounding enemies.
ID: 27175^6
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing #1 damage to all surrounding enemies.
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing #1 damage to up to %T surrounding enemies.
ID: 27176^6
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing #1 damage to all surrounding enemies.
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing #1 damage to up to %T surrounding enemies.
ID: 28039^6
Executes a cyclonic blade attack, doing minor damage to all nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
Executes a cyclonic blade attack, doing minor damage to up to %T nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
ID: 28040^6
Executes a cyclonic blade attack, doing minor damage to all nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
Executes a cyclonic blade attack, doing minor damage to up to %T nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
ID: 28041^6
Executes a cyclonic blade attack, doing minor damage to all nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
Executes a cyclonic blade attack, doing minor damage to up to %T nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
ID: 28091^6
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies. This spell will do up to @2 damage to undead or @3 damage to summoned creatures.
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies. This spell will do up to @2 damage to undead or @3 damage to summoned creatures.
ID: 28092^6
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies. This spell will do up to @2 damage to undead or @3 damage to summoned creatures.
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies. This spell will do up to @2 damage to undead or @3 damage to summoned creatures.
ID: 28093^6
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies. This spell will do up to @2 damage to undead or @3 damage to summoned creatures.
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies. This spell will do up to @2 damage to undead or @3 damage to summoned creatures.
ID: 28239^6
Strikes nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them. This spell will deal @4 damage to undead creatures or @5 damage to summoned creatures.
Strikes up to %T nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them. This spell will deal @4 damage to undead creatures or @5 damage to summoned creatures.
ID: 28240^6
Strikes nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them. This spell will deal @4 damage to undead creatures or @5 damage to summoned creatures.
Strikes up to %T nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them. This spell will deal @4 damage to undead creatures or @5 damage to summoned creatures.
ID: 28241^6
Strikes nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them. This spell will deal @4 damage to undead creatures or @5 damage to summoned creatures.
Strikes up to %T nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them. This spell will deal @4 damage to undead creatures or @5 damage to summoned creatures.
ID: 28733^6
Causes all nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
Causes all up to %T nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
ID: 28734^6
Causes all nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
Causes all up to %T nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
ID: 28735^6
Causes all nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
Causes all up to %T nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
ID: 29021^6
Distracts your target and those near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
Distracts your target and up to %T creatures near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
ID: 29022^6
Distracts your target and those near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
Distracts your target and up to %T creatures near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
ID: 29023^6
Distracts your target and those near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
Distracts your target and up to %T creatures near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
ID: 29340^6
Summons mystical power, slowing nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
Summons mystical power, slowing up to %T nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
ID: 29341^6
Summons mystical power, slowing nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
Summons mystical power, slowing up to %T nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
ID: 29342^6
Summons mystical power, slowing nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
Summons mystical power, slowing up to %T nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
ID: 29672^6
Stuns creatures around you up to level @2, and teleports you a short distance away.
Stuns up to %T creatures around you up to level @2, and teleports you a short distance away.
ID: 29673^6
Stuns creatures around you up to level @2, and teleports you a short distance away.
Stuns up to %T creatures around you up to level @2, and teleports you a short distance away.
ID: 29674^6
Stuns creatures around you up to level @2, and teleports you a short distance away.
Stuns up to %T creatures around you up to level @2, and teleports you a short distance away.
ID: 29696^6
Surrounds you in flames, causing up to @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Surrounds you in flames, causing up to @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 29697^6
Surrounds you in flames, causing up to @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Surrounds you in flames, causing up to @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 29698^6
Surrounds you in flames, causing up to @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Surrounds you in flames, causing up to @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 29707^6
Surrounds your target's feet in arcane shackles, slowing their movement speed and causing them to forget some of their accumulated hatred for you.
Surrounds uo to %T targets' feet in arcane shackles, slowing their movement speed and causing them to forget some of their accumulated hatred for you.
ID: 29708^6
Surrounds your target's feet in arcane shackles, slowing their movement speed and causing them to forget some of their accumulated hatred for you.
Surrounds uo to %T targets' feet in arcane shackles, slowing their movement speed and causing them to forget some of their accumulated hatred for you.
ID: 29709^6
Surrounds your target's feet in arcane shackles, slowing their movement speed and causing them to forget some of their accumulated hatred for you.
Surrounds uo to %T targets' feet in arcane shackles, slowing their movement speed and causing them to forget some of their accumulated hatred for you.
ID: 29958^6
Creates a circle of scalding winds around you, causing @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Creates a circle of scalding winds around you, causing @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 29959^6
Creates a circle of scalding winds around you, causing @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Creates a circle of scalding winds around you, causing @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 29960^6
Creates a circle of scalding winds around you, causing @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Creates a circle of scalding winds around you, causing @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 30122^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a #2% chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a #2% chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 30123^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a #2% chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a #2% chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 30124^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a #2% chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a #2% chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 30143^6
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning all nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning up to %T nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 30144^6
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning all nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning up to %T nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 30145^6
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning all nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning up to %T nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 30164^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 30165^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 30166^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 30199^6
Stuns targets of up to level @1.
Stuns up to %T targets of up to level @1.
ID: 30200^6
Stuns targets of up to level @1.
Stuns up to %T targets of up to level @1.
ID: 30201^6
Stuns targets of up to level @1.
Stuns up to %T targets of up to level @1.
ID: 30329^6
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing #1 damage to all surrounding enemies.
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing #1 damage to up to %T surrounding enemies.
ID: 30330^6
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing #1 damage to all surrounding enemies.
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing #1 damage to up to %T surrounding enemies.
ID: 30331^6
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing #1 damage to all surrounding enemies.
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing #1 damage to up to %T surrounding enemies.
ID: 34033^6
Executes a stormwheel blade attack, doing minor damage to all nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
Executes a stormwheel blade attack, doing minor damage to up to %T nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
ID: 34034^6
Executes a stormwheel blade attack, doing minor damage to all nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
Executes a stormwheel blade attack, doing minor damage to up to %T nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
ID: 34035^6
Executes a stormwheel blade attack, doing minor damage to all nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
Executes a stormwheel blade attack, doing minor damage to up to %T nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
ID: 34085^6
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies. This spell will do up to @2 damage to undead or @3 damage to summoned creatures.
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies. This spell will do up to @2 damage to undead or @3 damage to summoned creatures.
ID: 34086^6
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies. This spell will do up to @2 damage to undead or @3 damage to summoned creatures.
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies. This spell will do up to @2 damage to undead or @3 damage to summoned creatures.
ID: 34087^6
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies. This spell will do up to @2 damage to undead or @3 damage to summoned creatures.
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies. This spell will do up to @2 damage to undead or @3 damage to summoned creatures.
ID: 34220^6
Strikes nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them. This spell will deal @4 damage to undead creatures or @5 damage to summoned creatures.
Strikes up to %T nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them. This spell will deal @4 damage to undead creatures or @5 damage to summoned creatures.
ID: 34221^6
Strikes nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them. This spell will deal @4 damage to undead creatures or @5 damage to summoned creatures.
Strikes up to %T nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them. This spell will deal @4 damage to undead creatures or @5 damage to summoned creatures.
ID: 34222^6
Strikes nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them. This spell will deal @4 damage to undead creatures or @5 damage to summoned creatures.
Strikes up to %T nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them. This spell will deal @4 damage to undead creatures or @5 damage to summoned creatures.
ID: 34575^6
Calls forth a wave of cascading vines that extend directly in front of you. These vines can bind your enemies to the ground for up to %z. After the vines loosen their grip, your enemies will become snared.
Calls forth a wave of cascading vines that extend directly in front of you. These vines can bind up to %T of your enemies to the ground for up to %z. After the vines loosen their grip, your enemies will become snared.
ID: 34576^6
Calls forth a wave of cascading vines that extend directly in front of you. These vines can bind your enemies to the ground for up to %z. After the vines loosen their grip, your enemies will become snared.
Calls forth a wave of cascading vines that extend directly in front of you. These vines can bind up to %T of your enemies to the ground for up to %z. After the vines loosen their grip, your enemies will become snared.
ID: 34577^6
Calls forth a wave of cascading vines that extend directly in front of you. These vines can bind your enemies to the ground for up to %z. After the vines loosen their grip, your enemies will become snared.
Calls forth a wave of cascading vines that extend directly in front of you. These vines can bind up to %T of your enemies to the ground for up to %z. After the vines loosen their grip, your enemies will become snared.
ID: 34751^6
Causes all nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
Causes up to %T nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
ID: 34752^6
Causes all nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
Causes up to %T nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
ID: 34753^6
Causes all nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
Causes up to %T nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
ID: 34805^6
You strike a dangerous bargain, inflicting up to @2 damage on all targets around you and greatly increasing their hatred. Your mana and endurance will be sapped for each target that is struck in this manner. You must have more than 10% of your mana available to cast this spell.
You strike a dangerous bargain, inflicting up to @2 damage on up to %T targets around you and greatly increasing their hatred. Your mana and endurance will be sapped for each target that is struck in this manner. You must have more than 10% of your mana
ID: 34806^6
You strike a dangerous bargain, inflicting up to @2 damage on all targets around you and greatly increasing their hatred. Your mana and endurance will be sapped for each target that is struck in this manner. You must have more than 10% of your mana available to cast this spell.
You strike a dangerous bargain, inflicting up to @2 damage on up to %T targets around you and greatly increasing their hatred. Your mana and endurance will be sapped for each target that is struck in this manner. You must have more than 10% of your mana
ID: 34807^6
You strike a dangerous bargain, inflicting up to @2 damage on all targets around you and greatly increasing their hatred. Your mana and endurance will be sapped for each target that is struck in this manner. You must have more than 10% of your mana available to cast this spell.
You strike a dangerous bargain, inflicting up to @2 damage on up to %T targets around you and greatly increasing their hatred. Your mana and endurance will be sapped for each target that is struck in this manner. You must have more than 10% of your mana
ID: 35065^6
Distracts your target and those near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
Distracts your target and up to %T enemies near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
ID: 35066^6
Distracts your target and those near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
Distracts your target and up to %T enemies near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
ID: 35067^6
Distracts your target and those near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
Distracts your target and up to %T enemies near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
ID: 35242^6
This melody encompasses all nearby creatures in magical bonds, slowing their attack speed and reducing their armor class.
This melody encompasses up to %T nearby creatures in magical bonds, slowing their attack speed and reducing their armor class.
ID: 35243^6
This melody encompasses all nearby creatures in magical bonds, slowing their attack speed and reducing their armor class.
This melody encompasses up to %T nearby creatures in magical bonds, slowing their attack speed and reducing their armor class.
ID: 35244^6
This melody encompasses all nearby creatures in magical bonds, slowing their attack speed and reducing their armor class.
This melody encompasses up to %T nearby creatures in magical bonds, slowing their attack speed and reducing their armor class.
ID: 35388^6
Summons mystical power, slowing nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
Summons mystical power, slowing up to %T nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
ID: 35389^6
Summons mystical power, slowing nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
Summons mystical power, slowing up to %T nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
ID: 35390^6
Summons mystical power, slowing nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
Summons mystical power, slowing up to %T nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
ID: 35758^6
Stuns creatures around you up to level @2, and teleports you a short distance away.
Stuns up to %T creatures around you up to level @2, and teleports you a short distance away.
ID: 35759^6
Stuns creatures around you up to level @2, and teleports you a short distance away.
Stuns up to %T creatures around you up to level @2, and teleports you a short distance away.
ID: 35760^6
Stuns creatures around you up to level @2, and teleports you a short distance away.
Stuns up to %T creatures around you up to level @2, and teleports you a short distance away.
ID: 35777^6
Surrounds you in flames, causing up to @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Surrounds you in flames, causing up to @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 35778^6
Surrounds you in flames, causing up to @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Surrounds you in flames, causing up to @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 35779^6
Surrounds you in flames, causing up to @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Surrounds you in flames, causing up to @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 36006^6
Creates a circle of scalding winds around you, causing @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Creates a circle of scalding winds around you, causing @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 36007^6
Creates a circle of scalding winds around you, causing @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Creates a circle of scalding winds around you, causing @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 36008^6
Creates a circle of scalding winds around you, causing @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Creates a circle of scalding winds around you, causing @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 36178^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a #2% chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. Creatures that are affected have a #3% chance to forget their enemies. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a #2% chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. Creatures that are affected have a #3% chance to forget their enemies. The spell
ID: 36179^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a #2% chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. Creatures that are affected have a #3% chance to forget their enemies. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a #2% chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. Creatures that are affected have a #3% chance to forget their enemies. The spell
ID: 36180^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a #2% chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. Creatures that are affected have a #3% chance to forget their enemies. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a #2% chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. Creatures that are affected have a #3% chance to forget their enemies. The spell
ID: 36197^6
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning all nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning up to %T nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 36198^6
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning all nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning up to %T nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 36199^6
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning all nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning up to %T nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 36212^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 36213^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 36214^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 36247^6
Stuns targets of up to level @1.
Stuns up to %T targets of up to level @1.
ID: 36248^6
Stuns targets of up to level @1.
Stuns up to %T targets of up to level @1.
ID: 36249^6
Stuns targets of up to level @1.
Stuns up to %T targets of up to level @1.
ID: 36304^6
Causes any creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1. Each creature that is mesmerized has a chance to increase the mana cost of this spell. You must have at least 10% of your mana available to cast this spell.
Causes up to %T creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1. Each creature that is mesmerized has a chance to increase the mana cost of this spell. You must have at least 10% of your mana av
ID: 36305^6
Causes any creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1. Each creature that is mesmerized has a chance to increase the mana cost of this spell. You must have at least 10% of your mana available to cast this spell.
Causes up to %T creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1. Each creature that is mesmerized has a chance to increase the mana cost of this spell. You must have at least 10% of your mana av
ID: 36306^6
Causes any creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1. Each creature that is mesmerized has a chance to increase the mana cost of this spell. You must have at least 10% of your mana available to cast this spell.
Causes up to %T creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1. Each creature that is mesmerized has a chance to increase the mana cost of this spell. You must have at least 10% of your mana av
ID: 36404^6
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing #1 damage to all surrounding enemies.
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing #1 damage to up to %T surrounding enemies.
ID: 36405^6
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing #1 damage to all surrounding enemies.
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing #1 damage to up to %T surrounding enemies.
ID: 36406^6
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing #1 damage to all surrounding enemies.
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing #1 damage to up to %T surrounding enemies.
ID: 40145^6
With a mighty shout, you draw the attention of all creatures surrounding you, damaging them for #2 hit points and healing you for a maximum of @3 hit points per target.
With a mighty shout, you draw the attention of up to %T creatures surrounding you, damaging them for #2 hit points and healing you for a maximum of @3 hit points per target.
ID: 40146^6
With a mighty shout, you draw the attention of all creatures surrounding you, damaging them for #2 hit points and healing you for a maximum of @3 hit points per target.
With a mighty shout, you draw the attention of up to %T creatures surrounding you, damaging them for #2 hit points and healing you for a maximum of @3 hit points per target.
ID: 40147^6
With a mighty shout, you draw the attention of all creatures surrounding you, damaging them for #2 hit points and healing you for a maximum of @3 hit points per target.
With a mighty shout, you draw the attention of up to %T creatures surrounding you, damaging them for #2 hit points and healing you for a maximum of @3 hit points per target.
ID: 40184^6
Surrounds entities around your target in dancing flames, lowering their attack value, fire resistance, and armor class for %z. This spell requires, but does not consume, a Fire Beetle Eye to cast.
Surrounds up to %T entities around your target in dancing flames, lowering their attack value, fire resistance, and armor class for %z. This spell requires, but does not consume, a Fire Beetle Eye to cast.
ID: 40185^6
Surrounds entities around your target in dancing flames, lowering their attack value, fire resistance, and armor class for %z. This spell requires, but does not consume, a Fire Beetle Eye to cast.
Surrounds up to %T entities around your target in dancing flames, lowering their attack value, fire resistance, and armor class for %z. This spell requires, but does not consume, a Fire Beetle Eye to cast.
ID: 40186^6
Surrounds entities around your target in dancing flames, lowering their attack value, fire resistance, and armor class for %z. This spell requires, but does not consume, a Fire Beetle Eye to cast.
Surrounds up to %T entities around your target in dancing flames, lowering their attack value, fire resistance, and armor class for %z. This spell requires, but does not consume, a Fire Beetle Eye to cast.
ID: 40498^6
Distracts opponents surrounding your target with a glance, causing them to become dazed for up to %z and to forget most of their hatred for you. This spell works on creatures up to level @1. This spell is difficult to resist, but can only be invoked after a rest interval.
Distracts up to %T opponents surrounding your target with a glance, causing them to become dazed for up to %z and to forget most of their hatred for you. This spell works on creatures up to level @1. This spell is difficult to resist, but can only be in
ID: 40499^6
Distracts opponents surrounding your target with a glance, causing them to become dazed for up to %z and to forget most of their hatred for you. This spell works on creatures up to level @1. This spell is difficult to resist, but can only be invoked after a rest interval.
Distracts up to %T opponents surrounding your target with a glance, causing them to become dazed for up to %z and to forget most of their hatred for you. This spell works on creatures up to level @1. This spell is difficult to resist, but can only be in
ID: 40500^6
Distracts opponents surrounding your target with a glance, causing them to become dazed for up to %z and to forget most of their hatred for you. This spell works on creatures up to level @1. This spell is difficult to resist, but can only be invoked after a rest interval.
Distracts up to %T opponents surrounding your target with a glance, causing them to become dazed for up to %z and to forget most of their hatred for you. This spell works on creatures up to level @1. This spell is difficult to resist, but can only be in
ID: 43048^6
Executes a stormwheel blade attack, doing minor damage to all nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
Executes a stormwheel blade attack, doing minor damage to up to %T nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
ID: 43049^6
Executes a stormwheel blade attack, doing minor damage to all nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
Executes a stormwheel blade attack, doing minor damage to up to %T nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
ID: 43050^6
Executes a stormwheel blade attack, doing minor damage to all nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
Executes a stormwheel blade attack, doing minor damage to up to %T nearby targets. Enemies find this attack especially infuriating.
ID: 43075^6
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies. This spell will do up to @2 damage to undead or @3 damage to summoned creatures.
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies. This spell will do up to @2 damage to undead or @3 damage to summoned creatures.
ID: 43076^6
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies. This spell will do up to @2 damage to undead or @3 damage to summoned creatures.
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies. This spell will do up to @2 damage to undead or @3 damage to summoned creatures.
ID: 43077^6
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies. This spell will do up to @2 damage to undead or @3 damage to summoned creatures.
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies. This spell will do up to @2 damage to undead or @3 damage to summoned creatures.
ID: 43229^6
Strikes nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them. This spell will deal @4 damage to undead creatures or @5 damage to summoned creatures.
Strikes up to %T nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them. This spell will deal @4 damage to undead creatures or @5 damage to summoned creatures.
ID: 43230^6
Strikes nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them. This spell will deal @4 damage to undead creatures or @5 damage to summoned creatures.
Strikes up to %T nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them. This spell will deal @4 damage to undead creatures or @5 damage to summoned creatures.
ID: 43231^6
Strikes nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them. This spell will deal @4 damage to undead creatures or @5 damage to summoned creatures.
Strikes up to %T nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them. This spell will deal @4 damage to undead creatures or @5 damage to summoned creatures.
ID: 43640^6
With a mighty shout, you draw the attention of all creatures surrounding you, damaging them for #2 hit points and healing you for a maximum of @3 hit points per target.
With a mighty shout, you draw the attention of up to %T creatures surrounding you, damaging them for #2 hit points and healing you for a maximum of @3 hit points per target.
ID: 43641^6
With a mighty shout, you draw the attention of all creatures surrounding you, damaging them for #2 hit points and healing you for a maximum of @3 hit points per target.
With a mighty shout, you draw the attention of up to %T creatures surrounding you, damaging them for #2 hit points and healing you for a maximum of @3 hit points per target.
ID: 43642^6
With a mighty shout, you draw the attention of all creatures surrounding you, damaging them for #2 hit points and healing you for a maximum of @3 hit points per target.
With a mighty shout, you draw the attention of up to %T creatures surrounding you, damaging them for #2 hit points and healing you for a maximum of @3 hit points per target.
ID: 43673^6
Causes all nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
Causes up to %T nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
ID: 43674^6
Causes all nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
Causes up to %T nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
ID: 43675^6
Causes all nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
Causes up to %T nearby enemies to develop an intense hatred for you.
ID: 43685^6
You strike a dangerous bargain, inflicting up to @2 damage on all targets around you and greatly increasing their hatred. Your mana and endurance will be sapped for each target that is struck in this manner. You must have more than 10% of your mana available to cast this spell.
You strike a dangerous bargain, inflicting up to @2 damage on up to %T targets around you and greatly increasing their hatred. Your mana and endurance will be sapped for each target that is struck in this manner. You must have more than 10% of your mana
ID: 43686^6
You strike a dangerous bargain, inflicting up to @2 damage on all targets around you and greatly increasing their hatred. Your mana and endurance will be sapped for each target that is struck in this manner. You must have more than 10% of your mana available to cast this spell.
You strike a dangerous bargain, inflicting up to @2 damage on up to %T targets around you and greatly increasing their hatred. Your mana and endurance will be sapped for each target that is struck in this manner. You must have more than 10% of your mana
ID: 43687^6
You strike a dangerous bargain, inflicting up to @2 damage on all targets around you and greatly increasing their hatred. Your mana and endurance will be sapped for each target that is struck in this manner. You must have more than 10% of your mana available to cast this spell.
You strike a dangerous bargain, inflicting up to @2 damage on up to %T targets around you and greatly increasing their hatred. Your mana and endurance will be sapped for each target that is struck in this manner. You must have more than 10% of your mana
ID: 43811^6
Surrounds entities around your target in dancing flames, lowering their attack value, fire resistance, and armor class for %z. This spell requires, but does not consume, a Fire Beetle Eye to cast.
Surrounds up to %T entities around your target in dancing flames, lowering their attack value, fire resistance, and armor class for %z. This spell requires, but does not consume, a Fire Beetle Eye to cast.
ID: 43812^6
Surrounds entities around your target in dancing flames, lowering their attack value, fire resistance, and armor class for %z. This spell requires, but does not consume, a Fire Beetle Eye to cast.
Surrounds up to %T entities around your target in dancing flames, lowering their attack value, fire resistance, and armor class for %z. This spell requires, but does not consume, a Fire Beetle Eye to cast.
ID: 43813^6
Surrounds entities around your target in dancing flames, lowering their attack value, fire resistance, and armor class for %z. This spell requires, but does not consume, a Fire Beetle Eye to cast.
Surrounds up to %T entities around your target in dancing flames, lowering their attack value, fire resistance, and armor class for %z. This spell requires, but does not consume, a Fire Beetle Eye to cast.
ID: 43968^6
Distracts your target and those near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
Distracts your target and up to %T enemies near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
ID: 43969^6
Distracts your target and those near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
Distracts your target and up to %T enemies near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
ID: 43970^6
Distracts your target and those near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
Distracts your target and up to %T enemies near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
ID: 44260^6
Summons mystical power, slowing nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
Summons mystical power, slowing up to %T nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
ID: 44261^6
Summons mystical power, slowing nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
Summons mystical power, slowing up to %T nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
ID: 44262^6
Summons mystical power, slowing nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
Summons mystical power, slowing up to %T nearby opponents and absorbing a portion of melee damage done to you for a short time.
ID: 44567^6
Stuns creatures around you up to level @2, and teleports you a short distance away.
Stuns up to %T creatures around you up to level @2, and teleports you a short distance away.
ID: 44568^6
Stuns creatures around you up to level @2, and teleports you a short distance away.
Stuns up to %T creatures around you up to level @2, and teleports you a short distance away.
ID: 44569^6
Stuns creatures around you up to level @2, and teleports you a short distance away.
Stuns up to %T creatures around you up to level @2, and teleports you a short distance away.
ID: 44586^6
Surrounds you in flames, causing up to @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Surrounds you in flames, causing up to @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 44587^6
Surrounds you in flames, causing up to @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Surrounds you in flames, causing up to @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 44588^6
Surrounds you in flames, causing up to @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Surrounds you in flames, causing up to @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 44795^6
Creates a circle of scalding winds around you, causing @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Creates a circle of scalding winds around you, causing @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 44796^6
Creates a circle of scalding winds around you, causing @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Creates a circle of scalding winds around you, causing @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 44797^6
Creates a circle of scalding winds around you, causing @1 damage to all nearby creatures.
Creates a circle of scalding winds around you, causing @1 damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 44969^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a #2% chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. Creatures that are affected have a #3% chance to forget their enemies.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a #2% chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. Creatures that are affected have a #3% chance to forget their enemies.
ID: 44970^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a #2% chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. Creatures that are affected have a #3% chance to forget their enemies.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a #2% chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. Creatures that are affected have a #3% chance to forget their enemies.
ID: 44971^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a #2% chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. Creatures that are affected have a #3% chance to forget their enemies.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a #2% chance that each creature will become drowsy and fight more slowly. Creatures that are affected have a #3% chance to forget their enemies.
ID: 44985^6
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning all nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning up to %T nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 44986^6
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning all nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning up to %T nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 44987^6
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning all nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, briefly stunning up to %T nearby creatures. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 45000^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 45001^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 45002^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures nearby to become subdued and unwilling to fight for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 45042^6
Causes any creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1. Each creature that is mesmerized has a chance to increase the mana cost of this spell. You must have at least 10% of your mana available to cast this spell.
Causes up to %T creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1. Each creature that is mesmerized has a chance to increase the mana cost of this spell. You must have at least 10% of your mana av
ID: 45043^6
Causes any creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1. Each creature that is mesmerized has a chance to increase the mana cost of this spell. You must have at least 10% of your mana available to cast this spell.
Causes up to %T creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1. Each creature that is mesmerized has a chance to increase the mana cost of this spell. You must have at least 10% of your mana av
ID: 45044^6
Causes any creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1. Each creature that is mesmerized has a chance to increase the mana cost of this spell. You must have at least 10% of your mana available to cast this spell.
Causes up to %T creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1. Each creature that is mesmerized has a chance to increase the mana cost of this spell. You must have at least 10% of your mana av
ID: 45052^6
Stuns targets of up to level @1.
Stuns up to %T targets of up to level @1.
ID: 45053^6
Stuns targets of up to level @1.
Stuns up to %T targets of up to level @1.
ID: 45054^6
Stuns targets of up to level @1.
Stuns up to %T targets of up to level @1.
ID: 45149^6
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing #1 damage to all surrounding enemies.
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing #1 damage to up to %T surrounding enemies.
ID: 45150^6
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing #1 damage to all surrounding enemies.
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing #1 damage to up to %T surrounding enemies.
ID: 45151^6
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing #1 damage to all surrounding enemies.
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing #1 damage to up to %T surrounding enemies.
ID: 49278^6
Gives your target the appearance of a scarecrow and grants them the ability to trigger *#2%N with their melee attacks.
Gives your target group the appearance of a scarecrow and grants them the ability to trigger *#2%N with their melee attacks.
ID: 49279^6
Gives your target the appearance of a scarecrow and grants them the ability to trigger *#2%N with their melee attacks.
Gives your target group the appearance of a scarecrow and grants them the ability to trigger *#2%N with their melee attacks.
ID: 49280^6
Gives your target the appearance of a scarecrow and grants them the ability to trigger *#2%N with their melee attacks.
Gives your target group the appearance of a scarecrow and grants them the ability to trigger *#2%N with their melee attacks.
ID: 49543^6
The Reaver's Bargain can be activated only if you are above 20% mana and endurance.
Consumes 750 endurance per second to allow you to absorb #2% of incoming damage with your mana, protects against #4% of damage over $4 points per strike for up to @4 total damage, and increases your unconscious health by #3 points for %z.
Once started the Reaver's Bargain cannot be ended early and should your mana or endurance drop below 10% you will be overcome by Reaver's Exhaustion which ends the bargain and drains your remaining mana and endurance.
Consumes #1 endurance per second and absorbs #2% of incoming damage with your mana, at a rate of 100 damage to $2 mana, while protecting against #4% of incoming melee damage that exceeds $4 damage per hit for up to @4 total damage, and increases your unconscious health by #3 points for %Z.
Can only be activated if you are above 20% mana and endurance, and cannot be ended early, but will trigger *#5%N should your mana or endurance drop below 10%, which ends the bargain and drains your remaining mana and endurance.
ID: 49545^6
Drains you of #1 mana and endurance.
Drains your remaining mana and endurance.
ID: 55048^6
Executes a stormwheel blade attack, doing minor damage to all nearby targets and inciting %H hatred in them.
Executes a stormwheel blade attack, doing minor damage to up to %T nearby targets and inciting %H hatred in them.
ID: 55049^6
Executes a stormwheel blade attack, doing minor damage to all nearby targets and inciting %H hatred in them.
Executes a stormwheel blade attack, doing minor damage to up to %T nearby targets and inciting %H hatred in them.
ID: 55050^6
Executes a stormwheel blade attack, doing minor damage to all nearby targets and inciting %H hatred in them.
Executes a stormwheel blade attack, doing minor damage to up to %T nearby targets and inciting %H hatred in them.
ID: 55084^6
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies. This spell will do up to @2 damage to undead or @3 damage to summoned creatures.
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies. This spell will do up to @2 damage to undead or @3 damage to summoned creatures.
ID: 55085^6
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies. This spell will do up to @2 damage to undead or @3 damage to summoned creatures.
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies. This spell will do up to @2 damage to undead or @3 damage to summoned creatures.
ID: 55086^6
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies. This spell will do up to @2 damage to undead or @3 damage to summoned creatures.
Causes the earth to shift around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to up to %T nearby enemies. This spell will do up to @2 damage to undead or @3 damage to summoned creatures.
ID: 55263^6
Strikes nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them (up to level @2) for up to #2 seconds. This spell will deal @4 damage to undead creatures or @5 damage to summoned creatures.
Strikes up to %T nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them (up to level @2) for up to #2 seconds. This spell will deal @4 damage to undead creatures or @5 damage to summoned creatures.
ID: 55264^6
Strikes nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them (up to level @2) for up to #2 seconds. This spell will deal @4 damage to undead creatures or @5 damage to summoned creatures.
Strikes up to %T nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them (up to level @2) for up to #2 seconds. This spell will deal @4 damage to undead creatures or @5 damage to summoned creatures.
ID: 55265^6
Strikes nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them (up to level @2) for up to #2 seconds. This spell will deal @4 damage to undead creatures or @5 damage to summoned creatures.
Strikes up to %T nearby creatures with a silent decree, inflicting @3 damage and stunning them (up to level @2) for up to #2 seconds. This spell will deal @4 damage to undead creatures or @5 damage to summoned creatures.
ID: 55734^6
With a mighty shout, you draw the attention of all creatures surrounding you, inciting #1 hatred, dealing #2 points of magical damage, and healing you for a maximum of @3 hit points per target. This spell generates an additional %M hatred in addition to its other effects.
With a mighty shout, you draw the attention of up to %T creatures surrounding you, inciting #1 hatred, dealing #2 points of magical damage, and healing you for a maximum of @3 hit points per target. This spell generates an additional %M hatred in additio
ID: 55735^6
With a mighty shout, you draw the attention of all creatures surrounding you, inciting #1 hatred, dealing #2 points of magical damage, and healing you for a maximum of @3 hit points per target. This spell generates an additional %M hatred in addition to its other effects.
With a mighty shout, you draw the attention of up to %T creatures surrounding you, inciting #1 hatred, dealing #2 points of magical damage, and healing you for a maximum of @3 hit points per target. This spell generates an additional %M hatred in additio
ID: 55736^6
With a mighty shout, you draw the attention of all creatures surrounding you, inciting #1 hatred, dealing #2 points of magical damage, and healing you for a maximum of @3 hit points per target. This spell generates an additional %M hatred in addition to its other effects.
With a mighty shout, you draw the attention of up to %T creatures surrounding you, inciting #1 hatred, dealing #2 points of magical damage, and healing you for a maximum of @3 hit points per target. This spell generates an additional %M hatred in additio
ID: 55776^6
Incites %H hatred in all nearby enemies.
Incites %H hatred in up to %T nearby enemies.
ID: 55777^6
Incites %H hatred in all nearby enemies.
Incites %H hatred in up to %T nearby enemies.
ID: 55778^6
Incites %H hatred in all nearby enemies.
Incites %H hatred in up to %T nearby enemies.
ID: 55788^6
You strike a dangerous bargain, inflicting up to @2 damage on all targets around you and increasing their hatred by %H. You will lose *%R@1 mana and *%R@2 endurance for each target that is struck in this manner. {39}%C
You strike a dangerous bargain, inflicting up to @2 damage on all targets around you and increasing their hatred by %H. You will lose *%R@1 mana and *%R@2 endurance for up to %T targets that are struck in this manner. {39}%C
ID: 55789^6
You strike a dangerous bargain, inflicting up to @2 damage on all targets around you and increasing their hatred by %H. You will lose *%R@1 mana and *%R@2 endurance for each target that is struck in this manner. {39}%C
You strike a dangerous bargain, inflicting up to @2 damage on all targets around you and increasing their hatred by %H. You will lose *%R@1 mana and *%R@2 endurance for up to %T targets that are struck in this manner. {39}%C
ID: 55790^6
You strike a dangerous bargain, inflicting up to @2 damage on all targets around you and increasing their hatred by %H. You will lose *%R@1 mana and *%R@2 endurance for each target that is struck in this manner. {39}%C
You strike a dangerous bargain, inflicting up to @2 damage on all targets around you and increasing their hatred by %H. You will lose *%R@1 mana and *%R@2 endurance for up to %T targets that are struck in this manner. {39}%C
ID: 55911^6
Surrounds entities around your target in dancing flames, lowering their attack by #4, fire resistance by #7, and armor class by #6 for %z. This spell requires, but does not consume, a Fire Beetle Eye to cast.
Surrounds up to %T entities around your target in dancing flames, lowering their attack by #4, fire resistance by #7, and armor class by #6 for %z. This spell requires, but does not consume, a Fire Beetle Eye to cast.
ID: 55912^6
Surrounds entities around your target in dancing flames, lowering their attack by #4, fire resistance by #7, and armor class by #6 for %z. This spell requires, but does not consume, a Fire Beetle Eye to cast.
Surrounds up to %T entities around your target in dancing flames, lowering their attack by #4, fire resistance by #7, and armor class by #6 for %z. This spell requires, but does not consume, a Fire Beetle Eye to cast.
ID: 55913^6
Surrounds entities around your target in dancing flames, lowering their attack by #4, fire resistance by #7, and armor class by #6 for %z. This spell requires, but does not consume, a Fire Beetle Eye to cast.
Surrounds up to %T entities around your target in dancing flames, lowering their attack by #4, fire resistance by #7, and armor class by #6 for %z. This spell requires, but does not consume, a Fire Beetle Eye to cast.
ID: 56083^6
Distracts your target (up to level @1) and those near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
Distracts your target (up to level @1) and up to %T creatures near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
ID: 56084^6
Distracts your target (up to level @1) and those near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
Distracts your target (up to level @1) and up to %T creatures near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
ID: 56085^6
Distracts your target (up to level @1) and those near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
Distracts your target (up to level @1) and up to %T creatures near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
ID: 56126^6
This melody encompasses all nearby creatures in magical bonds, slowing their attack speed by #2% and reducing their armor class by #6.
This melody encompasses up to %T nearby creatures in magical bonds, slowing their attack speed by #2% and reducing their armor class by #6.
ID: 56127^6
This melody encompasses all nearby creatures in magical bonds, slowing their attack speed by #2% and reducing their armor class by #6.
This melody encompasses up to %T nearby creatures in magical bonds, slowing their attack speed by #2% and reducing their armor class by #6.
ID: 56128^6
This melody encompasses all nearby creatures in magical bonds, slowing their attack speed by #2% and reducing their armor class by #6.
This melody encompasses up to %T nearby creatures in magical bonds, slowing their attack speed by #2% and reducing their armor class by #6.
ID: 56421^6
Summons mystical power, slowing nearby opponents by #8% and reflecting *%R%N, which absorbs *%R#1% of incoming melee damage up to a maximum of *%R@1 hit points.
Summons mystical power, slowing up to %T nearby opponents by #8% and reflecting *%R%N, which absorbs *%R#1% of incoming melee damage up to a maximum of *%R@1 hit points.
ID: 56422^6
Summons mystical power, slowing nearby opponents by #8% and reflecting *%R%N, which absorbs *%R#1% of incoming melee damage up to a maximum of *%R@1 hit points.
Summons mystical power, slowing up to %T nearby opponents by #8% and reflecting *%R%N, which absorbs *%R#1% of incoming melee damage up to a maximum of *%R@1 hit points.
ID: 56423^6
Summons mystical power, slowing nearby opponents by #8% and reflecting *%R%N, which absorbs *%R#1% of incoming melee damage up to a maximum of *%R@1 hit points.
Summons mystical power, slowing up to %T nearby opponents by #8% and reflecting *%R%N, which absorbs *%R#1% of incoming melee damage up to a maximum of *%R@1 hit points.
ID: 56769^6
Stuns creatures around you up to level @2, and teleports you a short distance away.
Stuns up to %T creatures around you up to level @2, and teleports you a short distance away.
ID: 56770^6
Stuns creatures around you up to level @2, and teleports you a short distance away.
Stuns up to %T creatures around you up to level @2, and teleports you a short distance away.
ID: 56771^6
Stuns creatures around you up to level @2, and teleports you a short distance away.
Stuns up to %T creatures around you up to level @2, and teleports you a short distance away.
ID: 56788^6
Surrounds you in flames, causing up to @1 fire damage to all nearby creatures.
Surrounds you in flames, causing up to @1 fire damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 56789^6
Surrounds you in flames, causing up to @1 fire damage to all nearby creatures.
Surrounds you in flames, causing up to @1 fire damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 56790^6
Surrounds you in flames, causing up to @1 fire damage to all nearby creatures.
Surrounds you in flames, causing up to @1 fire damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 57024^6
Creates a circle of scalding winds around you, causing @1 fire damage to all nearby creatures.
Creates a circle of scalding winds around you, causing @1 fire damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 57025^6
Creates a circle of scalding winds around you, causing @1 fire damage to all nearby creatures.
Creates a circle of scalding winds around you, causing @1 fire damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 57026^6
Creates a circle of scalding winds around you, causing @1 fire damage to all nearby creatures.
Creates a circle of scalding winds around you, causing @1 fire damage to up to %T nearby creatures.
ID: 57224^6
Causes your target and several creatures (up to level @1) nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a #3% chance to forget their enemies. There is a #2% chance that each creature will be inflicted with *$2%N.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures creatures (up to level @1) nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a #3% chance to forget their enemies. There is a #2% chance that each creature will be inflicted with *$2%N.
ID: 57225^6
Causes your target and several creatures (up to level @1) nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a #3% chance to forget their enemies. There is a #2% chance that each creature will be inflicted with *$2%N.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures creatures (up to level @1) nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a #3% chance to forget their enemies. There is a #2% chance that each creature will be inflicted with *$2%N.
ID: 57226^6
Causes your target and several creatures (up to level @1) nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a #3% chance to forget their enemies. There is a #2% chance that each creature will be inflicted with *$2%N.
Causes your target and up to %T creatures creatures (up to level @1) nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z, with a #3% chance to forget their enemies. There is a #2% chance that each creature will be inflicted with *$2%N.
ID: 57234^6
Distracts opponents surrounding your target with a glance, causing them to become dazed for up to %z and to forget most of their hatred for you. This spell works on creatures up to level @1. This spell is difficult to resist, but can only be invoked after a rest interval.
Distracts opponents surrounding your target with a glance, causing them to become dazed for up to %z and to forget most of their hatred for you. This spell works on up to %T creatures up to level @1. This spell is difficult to resist, but can only be in
ID: 57235^6
Distracts opponents surrounding your target with a glance, causing them to become dazed for up to %z and to forget most of their hatred for you. This spell works on creatures up to level @1. This spell is difficult to resist, but can only be invoked after a rest interval.
Distracts opponents surrounding your target with a glance, causing them to become dazed for up to %z and to forget most of their hatred for you. This spell works on up to %T creatures up to level @1. This spell is difficult to resist, but can only be in
ID: 57236^6
Distracts opponents surrounding your target with a glance, causing them to become dazed for up to %z and to forget most of their hatred for you. This spell works on creatures up to level @1. This spell is difficult to resist, but can only be invoked after a rest interval.
Distracts opponents surrounding your target with a glance, causing them to become dazed for up to %z and to forget most of their hatred for you. This spell works on up to %T creatures up to level @1. This spell is difficult to resist, but can only be in
ID: 57243^6
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, stunning all nearby creatures for up to #1 seconds. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, stunning up to %T nearby creatures for up to #1 seconds. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 57244^6
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, stunning all nearby creatures for up to #1 seconds. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, stunning up to %T nearby creatures for up to #1 seconds. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 57245^6
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, stunning all nearby creatures for up to #1 seconds. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes colors in the area around you to collapse into nothingness, stunning up to %T nearby creatures for up to #1 seconds. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 57258^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to become mesmerized for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T nearby creatures nearby to become mesmerized for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 57259^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to become mesmerized for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T nearby creatures nearby to become mesmerized for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 57260^6
Causes your target and several creatures nearby to become mesmerized for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Causes your target and up to %T nearby creatures nearby to become mesmerized for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1.
ID: 57300^6
Causes any creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z or %y. The spell works on creatures up to level @1. Each creature that is mesmerized has a *%R#1% chance to increase the mana cost of this spell by *%R*$1#1. {39}%C
Causes up to %T creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z or %y. The spell works on creatures up to level @1. Each creature that is mesmerized has a *%R#1% chance to increase the mana cost of this spell by *%R*$1#1. {39}%C
ID: 57301^6
Causes any creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1. Each creature that is mesmerized has a *%R#1% chance to increase the mana cost of this spell by *%R*$1#1. {39}%C
Causes up to %T creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z or %y. The spell works on creatures up to level @1. Each creature that is mesmerized has a *%R#1% chance to increase the mana cost of this spell by *%R*$1#1. {39}%C
ID: 57302^6
Causes any creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z. The spell works on creatures up to level @1. Each creature that is mesmerized has a *%R#1% chance to increase the mana cost of this spell by *%R*$1#1. {39}%C
Causes up to %T creatures nearby to fall into an enchanted sleep for up to %z or %y. The spell works on creatures up to level @1. Each creature that is mesmerized has a *%R#1% chance to increase the mana cost of this spell by *%R*$1#1. {39}%C
ID: 57310^6
Stuns targets of up to level @1 for up to #1 seconds.
Stuns up to %T targets of up to level @1 for up to #1 seconds.
ID: 57311^6
Stuns targets of up to level @1 for up to #1 seconds.
Stuns up to %T targets of up to level @1 for up to #1 seconds.
ID: 57312^6
Stuns targets of up to level @1 for up to #1 seconds.
Stuns up to %T targets of up to level @1 for up to #1 seconds.
ID: 57435^6
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing #1 cold damage to all surrounding enemies.
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing #1 cold damage to up to %T surrounding enemies.
ID: 57436^6
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing #1 cold damage to all surrounding enemies.
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing #1 cold damage to up to %T surrounding enemies.
ID: 57437^6
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing #1 cold damage to all surrounding enemies.
You bellow a frosty roar, dealing #1 cold damage to up to %T surrounding enemies.
ID: 58548^6
Executes a whirling %S attack with a base damage of #1 to all nearby targets and inciting %H hatred in them.
Executes a whirling %S attack with a base damage of #1 to up to %T nearby targets and inciting %H hatred in them.
ID: 58549^6
Executes a whirling %S attack with a base damage of #1 to all nearby targets and inciting %H hatred in them.
Executes a whirling %S attack with a base damage of #1 to up to %T nearby targets and inciting %H hatred in them.
ID: 58550^6
Executes a whirling %S attack with a base damage of #1 to all nearby targets and inciting %H hatred in them.
Executes a whirling %S attack with a base damage of #1 to up to %T nearby targets and inciting %H hatred in them.
ID: 59444^6
Distracts your target (up to level @1) and those near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. When this confusion dissipates they will be affected by *#2%N. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
Distracts your target (up to level @1) and up to %T creatures near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. When this confusion dissipates they will be affected by *#2%N. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
ID: 59445^6
Distracts your target (up to level @1) and those near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. When this confusion dissipates they will be affected by *#2%N. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
Distracts your target (up to level @1) and up to %T creatures near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. When this confusion dissipates they will be affected by *#2%N. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
ID: 59446^6
Distracts your target (up to level @1) and those near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. When this confusion dissipates they will be affected by *#2%N. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
Distracts your target (up to level @1) and up to %T creatures near your target with a phantom sound, leaving them confused for %z. When this confusion dissipates they will be affected by *#2%N. This ability cannot be used while in combat.
ID: 62908^6
A mystical ring transports you to the Laurion Inn.
A mystical ring transports you to Shadow Valley.
ID: 62909^6
A mystical circle transports your group to the Laurion Inn.
A mystical circle transports your group to Shadow Valley.
ID: 62910^6
A mystical zephyr transports your target to the Laurion Inn.
A mystical zephyr transports your target to Shadow Valley.
ID: 63668^6
Opens a gate that transports you to the Laurion Inn.
Opens a gate that transports you to Shadow Valley.
ID: 63669^6
Opens a portal that transports your group to the Laurion Inn.
Opens a portal that transports your group to Shadow Valley.
ID: 63670^6
Translocates your target to the Laurion Inn.
Translocates your target to Shadow Valley.
ID: 65525^6
Explodes with light and shadow, dealing #1 damage to all enemies around you.
Explodes with light and shadow, dealing #1 damage to up to %T enemies around you.
49 new strings found:
ID: 2051^30
Rathe Day: Rathe Day Conservation
ID: 2051^31
Rathe Day is a day where we can take stock in what it is that makes Norrath's nature beautiful.
Seek out
ID: 2051^33
ID: 38562^1
Champion's Oath
ID: 38562^2
ID: 38562^3
ID: 38562^4
*@%N, when activated, consumes *@#1 endurance per second to grant your melee attacks the ability to bless your enemy's target with *@*#3%N every *@$1 seconds for *@%Z. Every activation of *@*#3%N triggers *@*#3*%R%N, which consumes *@*#3*%R#1 mana.
*@*#3%N protects against *@*#3#3% of incoming melee damage that exceeds *@*#3$3 damage per hit for up to *@*#3@3 total damage for *@*#3%Z. When *@*#3%N expires for any reason the bearer is immediately blessed by *@*#3*#2%N, which heals them for *@*#3*#2#1 hit points.
*@%N can only be activated if you are above 20% mana and endurance, and cannot be ended early, but will trigger *@*#5%N should your mana or endurance drop below 10%, which ends the oath and drains your remaining mana and endurance.
ID: 54521^6
Causes #21 damage and drains #22 mana.
ID: 54522^6
Causes #21 damage and drains #22 mana.
ID: 54523^6
Knocks the target back, causes #22 damage, and stuns for #23 seconds.
ID: 54524^6
Causes #21 damage and drains #22 mana. Reduces incoming instant healing by #23 percent.
ID: 54525^6
Causes #21 damage and causes knockback.
ID: 54526^6
Pulls target toward the caster and causes #22 damage.
ID: 54527^6
Causes #21 damage and drains #22 mana. Stuns for #23 seconds.
ID: 54528^6
Knocks the target back, causes #22 damage, and stuns for #23 seconds. Dispels one buff.
ID: 54529^6
Causes #21 damage and drains #22 mana. Prevents casting of mana affecting spells.
ID: 60000^6
Summons a Lost Owlbear Pup familiar.
ID: 60001^6
Changes your pet to look like a Lost Owlbear Pup.
ID: 60002^6
Summons an Imprinted Ursarachnid Hatchling familiar.
ID: 60003^6
Changes your pet to look like an Imprinted Ursarachnid Hatchling.
ID: 60004^6
Summons a Living Lump of Luclin Lichen familiar.
ID: 60005^6
Changes your pet to look like a Living Lump of Luclin Lichen.
ID: 66865^6
Opens a gate that transports you to the Laurion Inn.
ID: 66866^6
A mystical circle transports your group to the Laurion Inn.
ID: 66867^6
A mystical ring transports you to the Laurion Inn.
ID: 67614^6
Opens a gate that transports you to the Laurion Inn.
ID: 67615^6
Opens a portal that transports your group to the Laurion Inn.
ID: 67616^6
Translocates your target to the Laurion Inn.
ID: 68840^39
ID: 68841^39
ID: 68996^6
Summons a fast mount.
ID: 68997^6
Summons a fast mount.
ID: 69002^6
Causes #22 damage and reduces movement speed by #21 percent.
ID: 69003^6
Causes #21 damage.
ID: 69004^6
Causes #21 damage over 2 ticks.
ID: 69005^6
Consumes #1 endurance per second to grant your melee attacks the ability to bless your enemy's target with *#3%N every $1 seconds for %Z. Every activation of *#3%N triggers *#3*%R%N, which consumes *#3*%R#1 mana.
*#3%N protects against *#3#3% of incoming melee damage that exceeds *#3$3 damage per hit for up to *#3@3 total damage for *#3%Z. When *#3%N expires for any reason the bearer is immediately blessed by *#3*#2%N, which heals them for *#3*#2#1 hit points.
Can only be activated if you are above 20% mana and endurance, and cannot be ended early, but will trigger *#5%N should your mana or endurance drop below 10%, which ends the oath and drains your remaining mana and endurance.
ID: 69006^6
Protects the target against #3% of incoming melee damage that exceeds $3 damage per hit for up to @3 total damage for %Z. When this buff expires for any reason the bearer is immediately blessed by *#2%N, which heals them for *#2#1 hit points.
ID: 69007^6
Drains you of #1 mana.
ID: 69008^6
Heals the target for #1 hit points.
ID: 69009^6
Drains your remaining mana and endurance.
ID: 69022^6
Summons a Mithaniel's Boldheart Lion familiar.
ID: 69023^6
Changes your pet to look like a Mithaniel's Boldheart Lion.
ID: 69024^6
Summons a Mithaniel's Flawless Heart Lion familiar.
ID: 69025^6
Changes your pet to look like a Mithaniel's Flawless Heart Lion.
ID: 69026^6
Summons a Mithaniel's Sisterheart Lion familiar.
ID: 69027^6
Changes your pet to look like a Mithaniel's Sisterheart Lion.
ID: 161921^43
You notice a tiny inscription on the repaired key. As you rub your finger over the carvings you feel a surge of power.
ID: 2071509^41
Teek's Tournament Bundle
ID: 2071512^41
Tormax's Tyrannical Bundle