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Spell Changes for August 21, 2013

Test Server Data

Reflective Skin:
       - Spell Icon changed from '' to ''

Spreading Stone:
       - Description changed from '' to 'Begins turning the bearer to stone. If not cured, leads to permanent petrification and death!'

Expanding Mind I:
       - Description changed from 'Causes your thoughts to expand as you experience Salik's meditations, increasing your mana pool by #4 for %z.' to 'Causes your thoughts to expand as you meditate, increasing your mana pool by #4 for %z.'

Expanding Mind II:
       - Description changed from 'Causes your thoughts to expand as you experience Salik's meditations, increasing your mana pool by #4 for %z.' to ''

Illusion: Putrid Swinetor:
       - Description changed from 'Cloaks you in a shimmering illusion that makes you appear to be a Putrid Swinetaur.' to 'Cloaks you in a shimmering illusion that makes you appear to be a Putrid Swinetor.'

Wing Buffet:
       - Description changed from 'Strong winds from Zlexak's massive wings buffet you with powerful force.' to 'Strong winds from the dragon's massive wings buffet you with powerful force.'

Invisibility 10:
       - Description changed from 'Shamptan is enveloped in shadows.' to 'Enveloped in shadows.'

Bite of the Asp XIII:
       - Slot 6 changed from 'Decrease Hate by 6500' to 'Decrease Hate by 7500'

Bite of the Asp XIV:
       - Slot 6 changed from 'Decrease Hate by 6500' to 'Decrease Hate by 8500'

Aura of Flame:
       - Description changed from '' to 'You stand within the aura of flame.'

Aura of Air:
       - Description changed from '' to 'You stand within the aura of air.'

Aura of Earth:
       - Description changed from '' to 'You stand within the aura of earth.'

Aura of Water:
       - Description changed from '' to 'You stand within the aura of water.'

       - Description changed from '' to 'Reflects intense fire damage when struck via melee attacks.'

Spreading Stone:
       - Description changed from 'If not cured, turns the bearer to stone!' to 'Begins turning the bearer to stone. If not cured, leads to permanent petrification and death!'

       - Description changed from 'A royal curse reduces strength, armor class, and health over time.' to 'A royal curse reduces strength and health, while also making you more vulnerable to skill based attacks.'

Fiery Vigor:
       - Description changed from 'Increases melee speed.' to 'Increases skill damage.'

       - Description changed from '' to 'Pulls you toward the caster.'

Kiss of Death:
       - Slot 2 changed from 'Cast Certain Death when condition is met: Hit Points Above 50 Percent' to ''

Certain Death:
       - Target changed from 'Self' to 'Single'
       - Spell Range changed from '0' to '100'
       - Spell Icon changed from '' to ''

Blood Lust:
       - Slot 2 changed from 'Cast Vampirism when condition is met: Hit Points Above 50 Percent' to ''

       - Slot 1 changed from '' to 'Push back 2 units and up 5 units'

Ethernere Clay Ice Seal:
       - Description changed from '' to 'Break the seal to release its power. Significantly boosts cold resist for a short duration.'

Ethernere Clay Magic Seal:
       - Description changed from '' to 'Break the seal to release its power. Significantly boosts magic resist for a short duration.'

Ethernere Clay Fire Seal:
       - Description changed from '' to 'Break the seal to release its power. Significantly boosts fire resist for a short duration.'

Ethernere Clay Poison Seal:
       - Description changed from '' to 'Break the seal to release its power. Significantly boosts poison resist for a short duration.'

Ethernere Clay Disease Seal:
       - Description changed from '' to 'Break the seal to release its power. Significantly boosts disease resist for a short duration.'

Ethernere Clay Corruption Seal:
       - Description changed from '' to 'Break the seal to release its power. Slightly boosts corruption resist for a short duration.'

New Spell - Sneaky

New Spell - Blessing of Tunare

New Spell - Vampiric Aura

New Spell - Blinking

New Spell - Bubbling

New Spell - Bubbled

New Spell - Scalding Oil

New Spell - Bottled Fire

New Spell - Stunny Honey

New Spell - Crazy Juice

New Spell - Burning!

New Spell - Brutal Stab

New Spell - Squash Dat Bug

New Spell - Adrenaline Potion

New Spell - Compassion Potion

New Spell - Fizzy Lifting Drink

New Spell - Transmutation Potion

New Spell - Dissolving Potion

New Spell - Whiskey

New Spell - Honey-Finder Potion

New Spell - Belching Potion

New Spell - Honey Shot

New Spell - Honeyed!

New Spell - Ethernere Travel

New Spell - Activate Artifact

New Spell - Pickaxe Swing

New Spell - Pack Hunt X

New Spell - Pack Hunt XI

New Spell - Pack Hunt XII

New Spell - Bulwark of the Brownies Jolt I

New Spell - Yaulping III

New Spell - N/A - REMOVED

New Spell - N/A - REMOVED

New Spell - N/A - REMOVED

New Spell - Perfected Dead Men Floating

Spell history shown is from the begining of EQResource's spell database - August 21, 2013