dbstr Changes
54 updated strings (RED indicates old description, GREEN indicates new description):
ID: 87^6
Channels divine power through your hands, healing your target for between #1 and @1 damage, and then additional healing for up to %z.
Channels divine power through your hands, healing your target for #1 hitpoints.
ID: 121^6
Conjures a rain of lava over your target, causing between #1 and @1 damage every 3 seconds to creatures in the area. The rain will dissipate after damaging %T creatures or after %i seconds.
Conjures a rain of lava over your target, causing #1 damage every 3 seconds to creatures in the area. The rain will dissipate after damaging %T creatures or after %i seconds.
ID: 130^6
Encases the caster in a divine aura, rendering them invulnerable to all attacks for %z and healing between #4 and @4 hit points.
Encases the caster in a divine aura, rendering them invulnerable to all attacks for %z and healing #4 hit points.
ID: 409^6
Conjures a rain of spikes over your target, causing between #1 and @1 damage every 3 seconds to creatures in the area. The rain will dissipate after damaging %T creatures or after %i seconds.
Conjures a rain of spikes over your target, causing #1 damage every 3 seconds to creatures in the area. The rain will dissipate after damaging %T creatures or after %i seconds.
ID: 410^6
Conjures a rain of swords over your target, causing between #1 and @1 damage every 3 seconds to creatures in the area. The rain will dissipate after damaging %T creatures or after %i seconds.
Conjures a rain of swords over your target, causing #1 damage every 3 seconds to creatures in the area. The rain will dissipate after damaging %T creatures or after %i seconds.
ID: 703^6
Clashing notes that cause between #1 and @1 damage and lower the armor class of any nearby creature.
Clashing notes that cause #1 damage to any nearby creature that is not moving.
ID: 704^6
A great bellow that causes between #1 and @1 damage to your opponent and potentially interrupts their casting.
A great bellow that causes #1 damage to your opponent.
ID: 730^6
A screeching dissonance that causes between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby creatures and lowers their armor class.
A screeching dissonance that causes #1 damage to all nearby creatures and lowers their armor class by #2.
ID: 882^6
Causes your body to fall into an undead state, increasing your total health and strength initially, but slowing draining @1 health every 6 seconds for up to %z.
Causes your body to fall into an undead state, increasing your total health and strength initially, but slowly draining #1 health every 6 seconds for up to %z.
ID: 884^6
Causes your body to fall into an undead state, increasing your total health and strength initially, but slowly draining @1 health every 6 seconds for up to %z.
Causes your body to fall into an undead state, increasing your total health and strength initially, but slowly draining #1 health every 6 seconds for up to %z.
ID: 913^6
Drains your target of life energy, siphoning between #1 and @1 hit points.
Drains your target of life energy, siphoning #1 hit points from the target and heals for the same amount.
ID: 917^6
Engulfs your target in fire, causing between #1 and @1 damage.
Engulfs your target in fire, causing #1 damage.
ID: 922^6
Invokes a deafening shriek that will cause between #1 and @1 damage to your target.
Invokes a deafening shriek that will cause #1 damage to your target.
ID: 966^6
Engulfs your target in fire, causing between #1 and @1 damage.
Engulfs your target in fire, causing #1 damage.
ID: 968^6
Slashes your target with shards of ice, causing between #1 and @1 damage.
Slashes your target with shards of ice, causing #1 damage.
ID: 1104^6
Allows you to perfectly feign death and escape combat from NPCs that are @1 or fewer levels higher than you, allows your warder to escape combat from all NPCs, causes you and your warder to be the last possible target of rampage attacks from any current attacker, and triggers *$5%n.
Allows you to perfectly feign death and escape combat from NPCs that are @2 or fewer levels higher than you, allows your warder to escape combat from all NPCs, causes you and your warder to be the last possible target of rampage attacks from any current attacker, and triggers *$5%n.
ID: 1142^6
Summons pain from your target's soul, causing @2 damage and draining some of their mana.
Summons pain from your target's soul, causing #2 damage and draining #3 of their mana.
ID: 1219^4
This passive ability grants your healing and damaging spells a #1% chance to trigger a
Level #2 to #3 spells trigger *$1%N.
This passive ability grants your level #2 or higher healing and damaging spells a #1% chance to trigger *$1%N, which reduces the mana cost of your next spell to 1 point for *$1%Z.
ID: 1321^6
Holds your target in a malevolent grasp of decay, causing #3 damage every 6 seconds for up to %z.
Holds your target in a malevolent grasp of decay, causing #1 damage every 6 seconds while healing the caster for up to %z.
ID: 1435^4
This passive ability grants your healing and damaging spells a #1% chance to trigger a
Level #2 to #3 spells trigger *$1%N.
This passive ability grants your level #2 or higher healing and damaging spells a #1% chance to trigger *$1%N, which reduces the mana cost of your next spell to 1 point for *$1%Z.
ID: 1614^6
Freezes the flesh from your target's body, causing between #2 and @2 damage and temporarily transforming them into a skeleton.
Freezes the flesh on your target's body, causing #2 damage and temporarily transforming them into a skeleton. Can stun targets up to level @4 for up to #4 seconds.
ID: 1662^6
Conjures a blistering wind around your target, causing between #1 and @1 damage every 3 seconds to creatures in the area. The wind will dissipate after damaging %T creatures or after %i seconds.
Conjures a blistering wind around your target, causing #1 damage every 3 seconds to creatures in the area. The wind will dissipate after damaging %T creatures or after %i seconds.
ID: 1665^6
Creates a storm of mana around your target, causing #1 damage and consuming #2 mana every 3 seconds. The storm will dissipate after %i seconds or dealing damage %L times.
Creates a storm of mana around your target, causing #1 damage and consuming #2 mana every 3 seconds to %T targets. The storm will dissipate after %i seconds.
ID: 1719^6
Commands roots to take hold of your target, doing @1 damage, and preventing their movement for %z.
Commands roots to take hold of your target, doing #1 damage, and preventing their movement for %z.
ID: 1828^6
Strikes your target with burning acid, causing @2 damage initially and @1 every 6 seconds for up to %z.
Strikes your target with burning acid, causing #2 damage initially and #1 every 6 seconds for up to %z.
ID: 1926^6
Grips your target in the wrath of nature, causing @1 damage every 6 seconds for up to %z.
Grips your target in the wrath of nature, causing #1 damage every 6 seconds for up to %z.
ID: 1938^6
Consumes your target in shadows, slowing movement rate and causing between #1 and @1 damage every 6 seconds for up to %z.
Consumes your target in shadows, slowing movement rate and causing #1 damage every 6 seconds for up to %z.
ID: 2659^6
Increases your hit points by #1 every 6 seconds, as well as increasing your armor class and attack for up to %z,
Blood cakes your skin and increases your armor class for up to %z.
ID: 2672^6
Engulfs your target in flames, lowering fire resistance by #2 to @2 for up to %z.
Engulfs your target in flames, lowering fire resistance by #2 for up to %z.
ID: 2930^6
Drains your target of life energy, siphoning between #1 and @1 hit points.
Drains your target of life energy, siphoning #1 hit points.
ID: 3319^6
Conjures a storm of solar energy over your target, causing between #1 and @1 damage every 3 seconds to creatures in the area. The storm will dissipate after damaging %T creatures or after %i seconds.
Conjures a storm of solar energy over your target, causing #1 damage every 3 seconds to creatures in the area. The storm will dissipate after damaging %T creatures or after %i seconds.
ID: 3366^6
A great scream of torment that does between #1 and @1 damage to your opponent and potentially interrupts casting.
A great scream of torment that does #1 damage to your opponent and pushes them away from you.
ID: 3447^6
Commands roots to take hold of your target, doing #1 damage, and preventing their movement for %z.
Commands roots to take hold of your target, preventing their movement for %z.
ID: 3473^6
Causes the earth to tremble around you, causing between #1 and @1 damage to all nearby enemies.
Causes the earth to tremble around you, causing #1 damage to all nearby enemies.
ID: 3481^6
Strikes an enemy with holy might, briefly stunning them and causing between #2 and @2 damage. This spell works on creatures up to level @1.
Strikes an enemy with holy might, stunning them (up to level @1) for up to #1 seconds and causing #2 damage.
ID: 3617^6
Shadows drift across you, allowing your weapon to damage your enemies by #1 hit points.
Shadows drift across you, allowing your weapon to damage your enemies with *#11%N.
ID: 3702^6
Drains the life from your target, healing you for #5 hit points every six seconds for %z.
Drains the life from your target, doing @5 damage every six seconds for %z. #6% of the life-force taken is used to heal your wounds.
ID: 3928^6
Fills your opponent's veins with venom, causing between @3 and #3 damage every six seconds for up to %z.
Fills your opponent's veins with venom, causing #3 damage every six seconds for up to %z. #1 poison counters are added.
ID: 4186^6
Covers your opponent in crumbling earth, causing @1 damage and briefly stunning them. This effect works on creatures up to level 55.
Covers your opponent in crumbling earth, causing #1 damage and stunning creatures up to level @2 for up to #2 seconds.
ID: 4726^6
Burns your target with energy, causing @1 damage.
Burns your target with energy, causing #1 damage.
ID: 4958^6
Strikes your traget with the power of discord, causing @1 damage and briefly stunning your target. The stun portion of this effect works on creatures up to level 65.
Strikes your traget with the power of discord, causing #1 damage and briefly stunning targets up to level @2 for up to #2 seconds.
ID: 4959^6
Strikes your traget with the power of discord, causing @1 damage and briefly stunning your target. The stun portion of this effect works on creatures up to level 65.
Strikes your traget with the power of discord, causing #1 damage and briefly stunning targets up to level @2 for up to #2 seconds.
ID: 4975^6
Commands the madness of chaos to strike your target for @1 damage.
Commands the madness of chaos to strike your target for #1 damage.
ID: 5127^31
Everyone that logs in between 3/16/2023 and 4/20/2023 will be granted a Green Bycocket hat ornament. Additionally, all members who log in during the same time frame will be granted an Opal Stein Weapon Ornament, a Goblet of Adventure III, and a new title!
Everyone that logs in between 3/16/2023 and 4/20/2023 will be granted a Dashing Feathered Cap ornament. Additionally, all members who log in during the same time frame will be granted an Opal Stein Weapon Ornament, a Goblet of Adventure III, and a new title!
ID: 8105^6
Reduces the mana cost of your next level #3 or lower spell with a mana cost of at least #4 to 1 point of mana.
Reduces the mana cost of your next spell with a mana cost of at least #4 to 1 point of mana.
ID: 8221^4
*@%N, when activated, improves the resist modifier of your level *@#2 and lower spells by *@#1 to *@$1 points for *@%Z.
*@%N, when activated, improves the resist modifier of your spells by *@#1 to *@$1 points for *@%Z.
ID: 11839^6
Blasts your target with an unpredictable magical force. The force is most likely to manifest itself as either chaotic flame or a claw of ice, but there is also a chance your target will be struck by pure wildmagic. Pure wildmagic is especially damaging and difficult to resist.
Blasts your target with an unpredictable magical force. This force has a #1% chance to manifest as *$1%N, a #2% chance to manifest as *$2%N, or a #3% chance to manifest as *$3%N, which is especially damaging and difficult to resist.
ID: 11842^6
Blasts a target with pure wildmagic, dealing #1 magic damage. This spell can not be twincast.
ID: 15073^4
This passive ability allows your melee and damaging spells a chance to deal additional damage to creatures that you have mastered slaying once every 60 seconds.
This passive ability improves the base damage of your melee attacks and the power of your damaging and healing abilities by #1%.
ID: 15485^4
This passive ability grants your healing and damaging spells a #1% chance to trigger a
Level #3 to #4 spells trigger *$1%N.
This passive ability grants your level #3 or higher healing and damaging spells a #1% chance to trigger *$1%N on all group members within a *$1%J foot radius, which reduces the mana cost of their next spell to 1 point for *$1%Z.
ID: 16228^6
Improves the resist modifier of your level #2 and lower spells by #1 to $1 points.
Improves the resist modifier of your spells by #1 to $1 points.
ID: 32175^4
*@%N, when activated, strikes fear into the hearts of up to *@%T level *@@1 or lower creatures within a *@%J foot radius around your target, causing them to run away for *@%Z.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 13 minutes.
*@%N, when activated, seizes up to *@%T creatures *@@1 level below your current level within a *@%J foot radius around your target, leaving them unable to react for *@#1 seconds.
ID: 32180^4
*@%N, when activated, seizes up to *@%T level *@@1 or lower creatures within a *@%J foot radius around your target, leaving them unable to react for *@#1 seconds.
*@%N, when activated, seizes up to *@%T creatures *@@1 level below your current level within a *@%J foot radius around your target, leaving them unable to react for *@#1 seconds.
Reduces the reuse time of this ability by 13 minutes.
ID: 109729^43
Play a heroic tune from long ago.
Play a legendary ballad from long ago.
56 new strings found:
ID: 1^39
ID: 2^39
ID: 3^39
ID: 4^39
ID: 5^39
ID: 6^39
ID: 7^39
ID: 8^39
ID: 9^39
ID: 807^39
This spell will only work on orcs.
ID: 808^39
This spell will only work on goblins.
ID: 809^39
This spell will only work on ogres.
ID: 2048^6
Explodes with immense force in an area around it, inflicting #13 damage to enemies within its area of effect, as well as stunning them for #11 seconds and blinding them.
ID: 31736^6
Summons a Brownie familiar.
ID: 31737^6
Changes your pet to look like a Brownie.
ID: 31908^28
Wind the Music Box: Ballad of Legends
ID: 49422^6
Complete Inebriation.
ID: 51456^6
Seizes up to %T creatures @1 level below your current level within a %J foot radius around your target, leaving them unable to react for #1 seconds.
ID: 54989^6
Creates a barrier around you that absorbs #21 points of damage. Once all of the damage is absorbed, casts *#22%n. If struck by %l melee or spell attacks, casts *#23%n.
ID: 54990^6
Creates a damage shield that strikes the attackers for #21, then casts *#22%n. If the this buff is dispelled or cured, casts *#23%n on the dispeller. If you take more than $24 damage from a spell, casts *#24%n.
ID: 54991^6
Creates a damage shield that strikes the attackers for #21. If this spell is removed by any method, casts *#22%n. If struck by %l melee attacks, casts *#23%n.
ID: 54997^6
Grants #1% chance to resist {44}#4 damage spells.
ID: 54998^6
Grants #1% immunity for spell *#4%n.
ID: 54999^6
Grants #1% chance to resist incomming snare spells.
ID: 58459^6
Pry open the Koada'Dal Heritage Crate! What interesting items might it hold?
ID: 58460^6
Summons a Gale Wolf familiar.
ID: 58461^6
Changes your pet to look like a Gale Wolf.
ID: 58462^6
Summons a Rolling Plains Steed familiar.
ID: 58463^6
Changes your pet to look like a Rolling Plains Steed.
ID: 58464^6
Summons a Grove Tiger familiar.
ID: 58465^6
Changes your pet to look like a Grove Tiger.
ID: 58466^6
Summons a Firiona Drixie.
ID: 58467^6
Changes your pet to look like a Firiona Drixie.
ID: 58468^6
Summons a Dejected Forest Spirit.
ID: 58469^6
Changes your pet to look like a Dejected Forest Spirit.
ID: 58470^6
Summons a Regal Tree Squirrel mount for you to ride.
ID: 58471^6
Opens a mystical portal that teleports you to the winding tunnels of The Warrens.
ID: 58472^6
Opens a mystical portal that teleports you outside the Vasty Deep Inn in Erudin.
ID: 58473^6
Opens a mystical portal that teleports you to the Abattoir in Paineel.
ID: 58474^6
Opens a mystical portal that teleports you to a library in The Ruins of Old Paineel.
ID: 58475^6
Opens a mystical portal that teleports you to the western dock of Toxxulia Forest.
ID: 58476^6
Opens a mystical portal that teleports you outside the town of Kejek in the Stonebrunt Mountains.
ID: 58477^6
Cloaks you in a shimmering illusion that makes you appear to be an Enchanted Armor Guardian.
ID: 58478^6
Cloaks you in a shimmering illusion that makes you appear to be an Enchanted Armor Guardian.
ID: 58479^6
Pierces the veil that may hide corrupted magic.
ID: 67486^43
Changes your pet to a brownie if your pet is available. Otherwise, it summons a brownie familiar.
ID: 109558^46
Whispering Selenelion Acolyte's Combatant
ID: 109560^46
Whispering Selenelion Acolyte's Skill
ID: 109562^46
Whispering Selenelion Acolyte's Defense
ID: 109564^46
Whispering Selenelion Acolyte's Casting
ID: 109566^46
Whispering Selenelion Acolyte's Warding
ID: 109569^46
Whispering Selenelion Devotee's Combatant
ID: 109571^46
Whispering Selenelion Devotee's Skill
ID: 109573^46
Whispering Selenelion Devotee's Defense
ID: 109575^46
Whispering Selenelion Devotee's Casting
ID: 109577^46
Whispering Selenelion Devotee's Warding