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Spell Changes for September 26, 2013

Test Server Data

Dire Charm I:
       - Spell Icon changed from '' to ''

Reclamation of Mana:
       - Beta Only changed from '' to 'Beta Only'
       - Cast Out of Combat Restriction changed from '' to 'Out of Combat'
       - Cast in Combat Restriction changed from '' to 'In Combat'
       - Cast in Fast Regen Restriction changed from '' to 'In Fast Regen'

Spirit of Vaxztn Rk. II:
       - Target changed from 'Pet' to 'Pet, Restriction: UNKNOWN 255'
       - Group id changed from '2208' to '2255'
       - Max Targets changed from '0' to '255'
       - Persist After Death changed from 'No' to 'Yes'

Death Bloom I:
       - Description changed from 'Converts 4000 health into 2400 mana per tick for up to 42s (7 Ticks).' to 'Converts 4000 health into 2400 mana per tick for up to 42s (7 Ticks). Leaves a residue upon you when it falls off.'

Quiet Prayer I:
       - Slot 3 changed from '' to 'Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (10)'
       - Slot 4 changed from '' to 'Cast: '
       - Duration changed from '0' to '1'

Bosquestalker's Discipline:
       - Endurance Upkeep changed from '27 / second' to '18 / second'
       - Slot 1 changed from 'Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 1137' to 'Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 4999'
       - Slot 2 changed from 'Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 1137' to 'Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 4999'
       - Slot 3 changed from 'Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 1842' to 'Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 8098'
       - Slot 4 changed from 'Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 1842' to 'Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 8098'
       - Slot 5 changed from 'Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 1137' to 'Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 4999'
       - Slot 6 changed from 'Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 1842' to 'Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 8098'
       - Duration changed from '20' to '30'

Bosquestalker's Discipline Rk. II:
       - Endurance Upkeep changed from '28 / second' to '19 / second'
       - Slot 1 changed from 'Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 1194' to 'Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 5249'
       - Slot 2 changed from 'Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 1194' to 'Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 5249'
       - Slot 3 changed from 'Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 1934' to 'Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 8503'
       - Slot 4 changed from 'Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 1934' to 'Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 8503'
       - Slot 5 changed from 'Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 1194' to 'Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 5249'
       - Slot 6 changed from 'Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 1934' to 'Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 8503'
       - Duration changed from '20' to '30'

Bosquestalker's Discipline Rk. III:
       - Endurance Upkeep changed from '29 / second' to '20 / second'
       - Slot 1 changed from 'Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 1254' to 'Increase 1H Blunt Damage Bonus by 5511'
       - Slot 2 changed from 'Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 1254' to 'Increase 1H Slash Damage Bonus by 5511'
       - Slot 3 changed from 'Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 2031' to 'Increase 2H Blunt Damage Bonus by 8928'
       - Slot 4 changed from 'Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 2031' to 'Increase 2H Slash Damage Bonus by 8928'
       - Slot 5 changed from 'Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 1254' to 'Increase 1H Pierce Damage Bonus by 5511'
       - Slot 6 changed from 'Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 2031' to 'Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 8928'
       - Duration changed from '20' to '30'

       - Spell Type changed from 'Detrimental - Resist: Physical -28' to 'Detrimental - Resist: Physical -128'

Beset Rk. II:
       - Spell Type changed from 'Detrimental - Resist: Physical -34' to 'Detrimental - Resist: Physical -134'

Beset Rk. III:
       - Spell Type changed from 'Detrimental - Resist: Physical -40' to 'Detrimental - Resist: Physical -140'

Jugular Lacerate:
       - Spell Type changed from 'Detrimental - Resist: Physical -28' to 'Detrimental - Resist: Physical -128'

Jugular Lacerate Rk. II:
       - Spell Type changed from 'Detrimental - Resist: Physical -34' to 'Detrimental - Resist: Physical -134'

Jugular Lacerate Rk. III:
       - Spell Type changed from 'Detrimental - Resist: Physical -40' to 'Detrimental - Resist: Physical -140'

       - Spell Type changed from 'Detrimental - Resist: Physical -28' to 'Detrimental - Resist: Physical -128'

Gash Rk. II:
       - Spell Type changed from 'Detrimental - Resist: Physical -34' to 'Detrimental - Resist: Physical -134'

Gash Rk. III:
       - Spell Type changed from 'Detrimental - Resist: Physical -40' to 'Detrimental - Resist: Physical -140'

Pinpoint Deficiencies:
       - Spell Type changed from 'Detrimental - Resist: Physical -28' to 'Detrimental - Resist: Physical -128'

Pinpoint Deficiencies Rk. II:
       - Spell Type changed from 'Detrimental - Resist: Physical -34' to 'Detrimental - Resist: Physical -134'

Pinpoint Deficiencies Rk. III:
       - Spell Type changed from 'Detrimental - Resist: Physical -40' to 'Detrimental - Resist: Physical -140'

Smokecloud Effect:
       - Spell Type changed from 'Detrimental - Resist: Physical -28' to 'Detrimental - Resist: Physical -128'

Smokecloud Effect II:
       - Spell Type changed from 'Detrimental - Resist: Physical -34' to 'Detrimental - Resist: Physical -134'

Smokecloud Effect III:
       - Spell Type changed from 'Detrimental - Resist: Physical -40' to 'Detrimental - Resist: Physical -140'

Executioner Discipline:
       - Slot 1 changed from 'Increase Hit Damage by 168%' to 'Increase Hit Damage by 180%'
       - Slot 2 changed from 'Increase Min Hit Damage by 603%' to 'Increase Min Hit Damage by 669%'

Executioner Discipline Rk. II:
       - Slot 1 changed from 'Increase Hit Damage by 171%' to 'Increase Hit Damage by 184%'
       - Slot 2 changed from 'Increase Min Hit Damage by 615%' to 'Increase Min Hit Damage by 682%'

Executioner Discipline Rk. III:
       - Slot 1 changed from 'Increase Hit Damage by 174%' to 'Increase Hit Damage by 188%'
       - Slot 2 changed from 'Increase Min Hit Damage by 627%' to 'Increase Min Hit Damage by 696%'

Ethereal Salvo:
       - Slot 1 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 22874 if Not Raid Boss' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 22874'
       - Slot 3 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 28593 if Raid Boss' to ''
       - Description changed from 'Evokes a potent magical barrage to strike your target, inflicting up to 22874 damage and stunning creatures up to level 100. This spell gains strength against extremely powerful foes.' to 'Evokes a potent magical barrage to strike your target, inflicting up to 22874 damage and stunning creatures up to level 100.'

Ethereal Salvo Rk. II:
       - Slot 1 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 24018 if Not Raid Boss' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 24018'
       - Slot 3 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 30023 if Raid Boss' to ''
       - Description changed from 'Evokes a potent magical barrage to strike your target, inflicting up to 24018 damage and stunning creatures up to level 100. This spell gains strength against extremely powerful foes.' to 'Evokes a potent magical barrage to strike your target, inflicting up to 24018 damage and stunning creatures up to level 100.'

Ethereal Salvo Rk. III:
       - Slot 1 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 25579 if Not Raid Boss' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 25579'
       - Slot 3 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 31524 if Raid Boss' to ''
       - Description changed from 'Evokes a potent magical barrage to strike your target, inflicting up to 25579 damage and stunning creatures up to level 100. This spell gains strength against extremely powerful foes.' to 'Evokes a potent magical barrage to strike your target, inflicting up to 25579 damage and stunning creatures up to level 100.'

Ethereal Hoarfrost:
       - Slot 1 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 23156 if Not Raid Boss' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 23156'
       - Slot 2 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 28949 if Raid Boss' to ''
       - Description changed from 'Summons the pure energy of ethereal ice to strike your target, causing 23156 damage. This spell gains strength against extremely powerful foes.' to 'Summons the pure energy of ethereal ice to strike your target, causing 23156 damage.'

Ethereal Hoarfrost Rk. II:
       - Slot 1 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 24314 if Not Raid Boss' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 24314'
       - Slot 2 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 30396 if Raid Boss' to ''
       - Description changed from 'Summons the pure energy of ethereal ice to strike your target, causing 24314 damage. This spell gains strength against extremely powerful foes.' to 'Summons the pure energy of ethereal ice to strike your target, causing 24314 damage.'

Ethereal Hoarfrost Rk. III:
       - Slot 1 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 25894 if Not Raid Boss' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 25894'
       - Slot 2 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 31916 if Raid Boss' to ''
       - Description changed from 'Summons the pure energy of ethereal ice to strike your target, causing 25894 damage. This spell gains strength against extremely powerful foes.' to 'Summons the pure energy of ethereal ice to strike your target, causing 25894 damage.'

Ethereal Incandescence:
       - Slot 1 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 25747 if Not Raid Boss' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 25747'
       - Slot 2 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 32183 if Raid Boss' to ''
       - Description changed from 'Summons the pure energy of ethereal fire to strike your target, causing 25747 damage. This spell gains strength against extremely powerful foes.' to 'Summons the pure energy of ethereal fire to strike your target, causing 25747 damage.'

Ethereal Incandescence Rk. II:
       - Slot 1 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 27034 if Not Raid Boss' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 27034'
       - Slot 2 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 33792 if Raid Boss' to ''
       - Description changed from 'Summons the pure energy of ethereal fire to strike your target, causing 27034 damage. This spell gains strength against extremely powerful foes.' to 'Summons the pure energy of ethereal fire to strike your target, causing 27034 damage.'

Ethereal Incandescence Rk. III:
       - Slot 1 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 28791 if Not Raid Boss' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 28791'
       - Slot 2 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 35482 if Raid Boss' to ''
       - Description changed from 'Summons the pure energy of ethereal fire to strike your target, causing 28791 damage. This spell gains strength against extremely powerful foes.' to 'Summons the pure energy of ethereal fire to strike your target, causing 28791 damage.'

Salvo of Many:
       - Slot 5 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 11781 if At Least 15 Pets On Hatelist' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 9785 if At Least 15 Pets On Hatelist'

Salvo of Many Rk. II:
       - Slot 5 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 12370 if At Least 15 Pets On Hatelist' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 10273 if At Least 15 Pets On Hatelist'

Salvo of Many Rk. III:
       - Slot 5 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 12989 if At Least 15 Pets On Hatelist' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 10787 if At Least 15 Pets On Hatelist'

Brutal Discipline:
       - Slot 2 changed from 'Increase Min Hit Damage by 612%' to 'Increase Min Hit Damage by 595%'

Brutal Discipline Rk. II:
       - Slot 2 changed from 'Increase Min Hit Damage by 627%' to 'Increase Min Hit Damage by 610%'

Brutal Discipline Rk. III:
       - Slot 2 changed from 'Increase Min Hit Damage by 643%' to 'Increase Min Hit Damage by 625%'

Reflected Viciousness:
       - Slot 4 changed from 'Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 745' to 'Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 414'

Reflected Viciousness II:
       - Slot 4 changed from 'Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 752' to 'Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 424'

Reflected Viciousness III:
       - Slot 4 changed from 'Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 760' to 'Increase 2H Pierce Damage Bonus by 435'

Withering Shade:
       - Slot 5 changed from '' to 'Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is Invulnerability and less than 1000'
       - Slot 6 changed from '' to 'Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is Invulnerability and less than 1000'
       - Slot 7 changed from '' to 'Stacking: Block new spell if slot 3 is Invulnerability and less than 1000'
       - Slot 8 changed from '' to 'Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is UNKNOWN SPELL EFFECT and less than 1000'
       - Slot 9 changed from '' to 'Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is UNKNOWN SPELL EFFECT and less than 1000'
       - Slot 10 changed from '' to 'Stacking: Block new spell if slot 3 is UNKNOWN SPELL EFFECT and less than 1000'
       - Slot 11 changed from '' to 'Stacking: Block new spell if slot 4 is UNKNOWN SPELL EFFECT and less than 1000'

       - Slot 1 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 2000000' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 5000000'

Nature's Reprieve III:
       - Slot 3 changed from 'Increase Current Hit Points by 10000' to 'Increase Current Hit Points by 20000'
       - Slot 7 changed from 'Increase Current Hit Points by 5000 per tick' to 'Increase Current Hit Points by 10000 per tick'

Quiet Prayer II:
       - Slot 3 changed from '' to 'Stacking: Delayed Heal Marker (10)'
       - Slot 4 changed from '' to 'Cast: '
       - Duration changed from '0' to '1'

Scent of Thule X:
       - Slot 2 changed from 'Decrease Fire Resist by 56' to 'Decrease Fire Resist by 85'
       - Slot 3 changed from 'Decrease Poison Resist by 56' to 'Decrease Poison Resist by 85'
       - Slot 4 changed from 'Decrease Disease Resist by 56' to 'Decrease Disease Resist by 85'

       - Slot 2 changed from 'Decrease Movement Speed by 60%' to 'Cap Hit Points at lowest of 50% or 50000'
       - Slot 3 changed from 'Decrease Melee Haste by 50%' to 'Cap Mana at lowest of 50% or 50000'
       - Slot 4 changed from 'Cap Hit Points at lowest of 50% or 50000' to 'Cap Endurance at lowest of 50% or 50000'
       - Slot 5 changed from 'Cap Mana at lowest of 50% or 50000' to 'Cast on Duration Fade: Death'
       - Slot 6 changed from 'Cap Endurance at lowest of 50% or 50000' to 'Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is Invulnerability and less than 1000'
       - Slot 7 changed from 'Cast on Duration Fade: Death' to 'Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is Invulnerability and less than 1000'
       - Slot 8 changed from '' to 'Stacking: Block new spell if slot 3 is Invulnerability and less than 1000'
       - Slot 9 changed from '' to 'Stacking: Block new spell if slot 1 is UNKNOWN SPELL EFFECT and less than 1000'
       - Slot 10 changed from '' to 'Stacking: Block new spell if slot 2 is UNKNOWN SPELL EFFECT and less than 1000'
       - Slot 11 changed from '' to 'Stacking: Block new spell if slot 3 is UNKNOWN SPELL EFFECT and less than 1000'
       - Slot 12 changed from '' to 'Stacking: Block new spell if slot 4 is UNKNOWN SPELL EFFECT and less than 1000'

       - Slot 1 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 1000000' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 5000000'

Scalding Oil:
       - Spell Range changed from '0' to '400'

Bottled Fire:
       - Slot 1 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 3000' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 20000'
       - Spell Range changed from '0' to '400'

Stunny Honey:
       - Slot 1 changed from 'Stun for 5s' to 'Stun for 5s up to level 150'
       - Spell Range changed from '0' to '400'

       - Slot 1 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 3000 per tick' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 10000 per tick'

       - Slot 1 changed from 'Intoxicate if Alcohol Tolerance is less than 2' to 'Intoxicate if Alcohol Tolerance is less than 1000'
       - Land on Self Message changed from 'Go home, you're drunk.' to 'You're completely drunk.'
       - Wear Off Message changed from 'You're sober. Hooray?' to ''
       - Description changed from 'Being cloned' to 'Go home, you're drunk.'

Honey Shot:
       - Slot 1 changed from 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 1000' to 'Decrease Current Hit Points by 1500'

Ethernere Travel:
       - Description changed from '' to 'Transports you to the Plane of Knowledge using the power of the Ethernere.'

Activate Artifact:
       - Description changed from '' to 'The artifact seems to react to the various types of stone found in the Dead Hills.'

Pickaxe Swing:
       - Description changed from '' to 'You swing the pickaxe as hard as you possibly can.'

Pack Hunt X:
       - Slot 1 changed from 'Summon Pet: packhunt9 x 5 for 120s' to 'Summon Pet: packhunt10 x 5 for 120s'

Pack Hunt XI:
       - Slot 1 changed from 'Summon Pet: packhunt9 x 5 for 120s' to 'Summon Pet: packhunt11 x 5 for 120s'

Pack Hunt XII:
       - Slot 1 changed from 'Summon Pet: packhunt9 x 5 for 120s' to 'Summon Pet: packhunt12 x 5 for 120s'

Bulwark of the Brownies Jolt I:
       - Description changed from '' to 'Reduces hate by 5000'

New Spell - Ethereal Flames

New Spell - Molten Anathema Fire

New Spell - Summon Ruishi

New Spell - Lava Burns

New Spell - Cloak of the Doomscale Ritualist

New Spell - Cloak of the Doomscale Ritualist

New Spell - Jack Bomb

New Spell - Flammable Cloak

New Spell - Tirun Rush

New Spell - Ethereal Doom

New Spell - Ethereal Death

New Spell - Companion's Blessing XIX (Azia)

New Spell - Companion's Blessing XX (Azia)

New Spell - Companion's Blessing XXI (Azia)

New Spell - Companion's Blessing XIX (Beza)

New Spell - Companion's Blessing XIX (Caza)

New Spell - Companion's Blessing XIX (Dena)

New Spell - Companion's Blessing XX (Beza)

New Spell - Companion's Blessing XX (Caza)

New Spell - Companion's Blessing XX (Dena)

New Spell - Companion's Blessing XXI (Beza)

New Spell - Companion's Blessing XXI (Caza)

New Spell - Companion's Blessing XXI (Dena)

New Spell - Brace For Impact IV

New Spell - Impact Guard IV

New Spell - Brace For Impact V

New Spell - Impact Guard V

New Spell - Brace For Impact VI

New Spell - Impact Guard VI

New Spell - Imperator's Command III

New Spell - Imperator's Command IV

New Spell - Thaumaturge's Focus XIX

New Spell - Knee Strike VI

New Spell - Knee Strike VII

New Spell - Knee Strike VIII

New Spell - Blast of Anger X

New Spell - Heroic Blade II

New Spell - Blade Guardian IV

New Spell - Blade Guardian V

New Spell - Blade Guardian VI

New Spell - Blade Whirl IV

New Spell - Blade Whirl V

New Spell - Blade Whirl VI

New Spell - Armor of the Inquisitor XIX

New Spell - Armor of the Inquisitor XX

New Spell - Armor of the Inquisitor XXI

New Spell - Beacon of the Righteous V

New Spell - Disruptive Persecution V

New Spell - Helix of the Undying II

New Spell - Inquisitor's Judgment XVI

New Spell - Inquisitor's Judgment XVII

New Spell - Inquisitor's Judgment XVIII

New Spell - Inquisitor's Judgment Strike XVI

New Spell - Inquisitor's Judgment Strike XVII

New Spell - Inquisitor's Judgment Strike XVIII

New Spell - Lay on Hands XXVII

New Spell - Valorous Rage X

New Spell - Entombing Darkness II

New Spell - Chattering Bones X

New Spell - Chattering Bones XI

New Spell - Chattering Bones XII

New Spell - Harm Touch XXIV

New Spell - Scourge Skin II

New Spell - Valorous Rage XI

New Spell - Valorous Rage XII

New Spell - Thunder of Karana III

New Spell - Soul Flay IV

New Spell - Soul Flay V

New Spell - Soul Flay VI

New Spell - Thought Leech IV

New Spell - Vicious Bite of Chaos V

New Spell - Vicious Bite of Chaos Recourse V

New Spell - Voice of Thule III

New Spell - Auspice of the Hunter XIX

New Spell - Auspice of the Hunter XX

New Spell - Auspice of the Hunter XXI

New Spell - Guardian of the Forest XXIV

New Spell - Guardian of the Forest XXV

New Spell - Guardian of the Forest XXVI

New Spell - Ferocious Kick I

New Spell - Ferocious Kick II

New Spell - Ferocious Kick III

New Spell - Stinging Blade

New Spell - Wing Bash

New Spell - Pollen Cloud

New Spell - Chaotic Rune

New Spell - Chaotic Feedback

New Spell - Spinning Blade

New Spell - Tranquil Slumber

New Spell - Hush

New Spell - Mind Sap

New Spell - Venomous Sting

New Spell - Venomous Sting

New Spell - Hive Mind

New Spell - Dispelling Drum Beat

New Spell - Irregular Drum Beat

New Spell - Soft Drum Beat

New Spell - Strong Drum Beat

New Spell - Stun

New Spell - Weakness

New Spell - Dispel

New Spell - Stinging Blade

New Spell - Wing Bash

New Spell - Spinning Blade

New Spell - Hush

New Spell - Mind Sap

New Spell - Venomous Sting

New Spell - Venomous Sting

New Spell - Toxic Blast

New Spell - Festering Pustules

New Spell - Breath of Xulous Prime

New Spell - Decaying Flesh

New Spell - Infected Bite

New Spell - Counteract Disease

New Spell - Trapped

New Spell - Drum Beat: Fervor

New Spell - Drum Beat: Emboldened

New Spell - Drum Beat: Repercussion

New Spell - Drum Beat: Big Finale

New Spell - Illusion: Dark Elf

New Spell - Revenge

New Spell - Revenge

New Spell - Unconsciousness

New Spell - Festering Pustules

New Spell - Living Dead

New Spell - Toxic Blast

New Spell - Breath of Xulous Prime

New Spell - Decaying Flesh

New Spell - Belching Potion

New Spell - Happier You

New Spell - Poisoned

New Spell - Use Ability

New Spell - Divining Light

New Spell - Suspicion

New Spell - Whispers

New Spell - Ascending Consciousness

New Spell - Use Ability

New Spell - Cold Shock

New Spell - Sonic Shock

New Spell - Zap

New Spell - Pet Illusion: Tirun

New Spell - Familiar: Tirun

New Spell - Ethernere Wurm

New Spell - Ethernere Wurm

New Spell - Bone Decay

New Spell - Death's Reflection

New Spell - Honey-Tipped Arrow

New Spell - Creeping Moss

New Spell - Hold the Tree Line

New Spell - Explosive Reaction

New Spell - Avenge Crellith

New Spell - Avenge Jorelia

New Spell - Warden's Bladework

New Spell - Avenging Leap

New Spell - Lost Shipment

New Spell - Expedited Delivery

New Spell - Merc Proc Test

New Spell - Cold Jolt

New Spell - Sonic Jolt

New Spell - Death's Echo

New Spell - Cartilage Decay

New Spell - Explosive Response

New Spell - Jolt

New Spell - Meditate

New Spell - Special Sight

New Spell - Earthen Anathema

New Spell - Molten Anathema

New Spell - Honey Arrow

New Spell - No Time to Bleed

New Spell - No Time to Bleed Rk. II

New Spell - No Time to Bleed Rk. III

New Spell - No Time to Bleed Effect

New Spell - No Time to Bleed Effect II

New Spell - No Time to Bleed Effect III

New Spell - Last Stand Discipline

New Spell - Last Stand Discipline Rk. II

New Spell - Last Stand Discipline Rk. III

New Spell - Last Stand Effect

New Spell - Last Stand Effect II

New Spell - Last Stand Effect III

New Spell - Phantom Aggressor

New Spell - Phantom Aggressor Rk. II

New Spell - Phantom Aggressor Rk. III

New Spell - Phantom Aggressor Attack

New Spell - Phantom Aggressor Attack II

New Spell - Phantom Aggressor Attack III

New Spell - Anticipated Interposition

New Spell - Anticipated Interposition Rk. II

New Spell - Anticipated Interposition Rk. III

New Spell - Anticipated Healing

New Spell - Anticipated Healing II

New Spell - Anticipated Healing III

New Spell - Syllable of Renewal

New Spell - Syllable of Renewal Rk. II

New Spell - Syllable of Renewal Rk. III

New Spell - Aura of Divinity

New Spell - Aura of Divinity Rk. II

New Spell - Aura of Divinity Rk. III

New Spell - Aura of Divinity Effect

New Spell - Aura of Divinity Effect II

New Spell - Aura of Divinity Effect III

New Spell - Doctrine of Abrogation

New Spell - Doctrine of Abrogation Rk. II

New Spell - Doctrine of Abrogation Rk. III

New Spell - Valiant Deflection

New Spell - Valiant Deflection Rk. II

New Spell - Valiant Deflection Rk. III

New Spell - Valiant Healing

New Spell - Valiant Healing II

New Spell - Valiant Healing III

New Spell - Force of Abrogation

New Spell - Force of Abrogation Rk. II

New Spell - Force of Abrogation Rk. III

New Spell - Storm of Blades

New Spell - Storm of Blades Rk. II

New Spell - Storm of Blades Rk. III

New Spell - Focused Storm of Blades

New Spell - Focused Storm of Blades Rk. II

New Spell - Focused Storm of Blades Rk. III

New Spell - Bosquetender's Unity

New Spell - Bosquetender's Unity Rk. II

New Spell - Bosquetender's Unity Rk. III

New Spell - Shout of the Bosquestalker

New Spell - Shout of the Bosquestalker Rk. II

New Spell - Shout of the Bosquestalker Rk. III

New Spell - Mental Terror

New Spell - Mental Terror Rk. II

New Spell - Mental Terror Rk. III

New Spell - Mental Terror Strike

New Spell - Mental Terror Strike II

New Spell - Mental Terror Strike III

New Spell - Mental Terror Recourse

New Spell - Mental Terror Recourse II

New Spell - Mental Terror Recourse III

New Spell - Insidious Deflection

New Spell - Insidious Deflection Rk. II

New Spell - Insidious Deflection Rk. III

New Spell - Torrent of Agony

New Spell - Torrent of Agony Rk. II

New Spell - Torrent of Agony Rk. III

New Spell - Torrent of Agony Recourse

New Spell - Torrent of Agony Recourse II

New Spell - Torrent of Agony Recourse III

New Spell - Pillar of Ro

New Spell - Pillar of Ro Rk. II

New Spell - Pillar of Ro Rk. III

New Spell - Remote Moonfire

New Spell - Remote Moonfire Rk. II

New Spell - Remote Moonfire Rk. III

New Spell - Moonfire Enervation

New Spell - Moonfire Enervation II

New Spell - Moonfire Enervation III

New Spell - Natural Unity

New Spell - Natural Unity Rk. II

New Spell - Natural Unity Rk. III

New Spell - Ring of West Karana

New Spell - Circle of West Karana

New Spell - Zephyr: West Karana

New Spell - Thread of Travel

New Spell - Sting of the Wasp

New Spell - Sting of the Wasp Rk. II

New Spell - Sting of the Wasp Rk. III

New Spell - Reflex

New Spell - Reflex Rk. II

New Spell - Reflex Rk. III

New Spell - Reflex Recourse

New Spell - Reflex Recourse II

New Spell - Reflex Recourse III

New Spell - Phantom Partisan

New Spell - Phantom Partisan Rk. II

New Spell - Phantom Partisan Rk. III

New Spell - Phantom Kick

New Spell - Phantom Kick II

New Spell - Phantom Kick III

New Spell - Phantom Illusion

New Spell - War Chorus of Protan

New Spell - War Chorus of Protan Rk. II

New Spell - War Chorus of Protan Rk. III

New Spell - Psalm of the Forsaken

New Spell - Psalm of the Forsaken Rk. II

New Spell - Psalm of the Forsaken Rk. III

New Spell - Brusco's Burning Call

New Spell - Brusco's Burning Call Rk. II

New Spell - Brusco's Burning Call Rk. III

New Spell - Thief's Vision

New Spell - Thief's Vision Rk. II

New Spell - Thief's Vision Rk. III

New Spell - Knifeplay Discipline

New Spell - Knifeplay Discipline Rk. II

New Spell - Knifeplay Discipline Rk. III

New Spell - Phantom Assassin

New Spell - Phantom Assassin Rk. II

New Spell - Phantom Assassin Rk. III

New Spell - Phantom Assassination

New Spell - Phantom Assassination II

New Spell - Phantom Assassination III

New Spell - Putrescent Decay

New Spell - Putrescent Decay Rk. II

New Spell - Putrescent Decay Rk. III

New Spell - Spirit Bolstering

New Spell - Spirit Bolstering Rk. II

New Spell - Spirit Bolstering Rk. III

New Spell - Spiritual Surge

New Spell - Spiritual Surge Rk. II

New Spell - Spiritual Surge Rk. III

New Spell - Shield of Fate

New Spell - Shield of Fate Rk. II

New Spell - Shield of Fate Rk. III

New Spell - Pact of Fate

New Spell - Pact of Fate Rk. II

New Spell - Pact of Fate Rk. III

New Spell - Pact of Fate Recourse

New Spell - Pact of Fate Recourse II

New Spell - Pact of Fate Recourse III

New Spell - Soulrip

New Spell - Soulrip Rk. II

New Spell - Soulrip Rk. III

New Spell - Dark Leech

New Spell - Dark Leech Rk. II

New Spell - Dark Leech Rk. III

New Spell - Dark Leech Recourse

New Spell - Dark Leech Recourse II

New Spell - Dark Leech Recourse III

New Spell - Depart

New Spell - Depart Rk. II

New Spell - Depart Rk. III

New Spell - Sanctum

New Spell - Sanctum II

New Spell - Sanctum III

New Spell - Permeating Blaze

New Spell - Permeating Blaze Rk. II

New Spell - Permeating Blaze Rk. III

New Spell - Blazing Infiltration

New Spell - Permeating Ice

New Spell - Permeating Ice Rk. II

New Spell - Permeating Ice Rk. III

New Spell - Icy Infiltration

New Spell - Splash of Pyroxene

New Spell - Splash of Pyroxene Rk. II

New Spell - Splash of Pyroxene Rk. III

New Spell - West Karana Gate

New Spell - West Karana Portal

New Spell - Translocate: West Karana

New Spell - Maloseniac Eminence

New Spell - Maloseniac Eminence Rk. II

New Spell - Maloseniac Eminence Rk. III

New Spell - Eminent Strike

New Spell - Eminent Strike II

New Spell - Eminent Strike III

New Spell - Iron Bolt

New Spell - Iron Bolt Rk. II

New Spell - Iron Bolt Rk. III

New Spell - Remote Relentless Servant

New Spell - Remote Relentless Servant Rk. II

New Spell - Remote Relentless Servant Rk. III

New Spell - Mental Appropriation

New Spell - Mental Appropriation Rk. II

New Spell - Mental Appropriation Rk. III

New Spell - Mental Reappropriation

New Spell - Mental Reappropriation II

New Spell - Mental Reappropriation III

New Spell - Aegis of the Keeper

New Spell - Aegis of the Keeper Rk. II

New Spell - Aegis of the Keeper Rk. III

New Spell - Legion of the Keeper

New Spell - Legion of the Keeper Rk. II

New Spell - Legion of the Keeper Rk. III

New Spell - Focused Clamor of Claws

New Spell - Focused Clamor of Claws Rk. II

New Spell - Focused Clamor of Claws Rk. III

New Spell - Monkey's Spirit Discipline

New Spell - Monkey's Spirit Discipline Rk. II

New Spell - Monkey's Spirit Discipline Rk. III

New Spell - Spiritual Unity

New Spell - Spiritual Unity Rk. II

New Spell - Spiritual Unity Rk. III

New Spell - Open Wound

New Spell - Open Wound Rk. II

New Spell - Open Wound Rk. III

New Spell - Open Wound Effect

New Spell - Open Wound Effect II

New Spell - Open Wound Effect III

New Spell - Festering Rage

New Spell - Festering Rage Rk. II

New Spell - Festering Rage Rk. III

New Spell - Festering Rage Effect

New Spell - Festering Rage Effect II

New Spell - Festering Rage Effect III

New Spell - Festering Rage Strike

New Spell - Festering Rage Strike II

New Spell - Festering Rage Strike III

New Spell - Phantom Assailant

New Spell - Phantom Assailant Rk. II

New Spell - Phantom Assailant Rk. III

New Spell - Phantom Assailant Strike

New Spell - Phantom Assailant Strike II

New Spell - Phantom Assailant Strike III

New Spell - Outrider's Accuracy XVII

New Spell - Outrider's Accuracy XVIII

New Spell - Outrider's Accuracy XIX

New Spell - Bulwark of the Brownies I

New Spell - Divine Guardian Spirit V

New Spell - Guardian's Grace V

New Spell - Flurry of Life IV

New Spell - Turn Undead XIII

New Spell - Turn Undead XIV

New Spell - Turn Undead XV

New Spell - Healing Frenzy VII

New Spell - Healing Frenzy VIII

New Spell - Healing Frenzy IX

New Spell - Ancestral Aid XXII

New Spell - Ancestral Aid XXIII

New Spell - Ancestral Aid XXIV

New Spell - Ancestral Physical Guard XXII

New Spell - Ancestral Physical Guard XXIII

New Spell - Ancestral Physical Guard XXIV

New Spell - Ancestral Armor VII

New Spell - Ancestral Armor VIII

New Spell - Ancestral Armor IX

New Spell - Turgur's Virulent Swarm IV

New Spell - Malaise IV

New Spell - Malaise Decay III

New Spell - Purified Spirits II

New Spell - Ancestral Guardian Spirit VII

New Spell - Spirit Renewal VII

New Spell - Spiritual Blessing VII

New Spell - Spiritual Blessing VIII

New Spell - Spiritual Blessing IX

New Spell - Shrink II

New Spell - Warlord's Lesser Fury I

New Spell - Nature's Blessing IV

New Spell - Nature's Blessing V

New Spell - Nature's Blessing VI

New Spell - Firefly Guardian Spirit IV

New Spell - Firefly's Glow IV

New Spell - Nature's Bolt XIX

New Spell - Nature's Bolt XX

New Spell - Nature's Bolt XXI

New Spell - Wrath of the Wild XVII

New Spell - Wrath of the Wild XVIII

New Spell - Wrath of the Wild XIX

New Spell - Nature's Guardian XXII

New Spell - Nature's Guardian XXIII

New Spell - Nature's Guardian XXIV

New Spell - Bloodlust II

New Spell - Bestial Bloodrage V

New Spell - Bite of the Asp XVII

New Spell - Bite of the Asp XVIII

New Spell - Bite of the Asp XIX

New Spell - Consumption of Spirit II

New Spell - Feral Swipe XIV

New Spell - Feral Swipe XV

New Spell - Feral Swipe XVI

New Spell - Gorilla Smash XVII

New Spell - Gorilla Smash XVIII

New Spell - Gorilla Smash XIX

New Spell - Raven's Claw XVII

New Spell - Raven's Claw XVIII

New Spell - Raven's Claw XIX

New Spell - Sha's Reprisal II

New Spell - Element of Fire

New Spell - Element of Air

New Spell - Element of Earth

New Spell - Element of Water

New Spell - Tertiary Recall

New Spell - Resonant Strike XXV

New Spell - Resonant Strike XXVI

New Spell - Resonant Strike XXVII

New Spell - Inquisitor's Judgment Strike XXVIII

New Spell - Inquisitor's Judgment Strike XXIX

New Spell - Group Guardian of the Forest XIII

New Spell - Ligament Slice XIII

New Spell - Ligament Slice XIV

New Spell - Ligament Slice XV

New Spell - Lethality IV

New Spell - Lethality V

New Spell - Lethality VI

New Spell - Twisted Shank XVI

New Spell - Twisted Shank XVII

New Spell - Twisted Shank XVIII

New Spell - Shauri's Sonorous Clouding II

New Spell - Bladed Song X

New Spell - Bladed Song XI

New Spell - Bladed Song XII

New Spell - Lyrical Prankster VII

New Spell - Lyrical Prankster VIII

New Spell - Lyrical Prankster IX

New Spell - Battle Leap Warcry V

New Spell - Communion of Blood II

New Spell - Blood Pact XIX

New Spell - Blood Pact XX

New Spell - Blood Pact XXI

New Spell - Blood Pact Strike XVI

New Spell - Blood Pact Strike XVII

New Spell - Blood Pact Strike XVIII

New Spell - Braxi's Howl II

New Spell - Rampage III

New Spell - N/A - Blinding Fury

New Spell - N/A - Blinding Fury

New Spell - N/A - Blinding Fury

New Spell - Concussion III

New Spell - Concussion IV

New Spell - Concussion V

New Spell - Cascade of Decay Rot IV

New Spell - Cascade of Decay Rot V

New Spell - Cascade of Decay Rot VI

New Spell - Death's Malaise III

New Spell - Rise of Bones XIII

New Spell - Rise of Bones XIV

New Spell - Rise of Bones XV

New Spell - Scent of Thule XI

New Spell - Arcane Whisper VI

New Spell - Companion of Necessity IV

New Spell - Thaumaturge's Focus VII

New Spell - Thaumaturge's Focus VIII

New Spell - Thaumaturge's Focus IX

New Spell - Steel Vengeance IV

New Spell - Steel Vengeance V

New Spell - Steel Vengeance VI

New Spell - Turn Summoned X

New Spell - Turn Summoned XI

New Spell - Turn Summoned XII

New Spell - Wind of Malaise IV

New Spell - Calculated Insanity X

New Spell - Calculated Insanity XI

New Spell - Calculated Insanity XII

New Spell - Enveloping Helix VIII

New Spell - Deep Sleep VI

New Spell - Deep Sleep VII

New Spell - Deep Sleep VIII

New Spell - Slowing Helix V

New Spell - Mental Contortion IV

New Spell - Mind Over Matter XXII

New Spell - Reactive Rune IV (Melee Shield)

New Spell - Reactive Rune V (Melee Shield)

New Spell - Reactive Rune VI (Melee Shield)

New Spell - Reactive Rune IV (Spell Shield)

New Spell - Reactive Rune V (Spell Shield)

New Spell - Reactive Rune VI (Spell Shield)

New Spell - Reactive Rune IV

New Spell - Reactive Rune V

New Spell - Reactive Rune VI

New Spell - Reactive Rune IV (Protection)

New Spell - Reactive Rune V (Protection)

New Spell - Reactive Rune VI (Protection)

New Spell - Reactive Rune IV (Spell Protection)

New Spell - Reactive Rune V (Spell Protection)

New Spell - Reactive Rune VI (Spell Protection)

New Spell - Veil of Mindshadow XXV

New Spell - Veil of Mindshadow XXVI

New Spell - Veil of Mindshadow XXVII

New Spell - Lower Element II

New Spell - Arcane Destruction II

New Spell - Arcane Destruction III

New Spell - Arcane Destruction IV

New Spell - Eradicate Magic I

New Spell - Mark of Travel

New Spell - Bind Affinity

New Spell - Entropy of Nature

New Spell - Empowered Blades I

New Spell - Empowered Blades II

New Spell - Empowered Blades III

New Spell - Debilitating Death

New Spell - Harm Touch

New Spell - Hand of the Gods III

New Spell - Fire Bolt

New Spell - Frostfire Cascade

New Spell - Headshot

New Spell - Hail of Arrows

New Spell - Headshot

New Spell - Hail of Arrows

Spell history shown is from the begining of EQResource's spell database - August 21, 2013